Research Profile

Claire Edwards


I began my academic career in urban and cultural geography at Royal Holloway, University of London, and worked for three years in applied social policy research, firstly at the Disability Rights Commission and then at the Department for Work and Pensions in the UK, before joining UCC in 2004. Between 2017 and 2022, I was Director of ISS21 (Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century), UCC’s interdisciplinary social sciences research institute. I am the co-founder and former Director (2005-2017) of the School's Doctor of Social Science programme (DSocSc) and a member of the Royal Irish Academy's multi-disciplinary Social Sciences Committee. 

My research sits at the intersection of geography, social policy and disability studies, and focuses around three main areas (i) disability, socio-spatial in/justice and citizenship rights (ii) urban geographies, urban policy processes and cities as sites of exclusion and belonging; (iii) gender-based and disablist violence and hostility and critical socio-spatial understandings of hate crime. My work in the arena of disability advances research and scholarship on the socio-political processes which shape how disability is understood and ‘governed’ in Western societies and explores the implications for disabled people’s everyday lives in terms of socio-spatial justice and rights to equal citizenship. Theoretically, I am interested in critical sociological and geographical approaches which disrupt and challenge hegemonic understandings of disability and move beyond a reductive medical-social binary.  

I have received research funding from a range of agencies, including the National Disability Authority, Irish Research Council, EU 7th Framework programme, and the EU GENDER-NET programme. I recently completed a 2 year (2017-19) Irish Research Council-funded study, Disability and the Creation of Safe(r) Space (SAFER(SPACE), exploring disabled people's everyday geographies of un/safety in the context of experience or fear of violent crime and hostility in Ireland. I am currently Irish lead and PI of a 4 year (2019-2022) EU GENDER-NET–funded study, exploring young people’s understandings of masculinities in challenging violence against women (PositivMasc).

I teach across a range of programmes in the School of Applied Social Studies, including the Masters in Social Policy (MSocSc), and Bachelor and Master of Social Work programmes (BSW/MSW). I also remain heavily involved in the DSocSc as a member of the core teaching team.

Research Interests

My research is concerned with exploring the everyday dynamics of socio-spatial disablism in disabled people’s lives, and with challenging ‘taken-for-granted’ assumptions about disability which underpin law, policy and wider societal understandings – assumptions which have material, embodied and affectual consequences for disabled people. As an interdisciplinary scholar, I am interested in bridging disciplines and exploring intersections, for example, between disability studies and urban studies; or between disability studies, geography and criminology in the context of hate crime. My research interests centre around three main themes:

(1) Disability, socio-spatial (in)justice and citizenship rights:
my work in the arena of disability aims to interrogate the socio-political processes which shape how disability is understood and ‘governed’ in Western societies, and explores the implications for disabled people’s everyday lives in terms of socio-spatial justice and rights to equal citizenship, My research has brought social and geographical theory to bear on an analysis of the social relations of disability across policy arenas including health, urban regeneration and criminal justice, and I am interested in developing critical theoretical approaches which move understandings of disability beyond a reductive medical-social binary.

(2) Urban geographies, urban policy processes and cities as sites of exclusion and belongingsince completion of my doctoral research which explored the involvement of disabled people in urban policy programmes, I have maintained a keen interest in debates around the ‘urban challenge’, urban inequality and the dynamics and outcomes of urban policy. These are debates which I discuss in my co-authored book (with Rob Imrie) The Short Guide to Urban Policy (Policy Press, 2017). In particular, I am interested in exploring disabled people’s relationship with the city; in interrogating urban spaces as potential sites of belonging and exclusion; and investigating the potential of urban policy processes to engage diverse groups in shaping city futures. 

Gender-based and disablist violence and hostility & critical socio-spatial understandings of hate crime. My most recent research has focused on exploring the dynamics of gender-based and disablist violence, hostility and hate in Irish society. I have interrogated both lived experiences of, and attitudes towards, hostility and hate, and also explored and critiqued institutional responses in terms of the criminal justice system. I published a major report in 2012 commissioned by the National Disability Authority on access to justice for people with disabilities as victims of crime, and am currently engaged in work exploring the potential consequences of hate crime legislation for disabled people in Ireland.
Research projects/funding

2021 Learning Disrupted: Young people with disabilities' access to and experience of learning and workplace-based training during COVID-19. Nine month qualitative study working in partnership with National Learning Network Cork to explore young people with disabilities' experiences of learning & training during COVID-19. Funded by IRC New Foundations Scheme. €11,875. Role: PI, working with Dr. Gill Harold (Applied Social Studies) (Co-I). 

2020 Envisioning a care-centred society within and beyond COVID-19 (CareVisions). 
Three year qualitative study exploring the re-imagination of care relations and practices in Ireland within and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Funded by the Carolan Research Trust. €390,000. Role: PI, working with J. O'Riordan (Applied Social Studies) and C. Kelleher (Management and Marketing).

2019 EU GENDER-NET: PositivMasc. 
Three year, mixed methods study (2019-2022) exploring how young people understand masculinities in the context of violence against women (VAW), and how VAW might be challenged. Awarded with M. Leane, F. O'Suilleabhain (Applied Social Studies), C. Fennell (School of Law). €283,000. Role: PI. 

2018 Centre for Excellence in Universal Design: Community Parks and Playgrounds: Intergenerational Participation through Universal Design. Awarded with H. Lynch, A. Moore and L.Horgan (Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy). €22,561.00. Role: Co-I.

2017 Irish Research Council Research for Policy and Society Scheme: Disability and the Creation of Safe(r) Space (SAFE(R)SPACE). Two year project (2017-19) exploring disabled people’s everyday geographies of (un)safety in the context of experience/fear of violence and hostility in Ireland. €95,220. Role: PI. 

2015 National Disability Authority Research Promotion Scheme: Adult Siblings of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders: Relationships, Roles and Support Needs. Awarded with M. Leane and A. Kingston (Applied Social Studies) to conduct qualitative research on experiences and support needs of siblings of individuals with ID/ASD. €25,000.00. Role: Co-I.

2015 Enterprise Ireland: Research Proposal Preparation Grant. €4,462.00. Role: PI. 

2013 National Disability Authority Research Promotion Scheme: Barriers and Facilitators to Developing Community Supports as a Basis for Independent Living: the Experiences and Perceptions of People with Acquired Brain Injury Awarded with C. Dalton, AM Martin, M. Caples (School of Nursing and Midwifery) and A. Kingston, J. O'Riordan (Applied Social Studies) to conduct a piece of qualitative research exploring experiences of people with ABI in accessing community supports. €22,539. Role: Co-I.

2012 Equality Small Grants Fund. Awarded with Dr. Shane Kilcommins, Faculty of Law, in partnership with the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, to conduct an international comparative legal review of provisions for people with disabilities who are victims of crime. €3,908. Role: Co-I.

2011 Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) New Ideas Grant: People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime: Promoting Equitable Access to the Criminal Justice System. Funding received to run a conference on disabled people’s access to the criminal justice system as victims of crime. €5,785. Role: PI.

2011 IRCHSS Summer School. Awarded funding as a Co-I with six colleagues to organise a summer school in UCC on ‘Conceptualising and Measuring Poverty: Methods for the 21st Century, 18-22 June 2012. €10,700. Role: Co.I.

2011 National Disability Authority Research Promotion Scheme: Access to Justice for People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime, May 2011- April 2012. Awarded funding to conduct literature review and interviews exploring disabled people’s access to the criminal justice system as victims of crime (with Dr. Shane Kilcommins, Faculty of Law, and Gill Harold, Applied Social Studies). €26,124.65. Role: PI.

2009 EU 7th Framework Science in Society project: European Patients’ Organisations in Knowledge Society
(EPOKS) (2009-2012). Project exploring the role of patients’ organisations in the production and governance of (medical) knowledge (with colleagues Orla O’Donovan, Máire Leane, and Etaoine Howlett).
€207,542. Role: Co-I.

2009 IRCHSS Research Development Initiative (RDI) Visiting Fellowship: awarded on the theme of ‘Disability and the Contemporary City’. €2,160. Role: PI. 



(2017)Reframing Health and Health Policy in Ireland: A Governmental Analysis.
Edwards, C. and Fernandez, E. (eds). (2017) Reframing Health and Health Policy in Ireland: A Governmental Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]
(2015)The Short Guide to Urban Policy.
Edwards, C.and Imrie, R. (2015) The Short Guide to Urban Policy. Bristol: Policy Press. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2021)'Un/safety as placemaking: disabled people's socio-spatial negotiation of fear of violent crime (FOVC)'
Edwards, C. (2021) 'Un/safety as placemaking: disabled people's socio-spatial negotiation of fear of violent crime (FOVC)' In: C.Courage (eds). Placemaking Handbook. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2017)'Transformations in the Irish ADHD Disorder Regime - from a Disorder 'You Have to Fight to Get' to one 'You Have to Wait to Get''
Edwards, C. and O'Donovan, O. (2017) 'Transformations in the Irish ADHD Disorder Regime - from a Disorder 'You Have to Fight to Get' to one 'You Have to Wait to Get'' In: Bergey, M, Filipe, A., Conrad, P. and Singh, I (eds). Global Perspectives on ADHD: Social Dimensions of Diagnosis and Treatment in 16 Countries. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press. [Details]
(2017)'Analysing health and health policy: introducing the governmentality turn'
Edwards, C. and Fernandez, E. (2017) 'Analysing health and health policy: introducing the governmentality turn' In: Reframing Health and Health Policy in Ireland: A Governmental Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]
(2017)'Assessment of Need as a technology of government in Ireland's Disability Act 2005'
Edwards, C. (2017) 'Assessment of Need as a technology of government in Ireland's Disability Act 2005' In: Reframing Health and Health Policy in Ireland: A Governmental Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]
(2017)'Conclusion: governmentality, health policy and the place of critical politics'
Fernandez, E. and Edwards, C. (2017) 'Conclusion: governmentality, health policy and the place of critical politics' In: Reframing Health and Health Policy in Ireland: A Governmental Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]
(2014)'Emplacing disabled bodies/minds in criminal law: regulating sex and sexual consent in Ireland's Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993'
Edwards, C. (2014) 'Emplacing disabled bodies/minds in criminal law: regulating sex and sexual consent in Ireland's Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993' In: Disability - Spaces and Places of Policy Exclusion. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2010)'Evaluating workfare: disability, policy and the role of geography'
Edwards, C. (2010) 'Evaluating workfare: disability, policy and the role of geography' In: Towards Enabling Geographies: 'Disabled' Bodies and Minds in Society and Space. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing. [Details]
(2009)'Disability and the City'
Edwards, C. (2009) 'Disability and the City' In: Encyclopaedia of Urban Studies. London: Sage Publications. [Details]
(2003)'Disability and the discourses of the Single Regeneration Budget'
Edwards, C.; (2003) 'Disability and the discourses of the Single Regeneration Budget' In: Urban Renaissance? New Labour, community and urban policy. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2023)'‘I would love to do something about it’: young men’s role in addressing violence against women in Ireland'
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., Leane, M. and O'Suilleabhain, F. (2023) '‘I would love to do something about it’: young men’s role in addressing violence against women in Ireland'. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'The politics of care and confinement: disabled people's affective lives during COVID-19'
Loughnane, C. and Edwards, C. (2023) 'The politics of care and confinement: disabled people's affective lives during COVID-19'. Child and Family Social Work, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)''I'm not victim blaming but...': Young people's discourses in understanding sexual violence against women'
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Leane, M. (2023) ''I'm not victim blaming but...': Young people's discourses in understanding sexual violence against women'. Sociological Research Online, [Details]
(2023)'Care full Deliberation? Care work and Ireland's Citizens' Assembly on Gender Inequality'
Loughnane, C., Kelleher, C. and Edwards, C. (2023) 'Care full Deliberation? Care work and Ireland's Citizens' Assembly on Gender Inequality'. Critical Social Policy, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Walking methodologies: social research on the move: Introduction to the special issue'
O'Neill, M., Edwards, C., Ní Laoire, C., Mullally, G. & Fathi, M. (2023) 'Walking methodologies: social research on the move: Introduction to the special issue'. Irish Journal of Sociology, [Details]
(2023)'CareVisions: enacting the feminist ethics of care in empirical research'
Daly, F., O'Riordan, J., Loughnane, C., Kelleher, C. and Edwards, C. (2023) 'CareVisions: enacting the feminist ethics of care in empirical research'. Ethics and social welfare, [Details]
(2023)''Wherever there's men, it can happen': Constructions of violence against women by young adults in Ireland'
Bolton, R., Leane, M., O'Suilleabhain, F., Edwards, C. & Fennell, C. (2023) ''Wherever there's men, it can happen': Constructions of violence against women by young adults in Ireland'. Violence against women, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Disability, hostility and everyday geographies of un/safety'
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2023) 'Disability, hostility and everyday geographies of un/safety'. Social and Cultural Geography, 24 (1):157-174 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2022)'Reimagining care discourses through a feminist ethics of care: analysing Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality'
Loughnane, C. and Edwards, C. (2022) 'Reimagining care discourses through a feminist ethics of care: analysing Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality'. International Journal of Care and Caring, [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Tracing State Accountability for COVID-19: Representing Care within Ireland’s Response to the Pandemic'
Daly, F. and Edwards, C. (2022) 'Tracing State Accountability for COVID-19: Representing Care within Ireland’s Response to the Pandemic'. Social Policy and Society, :1-13 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Promoting Positive Masculinities to Address Violence Against Women: A Multicountry Concept Mapping Study'
Daoud, N., Carmi, A., Bolton, R., Cerdán-Torregrosa, A., Nielsen, A., Alfayumi-Zeadna, S., Edwards, C., Ó Súilleabháin, F., Sanz-Barbero, B., Vives-Cases, C., & Salazar, M. (2022) 'Promoting Positive Masculinities to Address Violence Against Women: A Multicountry Concept Mapping Study'. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Young people's constructions of gender norms and attitudes towards violence against women: a critical review of qualitative empirical literature'
Edwards, C., Bolton, R., Salazar, M., Vives-Cases, C. & Daoud, N. (2022) 'Young people's constructions of gender norms and attitudes towards violence against women: a critical review of qualitative empirical literature'. Journal of Gender Studies, [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Troubling ambulant research: Disabled people's socio-spatial encounters with urban un/safety and the politics of mobile methods'
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2022) 'Troubling ambulant research: Disabled people's socio-spatial encounters with urban un/safety and the politics of mobile methods'. Irish Journal of Sociology, [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Positive Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence Educational Interventions Among Young People: A Systematic Review'
Perez-Martinez, V., Marcos-Marcos, J., Cerdan-Torregrosa, A., Briones-Vozmediano, E., Sanz-Barbero, B., Davo-Blanes, M., Daoud, N., Edwards, C., Salazar, M., La Parra-Casado, D., Vives-Cases, C. (2021) 'Positive Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence Educational Interventions Among Young People: A Systematic Review'. Trauma, violence & abuse, [DOI] [Details]
(2021)''They're, you know, their audience': how women are (ab)used to cement the heterosexual bonds between men'
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., Leane, M., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Fennell, C. (2021) ''They're, you know, their audience': how women are (ab)used to cement the heterosexual bonds between men'. Irish Journal of Sociology, [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'PositivMasc: Masculinities and violence against women amongst young people: Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change, a mixed methods study protocol'
Salazar, M., Daoud, N., Edwards, C., Scanlon, M., Vives-Cases, C. (2020) 'PositivMasc: Masculinities and violence against women amongst young people: Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change, a mixed methods study protocol'. Bmj Open, 10 (9) [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Advancing play participation for all: The challenge of addressing play diversity and inclusion in community parks and playgrounds'
Lynch, Helen; Moore, Alice; Edwards, Claire; Horgan, Linda (2019) 'Advancing play participation for all: The challenge of addressing play diversity and inclusion in community parks and playgrounds'. British Journal of Occupational Therapy,   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2015)'Introduction to special issue: creating equitable access to justice for people with disabilities as victims of crime: Ireland's criminal justice system and the challenge of disability rights'
Edwards, C; Kilcommins, S; Harold, G (2015) 'Introduction to special issue: creating equitable access to justice for people with disabilities as victims of crime: Ireland's criminal justice system and the challenge of disability rights'. Irish Journal of Legal Studies, 5 (1):1-4   [Details]
(2015)'Show me a justice system that's open, transparent, accessible and inclusive: barriers to access in the criminal justice system for people with disabilities as victims of crime'
Edwards, C; Harold, G; Kilcommins, S (2015) 'Show me a justice system that's open, transparent, accessible and inclusive: barriers to access in the criminal justice system for people with disabilities as victims of crime'. Irish Journal of Legal Studies, 5 (1):86-105   [Details]
(2014)'DeafSpace and the principles of universal design'
Edwards, C;Harold, G (2014) 'DeafSpace and the principles of universal design'. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36 :1350-1359 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Pathologising the victim: law and the construction of people with disabilities as victims of crime in Ireland'
Edwards, C (2014) 'Pathologising the victim: law and the construction of people with disabilities as victims of crime in Ireland'. Disability & Society, 29 :685-698 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Spatialising the contentious politics of ADHD: networks and scalar strategies in health social movement activism'
Edwards, C. (2014) 'Spatialising the contentious politics of ADHD: networks and scalar strategies in health social movement activism'. Health and Place, 29 :52-59 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in France and Ireland: parents' groups' scientific and political framing of an unsettled condition'
Edwards, C; Howlett, E; Akrich, M; Rabeharisoa, V (2014) 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in France and Ireland: parents' groups' scientific and political framing of an unsettled condition'. BioSocieties, [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Spacing access to justice: geographical perspectives on disabled people's interactions with the criminal justice system as victims of crime'
Edwards, C (2013) 'Spacing access to justice: geographical perspectives on disabled people's interactions with the criminal justice system as victims of crime'. Area, 45 :307-313 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Victims of Crime with Disabilities in Ireland: Invisible Citizens within an Adversarial Paradigm of Justice'
Kilcommins, S. Edwards, C. Harold, G. (2013) 'Victims of Crime with Disabilities in Ireland: Invisible Citizens within an Adversarial Paradigm of Justice'. Irish Criminal Law Journal, 23 (2):45-55 [Details]
(2013)'Putting knowledge to trial: 'ADHD parents' and the evaluation of alternative therapeutic regimes'
Edwards, C,Howlett, E (2013) 'Putting knowledge to trial: 'ADHD parents' and the evaluation of alternative therapeutic regimes'. Social Science & Medicine, 81 :34-41 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'The anomalous wellbeing of disabled people: a response'
Edwards, C. (2013) 'The anomalous wellbeing of disabled people: a response'. Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy, 32 (2):189-196 [Details]
(2009)'Regeneration works? Disabled people and area-based urban renewal'
Edwards, C; (2009) 'Regeneration works? Disabled people and area-based urban renewal'. Critical Social Policy, 29 :613-633 [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Participative Urban Renewal? Disability, Community and Partnership in New Labour's Urban Policy'
Edwards, C.; (2008) 'Participative Urban Renewal? Disability, Community and Partnership in New Labour's Urban Policy'. Environment and Planning A, 40 (7):1664-1680 [Details]
(2008)'Disability and the implications of the wellbeing agenda: Some reflections from the United Kingdom'
Edwards, C,Imrie, R; (2008) 'Disability and the implications of the wellbeing agenda: Some reflections from the United Kingdom'. Journal of Social Policy, 37 :337-355 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'The Geographies of Disability: Reflections on the Development of a Sub-Discipline'
Imrie, R. and Edwards, C.; (2007) 'The Geographies of Disability: Reflections on the Development of a Sub-Discipline'. Geography Compass, 1 (3):623-640 [Details]
(2003)'Disability and Bodies as Bearers of Value'
Edwards, C. and Imrie, R.; (2003) 'Disability and Bodies as Bearers of Value'. Sociology, 37 (2):239-256 [Details]
(2002)'Barriers to involvement: the disconnected worlds of disability and regeneration'
Edwards, C.; (2002) 'Barriers to involvement: the disconnected worlds of disability and regeneration'. Local Economy, 17 (2):123-135 [Details]
(2001)'Inclusion in regeneration: a place for disabled people?'
Edwards, C.; (2001) 'Inclusion in regeneration: a place for disabled people?'. Urban Studies, 38 (1):267-286 [Details]

Other Journals

(2022)'Learning lessons from COVID-19: Exploring the potential of remote learning and working for young people with disabilities'
Edwards, C. and Harold, G. (2022) 'Learning lessons from COVID-19: Exploring the potential of remote learning and working for young people with disabilities' The AHEAD Journal: A Review of Inclusive Education and Employment Practices, (15) .   [Details]
(2020)'Geographies of security and disabled people's urban lives'
Edwards, C. (2020) 'Geographies of security and disabled people's urban lives' International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research, .   [Details]

Published Reports

(2023)Addressing Masculinities to Tackle Violence Against Women in Ireland: Findings from the PositivMasc Study.
Edwards, C., Bolton, R., O'Suilleabhain, F., Leane, M. & Fennell, C. (2023) Addressing Masculinities to Tackle Violence Against Women in Ireland: Findings from the PositivMasc Study. ISS21, University College Cork, Cork. [Details]
(2022)Promoting Positive Masculinities to Address Violence Against Women in Young People: Evidence from the PositivMasc Project (Policy Brief).
Vives-Cases, C., Daoud, N., Edwards, C., Cerdan-Torregrosa, A., Bolton, R., Felt, E., Salazar, M. (2022) Promoting Positive Masculinities to Address Violence Against Women in Young People: Evidence from the PositivMasc Project (Policy Brief). Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.   [Details]
(2022)Educational Intervention Guide: Promoting Positive Masculinities for the Prevention of Violence Against Women: Conceptual Toolbox and Activities.
Nardini, K., Bolton, R., Cerdan-Torregrosa, A., Salazar, M., Edwards, C., Davo-Blanes, M., Sanz-Barbero, B., Daoud, N., Vives-Cases, C. (2022) Educational Intervention Guide: Promoting Positive Masculinities for the Prevention of Violence Against Women: Conceptual Toolbox and Activities. University of Alicante, Spain.   [Details]
(2022)Learning Disrupted: Young People with Disabilities’ Access to and Experiences of Learning and Workplace-based Training during COVID-19. EasyRead summary.
Edwards, C. and Harold, G. (2022) Learning Disrupted: Young People with Disabilities’ Access to and Experiences of Learning and Workplace-based Training during COVID-19. EasyRead summary. ISS21, UCC, Cork.   [Details]
(2022)Learning Disrupted: Young People with Disabilities' Access to and Experiences of Learning and Workplace-based Training during COVID-19.
Edwards, C. and Harold, G. (2022) Learning Disrupted: Young People with Disabilities' Access to and Experiences of Learning and Workplace-based Training during COVID-19. University College Cork, Cork.   [Details]
(2019)Towards Safe(r) Space: Disability and Everyday Spaces of Un/safety and Hostility in Ireland.
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2019) Towards Safe(r) Space: Disability and Everyday Spaces of Un/safety and Hostility in Ireland. University College Cork, Cork.   [Details]
(2019)Towards Safe(r)space: Disability and Everyday Spaces of Un/safety in Ireland: Short EasyRead report.
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2019) Towards Safe(r)space: Disability and Everyday Spaces of Un/safety in Ireland: Short EasyRead report. UCC, Cork.   [Details]
(2019)Community parks and playgrounds: Intergenerational participation through Universal Design.
Lynch, Helen; Moore, Alice; Edwards, Claire; Horgan, Linda (2019) Community parks and playgrounds: Intergenerational participation through Universal Design. Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, Cork. [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)Adult Siblings of Individuals with Intellectual Disability/Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Relationships, Roles and Support Needs.
Leane, M., Kingston, A and Edwards, C. (2016) Adult Siblings of Individuals with Intellectual Disability/Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Relationships, Roles and Support Needs. National Disability Authority, Dublin.   [Details]
(2014)Living with Acquired Brain Injury.
Dalton, C., Kingston, A., Martin, A. M., O’Riordan, J., Caples, M. and Edwards, C. (2014) Living with Acquired Brain Injury. National Disability Authority, Dublin: Ireland.   [Full Text] [Details]
(2014)An International Review of Legal Provisions and Supports for People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime.
Kilcommins, S., Edwards, C. and O'Sullivan, T. (2014) An International Review of Legal Provisions and Supports for People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime. Irish Council for Civil Liberties/Equality Authority, Dublin. [Details]
(2012)Access to Justice for People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime in Ireland.
Edwards, C., Harold, G., Kilcommins, S. (2012) Access to Justice for People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime in Ireland. National Disability Authority, Dublin.   [Full Text] [Details]
(2011)Europeanisation of ADHD: ADHD-Europe.
Edwards, C., Howlett, E., Akrich, M. and Rabeharisoa, V. (2011) Europeanisation of ADHD: ADHD-Europe. European Commission, Brussels. [Details]
(2011)The Irish National Council of ADHD Support Groups.
Edwards, C., Howlett, E. and O'Donovan, O. (2011) The Irish National Council of ADHD Support Groups. European Commission, Brussels. [Details]
(2005)City of Difference: Mapping Social Exclusion in Cork.
Edwards, C. and Linehan, D (2005) City of Difference: Mapping Social Exclusion in Cork. Cork City Council, Cork.   [Details]

Newspaper Articles

(2021)The role of young masculinities in men's violence against women, RTE Brainstorm.
Edwards, C. and Bolton, R. (2021) The role of young masculinities in men's violence against women, RTE Brainstorm. Newspaper Articles   [Details]
(2020)The experiences of people with disabilities show we need a new understanding of urban safety, The Conversation.
Edwards, C. (2020) The experiences of people with disabilities show we need a new understanding of urban safety, The Conversation. Newspaper Articles   [Details]
(2019)Why debates about hate crime need to pay attention to disability, RTE Brainstorm.
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2019) Why debates about hate crime need to pay attention to disability, RTE Brainstorm. Newspaper Articles   [Details]
(2018)Molly case shows children with disabilities falling through cracks in the system, Irish Times.
Edwards, C. (2018) Molly case shows children with disabilities falling through cracks in the system, Irish Times. Newspaper Articles   [Details]
(2017)The statistics don't lie: some of us don't count, Irish Examiner.
Edwards, C. (2017) The statistics don't lie: some of us don't count, Irish Examiner. Newspaper Articles   [Details]

Book Reviews

(2012)Disabled People and Housing: Choices, Opportunities and Barriers.
Edwards, C (2012) Disabled People and Housing: Choices, Opportunities and Barriers. Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2009)Accessible housing: quality, disability and design.
Edwards, C (2009) Accessible housing: quality, disability and design. LONDON: Book Reviews [Details]
(2000)Joined-up Places? Social cohesion and neighbourhood regeneration.
Edwards, C. (2000) Joined-up Places? Social cohesion and neighbourhood regeneration. Book Reviews [Details]
(1999)Transforming Cities: Contested Governance and New Spatial Divisions.
Edwards, C. (1999) Transforming Cities: Contested Governance and New Spatial Divisions. Book Reviews [Details]
(1999)Cities, Economic Competition and Urban Policy.
Edwards, C. (1999) Cities, Economic Competition and Urban Policy. Book Reviews [Details]

Working Paper

(2020)Young people's construction of masculinity and violence against women: a cross-national comparison of Ireland, Israel, Spain and Sweden. PositivMasc Working Paper Series: 1.
Edwards, C., Bolton, R., O'Suilleabhain, F., Bear, L., Briones-Vozmediano, E, Cerdan-Torregrosa, A., Cohen, A., Daoud, N., Khoury, M., Nielsen, A., Salazar, M. (2020) Young people's construction of masculinity and violence against women: a cross-national comparison of Ireland, Israel, Spain and Sweden. PositivMasc Working Paper Series: 1. Stockholm: Working Paper   [Details]
(2020)Mapping the policy and legal landscape in addressing violence against women in Ireland, Israel, Spain and Sweden: a cross-national comparison. PositivMasc Working Paper Series 2.
Bolton, R., Leane, M., Edwards, C., Fennell, Bear, L., Daoud, N., Marcos-Marcos, J., Nielsen., A., Salazar, M., Vives-Cases, C. (2020) Mapping the policy and legal landscape in addressing violence against women in Ireland, Israel, Spain and Sweden: a cross-national comparison. PositivMasc Working Paper Series 2. Stockholm: Working Paper   [Details]
(1998)Exploring the interrelationships between the state and disabled people: discourses, institutions and identities.
Edwards, C.; (1998) Exploring the interrelationships between the state and disabled people: discourses, institutions and identities. Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX: Working Paper [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2020UCC Staff Recognition Award for Leadership UCC
1997ESRC PhD Scholarship Economic and Social Research Council

Conference Contributions

(2023)European Conference on Domestic Violence,
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Leane, M. (2023) Promoting positive masculinities in Ireland: A group concept mapping study. [Oral Presentation], European Conference on Domestic Violence, Reykjavik, Iceland , 11-SEP-23 - 13-DEC-23. [Details]
(2023)6th Transforming Care Conference,
Edwards, C. and Loughnane, C. (2023) “It’s a perception thing that disabled people can’t give care in any shape or form”: Revealing interdependence and relationality through disabled people’s caregiving practices. [Oral Presentation], 6th Transforming Care Conference, University of Sheffield , 26-JUN-23 - 28-JUN-23. [Details]
(2023)European Sociological Association, Mid-term Conference of the Research Network of Sociology of Health and Medicine (ESA RN16),
Loughnane, C. and Edwards, C. (2023) Relational care ethics & the dynamics of participatory research with disabled people during COVID-19. [Oral Presentation], European Sociological Association, Mid-term Conference of the Research Network of Sociology of Health and Medicine (ESA RN16), Prague , 24-MAY-23 - 26-MAY-23. [Details]
(2022)International Medical Geography Symposium 2022,
Edwards, C. and Harold, G. (2022) Learning disrupted? Reconfiguring the socio-spatial dynamics of learning spaces for young disabled people during pandemic times. [Oral Presentation], International Medical Geography Symposium 2022, Edinburgh , 19-JUN-22 - 24-JUN-22. [Details]
(2021)4th European Conference on Domestic Violence,
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., Leane, M., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Fennell, C. (2021) 'Education, education, education': Young people talk about preventing violence against women in intimate partner relations in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 4th European Conference on Domestic Violence, Ljubljana, Slovenia , 13-SEP-21 - 15-SEP-21. [Details]
(2021)Sociological Association of Ireland 2021 Annual Conference,
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., Leane, M., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Fennell, C. (2021) 'They’re, you know, their audience': how sexual harassment and violence against women is shaped by solidarities between men. [Oral Presentation], Sociological Association of Ireland 2021 Annual Conference, Online , 07-MAY-21 - 08-MAY-21. [Details]
(2020)National Disability Authority Conference 2020,
Edwards, C.and Maxwell, N. (2020) Garda Responses to People with Disabilities: Everyday Geographies of Safety and Unsafety. [Invited Oral Presentation], National Disability Authority Conference 2020, Dublin , 21-OCT-20 - 21-OCT-20. [Details]
(2018)Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation Congress (UDHEIT),
Lynch, H., Moore, A., Edwards, C. & Horgan, L. (2018) Community parks and playgrounds: intergenerational participation through Universal Design. [Oral Presentation], Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation Congress (UDHEIT), Dublin , 30-OCT-18 - 02-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018)Society for the Study of Occupation: Annual Conference,
Lynch, H., Moore, A., Edwards, C. & Horgan, L. (2018) Restoration in outdoors: open spaces for play and leisure restoration in urban communities. [Oral Presentation], Society for the Study of Occupation: Annual Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, USA , 11-OCT-18 - 13-OCT-18. [Details]
(2018)9th Child in the City World Conference,
Lynch, H., Moore, A., Edwards, C. & Horgan, L. (2018) Designing for social inclusion: exploring a Universal Design approach in urban playgrounds. [Oral Presentation], 9th Child in the City World Conference, Vienna, Austria , 24-SEP-18 - 26-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)CeDR18 Lancaster Disability Studies Conference,
Maxwell, N. and Edwards, C. (2018) Spatial legalities of disablist violence and hostility: exploring the case of hate crime in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], CeDR18 Lancaster Disability Studies Conference, Lancaster University, UK , 11-SEP-18 - 13-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)New Urban Identities: An International Conference of the ‘Cross-Disciplinary Urban Space’ Network,
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2018) Reframing ‘vulnerable’ identities: disabled people negotiating un/safety in the city. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], New Urban Identities: An International Conference of the ‘Cross-Disciplinary Urban Space’ Network, University of Florence, Italy , 19-JUN-18 - 20-JUN-18. [Details]
(2018)Conference of Irish Geographers,
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2018) Disability, hostility and the relational geographies of un/safety. [Oral Presentation], Conference of Irish Geographers, Maynooth University , 10-MAY-18 - 12-MAY-18. [Details]
(2018)University of Limerick Sociology Seminar Series,
Edwards, C. (2018) Disability and relational geographies of un/safety. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], University of Limerick Sociology Seminar Series, University of Limerick , 11-APR-18. [Details]
(2017)Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference,
Edwards, C. (2017) Conceptualising geographies of disability, hostility and (un)safety: re-thinking safe(r) space in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, London, UK , 28-AUG-17 - 01-SEP-17. [Details]
(2017)Urban Space and the Body,
Edwards, C. (2017) Embodied geographies of (un)safety: disability, hate and the city. [Oral Presentation], Urban Space and the Body, University College Cork , 09-JUN-17 - 10-JUN-17. [Details]
(2016)International Network of Hate Studies,
Edwards, C. (2016) Tackling disability hate crime: putting hate in its place. [Invited Oral Presentation], International Network of Hate Studies, University of Limerick , 24-MAY-16 - 26-MAY-16. [Details]
(2013)Understanding Universal Design,
Edwards C. and Harold, G. (2013) DeafSpace and the principles of universal design. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Understanding Universal Design, Kings College London , 19-APR-13 - 19-APR-13. [Details]
(2012)Biennial Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology,
Edwards, C. (2012) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in France and Ireland: Parents’ groups’ scientific and political framing of an unsettled condition. [Oral Presentation], Biennial Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen , 17-OCT-12 - 20-OCT-12. [Details]
(2012)Creating Equitable Access to Justice: Recognising People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime,
Edwards, C. (2012) 'Show me a justice system that's open, transparent, accessible and inclusive': maaping access to the Irish criminal justice system for people with disabilities as victims of crime. [Oral Presentation], Creating Equitable Access to Justice: Recognising People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime, University College Cork , 03-MAY-12 - 04-MAY-12. [Details]
(2012)Disability and Spaces and Places of Exclusion,
Edwards, C. (2012) 'Spacing' access to justice: geographical perspectives on disabled people's interactions with the criminal justice system as victims of crime. [Oral Presentation], Disability and Spaces and Places of Exclusion, Lancaster University, United Kingdom , 16-APR-12 - 17-MAY-12. [Details]
(2011)Monitoring Parents: Science, Evidence, Experts and the New Parenting Culture,
Edwards, C. and Howlett, E. (2011) The new professionals: 'ADHD parents' and the evaluation of alternative therapeutic regimes. [Oral Presentation], Monitoring Parents: Science, Evidence, Experts and the New Parenting Culture, University of Kent, United Kingdom , 13-SEP-11 - 14-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)New Poverties, Social Justice and Human Rights,
Edwards, C. (2011) Creating a victim identity? Imagining people with disabilities as victims of crime. [Oral Presentation], New Poverties, Social Justice and Human Rights, University College Cork , 30-SEP-11 - 30-SEP-11. [Details]
(2006)Department of Applied Social Studies Seminar Series, UCC,
Edwards, C.; (2006) Participative governance? Disability, community and partnership in New Labour¿s urban policy. [Oral Presentation], Department of Applied Social Studies Seminar Series, UCC, University College Cork , 16-JAN-06 - 16-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Third Disability Studies Association conference, UK,
Edwards, C. ; (2006) Healthy bodies and the new morality of 'wellbeing' and disability. [Oral Presentation], Third Disability Studies Association conference, UK, UK , 18-SEP-06 - 20-SEP-06. [Details]
(2006)Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
Edwards, C.; (2006) Urban social exclusion in Cork, Ireland: patterns, policy and outcomes of recent economic and social transformations. [Oral Presentation], Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, US , 07-MAR-06 - 11-MAR-06. [Details]
(2004)Fourth Disability Studies Association conference,
Edwards, C.; (2004) The geographies of disability and a re-evaluation of the social relations of research production. [Oral Presentation], Fourth Disability Studies Association conference, Lancaster University, UK , 02-SEP-04 - 04-SEP-04. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
UCC Centres and Institutes Committee Member2017 / 2022
Applied Social Studies School Executive Committee Chair2016 / 2018
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Science (CACSSS) Research and Innovation Committee Member2014 / 2022
School of Applied Social Studies Research Committee Member2013 /
School Graduate Studies Committee Member of the committee.2011 /
Wallaroo Playschool Board Director2013 /


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork Senior Lecturer01-AUG-23 /
University College Cork Director, Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)01-JUN-17 / 30-JUN-22
University College Cork Lecturer in Social Policy01-SEP-04 /
Department for Work and Pensions, UK Senior Research Officer01-JAN-03 / 31-AUG-04
Department for Work and Pensions, UK Research Officer01-JAN-02 / 01-JAN-03
Disability Rights Commission, UK Research Officer01-NOV-00 / 01-JAN-02


2007University College Cork Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationTeaching & Learning
2001University of London PhDIntegrating disabled people into the regeneration of British cities
1998Royal Holloway, University of London College Certificate in Teaching Skills for Higher EducationTeaching & Learning
1997University of London MAM.A Cultural Geography
1995University of Nottingham BA (Hons)Geography

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Transactions Of The Institute Of British Geographers Referee-
Sociology Of Health & Illness Referee-
Area Referee-
Political Geography Referee-
Journal Of Social Policy Referee-
Environment And Planning B: Planning And Design Referee-
Urban Studies Referee-
Social Science And Medicine Referee-
Disability & Society Referee-

Other Activities


Mentor to female academics in UCC as part of the 'Through the Glass Ceiling' project's female-to-female academic mentoring scheme.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

My teaching interests centre around two main themes:

(1) Understanding disability: theory, policy and practice. I teach issues pertaining to disability across a range of postgraduate programmes, including the MSocSc Social Policy, Masters of Social Work (contributing to SS6202: Social work settings 2) and Bachelor of Social Work (SS2214: Social work practice contexts). I draw on sociological and geographical theories to explore and challenge understandings of disability, and in the context of social work practice, am particularly interested in exploring how rights-based ways of working with disabled people might be promoted.

(2) Conducting social research: methodologies and the politics of research production. On the Doctor of Social Science programme, I am involved in teaching on social research methodologies and the politics and ethics of conducting research. I am also involved in supervising research projects on the undergraduate BSocSc degree. 

I have supervised multiple MSocSc Social Policy research theses and am currently supervising the following doctoral students:

Jessica Amberson (co-supervised with Catherine Forde) (DSocSc)
Katie Marah (co-supervised with Shirley Martin) (PhD)
Fern Higgins-Atkinson (co-supervised with Liz Kiely) (DSocSc)
Gemma O'Leary (co-supervised with Gill Harold) (DSocSc)
Eileen Williamson (co-supervised with Caitriona Ni Laoire) (DSocSc)
Cliona Doherty (co-supervised with Gill Harold and Edel Walsh) (DSocSc)

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2023Ndemazia Asonglefack Jingwa University College CorkPHDResponding to Black African immigrant parents of children with disabilities in Irish Early Intervention Services: parental experiences and professional perspectives in the search for culturally competent practice
2022Naomi Feely University College CorkPHDThe Atlantic Philanthropies: a study of the enactment of philanthrocapitalism in Ireland
2012Gill Harold University College CorkPHDDeafness, Difference and the City: Geographies of urban difference and the right to the Deaf city

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School of Applied Social Studies

Staidéar Sóisialta Feidhmeach

William Thompson House, Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland.,
