Research Profile


BSc in Chemistry (UCC), Higher Diploma in Education (UCC), MSc (UCC) , MEd (University of York), PhD (University of York). Full time science teacher in Colaiste Muire secondary school Cobh for over 20 years prior to taking up a full-time position as lecturer in science education in UCC. 

Research Interests

Dr Declan Kennedy carries out research in the area of conceptual difficulties in learning science, the use of ICT in science teaching, inquiry-based science education and the role of laboratory practical work in science education. He carries out this research mainly through funded research projects and he has been very successful in obtaining research funding at local, national and international level. He is currently involved in an FP7 project called PROFILES which is funded by the European Commission. The PROFILES project consists of a consortium of 21 partner institutions from 19 different countries carrying out research in the area of Inquiry Based Science Education.  His first research paper was published in 1979 and over the past 35 years he has consistently published in the science and science education fields. His publications range over five main areas: scientific publications, science education publications, education publications, curriculum publications (textbooks) and  commissioned reports. To date, he has been invited to give lectures and workshops in over 30 countries.

In general, I try to concentrate on science educational research that is likely to have an impact in the classroom. My areas of research are best indicated by the commissions I have received in the area of science education and may be summarised as follows:                                                                                                         

Feasibility Study on Practical Assessment for Leaving Certificate Physics and Leaving Certificate Chemistry. This research was carried out in the period 1997 ¿ 1998 and was commissioned by the Department of Education and Science, Dublin. Funding of ¿10,000 was received from the DES and the research report (144 pages) was published in 1998.

The use of datalogging in teaching Physics and Chemistry in second-level schools in Ireland. This research was commissioned by the National Centre for Technology in Education, Dublin. This organisation provided a research grant of ¿90,000. The research was carried out in 1999 - 2000 and the research report (56 pages) was published in 2000 

An Evaluation of the impact of ¿Intel Teach to the Future¿ in Ireland. This research was commissioned by Intel (Ireland) who provided a research grant of ¿40,000. The research was carried out in the period 2002 ¿ 2003 and the research report (178 pages) published in 2003.  

Towards a more formal mentoring system for post-primary teacher training. This research was commissioned by the Department of Education and Science, Dublin. The DES provided a research grant of ¿12,000 to develop and trial a model of teacher training at second-level.   The research was carried out in the period 2004 ¿ 2005 and the research report (116 pages) published in 2005.  

To investigate the Feasibility of incorporating ¿Exploring Electronics¿ into second level education. This research project was commissioned by Xilinx Electronics and the Cork Electronics Industries Association. The project was initiated in 2005 and will extend over 5 years and will provide total funding of  ¿30,000. The first detailed progress report (140 pages) was published in 2006.  

Women into Science Engineering and Technology (WISET). In 2007 I was part of the team that wrote the report  for the SFI funded research to assist the advancement of women at third level in the areas of science, engineering and technology. This award of ¿203,000 was won by UCC and I was a member of the committee that drew up the proposal.  

Science Across the World ¿ Integration into Teacher Training. In 2007 I was involved in writing a joint report with Dr Lida Schoen of the University of Amsterdam on the feasibility of integrating the Science Across the World units into teacher-training programmes throughout the EU. This project is funded by Glaxo Smithkline Beecham and the Association for Science Education.  

National Report for Ireland (OECD) on PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment project. As a member of the government's National PISA Committee, I was involved in writing the report for Ireland of the analysis of the 2006 data. These data arose from the research carried out by the OECD in 2006 on the level of scientific literacy of 15-year old students in Ireland. This report was published in 2008 by the Educational Research Centre, Drumcondra.  

Whilst it is always difficult to quantify the impact of our research, some of the research carried out by me has had a direct and clear impact, e.g. the research project carried out on Intel Teach to the Future has led to considerable changes being made to the pedagogy being utilised in this project. In addition, the research carried out for the OECD's PISA project led to direct changes being to the continuing professional development courses organised for teachers. The research carried out on the Feasibility Study on Practical Work resulted in a modified model of assessment of practical work being recommended for implementation by the Department of Education and Science. The Exploring Electronics research project is still in operation but already the data from schools is pointing to the fact that this intervention project is having a marked effect on encouraging students to take physics as a subject to Leaving Certificate.  

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Professional Reflection-Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Education through Science.European Union01-DEC-1031-MAY-15€112,350.00
To investigate the effectiveness of Inquiry Based Science Education in promoting science and technology education in the European UnionPROFILES FP7 Project from European Commission01-JAN-1001-JAN-14€112,000.00
Feasibility Study on teaching ElectronicsIndustry01-NOV-0531-JAN-24€5,000.00
[ASSESS TEACH TO FUTURE]{Hylan/Kennedy}VIndustry01-JAN-9001-JAN-12€31,743.00
To set up a Science and Technology Teaching and Learning Centre in UCCStrategic Innovation Fund01-JAN-09€110,000.00
IRCSET "Model of CPD for teachers"Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-OCT-0630-SEP-09€72,009.00
An evaluation of the Discover Sensors pilot project on the effectiveness of sensor technology in teaching science at Junior Certificate level.Discover Science and Engineering01-JAN-0601-JAN-07€12,000.00
To develop a model for in-career development of teachers of science in the Primary School.PharmaChem Ireland01-JAN-06€9,000.00
To investigate the integration of datalogging technology in undergraduate chemistry practical work.Higher Education Authority (HEA)01-JAN-06€5,000.00
To promote the advancement of women in Science, Engineering and Technology in UCC.Science Foundation Ireland01-JAN-06€203,000.00
To research best practice internationally in the teaching of Learning OutcomesHigher Education Authority (HEA)01-JAN-06€5,000.00
The development of a model of Continuing Professional Development for primary teachers in the teaching of Science at Primary School level.Irish Research Council01-JAN-0601-JAN-09€72,000.00
To investigate the Feasibility of incorporating Exploring Electronics into second-level educationXilinx Electronics01-JAN-05€60,000.00
[DES RD/04/03 Mentoring] {Kennedy,D.Dr}NDepartment of Education01-SEP-0331-AUG-08€12,000.00
Towards a more formal mentoring system for post-primary teacher trainingDepartment of Education and Science01-JAN-03€12,000.00
An Evaluation of the impact of Intel Teach to the Future in IrelandIntel Corporation01-JAN-01€40,000.00
The use of datalogging in teaching physics and chemistry in second-level schools in Ireland.National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE)01-JAN-99€90,000.00
Feasibility Study on Practical Assessment for Leaving Certificate Physics and Leaving Certificate ChemistryDepartment of Education and Science01-JAN-98€10,000.00



(2014)Exam Edge.
Kennedy, D (2014) Exam Edge. Dublin: Folens Educational Publishers. [Details]
(2014)Revise Chemistry Live.
Kennedy, D (2014) Revise Chemistry Live. Dublin: Folens Educational Publishers. [Details]
(2014)Chemistry Live!.
Kennedy, D (2014) Chemistry Live!. Dublin: Folens Educational Publishers. [Details]
(2011)Chemistry Live!.
Kennedy Declan (2011) Chemistry Live!. Dublin: Folens.   [Details]
(2010)Rapid Revision Chemistry.
Kennedy Declan, Walsh Pat (2010) Rapid Revision Chemistry. Dublin: Folens.   [Details]
(2009)Exam Edge in Chemistry.
Kennedy, D Walsh P (2009) Exam Edge in Chemistry. Dublin: Folens.   [Details]
(2008)Science Matters.
Dorgan, H, Kennedy D and Scott; (2008) Science Matters. Dublin: Folens. [Details]
(2007)Science Matters.
Kennedy, D (2007) Science Matters. Dublin: Folens Educational Publishers. [Details]
(2006)Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: A Practical Guide.
Kennedy, D (2006) Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: A Practical Guide. University College Cork: Quality Promotion Unit. [Full Text] [Details]
(2005)Leaving Certificate Chemistry - Student Laboratory Manual.
Kennedy, D and O'Shea D.; (2005) Leaving Certificate Chemistry - Student Laboratory Manual. unknown: Folens. [Details]
(2003)Science - A Voyage of Discovery Teacher's Manual.
Dorgan, H, Kennedy, D and Walsh P (2003). ; (2003) Science - A Voyage of Discovery Teacher's Manual. unknown: Folens. [Details]
(2003)Science - A Voyage of Discovery.
Dorgan, H, Kennedy, D and Walsh P ; (2003) Science - A Voyage of Discovery. unknown: Folens. [Details]
(2003)Science - A Voyage of Discovery Workbook.
Dorgan, H, Kennedy, D and Walsh P ; (2003) Science - A Voyage of Discovery Workbook. unknown: Folens. [Details]
(2003)Science - A Voyage of Discovery Laboratory Manual.
Dorgan, H, Kennedy, D and Walsh, P.; (2003) Science - A Voyage of Discovery Laboratory Manual. unknown: Folens. [Details]
(2002)Rapid Revision Chemistry.
Kennedy, D. and Walsh, P.; (2002) Rapid Revision Chemistry. unknown: Folens. [Details]
(2002)An Evaluation of the impact of Intel Teach to the Future on the integration of ICT in education in Ireland.
Kennedy, D., Hyland A and Tarrant, S (2002) An Evaluation of the impact of Intel Teach to the Future on the integration of ICT in education in Ireland. UCC: Department of Education. [Details]
(2000)Chemistry Live Teachers Manual. .
Kennedy, D.; (2000) Chemistry Live Teachers Manual. . : Folens. [Details]
(2000)Chemistry Live Workbook.
Kennedy, D. ; (2000) Chemistry Live Workbook. : Folens. [Details]
(2000)Chemistry Live!.
Kennedy, Declan; (2000) Chemistry Live!. : Folens. [Details]
(1998)Materials - Polymers and Metals, Science Teachers' Resource Manual.
Kennedy D.; (1998) Materials - Polymers and Metals, Science Teachers' Resource Manual. : Department of Education and Science. [Details]
(1997)Teachers' Resource Book for The World of Science.
Dorgan H., Kennedy D., Scott S.; (1997) Teachers' Resource Book for The World of Science. : Folens. [Details]
(1996)Chemistry - A Teachers handbook.
Kennedy, D. ; (1996) Chemistry - A Teachers handbook. : Department of Education and Science. [Details]
(1996)Environmental Chemistry - The Atmosphere, Science Teachers' Resource Manual.
Kennedy D.; (1996) Environmental Chemistry - The Atmosphere, Science Teachers' Resource Manual. : Department of Education and Science. [Details]
(1995)Environmental Chemistry - Water, Science Teachers' Resource Manual.
Kennedy D. ; (1995) Environmental Chemistry - Water, Science Teachers' Resource Manual. : Department of Education and Science. [Details]
(1994)The World of Science.
Dorgan H., Kennedy D., Scott S.; (1994) The World of Science. : Folens. [Details]
(1994)Students' Workbook for The World of Science.
Dorgan H., Kennedy D., Scott S. ; (1994) Students' Workbook for The World of Science. : Folens. [Details]
(1993)SCIENCE ACROSS EUROPE (1993 - 2000) units on Drinking Water, Global Warming, Acid Rain and Chemistry in Our Lives, Association for Science Education UK. .
Kennedy, D.; (1993) SCIENCE ACROSS EUROPE (1993 - 2000) units on Drinking Water, Global Warming, Acid Rain and Chemistry in Our Lives, Association for Science Education UK. . : ACE. [Details]
(1993)The Manufacture of Steel at Irish Steel, Irish Steel Ltd. .
Childs P., Kennedy D., Walley M.; (1993) The Manufacture of Steel at Irish Steel, Irish Steel Ltd. . : Forefront. [Details]
(1993)Chemistry and Careers.
Daly J., Fox J., Kennedy D.; (1993) Chemistry and Careers. : Institute of Chemistry. [Details]
(1992)Materials Science .
Kennedy D.; (1992) Materials Science . : Folens. [Details]
(1991)Laboratory Manual for Minilab, .
Daly J, Desmond T, Kennedy D., Mullally S; (1991) Laboratory Manual for Minilab, . : BASF. [Details]
(1991)Earth Science .
Kennedy D., Porter G.; (1991) Earth Science . : Folens. [Details]
(1990)Energy Conversions.
Kennedy D., Porter G.; (1990) Energy Conversions. : Folens. [Details]
(1989)Teachers' Guide and Resource Book for Science for the Future.
Kennedy D., Porter G., Scott S. ; (1989) Teachers' Guide and Resource Book for Science for the Future. : Folens. [Details]
(1989)Science for the Future , Folens. .
Kennedy D., Porter G., Scott S.; (1989) Science for the Future , Folens. . : Folens. [Details]
(1988)Organic Chemicals in Everyday Life.
Brown R., Childs P., Henly R., Kennedy D. (1988). ; (1988) Organic Chemicals in Everyday Life. : Irish Science Teachers' Association. . [Details]
(1988)Posters on Famous Irish Scientist.
Kennedy D and Simmons J.; (1988) Posters on Famous Irish Scientist. Ireland: Irish Science Teachers Association. [Details]
(1987)Industrial Chemistry.
Brown R., Hanratty P., Henly R., Kennedy D.; (1987) Industrial Chemistry. : Irish Science Teachers' Association. [Details]
(1986)The Extraction of Metals .
Brown R., Childs P., Henly R., Kennedy D.; (1986) The Extraction of Metals . : Irish Science Teachers' Association. . [Details]
(1985)Science Today.
Kennedy D., Porter G., Scott S.; (1985) Science Today. : Folens. [Details]
(1985)Oxidation - Reduction Reactions, .
Brown R., Childs P., Henly R., Hogan P., Kennedy D. (; (1985) Oxidation - Reduction Reactions, . : Irish Science Teachers' Association. [Details]
(1984)Rates of Reaction and Equilibrium.
Brown R, Henly R, Hogan P, Kennedy D.; (1984) Rates of Reaction and Equilibrium. : Irish Science Teachers' Association. . [Details]

Book Chapters

(2011)'Learning Outcomes in Ireland – Implications for the Science Classroom'
Kennedy D (2011) 'Learning Outcomes in Ireland – Implications for the Science Classroom' In: Making It Tangible: Learning Outcomes in Science Educatino. Munster Germany: Waxman. [Details]
(1998)'The Feasibility Study on the Assessment of Practical Work for Leaving Certificate Physics and Leaving Certificate Chemistry'
Kennedy D; (1998) 'The Feasibility Study on the Assessment of Practical Work for Leaving Certificate Physics and Leaving Certificate Chemistry' In: Innovations in Assessment in Irish Education. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2014)'Assessment of Practical Work in Chemistry'
Kennedy, D (2014) 'Assessment of Practical Work in Chemistry'. Science, 49 (2):11-13 [Details]
(2013)'A giant in science education'
Kennedy, D (2013) 'A giant in science education'. Science, 48 (3):21-23 [Details]
(2013)'Industry Education Links'
Kennedy, D (2013) 'Industry Education Links'. Science, 48 (3):29-30 [Details]
(2013)'Inquiry based science – how effective is it?'
Kennedy, D (2013) 'Inquiry based science – how effective is it?'. Science, 49 (1):11-14 [Details]
(2013)'The role of investigations in promoting inquiry-based science education in Ireland'
Kennedy, D (2013) 'The role of investigations in promoting inquiry-based science education in Ireland'. Science Education International, 24 (3):282-305 [Details]
(2013)'Science Education in UCC – Eureka'
Kennedy, D (2013) 'Science Education in UCC – Eureka'. Science, 48 (3):25-28 [Details]
(2012)'Learning Outcomes, Degree Profiles, Tuning Project and Competences'
Gibbs, A, Kennedy D and Vickers A (2012) 'Learning Outcomes, Degree Profiles, Tuning Project and Competences'. Journal of the European Higher Education Area, 15 (5):71-87 [Details]
(2012)'Laboratory Practical Work in Ireland: A time of reform and debate'
Kennedy, D (2012) 'Laboratory Practical Work in Ireland: A time of reform and debate'. Eurasia Journal Of Mathematics Science And Technology Education, 8 (1):21-34 [Details]
(2011)'Science Education in Ireland: The Contribution of the Irish Science Teachers' Association'
Kennedy, Declan (2011) 'Science Education in Ireland: The Contribution of the Irish Science Teachers' Association'. Chemistry In Action, 83 (2):21-27   [Details]
(2011)'ICT in Science Education in Ireland'
Declan Kennedy (2011) 'ICT in Science Education in Ireland'. Science, 45 (3):10-12 [Details]
(2010)'Industry Education Initiatives in Science Education in Ireland'
Declan Kennedy (2010) 'Industry Education Initiatives in Science Education in Ireland'. Science, 45 (3):15-17 [Details]
(2010)'The role of Forensic Science in Science Education in Ireland'
Declan Kennedy (2010) 'The role of Forensic Science in Science Education in Ireland'. Science, 45 (2):12-14   [Details]
(2010)'Pharmachemical Ireland and Science Education'
Kennedy, D (2010) 'Pharmachemical Ireland and Science Education'. Science, 45 (3):15-16 [Details]
(2009)'Making Learning Outcomes Explicit for Students of Process and Chemical Engineering'
John Fitzpatrick, Ed Byrne, Declan Kennedy (2009) 'Making Learning Outcomes Explicit for Students of Process and Chemical Engineering'. Education for Chemical Engineers, 4 (1):21-28 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2009)'Promoting Chemistry through Science Quizzes'
Kennedy D (2009) 'Promoting Chemistry through Science Quizzes'. Science, 45 (1):10-15   [Details]
(2009)'Learning Outcomes and Competences, Bologna Handbook, Introducing Bologna Objectives and Tools'
Kennedy, D, Hyland A and Ryan, N (2009) 'Learning Outcomes and Competences, Bologna Handbook, Introducing Bologna Objectives and Tools'. Science Education International, 23 (3):1-18   [Details]
(2008)'Linking Learning Outcomes and Assessment of Learning of Student Science Teachers'
Kennedy, D; (2008) 'Linking Learning Outcomes and Assessment of Learning of Student Science Teachers'. Science Education International, 19 (4):375-385 [Details]
(2008)'Students' Attitudes to Science'
Kennedy, D. ; (2008) 'Students' Attitudes to Science'. Science, 43 (3):8-13 [Details]
(2007)'Science Across the World in Teacher Training'
Schoen, L., Wiesheit, E. and Kennedy, D.; (2007) 'Science Across the World in Teacher Training'. Science Education International, 18 (1):55-61 [Details]
(2006)'The PISA Assessment of Scientific Literacy'
Eivers , E and Kennedy, D; (2006) 'The PISA Assessment of Scientific Literacy'. The Irish Journal of Education, 37 :101-119 [Details]
(2006)'STS and Scientific Literacy in PISA'
Kennedy Declan; (2006) 'STS and Scientific Literacy in PISA'. Chemistry In Action, 78 (2):38-45 [Details]
(2006)'Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide'
Kennedy, D, Hyland, H and Ryan, N; (2006) 'Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide'. European Journal of Higher Education, :1-30 [Details]
(2005)'Ideas from science education research the help teach Junior Certificate Chemistry'
Kennedy, D.; (2005) 'Ideas from science education research the help teach Junior Certificate Chemistry'. Chemistry In Action, 75 (2):25-31 [Details]
(2005)'Response to Assessment of Practical Work in Ireland'
Bennett, J. and Kennedy, D ; (2005) 'Response to Assessment of Practical Work in Ireland'. International Journal of Science Education, 27 (10):1225-1227 [Details]
(2002)'The Association for Science Education Annual Conference'
Kennedy, D. ; (2002) 'The Association for Science Education Annual Conference'. Science, 37 (2):9-13 [Details]
(2002)'The performance of Irish students in scientific literacy in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)'
Cosgrove , J, Shiel G and Kennedy, D ; (2002) 'The performance of Irish students in scientific literacy in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)'. Irish Journal of Education, 33 (6):53-70 [Details]
(2001)'ISTA Submission to Task Force on the Physical Sciences'
Kennedy, D. (2001); (2001) 'ISTA Submission to Task Force on the Physical Sciences'. Science, 37 (1):27-29 [Details]
(2001)'Practical work at the upper high school level: the evaluation of a new model of assessment'
Bennett, J. and Kennedy, D; (2001) 'Practical work at the upper high school level: the evaluation of a new model of assessment'. International Journal of Science Education, 23 (1):97-110 [Details]
(2001)'Datalogging: what's it all about?'
Kennedy, D. ; (2001) 'Datalogging: what's it all about?'. Science, 36 (2):24-31 [Details]
(1999)'Integrated Main Group Chemistry Learning, Communication Skills and Internet Publishing'
Hathaway B. J, Kennedy D., Murphy B.; (1999) 'Integrated Main Group Chemistry Learning, Communication Skills and Internet Publishing'. Software Reviews, 19 [Details]
(1993)'Chemistry in the Vale of Avoca'
Kennedy, D.; (1993) 'Chemistry in the Vale of Avoca'. Science, 28 (3):29-30 [Details]
(1991)'Chemical Magic and Gilbert and Sullivan'
Kennedy, D.; (1991) 'Chemical Magic and Gilbert and Sullivan'. Science, 26 (2):21-23 [Details]
(1987)'But sir, why do endothermic reactions occur?'
Kennedy, D.; (1987) 'But sir, why do endothermic reactions occur?'. Science, 23 (1):26-28 [Details]
(1987)'Integrated or Separate Science?'
Kennedy, D.; (1987) 'Integrated or Separate Science?'. Science, 22 (3):8-20 [Details]
(1986)'Practical Work in the new Chemistry syllabus'
Kennedy, D.; (1986) 'Practical Work in the new Chemistry syllabus'. Science, 22 (1):15-17 [Details]
(1985)'An approach to studying inorganic chemistry'
Kennedy, D.; (1985) 'An approach to studying inorganic chemistry'. School and College, 4 :12-16 [Details]
(1984)'The chemistry of nitrogen - part 1'
Kennedy, D. ; (1984) 'The chemistry of nitrogen - part 1'. School and College, 3 (2):28-31 [Details]
(1984)'Valence State Electron Pair Repulsion Theory - A Skeleton Approach'
Hathaway, B. and Kennedy, D. ; (1984) 'Valence State Electron Pair Repulsion Theory - A Skeleton Approach'. Chemistry In Action, 14 (2):16-19 [Details]
(1984)'The chemistry of nitrogen - part 2'
Kennedy, D.; (1984) 'The chemistry of nitrogen - part 2'. School and College, 2 (4):16-19 [Details]
(1984)'Sodium Thiosulphate - a features of interest approach to teaching'
Hathaway, B. and Kennedy, D.; (1984) 'Sodium Thiosulphate - a features of interest approach to teaching'. Chemistry In Action, 12 (2):4-7 [Details]
(1983)'Chemical Education in Ireland'
Kennedy, D.; (1983) 'Chemical Education in Ireland'. Chemistry In Action, 9 (2):17-19 [Details]
(1983)'An approach to teaching organic chemistry, Science, 18 (3), 33 - 35. '
Kennedy, D. ; (1983) 'An approach to teaching organic chemistry, Science, 18 (3), 33 - 35. '. Science, 18 (3):33-35 [Details]
(1982)'The Stoichiometry of Volumetric Calculations - Moles and Equivalents'
Hathaway, B. and Kennedy, D.; (1982) 'The Stoichiometry of Volumetric Calculations - Moles and Equivalents'. Chemistry In Action, 8 (3):43-46 [Details]
(1982)'How I teach electrochemistry'
Kennedy, D.; (1982) 'How I teach electrochemistry'. Science, 17 (2):61-64 [Details]
(1982)'Alyea makes his mark'
Kennedy, D. and O'Mahony, M.; (1982) 'Alyea makes his mark'. Science, 18 (1):8-9 [Details]
(1981)'A structural profile of some five-coordinate [Cu(bipy)2Cl]Y Complexes. Inorganic Nuclear Chem. Letters'
Harrison, D, Hathaway, B. and Kennedy, D.; (1981) 'A structural profile of some five-coordinate [Cu(bipy)2Cl]Y Complexes. Inorganic Nuclear Chem. Letters'. Inorganic Nuclear Chemisty Letters, 17 (3/4):87-90 [Details]
(1981)'Does the learning of systematic inorganic chemistry at school need to be pure memory work?'
Hathaway, B. and Kennedy, D.; (1981) 'Does the learning of systematic inorganic chemistry at school need to be pure memory work?'. Chemistry In Action, 5 (2):6-8 [Details]
(1981)'The Sixth International Conference on Chemical Education - Teaching Chemistry in a Diverse World'
Kennedy, D.; (1981) 'The Sixth International Conference on Chemical Education - Teaching Chemistry in a Diverse World'. Chemistry In Action, 14 (3):3-4 [Details]
(1981)'An approach to teaching inorganic chemistry , 17 (1), 16 - 23'
Hathaway, B. and Kennedy, D.; (1981) 'An approach to teaching inorganic chemistry , 17 (1), 16 - 23'. Science, 17 (1):16-23 [Details]
(1983)'Practical Work in School Chemistry'
Kennedy, D (1983) 'Practical Work in School Chemistry'. Proceedings of ChemEd Ireland, :88-102 [Details]
(1981)'A Structural Profile of the Bis(2,2'-bipyridyl) monochloro copper(II) Cation. Crystal structures of Bis (2,2'-bipyridyl) monochloro copper(II) Perchlorate and the Nitrate Trihydrate'
Harrison D, Hathaway B, Kennedy M, Power M, Sheahan R.; (1981) 'A Structural Profile of the Bis(2,2'-bipyridyl) monochloro copper(II) Cation. Crystal structures of Bis (2,2'-bipyridyl) monochloro copper(II) Perchlorate and the Nitrate Trihydrate'. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, :1556-1564 [Details]
(1980)'The Structures of Acetatobis(2,2'-bipyridyl) copper(II) Perchlorate Monohydrate and Tetrafluoroborate - Cation Distortion Isomers'
Hathaway, B.J., Ray N, Kennedy D, O'Brien, N and Murphy B.; (1980) 'The Structures of Acetatobis(2,2'-bipyridyl) copper(II) Perchlorate Monohydrate and Tetrafluoroborate - Cation Distortion Isomers'. Acta Crystallographica, B36 (B36):1371-1377 [Details]
(1979)'The Crystal Structures of Monoaquabis (2,2'-bipyridyl) copper(II) Disulphonatotrisulphane and Bis[bis(2,2'-bipyridyl) monochlorocopper (II)] Dulsuphonatotrissulphane Hexahydrate. '
Harrison, D, Hathaway, B. and Kennedy, D.; (1979) 'The Crystal Structures of Monoaquabis (2,2'-bipyridyl) copper(II) Disulphonatotrisulphane and Bis[bis(2,2'-bipyridyl) monochlorocopper (II)] Dulsuphonatotrissulphane Hexahydrate. '. Acta Crystallographica, B35, 2301 -2306 (B35, 2301 -2306):2301-2306 [Details]

Conference Publications

(2012)1st International PROFILES Conference
Kennedy, D (2012) Working towards a Common Language of Learning Outcomes for PROFILES modules . In: Bolte, C, Holbrook, J., Racuch, F eds. 1st International PROFILES Conference Berlin, , pp.185-189 [Details]
(2008)Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education
Kennedy, D ; (2008) Linking Learning Outcomes and Assessment of Learning of Student Science Teachers Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education University of Philippines, , 27-OCT-08 - 29-OCT-08 [Details]
(2007)Proceedings Chem-Ed Ireland
Kennedy, D; (2007) An analysis of the use of PowerPoint in teaching Chemistry Proceedings Chem-Ed Ireland University College Cork, [Details]
(1983)Proceeding Chem-Ed Ireland
Kennedy, D; (1983) An Approach to Practical Work at Leaving Certificate Chemistry Proceeding Chem-Ed Ireland University of Limerick, [Details]


(1997)Platform – An Educational Project on Plastics.
Kennedy, D (1997) Platform – An Educational Project on Plastics. Manual [Details]
(1997)Teachers’ Resource Manual for The World of Science.
Dorgan H., Kennedy D., Scott S. (1997) Teachers’ Resource Manual for The World of Science. Dublin: Manual [Details]

Unpublished Reports

(2007)An Evaluation of Discover Sensors Pilot Project.
Kennedy, D; (2007) An Evaluation of Discover Sensors Pilot Project. University College Cork: Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2004)How do student teachers teach difficult ideas in chemistry?.
Kennedy, D; (2004) How do student teachers teach difficult ideas in chemistry?. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2003)An Evaluation of the Impact of Intel Teach to the Future in Ireland.
Tarrant, S, Hyland, A and Kennedy, D ; (2003) An Evaluation of the Impact of Intel Teach to the Future in Ireland. University College Cork: Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2000)The use of datalogging in teaching physics and chemistry in second-level schools in Ireland.
Kennedy D and Finn S; (2000) The use of datalogging in teaching physics and chemistry in second-level schools in Ireland. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(1997)Report on the Feasibility Study on Practical Assessment for Leaving Certificate Physics and Leaving Certificate Chemistry. .
Kennedy D; (1997) Report on the Feasibility Study on Practical Assessment for Leaving Certificate Physics and Leaving Certificate Chemistry. . Unpublished Reports [Details]
(1995)Chemistry and Careers.
Kennedy, D (1995); (1995) Chemistry and Careers. Unpublished Reports [Details]

Research Report

(2007)An evaluation of the Discover Sensors pilot project on the effectiveness of sensor technology in teaching science at Junior Certificate level.
Kennedy D, Hyland A, Waddington D and Bennett, J (2007) An evaluation of the Discover Sensors pilot project on the effectiveness of sensor technology in teaching science at Junior Certificate level. UCC: Research Report [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
1987British Council Visiting Fellowship University of York British Council
1992BP Science Educator of the Year for Excellence in Science Teaching Irish Science Teachers's Association and British Petroleum

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Irish Science Teachers' Association The professional organisation representing science teachers in Ireland.01-SEP-76 / 01-SEP-06
The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland The professional body of chemists01-SEP-80 / 01-SEP-06
European Science Education Research Association The professional organisation representing science educators throughout Europe who are involved in educational research.01-SEP-98 / 01-SEP-06
Association for Science Education (ASE) The professional body representing science teachers in the UK.01-SEP-80 / 01-SEP-06
National Science Teachers' Association The professional body of science teachers in the USA.01-SEP-85 / 01-SEP-06
Irish Science Teachers Association member/
International Council of Associations for Science Education European Representative/
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Board of Studies for Science. Member/

Conference Contributions

(2008)Austrian National Conference on Continuing Education,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) Learning Outcomes and Competences. [Oral Presentation], Austrian National Conference on Continuing Education, University of Graz, Austria , 01-SEP-08 - 01-SEP-08. [Details]
(2008)International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) Linking Learning Outcomes and Assessment of Learning of student science teachers. [Oral Presentation], International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, University of Philippines, Manila, Philippines , 01-JUL-08 - 01-JUL-08. [Details]
(2008)Preparing for Bologna Agreement,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) The Bologna Agreement - Implications for Staff development. [Oral Presentation], Preparing for Bologna Agreement, Dublin City University , 01-JUL-08 - 01-JUL-08. [Details]
(2008)Tertiary Education in the European Higher Education Area,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) The Bologna Process and Learning Outcomes. [Oral Presentation], Tertiary Education in the European Higher Education Area, University of Porto, Portugal , 01-JUN-08 - 01-JUN-08. [Details]
(2008)Transnational Mobility and Bologna,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) The role of Learning Outcomes in Transnational Mobility. [Oral Presentation], Transnational Mobility and Bologna, University of Berlin, Germany , 01-NOV-08 - 01-NOV-08. [Details]
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) Linking Learning Outcomes and Assessment of Learning of student science teachers. [Oral Presentation], unknown, University of Philippines, Manila, Philippines , 01-JUL-08 - 01-JUL-08. [Details]
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) Students' Attitudes to Science - what is the situation in Ireland as perceived by the OECD?. [Oral Presentation], unknown, Croke Park Conference Centre , 01-MAY-08 - 01-MAY-08. [Details]
(2008)Seminar on Bologna Agreement,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) The implications of Learning Outcomes for Teaching and Learning in teaching Technological Subjects. [Oral Presentation], Seminar on Bologna Agreement, Institute of Technology, Carlow , 01-OCT-08 - 01-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008)National Conference of Technological Universities of Austria,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) unknown. [Oral Presentation], National Conference of Technological Universities of Austria, University of Vienna, Austria , 01-DEC-08 - 01-DEC-08. [Details]
(2008)Annual Conference of Irish Applied Maths Teachers Association,
Kennedy, Declan; (2008) (conference organisation). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Annual Conference of Irish Applied Maths Teachers Association, University College Cork , 01-NOV-08 - 01-NOV-08. [Details]
(2007)Symposium on Teaching and Learning,
Kennedy, Declan; (2007) Writing and Using Learning Outcomes. [Oral Presentation], Symposium on Teaching and Learning, University of Valparaiso, Chile , 01-DEC-07 - 01-DEC-07. [Details]
(2007)National Conference of Universities in Chile,
Kennedy, Declan; (2007) The role of Learning Outcomes and Assessment in Curriculum Design. [Oral Presentation], National Conference of Universities in Chile, University of Santiago, Chile , 01-DEC-07 - 01-DEC-07. [Details]
(2007)Symposium on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,
Kennedy, Declan; (2007) Linking Learning Outcomes to Teaching and Learning and Assessment. [Oral Presentation], Symposium on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines , 01-JUL-07 - 01-JUL-07. [Details]
(2007)International Conference on Bologna Agreement,
Kennedy, Declan; (2007) Writing and Using Learning Outcomes. [Oral Presentation], International Conference on Bologna Agreement, University of Warsaw, Poland , 01-APR-07 - 01-APR-07. [Details]
(2007)Chem-Ed Ireland,
Kennedy, Declan; (2007) Powerpoint as a teaching tool for chemistry. [Oral Presentation], Chem-Ed Ireland, University College Cork , 01-OCT-07 - 01-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)Chem-Ed Ireland 2007,
Kennedy, Declan; (2007) (conference organisation). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Chem-Ed Ireland 2007, University College Cork , 01-OCT-07 - 01-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)ChemEd Conference,
Kennedy, D (2007) for Chemistry Teachers. [Conference Organising Committee Member], ChemEd Conference, UCC . [Details]
(2007)Annual Conference of Irish Science Teachers' Association,
Kennedy, Declan; (2007) (conference organisation). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Annual Conference of Irish Science Teachers' Association, University College Cork , 01-MAR-07 - 01-MAR-07. [Details]
(2006)Annual Conference of Irish Applied Maths Teachers Association,
Kennedy, Declan; (2006) (conference organisation). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Annual Conference of Irish Applied Maths Teachers Association, University College Cork , 01-NOV-06 - 01-NOV-06. [Details]
(2006)The Bologna Agreement - Implications for Institutes of Technology,
Kennedy, Declan; (2006) The role of Learning Outcomes and Competences in the Bologna Agreement. [Oral Presentation], The Bologna Agreement - Implications for Institutes of Technology, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology , 01-MAR-06 - 01-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006)International Symposium on Implementing Learning Outcomes,
Kennedy, Declan; (2006) Learning Outcomes - What are they all about?. [Oral Presentation], International Symposium on Implementing Learning Outcomes, University College Cork , 01-FEB-06 - 01-FEB-06. [Details]
Kennedy, Declan; (2006) How can research help us to teach difficult ideas in Junior Certificate chemistry?. [Oral Presentation], unknown, University of Limerick , 01-OCT-06 - 01-OCT-06. [Details]
(2006)National Conference of Applied Maths teachers,
Kennedy, D (2006) In collaboration with Dr Jim Grannell. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], National Conference of Applied Maths teachers, UCC . [Details]
Kennedy, Declan; (2005) An analysis of Ireland's results of the OECDs Programme for International Student Assesment (PISA). [Oral Presentation], unknown, Grand Hotel, Malahide , 01-MAY-05 - 01-MAY-05. [Details]
(2005)Conference on Teaching Leaving Certificate Applied Maths,
Kennedy, Declan; (2005) (conference organisation). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Conference on Teaching Leaving Certificate Applied Maths, University College Cork , 01-NOV-05 - 01-NOV-05. [Details]
(2004)Religion and Science,
Long, Fiachra and Kennedy, Declan; (2004) Self and Earth. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Religion and Science, UCC , 05-MAR-04 - 05-MAR-04. [Details]
(1995)Industry Education Initiatives,
Kennedy, D; (1995) Industry Education Initiatives in the Republic of Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], Industry Education Initiatives, Univeristy of York , 03-JUL-95 - 08-JUL-95. [Details]
(1995)Proceedings International Conference on Industry-Education Initiatives in Chemistry,
Kennedy, D (1995) Chemistry and Careers. [Oral Presentation], Proceedings International Conference on Industry-Education Initiatives in Chemistry, University of York . [Details]
(1982)Irish Science Teachers’ Association (ISTA) Annual Conference,
Kennedy, D (1982) ISTA Annual Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Irish Science Teachers’ Association (ISTA) Annual Conference, UCC . [Details]
(2013)World Conference on Science Education,
Kennedy, D (2013) The role of Investigations in Promoting Inquiry-Based Science Education in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], World Conference on Science Education, University of Malaysia Sarawat, Borneo . [Details]
(2009)Implications of the Bologna Process: Linking Learning Outcomes, Teaching and Learning Activities and Assessment,
Kennedy, D (in collaboration with other Ionad Bairre colleagues and Prof. Declan Millett (2009) I delivered one of the keynote presentations at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implications of the Bologna Process: Linking Learning Outcomes, Teaching and Learning Activities and Assessment, Department of Dentistry, University of Cairo . [Details]
(2009)OSCE conference,
Kennedy, D (2009) Teaching learning and Assessment in Higher Education in Kosovo. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], OSCE conference, Universities of Mitrovica . [Details]
(2009)Euroleague for Life Sciences,
Kennedy, D (2009) Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Euroleague for Life Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart . [Details]
(2009)Council of Europe conference,
Kennedy, D (2009) Strengthening of Higher Education in Serbia: Implementation of ECTS and Learning Outcomes – Questions and Challenges. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Council of Europe conference, University of Belgrade . [Details]
(2009)PROFILES conference on Inquiry Based Science Education,
Kennedy, D (2009) The Development of PROFILES modules to promote Inquiry Based Science Education in Ireland.”. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], PROFILES conference on Inquiry Based Science Education, Free University of Berlin . [Details]
(2011)Introducing Learning Outcomes into the University System in Lithuania – Challenges and Opportunities,
Kennedy, D (2011) I delivered two keynote presentations and conducted a workshop at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Introducing Learning Outcomes into the University System in Lithuania – Challenges and Opportunities, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas . [Details]
(2011)Making it tangible : Implications of Learning Outcomes for Science Education,
Kennedy, D (2011) I delivered one of the keynote presentations at this international conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Making it tangible : Implications of Learning Outcomes for Science Education, Institute of Pedagogy, University of Kiel, Germany . [Details]
(2012)Implications of the Bologna Process for Teacher Training in Serbia,
Kennedy, D (2012) This EU conference was attended by academics involved in teacher training in Serbia. I presented two keynote addresses and conducted a workshop at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implications of the Bologna Process for Teacher Training in Serbia, College of Teacher Training, Novi Sad University . [Details]
(2012)Conference of European Bologna Experts,
Kennedy, D (2012) I delivered two keynote addresses on the Role of Learning Outcomes in the Bologna Process and also on Constructive Alignment. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Conference of European Bologna Experts, University of Vilnius . [Details]
(2012)Council of Europe Conference on Qualification Frameworks for South East Europe,
Kennedy, D (2012) I delivered the keynote address at this conference on the implications of the Bologna Process on Teaching and Learning in European Universities. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Council of Europe Conference on Qualification Frameworks for South East Europe, University of Bucharest . [Details]
(2012)Implications of the Bologna Process for the University System in Israel,
Kennedy, D (2012) I delivered three keynote presentations at this conference in the area of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Quality Assurance in Teaching and Learning. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implications of the Bologna Process for the University System in Israel, University of Tel Aviv, Israel . [Details]
(2012)PROFILES Conference on Inquiry Based Science Education,
Kennedy, D (2012) I presented a talk at this conference on “Promoting Inquiry Based Science Education in Ireland using PROFILES modules”. [Oral Presentation], PROFILES Conference on Inquiry Based Science Education, Klagenfurt Conference Centre, Klagenfurt . [Details]
(2013)The Bologna Process – Implications for Teaching and Learning at Higher Education,
Kennedy, D (2013) I gave two keynote presentations at this area with a focus on the requirements of the Bologna Process for Higher Education Institutions. [Invited Oral Presentation], The Bologna Process – Implications for Teaching and Learning at Higher Education, University of Salzburg, Austria . [Details]
(2013)The role of Learning Outcomes in the Modernisation of Higher Education Programmes in Russia,
Kennedy, D (2013) I presented a two-day professional development programme consisting of 6 presentations and 3 Workshops to a large group of academics from universities in various parts of Russia. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], The role of Learning Outcomes in the Modernisation of Higher Education Programmes in Russia, Moscow State University . [Details]
(2009)Implications of Learning Outcomes for Teaching, Learning and Assessment,
Kennedy, D (2009) I delivered the keynote presentation at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implications of Learning Outcomes for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, University de Coquimbo, Chile . [Details]
(2009)National Conference of Universities of Chile,
Kennedy, D (2009) Implications of the Bologna Process for the University System in Chile. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], National Conference of Universities of Chile, University of Concepción, Chile, . [Details]
(2009)Using PARSEL modules to promote Inquiry Based Science Education,
Kennedy, D (2009) I delivered one of the presentations at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Using PARSEL modules to promote Inquiry Based Science Education, Free University of Berlin . [Details]
(2009)Key implications of the Bologna Process for Higher Education in Luxembourg,
Kennedy, D (2009) I delivered the keynote address and presented a workshop for academic staff at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Key implications of the Bologna Process for Higher Education in Luxembourg, University of Luxembourg . [Details]
(2009)Introduction of Learning Outcomes into the University system in Austria,
Kennedy, D (2009) Learning Outcomes - The UCC Experience. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Introduction of Learning Outcomes into the University system in Austria, Universitat fur Bodenkultur, Vienna . [Details]
(2009)EU funded conference,
Kennedy, D (2009) A Learning Outcomes Approach to Teaching, Learning and Assessment. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], EU funded conference, University of Luxembourg . [Details]
(2009)Learning Outcomes and Competences in National Qualification Frameworks,
Kennedy, D (2009) National Qualifications Frameworks – Implications for the Netherlands. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Learning Outcomes and Competences in National Qualification Frameworks, The Hague Conference Centre . [Details]
(2009)EU conference,
Kennedy, D (2009) Preparing for the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area in Lithuanian Universities. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], EU conference, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas . [Details]
(2009)World Conference on Science and Technology Education,
Kennedy, D (2009) Linking Learning Outcomes and Assessment of Learning of Student Science Teachers. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], World Conference on Science and Technology Education, University of Tartu . [Details]
(2009)Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS,
Kennedy, D (2009) I presented one of the keynote addresses at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS, Beit Daniel Convention Centre, Israel . [Details]
(2010)Implications of the Bologna Process for Teaching and Learning at University level,
Kenedy, D (2010) I delivered the keynote presentation at this one day conference for academics working in Palestine. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implications of the Bologna Process for Teaching and Learning at University level, Hebron University, West Bank, Palestine . [Details]
(2011)Teaching, Learning and Assessment at University Level,
Kennedy, D; McCarthy, M (2011) I delivered 5 presentations and 8 workshops. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Teaching, Learning and Assessment at University Level, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile . [Details]
(2011)International Conference of Bologna and Higher Education Reform Experts,
Kennedy, D (2011) I gave one of the keynote presentations in this conference on the role of Learning Outcomes in Teaching, Learning and Assessment. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Conference of Bologna and Higher Education Reform Experts, University of Oslo, Norway . [Details]
(2011)National teams of Bologna Experts Conference on ECTS Implementation and Learning Outcomes,
Kennedy, D (2011) I presented one of the keynote addresses at this conference and also conducted a workshop for participants on best practice in writing learning outcomes and ensuring constructive alignment. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], National teams of Bologna Experts Conference on ECTS Implementation and Learning Outcomes, Athens Park Hotel Conference Centre, Athens, Greece . [Details]
(2012)Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia,
Kennedy, D (2012) I delivered two keynote presentations at this conference and also wrote a paper for the National Centre of Assessment on the Development of a Framework for Assessing Learning Outcomes. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia, National Centre of Assessment in Higher Education, King Saud University, Riyadh . [Details]
(2012)professional development seminar for university academics working in Lebanon,
Kennedy, D (2012) I gave three presentations and a workshop on the implications of the Bologna Process for the development of third level education in the Lebanon. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], professional development seminar for university academics working in Lebanon, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Beirut . [Details]
(2012)1st International PROFILES Conference on Science Education,
Kennedy, D (2012) I delivered one of the presentations at this conference entitled Working towards a common language for PROFILES modules. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 1st International PROFILES Conference on Science Education, Free University of Berlin . [Details]
(2012)Implementing a Learning Outcomes Approach to Teaching and Learning at University Level,
Kennedy, D (2012) I presented two keynote presentations at this conference organised by EU Tempus Programme. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implementing a Learning Outcomes Approach to Teaching and Learning at University Level, University of Tbilisi, Georgia . [Details]
(2013)Quality Assurance and the Bologna Process,
Kennedy, D (2013) I gave two keynote presentations at this conference in the areas of Quality in Teaching and Learning and Quality in Assessment. [Invited Oral Presentation], Quality Assurance and the Bologna Process, Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, Vilnius . [Details]
(2009)Designing curricula based on learning outcomes,
Kennedy, D (2009) I delivered one of the keynote presentation at this EU Conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Designing curricula based on learning outcomes, University of Warsaw . [Details]
(2009)International Conference on Bologna Process,
Kennedy, D (2009) New Degree Structures in Sweden. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Conference on Bologna Process, University of Stockholm . [Details]
(2008)Implementing the Bologna Process in the University System in Kosovo,
Kennedy, D (2008) Implementing the Bologna Process in the University System in Kosovo. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Implementing the Bologna Process in the University System in Kosovo, University of Pristina, Kosovo . [Details]
(2008)Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Constructive Alignment for academics working in the University of Mitrovica,
Kennedy, D (2008) Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Constructive Alignment for academics working in the University of Mitrovica. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Constructive Alignment for academics working in the University of Mitrovica, University of Mitrovica, Kosovo . [Details]
(2008)Learning Outcomes as an Institutional Policy – Ways of Implementation,
Kennedy, D (2008) Learning Outcomes as an Institutional Policy – Ways of Implementation. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Learning Outcomes as an Institutional Policy – Ways of Implementation, University of Vienna . [Details]
(2007)International Developments in Education at Third Level,
Kennedy, D (2007) keynote presentations. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Developments in Education at Third Level, University of Santiago, Chile . [Details]
(2008)The Role of Learning Outcomes in Teaching and Learning in the Austrian University System,
Kennedy, D (2008) The Role of Learning Outcomes in Teaching and Learning in the Austrian University System. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Role of Learning Outcomes in Teaching and Learning in the Austrian University System, University of Graz, Austria . [Details]
(2008)The Role of Learning Outcomes in Facilitating Transnational Mobility in Bachelor and Masters Programmes,
Kennedy, D (2008) The Role of Learning Outcomes in Facilitating Transnational Mobility in Bachelor and Masters Programmes. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], The Role of Learning Outcomes in Facilitating Transnational Mobility in Bachelor and Masters Programmes, University of Berlin organised by German Government Academic Exchange Service . [Details]
(2008)Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS,
Kennedy, D (2008) I delivered one of the keynote presentations at this international EU conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS, University of Porto, Portugal . [Details]
(2008)Restructuring of Third Level Education in Kosovo,
Kennedy, D (2008) Restructuring of Third Level Education in Kosovo. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Restructuring of Third Level Education in Kosovo, University of Pristina, Kosovo . [Details]
(2008)Teacher Education - Challenges and Opportunities,
Kennedy, D (2008) I presented a keynote paper on the Role of Learning Outcomes in Teaching, Learning and Assessment at this conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Teacher Education - Challenges and Opportunities, De La Salle University, Manila . [Details]
(2008)Conference of Polish Bologna Experts and University Rectors of Poland,
Kennedy, D (2008) the role of Learning Outcomes and Competences in the development of the National Qualifications Framework in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Conference of Polish Bologna Experts and University Rectors of Poland, University of Warsaw, Poland . [Details]
(2008)International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education,
Kennedy, D (2008) International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, University of Philippines, Manila . [Details]
(2008)Implications of the Bologna Process for Tertiary Education in the Philippines,
Kennedy, D (2008) Implications of the Bologna Process for Tertiary Education in the Philippines. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implications of the Bologna Process for Tertiary Education in the Philippines, Mariano Marcus State University, Laoag . [Details]
(2008)Implications of Learning Outcomes for Teaching, Learning and Assessment,
Kennedy, D (2008) I delivered two presentations and two workshops at this professional development seminar for the academic staff. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Implications of Learning Outcomes for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Dublin Business School . [Details]
(2012)International Organisation for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE),
Kennedy, D (2012) The Development of PROFILES modules in Ireland to promote Inquiry Based Science Education. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Organisation for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE), University of Limerick . [Details]
(2010)Conference of Directors of Centres of Nursing and Midwifery Education,
Kennedy, D (2010) I delivered two keynote addresses at this conference in the areas of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and Learning Outcomes and Competences. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Conference of Directors of Centres of Nursing and Midwifery Education, Stewarts Hospital, Palmerstown, Dublin . [Details]
(2010)Planning Educational Programmes –Leadership in Health Professions Education,
Kennedy, D (2010) I presented one of the keynote addresses in the area of Programme Design, Teaching and Learning at this one-day conference for health professionals. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Planning Educational Programmes –Leadership in Health Professions Education, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin . [Details]
(2010)International Bologna Summer School,
Kennedy, D (2010) The role of Learning Outcomes in the Bologna Process. [Oral Presentation], International Bologna Summer School, UCC . [Details]
(2013)Chem Ed Conference,
Kennedy, D (2013) A model for the Assessment of Practical Work at Leaving Certificate Chemistry. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Chem Ed Conference, Limerick Institute of Technology . [Details]
(2013)EDUCA project,
Kennedy, D (2013) Aligning Learning Outcomes and Assessment. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], EDUCA project, UCC – visiting EDUCA project academics from Kazakhstan . [Details]
(2010)Seminar on Teaching and Learning in Medical Education,
Kennedy, D (2010) Linking Learning Outcomes to Teaching and Learning Activities and to Assessment. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Seminar on Teaching and Learning in Medical Education, Royal College of Surgeons . [Details]
(2009)Implications of the Bologna Process for Teaching and Learning,
Kennedy, D (2009) staff professional development seminar. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Implications of the Bologna Process for Teaching and Learning, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Co Dublin . [Details]
(2008)University College Cork – visiting delegation of academic from university system in Chile,
Kennedy, D; MCarthy, M (2008) demonstrate the implementation of the Bologna Process in UCC. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], University College Cork – visiting delegation of academic from university system in Chile, UCC . [Details]
(2009)Writing and Using Learning Outcomes,
Kennedy, D (2009) Writing and Using Learning Outcomes. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Writing and Using Learning Outcomes, Dublin City University . [Details]
(2009)The Art and Craft of Designing Effective Teaching Sessions,
Kennedy, D (2009) I delivered this keynote presentation at this one-day Education Skills seminar for health professionals. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Art and Craft of Designing Effective Teaching Sessions, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin . [Details]
(2011)Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Learning Outcomes and Constructive Alignment of modules,
Kennedy, D (2011) one day professional development seminar for academic staff. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Learning Outcomes and Constructive Alignment of modules, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology . [Details]
(2013)International Council of Associations for Science Education,
Kennedy, D (2013) three day professional development inservice programme. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Council of Associations for Science Education, UCC Eureka Centre – Visiting delegation of science teachers from Nantes, France . [Details]
(2013)Anatomical Society UK and Ireland Conference: Form and Function in Regenerative Medicine,
Kennedy, D (2013) Educational Symposium workshop. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Anatomical Society UK and Ireland Conference: Form and Function in Regenerative Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin . [Details]
(2013)EU Tempus Project,
Kennedy, D (2013) Programme Design, Teaching and Learning and the role of Learning Outcomes in Medical Education. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], EU Tempus Project, UCC – Visiting delegation of academics from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland . [Details]
(2008)National PISA Symposium,
Kennedy, D (2008) Improving Students’ Attitudes to Science – Mission Impossible?. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], National PISA Symposium, Croke Park Conference Centre . [Details]
(2008)Learning Outcomes and Student-centred Teaching,
Kennedy, D (2008) I gave the keynote address at the one day conference organised for staff by the Teaching Development Unit of Dundalk IT. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Learning Outcomes and Student-centred Teaching, Dundalk Institute of Technology . [Details]
(2008)The Bologna Process and Staff Development,
Kennedy, D (2008) I delivered one of the keynote presentations for this one day conference organised for Trinity College staff. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], The Bologna Process and Staff Development, Trinity College Dublin . [Details]
(2009)Medical Education and the Bologna Process,
Kennedy, D (2009) I delivered the keynote address at this one-day conference organised by the Office for Medical Education in RCSI. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Medical Education and the Bologna Process, Royal College of Surgeons Dublin . [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Science-Maths cognate group Convene meetings, chair meetings, monitor progress of supervisions, arrange 2nd supervisor for all students1998 / 2008
MEd Committee Plan modularisation of Postgraduate Diploma, attend regular meetings, advice on links with MEd(Sc)1998 / 2008
Student Support Committee Faculty of Science Assist Bettie Higgs and Teresa Dwan with operation of Peer Assisted Learning project(PAL), train PAL leader, supervise carrying out of research project to draft report to faculty. I also assist with the induction of First Year Science students by presenting a seminar on Study Skills to all first year science students during their first week.2000 / 2007
BSc (Public Health and Health Promotion) Board of Studies Advise on programme modular structure and learning outcomes for individual modules.2006 / 2016
Access Programme - Organising Committee I am a member of the organising committee for the Access Summer Chemistry Camp and I am also involved in the induction course for incoming first year students.1998 / 2008
Salters Festival of Science I assist in the organising of the Salters Festival of Science each year and I present a Chemistry Magic Show for the participants.1998 / 2008
MEd(Sc) Steering Committee Chair all committee meetings, monitor progress of programme, update modules, organise lecture programme.1999 / 2019
BSc(Ed) Steering Committee Chair2001 / 2015
I am a member of the WISET committee (Women into Science, Engineering and Technoogy) set up to obtain funding to improve the situation with regard to the gender imbalance in Science, Engineering and Technology. Advise on matters with regard to educational research and mentoring.2005 / 2008
Department of Education Year Planning Committee This committ consists of Dr Brian Murphy, Mr Michael Delargey and I (chair). It was set up to align the UCC year with the school year.2005 / 2007
NCCA Chemistry Committee 1989 / 1999
NCCA Board of Studies for Science 2006 /
NCCA Chemistry Committee 2006 /
Department of Education and Science National Steering Committee for the OECD's PISA project 2000 / 2008
Pedagogy group committee of the School of Education. Committee member2014 /
Postgrad Cert/Diploma in Primary Science. Chair2014 /
Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) sub-committee Committee member2014 /
Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education Chair2013 /
BSc(Ed) co-ordinating committee Chair2014 /
Board of Studied of BSc in Public Health and Epidemiology member2006 / 2010
Science/Maths cognate group committee Committee member2014 /
International Council of Associations for Science Education member of the Executive Committee/
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Programme in SEFS Member2014 /
Education Committee of Pharmachemical Ireland Member2014 /
SEFS student support committee member2014 /
Board of Management of Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane Chairman2002 /
MEd(Sc) Co-ordinating committee Chair2014 /
National PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) committee of Ireland Member2014 /
Board of Management of Gaelcholaiste Muire, North Monastery School Board member2003 / 2012
NCCA Leaving Certificate Chemistry syllabus committee represent the Irish Universities Association/
Cork Schools Awards Committee Founding member2014 /


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork Senior Lecturer in Science Education01-JAN-98 /
University College Cork Part-time Lecturer in science education01-JAN-80 / 01-JAN-98
Department of Education and Science, Dublin Part time co-ordinator of DES Intervention project in chemistry01-JAN-89 / 01-JAN-98
Department of Chemistry UCC Part-time laboratory demonstrator to undergraduate students01-JAN-77 / 01-JAN-80
Department of Education and Science, Dublin. Full-time secondment to work with Science Inspectorate of Department of Education01-JAN-96 / 01-JAN-97
Department of Education and Science (DES), Dublin. Employed in Colaiste Muire, Cobh. Co. Cork Full time teacher of Chemistry, Physics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Science.01-JAN-76 / 01-JAN-98


2005University of York Ph.D.
1999University of York M.Ed.
1986Institute of Chemistry of Ireland FICI (Fellowship of Institute of Chemistry)Chemistry
1979University College Cork M.Sc.
1977University College Cork Ed.
1976University College Cork B.Sc.


I have worked for the OECD for several years as Ireland's representative on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
consultant re: setting up Science Education Innovation Project
Association for Science Education, UK
Writer and Editor of Science Across Europe modules at invitation of Association for Science Education, UK.
Contributing author to UNESCO Handbook on Science Teaching at invitation of UNESCO
Plastics Industries Association, UK
Contributing author to PLATFORM project at invitation of Plastics Industries Association, UK.
Department of Education and Science
Consultant and contributing author to Department of Education and Science on Teachers’ Handbook of Chemistry.
Representative of Ireland on OECD’s committee on science education for PISA project
Pfizer USA
Consultant re: Forensic Science for High Schools Project.
Invited by NCCA to act as consultant and member of committee of Board of Studies for Science.
Irish Universities Association
Representative of Irish Universities Association on NCCA Leaving Certificate Chemistry sub-committee.
Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals
Consultant re: Industry-Education partnership
Athlone Institute of Technology
Acted as External Examiner
University of Brunel, London
Acted as External Examiner
University of Malta
Acted as External Examiner
Dublin City University
Acted as External Examiner

Outreach Activities


College Outreach Activities - I am involved in organising the running of Leaving Certificate Chemistry Classes each Sunday in the Eureka Centre from 2 – 5 p.m. .

College Outreach Activities - I work closely with the UCC Plus Office to help increase the participation rates of student from disadvantaged background in UCC. The students are drawn from a wide area, e.g. Cork, Kerry and Waterford. Among the activities in which I am involved are

Faculty Outreach Activities - I am involved in outreach activities for both CACSSS and SEFS as I visit schools regularly to give talks on careers in science teaching and in science. I participate in CACSSS Postgraduate Exhibitions to disseminate information brochures on the Masters degree in Science Education and the Postgraduate Cert/Diploma in Primary Science. I participate in the UCC Open Days and give presentations on the Bachelor in Science Education programme and disseminate information brochures.

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Eurasia Journal Of Mathematics Science And Technology Education Referee-
Science And Technology Education. Referee-
Science Education International Referee-

Other Activities


Short Courses Jan – March 1987 - University of York UK Science Education Continuing Professional Development course. This three-month full time course was organised by Professor David Waddington and presented by him and his staff. 20 – 25 August 1989 - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada Laboratory Practical Workshop as part of the tenth International Conference on Chemical Education 20 – 24 August 1990 - University of Heidelberg Germany The use of BASF Minilab microscale apparatus in carrying out laboratory practical work. 14 – 18 April 1998 - Las Vegas Convention Centre Two day workshop on Science Education Curriculum Development as part of National Science Teachers Association USA Annual Conference. 17 – 21 August 1998 - University of Liege Belgium A workshop on the use of ICT in science teaching was held as part of this EU Science Education Conference. 24 – 28 January 2000 - Pasco Technology Ltd, Sacramento, California, USA T he role of datalogging technology in science education, one week course presented by Pasco Technology in Education staff. 30 July – 3 August 2001 - Harvard University USA (Summer School) Multiple Intelligences in Education. This one week course was presented by Prof. Howard Gardner and his team. 27 - 31 August 2001 - University of Thessalonika, Greece This one week summer course for science educators was organised by ICASE (International Council of Associations for Science Education) with the theme of Developments in Science Education across Europe. 27 – 28 September 2001 - University College Cork Bridging the Gap Seminar and Workshop organised by Prof Aine Hyland to study methods to increase participation rates of students from disadvantaged backgrounds in third level. 22 – 24 May 2002 - University of Dortmund Germany European Chemical Education Conference. I attended a half day workshop at this conference on writing resource materials and papers in science education. 29 May 2002 - Glenroyal Hotel Maynooth Intel Teach to the Future. I attended this one-day inservice day for science eduators organised by Intel which dealt with the topic of integrating ICT into science teaching. 6 December 2002 - University College Cork Teaching for Understanding. I attended this one-day seminar organised by Prof. Aine Hyland and Dr Marian McCarthy and presented by Lois Hetland and Nathan Finch of Harvard University, USA. 23 May 2003 - University College Cork The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. I attended a workshop as part of this conference organised by Professor Aine Hyland and Dr Marian McCarthy. 13 July 2004 - University of Warsaw, Poland OECD PISA project. I attended a one-day workshop on the measurement of scientific literacy as part of the OECD’s international conference held from 12 – 14 July. 22 June 2006 - Boston Convention Centre, USA National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference on Science Education. I attended a one day workshop on the use of datalogging technology in science education as part of the above conference that was held on 19 – 22 June 2006 16 – 27 July 2007 - Forensic Science State Laboratory, Connecticut, USA The role of Forensic Science in Science Education This two week course was sponsored by Pfizers and enabled me to develop resource materials for use in secondary schools in Ireland. 17 Sept 2007 - University of York, England I attended a one-day symposium organised by the Wellcome Trust for science educators on fostering Industry-Education links. 1 – 5 August 2007 - The Keystone Centre, Denver, Colorado, USA Solutions in Green Chemistry. This one week course was organised by the Pfizer foundation and was attended by science teachers and those involved in training science teachers. 27 March 2008 - Convention and Exhibition Centre, Boston, USA. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference on Science Education. I attended a one day workshop on the role of practical work in science education as part of the above conference that was held on 25 – 30 March 2008 9 – 11 June 2008 - University College Cork I hosted a delegation from the Royal Society of Chemistry (Education Division) and organised a series of study tours of pharmachemical industries. I participated in these visits to help foster Industry-Education initiatives.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2014Annunciata O'Mahony University College CorkPHD
2012Marie Lavin University College CorkMEd
2012Ciara Ryan University College CorkMEd
2012Sheena Walsh University College CorkMEd
2012Michael Conerney University College CorkMEd
2012Derrick Walsh University College CorkMEd
2012Julie Gleeson University College CorkMEd
2012Simon Hill University College CorkMEd
2012Emily Hunt University College CorkMEd
2012Aine Hyland University College CorkMEd
2012Maria O'Callaghan University College CorkMEd
2012Michelle O'Shea University College CorkMEd
2012Noelle O'Sullivan University College CorkMEd
2012Sarah Quinlan University College CorkMEd
2012Marjorie Ryan University College CorkMEd
2012Marguerite Alley University College CorkMEd
2012Elaine Collins University College CorkMEd
2012Sarah Downey University College CorkMEd
2012Lucey Hamilton University College CorkMEd
2012Olive Manning University College CorkMEd
2012Aoife Collins University College CorkMEd
2010Paul Garraghy University College CorkMEd
2010Brigid Farrell University College CorkMEd
2010Julie Gray University College CorkMEd
2010Aoife Kearney University College CorkMEd
2010Padraig McAree University College CorkMEd
2010Shelby Moore University College CorkMEd
2010Brid Firtear Lis University College CorkMEd
2010Theresa Cole University College CorkMEd
2010Elaine Dorgan University College CorkMEd
2010Patrick Curtin University College CorkMEd
2010Aileen Courtney University College CorkMEd
2010Michael O'Brien University College CorkMEd
2008Patrick Clancy University College CorkMEd
2008Mary Murphy University College CorkMEd
2008Stephen Granville University College CorkMEd
2008Jim McManus University College CorkMEd
2008Noreen Gillies University College CorkMEd
2008Ivan Morrissey University College CorkMEd
2008Colette McNamara University College CorkMEd
2008Corena Lucey University College CorkMEd
2008Teresa Kearney University College CorkMEd
2008Shaun Holly University College CorkMEd
2008Marian Hayes University College CorkMEd
2008Michelle Herbert University College CorkMEd
2008Ann Hickey University College CorkMEd
2008Grainne Histon University College CorkMEd
2008Eithne Spicer University College CorkMEd
2008Patricia O'Callaghan University College CorkMEd
2008Patrick O'Leary University College CorkMEd
2004Sinead Tarrant University College CorkMEd

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Department of Chemistry University College CorkIRELAND
Eureka Lab University College CorkIRELAND
Physics Department University College CorkIRELAND
Ionad Bairre University College CorkIRELAND
SEFS College Office University College CorkIRELAND
Mature Student Office University College CorkIRELAND
Disability Support Office University College CorkIRELAND
Science Society University College CorkIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Cork Branch of the Irish Science Teachers’ Association Cork Branch of the Irish Science Teachers’ AssociationIRELAND
Cork Electronics Industries Association IRELAND
Eli Lilly PharmaIRELAND
Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals Pfizer Ireland PharmaceuticalsIRELAND

Contact details

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School of Education

Scoil an Oideachais

Leeholme, O'Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland
