RecordAuthor |
Máirín Mac Carron |
ISODate |
2002-07-12 |
Date |
12 July 2002 |
PictureCredit |
Jane Hawkes |
County |
Durham |
Townland |
Aycliffe |
OSMapRef |
NZ 285225 |
Area |
England |
GeneralContext |
Detail of back of the Cross shaft. |
Location |
west end of north aisle inside the Church. |
GeneralContext |
Stone type: medium- /coarse-grained massive yellow sandstone. |
GeneralDescription |
Back of Cross shaft, north face, detail. |
GeneralDescription |
This is one of the panels on the back of the Cross shaft. It shows two block-like figures, facing out, with their feet out-turned.
The one on the left holds a flower-like cross in his right hand and a book on his left. The one on the right is his mirror
image. They have rope-like haloes, which are twisted and joined.