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Monuments: H

1. Halton

RecordAuthor Máirín Mac Carron
ISODate 2002-08-28
Date 28 August 2002
PictureCredit Jane Hawkes
County Lancashire
Townland Halton
OSMapRef SD 503649
Area England
GeneralContext Cross, in churchyard.
Location Churchyard at Halton.
GeneralDescription Cross, east face.
GeneralDescription The cross head has a large boss in the centre surrounded by smaller bosses.
GeneralDescription The top of the shaft has a possible evangelical symbol.
GeneralDescription The bottom of the shaft has two panels. Both of these have figures on them.

  1. Collingwood, W.G., Northumbrian Crosses of the pre-Norman age1st, Faber and Gwyer, London (1927) High Crosses, Northumbria, Anglo-Saxons..