Research Profile

Dan O'Sullivan


I have worked as a lecturer at the School of Education, University College Cork, since September 2007. Prior to working in UCC, I worked as a primary teacher in three large schools in the Cork area: St Joseph’s Boys’ Primary School, Cobh (1977-1982); St. Mary’s on the Hill, Knocknaheeny (1982-2001); Scoil Niocláis, Frankfield (2001-2007). During my lengthy career as a primary teacher, I taught all class levels - with the exception of 3rd class! - and worked in the area of special educational needs provision as a Learning Support/Resource teacher.

While working as a primary teacher, involvements on my part in the provision of professional development opportunities for teaching colleagues included:
1) Acting as a tutor on educational technology courses, facilitated by the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO).
2) Acting as a mentor to newly-qualified teachers, as part of the National Induction Programme for Teachers (NIPT).

Current responsibilities include:
1) Co-Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs programme
2) Co-ordinator of module ED6306: Inclusion - Special Educational Needs and Intercultural Education, offered as part of the Professional Master of Education (PME) programme.
3) Co-ordinator of module ED6059: Intersections of Identity and Practice in Inclusive Education, offered as part of the M.Ed. (Modular) Degree 
4) Co-ordinator of module ED6039: Inclusion of Pupils with Special Educational Needs: Opportunities, Challenges, Dilemmas, offered as part of the M.Ed. (Modular) Degree programme. 

Research Interests

I was appointed as a permanent member of staff at the School of Education, University College Cork, in September 2007. Charged with responsibility for both coordinating and teaching on the Department of Education-funded Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs (PDSEN) course, I immediately began to embark on doctoral work, joining the first School of Education Cohort PhD group in 2008. I simultaneously engaged with two funded School of Education research projects:
1) Learning to Teach (LETS) project (2008-2010).
2) Development of the Inclusive Education Framework (2009-2011), published by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) in 2011.
I contributed pivotally to both projects.

While transacting a high teaching load (PDSEN / M.Ed. / PDE), and considerable responsibilities arising from PDSEN-related school practicum visitations, I won the NUI-awarded Dr Mary L. Thornton Scholarship in Education in 2012, and delivered several conference contributions at annual conferences organised by a range of research associations: Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS), British Educational Research Association (BERA), American Educational Research Association (AERA).

Doctoral Research 

Thesis Title: Beginning primary teachers' perspectives on becoming a teacher in the workplace: Contextual, emotional, and temporo-spatial dimensions of identity shaping.  

Thesis Submitted: January 2014

Thesis available on Cork Open Research Archive (CORA)

As the shift from the environment of an initial teacher education programme into initial practice in schools is a period of identity change worthy of investigation, my doctoral study focused on the transformative search by nine beginning primary teachers for their teaching identities, throughout the course of their initial year of occupational experience, post-graduation. Privileging ‘insider’ perspectives, the research goal was to understand the complexities of lived experience from the viewpoints of the participating beginning teacher informants. In doing so, my study sought to contribute to an understanding of a crucial, yet under-researched, area of Irish school life. The next phase of my doctoral journey centres on dissemination processes. In addition to conference submissions, I intend to submit articles for publication to a range of peer reviewed journals. Among others, these include: Irish Educational Studies; Teaching and Teacher Education; Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice; Teaching Education; The New Educator. Other dissemination opportunities availed of will include submission of an overview article for publication in the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) monthly magazine, In Touch. This doctoral research-related writing will centre on all three phases of the teacher education continuum: initial teacher education (ITE); induction; continuing professional development (CPD). 

INclusive Classrooms for Learning and Achievement in School Settings: Accomplished Inclusive Learning Environments for students with AEN (INCLASS)

Project Period:
2024 and 2025

Project Coordinators:

Dr Kevin Cahill (School of Education, University College Cork).
Dr Dan O’Sullivan (School of Education, University College Cork).

In collaboration with National Council for Special Education (NCSE) (Project Partner).

This is a qualitative study of teachers’ experiences of inclusive practice in their school settings relating to children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN). Data will be generated through reflective journaling and focus groups. It is a collaborative / participatory project with teachers and schools.  

INCLASS aims to develop better understandings of how we meet the needs of learners with additional educational needs (AEN) in classroom settings across school types (primary and post primary). Clear indicators of good practice will be developed through a close-to-practice literature review, HEI-supported CPD workshops and case study models through asking teachers to reflect upon and write about examples/moments of ‘accomplished inclusive teaching’ (Doecke, 2021).

• To address the gap between teachers’ attitudes to inclusive teaching for students with AEN and their knowledge and skills in the same area.

• To generate narratives of successful and accomplished inclusive pedagogical practice in classrooms by teachers in order to exemplify ‘what good looks like’ in inclusive practice.

• To develop teachers as research partners in the INCLASS research intervention.

• To disseminate findings from the study amongst participants, advocacy groups and policy makers in order to guide future practice and engagement regarding inclusive practice/ pedagogy in school settings.

Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS)

During the period 2014-2018, I undertook a collaborative research project, Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS), with three colleagues from the School of Education, Dr Kevin Cahill, Professor Kathy Hall, and Dr Alicia Curtin. Focusing on the literacy identities and practices of Junior Cycle student cohorts in two separate post-primary settings, the project worked towards an interrogation of how literacy practices and identity intersect in school contexts. The study, funded by the Strategic Research Fund in UCC, planned, designed and implemented a student-led literacy intervention for first year students in post-primary schools.

Initiated in May 2014, this research project was a collaborative undertaking with three colleagues from the School of Education, University College Cork: Dr Kevin Cahill, Professor Kathy Hall, and Dr Alicia Curtin. Focusing on Junior Cycle students, in two separate post-primary school settings, there were two prongs to the research project. Firstly, by examining the experiences, practices and attitudes of students, the study focused on intersections between adolescent literacy capability and the shaping of identity. The intention was to develop an understanding of the lived literacy worlds of the student participants in order to collaborate with them in the development of literate experiences, calculated to enhance their literacy learning. Conceptually, the study was oriented within a sociocultural world view, where the social, cultural and historical aspects of family, community and educational experience, contribute to an investigation of the identity work being performed by the participating students, with particular reference to literacy practices and schooling. Secondly, a literacy learning programme was designed and implemented Development of the literacy intervention was based on a non-hierarchical school-university partnership model of engagement. Accordingly, students, teachers, and researchers shared in the collaborative design, implementation and evaluation of the project.

Inclusive Education Framework (2009-2011)
The Inclusive Education Framework is an interactive tool intended to assist schools plan, measure and improve how pupils with special educational needs are supported. This resource helps re-affirm inclusive practices already in place and guides schools in the development of good practice. A UCC research team - Dr Paul Conway, Jessica Amberson, and Dan O'Sullivan - were contracted by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) to research, review and contribute to the overall design and development of the framework. In addition to the collaborative development of the framework, in 2010, the UCC research team undertook an evaluation of a pilot of the framework in ten schools, and conducted an online survey with key stakeholders (Conway, Amberson, and O’Sullivan 2010). The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) published the Inclusive Education Framework, in November 2011.

Learning to Teach Study (LETS) (2008-2010)
The aim of the Learning to Teach Study (LETS), the first of its kind on the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) in Ireland, funded by the Department of Education and Skills (DES), was to develop and implement a study of initial teacher education in the PGDE in post-primary education, in the School of Education, University College Cork. Its aim was to identify the individual and contextual dynamics of how student teachers develop curricular and cross-curricular competences during initial teacher education (ITE). Within an overall framework that explores how student teachers develop their skills, competences and identities as teachers, it focused on curricular competences in mathematics, science and language teaching, and on the cross-curricular competences of reading and digital literacy and the development of inclusive teaching practices. LETS was the first programme level research on the PGDE, familiarly known to generations of student teachers and teachers as ‘the Dip’ or ‘the HDip’. The Principal Investigator for the Learning to Teach Study (LETS) was Dr Paul Conway, and the Research Fellow was Dr Rosaleen Murphy. The other members of the research team (in alphabetical order) were Michael Delargey, Prof Kathy Hall, Dr Karl Kitching, Dr Fiachra Long, Jacinta McKeon, Dr Brian Murphy, Dr Stephen O’Brien, Dr Dan O’Sullivan, all from the School of Education, UCC. I actively participated at all stages of the LETS research undertaking: design, data collection, data analysis, report writing, dissemination activities.

Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs (PDSEN)
Along with School of Education colleague Dr Kevin Cahill, I am Co-Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs programme (PDSEN). The course provides substantial theoretical and practical continuous professional development for qualified, probated teachers. Funded by the Department of Education and Skills, course places (25) are allocated to teachers nominated by their respective school principals. The expectation is that PDSEN course graduates will assume a ‘lead’ role in the organisation and provision of education to all students with a Special Educational Need as identified by the EPSEN Act, 2004. We work with the nominated teachers and their school communities. Each teacher is visited on four occasions in their respective practice settings, and principals attend a one day seminar at the course venue. A deliberate, practice-based research orientation characterises each of the six course modules. Accordingly, participating teachers are guided in a supportive manner to:
 Research and evaluate support provision in their school. (ED 6201)
 Research, evaluate and utilise appropriate tests in pupil diagnosis and attainment. (ED6202)
 Research, plan, prepare, implement and evaluate educational plans. (ED 6203)
 Research and develop an awareness and understanding of learning needs pertaining to different categories of disability. (ED 6204)
 Research contemporary, inclusion related issues. (ED 6205)
 Apply inclusive provision in own school. (ED 6206)

We work with participating teachers to ensure that their practice-based, research engagements help develop effective, inclusive practices in their respective school settings.

Current Doctoral Students (2024): 

I currently co-supervise five students who are undertaking doctoral studies at the School of Education, University College Cork.  

1) Kathleen Foley: 
Practical and sustainable approaches to support impactful Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) for primary teachers. (Co-supervisors: Dr Dan O'Sullivan; Dr Kevin Cahill). 

2) Claire O'Neill:
What are the Experiences of Autistic Teachers of Wellbeing in the Irish Education System? An Interpretive and Embodied Approach. (Co-supervisors: Dr Kevin Cahill; Dr Dan O'Sullivan). 

3) Shirley Murphy:

Alternative Educational Settings. 
(Co-supervisors: Dr Dan O'Sullivan; Dr Kevin Cahill). 

4) Yvonne Lucey:
Leadership in Post-Primary School Settings. 
(Co-supervisors: Dr Dan O'Sullivan; Dr Joseph Moynihan). 

5) Mary Bernadette (Molly) O’Sullivan: 
An Exploration of Teachers’ Experiences when Collaborating to Enact Inclusive Education for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Accessing Dual-Educational Provision in Primary Schools in Ireland. 
(Internal Supervisor: Dr Kevin Cahill; External Supervisor: Dr Manolis Adamakis; Advisor: Dr Dan O'Sullivan).



(2020)Assessment in Practice: Explorations in Identity, Culture, Policy and Inclusion.
Curtin, Alicia, Cahill, Kevin, Hall, Kathy, O'Sullivan, Dan and Özerk, Kamil. (2020) Assessment in Practice: Explorations in Identity, Culture, Policy and Inclusion. London: Routledge. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2023)'‘Dyslexia Awareness in the Post-Primary English Classroom’'
O'Sullivan, Dan. (2023) '‘Dyslexia Awareness in the Post-Primary English Classroom’' In: Cahill, Kevin and Dennehy, Niamh (eds). Perspectives on the Teaching of English in Post-Primary Education. Cork, Ireland: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2017)'Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS): Positions, Pedagogies and Spaces for Learning'
Cahill, Kevin, Curtin, Alicia, Hall, Kathy and O'Sullivan, Dan (2017) 'Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS): Positions, Pedagogies and Spaces for Learning' In: Culligan, Brendan and Mehigan, Gene (eds). Exploring the Literacy Landscape - Celebrating 40 Years of Research and Practice. Dublin: Literacy Association of Ireland. [Details]
(2012)''Developing ‘good’ post-primary teachers and teaching in a reform era: cultural dynamics in a programme level study of the PDE'
Conway, P.F., Murphy, R., Delargey, M., Hall, K., Kitching, K., Long, F., McKeon, J., Murphy, B., O'Brien, S., & O'Sullivan, D. (2012) ''Developing ‘good’ post-primary teachers and teaching in a reform era: cultural dynamics in a programme level study of the PDE' In: F. Waldron, Smith, J., Fitzpatrick, M. and Dooley, T (eds). Re-imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation. Dublin: Liffey Press. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2022)'Making a difference in educational inequality: Reflections from research and practice'
Cahill, Kevin; O'Sullivan, Dan (2022) 'Making a difference in educational inequality: Reflections from research and practice'. Irish Educational Studies, 41 (3):473-485 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020)'Views from the margins: teacher perspectives on alternative education provision in Ireland'
Cahill, Kevin; Curtin, Alicia; Hall, Kathy; O’Sullivan, Dan (2020) 'Views from the margins: teacher perspectives on alternative education provision in Ireland'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 24 (8):849-866 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'‘It’s a challenge’: Post Primary Physical Education Teachers’ experiences of and perspectives on inclusive practice with students with disabilities'
McGrath, Ona; Crawford, Susan; O'Sullivan, Dan (2019) '‘It’s a challenge’: Post Primary Physical Education Teachers’ experiences of and perspectives on inclusive practice with students with disabilities'. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 12 (2):1-14 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Underwhelmed and playing it safe: newly qualified primary teachers’ mentoring and probationary-related experiences during induction'
Dan O'Sullivan, Paul F. Conway (2016) 'Underwhelmed and playing it safe: newly qualified primary teachers’ mentoring and probationary-related experiences during induction'. Irish Educational Studies, [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Voicing Others’ Voices: Spotlighting the Researcher as Narrator, International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE), 2015, 8(2), 231-242'
Dan O'Sullivan (2015) 'Voicing Others’ Voices: Spotlighting the Researcher as Narrator, International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE), 2015, 8(2), 231-242'. :211-222   [Details]
(2012)'Authoring oneself and being authored as a competent teacher'
Hall, K;Conway, PF;Murphy, R;Long, FC;Kitching, K;O'Sullivan, D (2012) 'Authoring oneself and being authored as a competent teacher'. Irish Educational Studies, 31 :103-117 [DOI] [Details]

Other Journals

(2014)'From Remedial To Learning Support: 50 Years A-Growing'
Denis Burns and Dan O'Sullivan (2014) 'From Remedial To Learning Support: 50 Years A-Growing' Learn (Journal of The Irish Learning Support Association), 36 . [Details]

Published Reports

(2020)Evaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstration Project.
Helen Lynch; Emer Ring; Bryan Boyle; Alice Moore; Ciara O'Toole; Lisha O'Sullivan; Therese Brophy; Pauline Fizelle; Deirdre Horgan; Dan O'Sullivan (2020) Evaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstration Project. National Council for Special Education, NCSE - Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland.   [Details]
(2011)Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher. [Executive Summary].
Conway, P.F, Murphy, R., Delargey, M., Hall, K., Kitching, K., Long, F., McKeon, J., Murphy, B., O'Brien, S., O'Sullivan, D. (2011) Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher. [Executive Summary]. School of Education, University College Cork, Cork. [Details]
(2010)Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher.
Conway, PF; Murphy, R; Delargey, M; Hall, K; Kitching, K; Long, F; Mc Keon, J; Murphy, B; O'Brien, S; O'Sullivan, D; (2010) Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher. School of Education/DES, School of Education, UCC.   [Details]
(2010)Learning To Teach Study (LETS): Developing Curricular And Cross-curricular Competences In Becoming A 'Good' Secondary Teacher.
Conway, Paul; Murphy, Rosaleen; Delargy, Michael; Hall, Kathy; Kitching, Karl, Long, Fiachra; McKeon, Jacinta; Murphy, Brian; O'Brien, Stephen; O'Sullivan, Dan; (2010) Learning To Teach Study (LETS): Developing Curricular And Cross-curricular Competences In Becoming A 'Good' Secondary Teacher. Department of Education and Skills, Dublin. [Details]
(2010)NCSE Inclusive Schools Framework Pilot: An Evaluation Study.
Conway, P. F., Amberson, J. & O'Sullivan, D.; (2010) NCSE Inclusive Schools Framework Pilot: An Evaluation Study. National Council for Special Education (NCSE), Trim. [Details]


(2014)Beginning primary teachers’ perspectives on becoming a teacher in the workplace: Contextual, emotional, and temporo-spatial dimensions of identity shaping.
Daniel J. O'Sullivan (2014) Beginning primary teachers’ perspectives on becoming a teacher in the workplace: Contextual, emotional, and temporo-spatial dimensions of identity shaping. Thesis/Dissertation   [Details]


(2011)Inclusion: From Evidence to Practice.
Kathy Hall, Alicia Curtin, Karl Kitching, Tracey Connolly, Caitriona Ni Laoire, Denis Burns. Dan O Sullivan (2011) Inclusion: From Evidence to Practice. DVD [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2024CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2023CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2022President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching – Lifetime Contribution Award. University College Cork (Office of the Vice-President for Learning & Teaching).
2022CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2021Teaching Hero Award 2021 National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (In collaboration with the Union of Students in Ireland).
2019CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2018CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2017CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2016CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2015CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2014CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2013CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2012CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS)
2012Dr. Mary L. Thornton Scholarship in Education National University of Ireland

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Member/
European Educational Research Association (EERA) Member/
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Member/
British Educational Research Association (BERA) Member/
Literacy Association of Ireland (LAI) Member/
Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Member/
Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) Member/

Conference Contributions

(2024)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2024,
Dan O'Sullivan (2024) Navigating the ‘twisting path’ of Learning to Teach: Beginners’ Experience of the Uncertainties of Teaching during the Induction Year. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2024, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare , 04-APR-24 - 06-APR-24. [Details]
(2024)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2024,
Dan O'Sullivan (2024) Choosing Teaching as a Career: Exploring the Homogeneous Profile of Beginning Primary Teachers in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2024, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare , 04-APR-24 - 06-APR-24. [Details]
(2023)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2023,
Dan O'Sullivan (2023) Beginning Teachers’ Agentive Achievements during the Induction Year of Practice: Temporally Embedded Phenomena?. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2023, Chicago, Illinois , 13-APR-23 - 16-APR-23. [Details]
(2023)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2023,
Dan O'Sullivan (2023) Beginners’ Evolving Sense of the Uncertainty of Teaching: Negotiating the Initial Year of Occupational Experience. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2023, Chicago, Illinois , 13-APR-23 - 16-APR-23. [Details]
(2022)Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Annual Conference 2022,
Dan O'Sullivan (2022) Current Debates in Autism Studies: Implications for Educational Practices. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Annual Conference 2022, Mount Wolseley Conference Centre, Tullow, Co. Carlow , 23-SEP-22 - 24-SEP-22. [Details]
(2022)British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2022,
Dan O'Sullivan (2022) Temporally Embedded Phenomena: Beginning Teachers’ Agentive Achievements During Induction. [Oral Presentation], British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2022, University of Liverpool , 05-SEP-22 - 08-SEP-22. [Details]
(2022)Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Spring Conference 2022,
Dan O'Sullivan, Kevin Cahill (2022) Contemporary Issues in Inclusive Education. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Spring Conference 2022, Rochestown Park Hotel, Cork , 25-MAR-22 - 25-MAR-22. [Details]
(2021)British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2021,
Dan O'Sullivan (2021) Accounting for the Homogeneity of the Primary Teaching Profession in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2021, Online Conference , 13-SEP-21 - 16-SEP-21. [Details]
(2021)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2021,
Dan O'Sullivan (2021) Entwined with the Past: Iterational Agency Achievement among Beginning Teachers during Induction. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2021, Online Conference [Hosted by Marino Institute of Education (MIE)] , 26-MAR-21 - 26-MAR-21. [Details]
(2020)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2020,
Dan O'Sullivan (2020) Research-informed enhancement of teacher assessment capability. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2020, Online Conference [Hosted by Institute of Education, Dublin City University (DCU)] , 04-SEP-20 - 05-SEP-20. [Details]
(2019)European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Annual Conference 2019,
Dan O'Sullivan (2019) Accentuating the Agentive Capabilities of Beginning Teachers during Induction. [Oral Presentation], European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Annual Conference 2019, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany , 03-SEP-19 - 06-SEP-19. [Details]
(2019)Special Education Conference,
Dan O'Sullivan and Kevin Cahill (2019) Presentation Title: Cultivating Inclusive School Practice. [Keynote Speaker], Special Education Conference, Waterford Teachers' Centre , 14-MAY-19 - 14-MAY-19. [Details]
(2019)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2019,
Dan O'Sullivan (2019) “The past is never dead. It’s not even past”: Beginning teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2019, Toronto, Canada , 05-APR-19 - 09-APR-19. [Details]
(2019)ISS21: Children & Young People Cluster Research Showcase,
Helen Lynch, Bryan Boyle,  Alice Moore, Ciara O’Toole, Pauline Frizelle, Deidre Horgan, Dan O’Sullivan (2019) Evaluation of the In-school Therapy Demonstration Project. [Oral Presentation], ISS21: Children & Young People Cluster Research Showcase, UCC, Cork , 09-APR-19 - 09-APR-19. [Details]
(2019)Irish National Teachers' Organisation - Conference on Special Education 2019,
O'Sullivan, Dan; Fahy, Ciara (2019) Maths Recovery: Overview and Application. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Irish National Teachers' Organisation - Conference on Special Education 2019, Clayton Silver Springs Conference Centre, Cork , 09-MAR-19 - 09-MAR-19. [Details]
(2018)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2018,
Dan O'Sullivan (2018) Mediated by the Particularities of School Culture: Beginning Teachers’ Perspectives on their Socially Constructed Mentoring. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2018, New York City , 13-APR-18 - 17-APR-18. [Details]
(2018)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2018,
Dan O'Sullivan (2018) Forewarned is forearmed: Avoiding bottling old Probationary Wine in new Induction Bottles. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2018, New York City , 13-APR-18 - 17-APR-18. [Details]
(2018)Invited Lecture for the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (Region 7),
Cahill, Kevin; O'Sullivan, Dan (2018) Leading Inclusion in our Schools. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited Lecture for the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (Region 7), University College Cork , 25-APR-18 - 25-APR-18. [Details]
(2017)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2017,
Dan O'Sullivan (2017) Novice Teachers, Positional Identity Shaping and the Figured Worlds of Elementary Schooling. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2017, San Antonio, Texas , 27-APR-17 - 01-MAY-17. [Details]
(2017)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2017,
Dan O'Sullivan (2017) Workplace-based Relational Dynamics and Beginning Elementary Teachers’ Emotions. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2017, San Antonio, Texas , 27-APR-17 - 01-MAY-17. [Details]
(2017)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2017,
Dan O'Sullivan (2017) Very casual, just a chat: Newly qualified primary teachers' perspectives on their mentoring experiences during induction. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2017, University College Cork , 22-APR-17 - 22-APR-17. [Details]
(2017)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2017,
Kevin Cahill, Dan O'Sullivan, Kathy Hall, Alicia Curtin, School of Education, UCC (2017) Learning at the Limits: Teacher Perspectives on Learning and Identity in Post-primary Alternative Educational Settings. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2017, University College Cork , 21-APR-17 - 21-APR-17. [Details]
(2016)Cork Geography Teachers - Professional Seminar 2016,
Dan O'Sullivan (2016) Fostering Inclusive Values in the Geography Classroom. [Invited Oral Presentation], Cork Geography Teachers - Professional Seminar 2016, Hayfield Manor Hotel , 12-NOV-16 - 12-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016)Literacy Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2016,
Kevin Cahill, Alicia Curtin, Kathy Hall, Dan O'Sullivan, School of Education, UCC (2016) Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS): Investigating boundary spaces in literacy and learning. [Oral Presentation], Literacy Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2016, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin , 30-SEP-16 - 30-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016,
Dan O'Sullivan, Paul F. Conway (2016) Negotiating the Vicissitudes of School Culture: Beginning Teachers, Positional Identity and the Figured Worlds of Schooling. [Oral Presentation], British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016, University of Leeds , 15-SEP-16 - 15-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016,
Dan O'Sullivan (2016) Voicing Research Participants’ Voices: Researcher Identity, Interpretive Authority, and Authorial Stance. [Oral Presentation], British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016, University of Leeds , 13-SEP-16 - 13-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Visiting Summer School, University Of Louisville, Kentucky, USA,
O'Sullivan, Dan (2016) Provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the Republic of Ireland 1990-2016. [Invited Oral Presentation], Visiting Summer School, University Of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, University College Cork , 23-MAY-16 - 23-MAY-16. [Details]
(2016)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2016,
Dan O'Sullivan (2016) Workplace-based Relational Dynamics and Newly-Qualified Teachers’ Emotions. Accounting for the influence of a range of workplace-based relational dynamics on the emotionality characteristic of beginning teaching. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2016, Galway NUIG , 31-MAR-16 - 02-APR-16. [Details]
(2016)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2016,
Dan O'Sullivan with Kevin Calill, Alicia Curtin and Kathy Hall, School of Education, UCC (2016) Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS): Creating 'third space' curriculum opportunities. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2016, Galway NUIG , 31-MAR-16 - 02-APR-16. [Details]
(2015)Symposium UCC: Proposed New Model: Delivery for Students with Special Educational Needs: a better and more equitable way,
Mr Denis Burns (UCC), Professor Kathy Hall (UCC), Ms Mary Byrne (NCSE), Dr Dan O'Sullivan (UCC). (2015) In 2014 the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) proposed a new model of resource allocation and deployment for students with Special Educational Needs in schools - ‘Delivery for Students with Special Educational Needs - a better and more equitable way’ (NCSE 2014). On Saturday, November 7th 2015 the School of Education, UCC, hosted a Symposium on the NCSE proposals. Mary Byrne, Head of Special Education, NCSE, addressed the Symposium and partook in a Q&A session. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Symposium UCC: Proposed New Model: Delivery for Students with Special Educational Needs: a better and more equitable way, University College Cork (Boole 4 Lecture Theatre) , 07-NOV-15 - 07-NOV-15. [Details]
(2015)UK Literacy Association (UKLA) 51st Annual Conference [ Re-assessing Literacy: Talking, Reading and Writing in the 21st Century ],
Cahill, Kevin, O'Sullivan, Dan, Curtin, Alicia and Hall, Kathy, School of Education, UCC (2015) Literacy curriculum design and cultural bridging. [Oral Presentation], UK Literacy Association (UKLA) 51st Annual Conference [ Re-assessing Literacy: Talking, Reading and Writing in the 21st Century ], University of Nottingham (National College for Teaching and Leadership) , 10-JUL-15 - 12-JUL-15. [Details]
(2015)Visiting Summer School, University Of Louisville, Kentucky, USA,
O'Sullivan, Dan (2015) History of Provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the Republic of Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], Visiting Summer School, University Of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, University College Cork , 02-JUN-15 - 02-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2015,
Dan O'Sullivan (2015) Voicing Others’ Voices: Researcher Identities and Authorial Stances. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA , 16-APR-15 - 20-APR-15. [Details]
(2015)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2015,
Dan O'Sullivan (2015) Positional Identity Shaping of Beginning Teachers: A 'Figured Worlds' Perspective. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2015, National University of Ireland Maynooth , 11-APR-15 - 11-APR-15. [Details]
(2014)British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2014,
Dan O'Sullivan and Paul F. Conway (2014) Beginning teacher identity shaping: Temporo-spatial dimension. [Oral Presentation], British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2014, Institute of Education, University of London , 23-SEP-14 - 25-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014)International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS) 2014,
Dan O'Sullivan (2014) Spotlighting the Researcher as Narrator: Voice, Representation and Interpretive Authority. [Invited Oral Presentation], International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS) 2014, MIC Research and Graduate School, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick , 06-JUN-14 - 08-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2014,
Dan O'Sullivan (2014) Figuring it out as a beginning teacher: Figurative identities amid the figured worlds of Irish primary schooling. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2014, Athlone , 10-APR-14 - 12-APR-14. [Details]
(2013)The Inclusion Agenda: How are we doing?,
Dan O'Sullivan (2013) 20 years on from the Special Education Review Committee (SERC) Report - How are we doing?. [Conference Organising Committee Member], The Inclusion Agenda: How are we doing?, University College Cork , 02-MAR-13 - 02-MAR-13. [Details]
(2012)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2012,
Dan O’Sullivan and Paul F. Conway (2012) Gleaning the perspectives of beginning teachers on learning to teach: Harnessing the generativity of two distinct data sources. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2012, Vancouver, Canada , 13-APR-12 - 17-APR-12. [Details]
(2012)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2012,
Dan O’Sullivan and Paul F. Conway (2012) Gleaning the perspectives of beginning teachers on learning to teach. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2012, UCC/River Lee Hotel, Cork , 29-MAR-12 - 31-MAR-12. [Details]
(2011)British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2011,
O’Sullivan, D and Conway, P.F. (2011) Beginning primary teacher perspective on learning to teach. [Oral Presentation], British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2011, Institute of Education, University of London , 06-SEP-11 - 08-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2011,
Dan O’Sullivan and Paul F. Conway. (2011) Negotiating the complexities of school life: beginning primary teacher perspective on learning to teach. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference 2011, Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmimes, Dublin , 14-APR-11 - 16-APR-11. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Research and Innovation Committee (School of Education) Committee Member2024 / 2027
Graduate Studies Committee (School of Education) Committee Member2024 / 2027
Learning and Teaching Committee (School of Education) Committee Member2024 / 2027
Research Ethics Committee (School of Education) Committee Member2019 / 2027
Master of Education (M.Ed.) Modular Programme Committee (School of Education) Committee Member2016 / 2027


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
School of Education, University College Cork Lecturer in Education01-SEP-07 /
Scoil Niocláis, Frankfield, Cork Assistant Principal19-NOV-01 / 31-AUG-07
St. Mary's on the Hill N.S., Knocknaheeny, Cork Primary Teacher / Assistant Principal01-SEP-82 / 18-NOV-01
St. Josephs B.N.S., Cobh, Co. Cork Primary Teacher01-JUL-77 / 31-AUG-82


2014University College Cork PhDBeginning Teaching
2006University of Limerick Master of Arts (MA)Digital Media Development in Education
2000University College Cork Higher Diploma in Compensatory & Remedial Education (HDCRE)Compensatory and Remedial Education
1981University College Cork Higher Diploma in Education (HDE)Education
1980University College Cork Bachelor of Arts (BA)Geography, Gaeilge (1980) History (1986)
1977St. Patrick's College of Education Bachelor of Education (BEd)Education; Gaeilge


Gaeilge FluentFluentFluent



Outreach Activities


The Cork SENCO Forum facilitates professional development opportunities for teachers who act as Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO) in Post-Primary schools. [Co-Leader with Dr Kevin Cahill].

Initial Teacher Education for Inclusion _ Presentation to UCC School of Education Staff, University College Cork _ 8th December 2021.

"Leadership in Inclusive Special Education: Conceptualising the Role of the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) in Post-Primary Schools". Professional Development Seminar. Delivered jointly by: Dr Johanna Fitzgerald, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick; Dr Kevin Cahill, School of Education, University College Cork; Dr Dan O'Sullivan, School of Education, University College Cork. Venue: Cork Education Support Centre (CESC), Western Rd., Cork. Date: 24th February 2020.

Presentation to visiting group from Sámi University, Norway. February 4th 2020. University College Cork. Presentation Title: "Contemporary Policy Perspectives on Inclusive Education / Special Education in Ireland". [Co-Presentation with Dr Kevin Cahill].

ED FEST - Education Community Engagement Initiative - 4th December 2019: 3.00pm - 6.00pm. University College Cork. Celebrating School of Education partnership with schools and the education community. Presentation: Dan O'Sullivan and Kevin Cahill - Cultivating Inclusive Practice

"Cultivating Inclusive School Practices": Presentation to School Staff - St. Mary's National School, Ballygunner, Waterford City. 19th September 2019 [With Dr Kevin Cahill]

"Cultivating Inclusive School Practices": Presentation to School Staff - Mayfield Community School, Old Youghal Rd, Mayfield, Cork. 26th August 2019 [With Dr Kevin Cahill]

Member of Research Advisory Group: Young Knocknaheeney Area-based Childcare Programme. From May 2019.

"Including All Learners" : Presentation to school staff - Coláiste Chríost Rí, Capwell Rd, Turners Cross, Cork. 22nd January 2019 [With Dr Kevin Cahill]

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Irish Educational Studies Referee-
An Leanbh Óg: Journal Of Omep Ireland Referee-

Other Activities


1) External Examiner:
Bachelor of Education (BEd) Degree Programme.
College: Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. 
Academic Years: 2017-2019.   

2) External Examiner: 
Master of Arts in Education Dissertation.  
Dissertation Title: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Effective Online Comprehension Strategy Instruction within the Irish Primary School Context.
Candidate: Céire Devey. 
College: Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.
(July 2016)

External Examiner: 
Doctoral Dissertation (PhD).
Dissertation Title: Male Primary Teachers’ Understandings of Masculinities and their Impact on their Lives.
Candidate: Suzanne O'Keeffe
College: Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.
(August 2016) 

4) External Examiner: 
Doctoral Dissertation (EdD).
Dissertation Title: Teacher Resilience in the Face of Systemic Changes 2016-2021
Candidate: Julie Ann Fleming.
College: Institute of Education, Dublin City University (DCU).
(February 2024) 

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Teaching Interests:

1) Fostering inclusive cultures/vision at a whole-school level
2) Contextualising inclusive education
3) Fostering inclusive classroom practices: team teaching, differentiation, peer tutoring, co-operative learning
3) Dilemmatic nature of inclusion
4) Stakeholder perspectives vis-à-vis inclusion; parents, pupils, teachers, DE, NCSE, NCCA ...........
5) Sensory impairment: hearing, vision
6) Literacy: Oral language, phonological awareness, reading fluency, writing, comprehension
7) Dyslexia
8) Autistic spectrum disorders
9) Parental - education systems linkages
10) Information technology
11) Research methodologies  
12) Initial Teacher Education (ITE) / Induction / Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 
13) School leadership 
14) Assessment 

Supervision of Doctoral Students

I currently co-supervise five PhD candidates who are undertaking doctoral studies at the School of Education, University College Cork.

1) Student Name: Shirley Murphy

Working Title of Doctoral Thesis:

Alternative Educational Settings. 

Co-supervisors: Dr Dan O’Sullivan, Dr Kevin Cahill, School of Education, University College Cork.

Student Name: Yvonne Lucey

Working Title of Doctoral Thesis: 
Leadership in Post Primary Settings. 

Dr Dan O’Sullivan, Dr Joseph Moynihan, School of Education, University College Cork.  

3) Student Name: Kathleen Foley

Working Title of Doctoral Thesis: 
Practical and sustainable approaches to support impactful Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) for primary teachers.

 Dr Dan O’Sullivan, Dr Kevin Cahill, School of Education, University College Cork.

4) Student Name: Claire O'Neill

Working Title of Doctoral Thesis: 

What are the Experiences of Autistic Teachers of Wellbeing in the Irish Education System? An Interpretive and Embodied Approach.

Co-supervisors: Dr Kevin Cahill, Dr Dan O’Sullivan, School of Education, University College Cork.

5) Student Name: 
Mary Bernadette (Molly) O’Sullivan: 

Working Title of Doctoral Thesis:

An Exploration of Teachers’ Experiences when Collaborating to Enact Inclusive Education for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Accessing Dual-Educational Provision in Primary Schools in Ireland. 

Internal Supervisor: 
Dr Kevin Cahill;
External Supervisor: Dr Manolis Adamakis;
Advisor: Dr Dan O'Sullivan.

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2024Fionnghuala O’Regan University College CorkM.Ed.‘Listen to Neurodivergent Teachers’: A Critical Examination of Neurodivergent Teachers’ Experiences in Irish Primary Schools.
2023Maeve Geoghegan University College CorkM.Ed.A Critical Investigation into the Experiences of the Parents of Girls with Autism in the Primary School System.
2023Sarah Coffey University College CorkM.Ed.Critically investigating the challenges, opportunities, and evolving viewpoints, arising from mainstream class teachers engaging in collaborative teaching in a special class for children with autism.
2022Catherine Hennessy University College CorkM.Ed.Cultivating Collaborative Practice through a Team-Teaching Initiative in a Post Primary Setting.
2022Colm Barry University College CorkM.Ed.Teachers’ Perspectives on the Labelling of Pupils with Special Educational Needs following the Introduction of the Special Education Teaching Allocation Model.
2021Patricia Fitzpatrick University College CorkDOCTORATEAn investigation of the roles, relationships and experiences of part-time placement tutors in their supervision of student teachers on school placement. CORA:
2021Joan O’Sullivan University College CorkM.Ed.A Critical Investigation of Students’ Perspectives on Team Teaching in a Primary School Classroom’
2021Bríd Walsh University College CorkM.Ed.A Critical Investigation of Primary School Teachers’ Perspectives on Dyslexia and Experiences of Teaching Children with Dyslexia.
2020Fiona Thomas University College CorkM.Ed.Implementing Special Educational Needs Guidelines in a primary school second class setting: Opportunities, dilemmas and challenges.
2019Una Patricia McGrath University College CorkDOCTORATEIncluding students with disabilities in post-primary physical education: An exploration of student and teacher voices
2019Elizabeth Flynn University College CorkM.Ed.A critical study of the support teaching practices in the Junior Classes of Mainstream Primary Schools, in the context of the Special Education Teaching Allocation Model
2018Sarah Fitzgerald NUI (UCC)M.Ed.A Critical Exploration of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards and Experiences of Oral Language and Collaborative Teaching in One Mainstream Primary School, as Investigated Through an Oral Language Station Teaching Initiative in a Senior Infant Classroom
2018Laura Ryan NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Primary Teachers and Dyslexia: Perceptions, Pedagogy and Ongoing Challenges.
2018Nora (Noreen) Buttimer NUI (UCC)M.Ed.A multiple case study of teachers’ perspectives on dyslexia in Irish primary schools: conceptualization, pedagogy and continuing professional development.
2017Daniel O'Connell NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Utilising Supports and Resources to Foster Inclusive Education - A Case Study of One School
2016Helen O'Hanlon NUI (UCC)M.Ed.An investigation of teachers' and special needs assistants' response to including a first year student who is blind in a mainstream mixed post-primary school
2016Ross Connolly NUI (UCC)M.Ed.A small scale investigation of the process of inducting four newly qualified teachers in a post-primary school
2015Noreen Elizabeth Cotter NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Exploring teachers’ perspectives on the integration and usage of ICT in their current practice: A case study of one post-primary school in Co. Limerick
2015Mary Lowery NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Post primary teachers’ perspectives on continuing professional development: Implications for policy and practice
2014Richel Long NUI (UCC)M.Ed.The effects of leadership styles on the cultivation and sustainability of trust between principal and teachers in Irish post primary schools.
2014Clíona Fitzmaurice NUI (UCC)M.Ed.'It is always about the teaching, never the teacher'. A multiple-case study of early career teachers' perspectives of their Initial Teacher Education.
2012Deirdre O'Connor NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Fostering Co-operative Teaching in a Post-Primary School
2012Emer O'Shea NUI (UCC)M.Ed.A study of the perspectives of beginnning primary teachers on their experiences
2010Bairbre Doyle NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Evaluating the impact of implementing a play intervention programme in an ASD-specific educational setting
2010Eithne O'Mahony NUI (UCC)M.Ed.A critical investigation of the changing role of Special Needs Assistants in the Irish Primary School
2009Gwen O'Connor NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Interactive Whiteboards: Are they worth the spend?
2008Brigid Flynn NUI (UCC)M.Ed.Inclusive practices in a primary school setting
2008Louise Leahy NUI (UCC)M.Ed.The development of early writing: A case study investigation of Junior and Senior Infant classes in a County Cork primary school

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Dr Kevin Cahill University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Niamh Dennehy University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Alicia Curtin University College CorkIRELAND

Contact details

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School of Education

Scoil an Oideachais

Leeholme, O'Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland
