Research Profile

Heather Laird


Heather Laird is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English, University College Cork. She was raised on a farm outside Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim and attended schools in Boyle, Co. Roscommon and Sligo town.  She completed an IRC-funded doctoral thesis under the supervision of Declan Kiberd at University College Dublin and was the James and Mary Fox Postdoctoral Fellow with the Centre for Irish Studies at NUI Galway. She is the author of Subversive Law in Ireland, 1879-1920 (2005) and Commemoration (2018), and editor of Daniel Corkery's Cultural Criticism: Selected Writings (2012).  She is an Editor of Sireacht: Longings for Another Ireland, a series of short topical texts that explore the potential of ideas commonly dismissed as utopian. She has considerable experience of communicating her research outside the university, in the form of public lectures, interviews on local and national radio, RTÉ Brainstorm articles and television appearances. She is currently External Examiner at Ulster University.

Research Interests

I am a postcolonial scholar whose research crosses disciplinary boundaries, especially between literature, history and law. My research interests include theories and practices of resistance, particularly as they relate to land usage; critical/radical historical frameworks; commemoration; connections between Ireland and India; law and literature; the intersection between class and gender; and Irish culture since the early nineteenth century. While wide-ranging in scope, my research is characterised by its focus on socio-political and cultural structures that lie outside of and/or counter the imperial power politics and colonial capitalism that have helped produce our contemporary crisis-afflicted world. My critical perspective also informs my creative practice, including my published works of creative non-fiction. 

Commemoration (2018): Written during Ireland's Decade of Centenaries, this book both re-imagines commemoration and promotes new thinking on the 'Irish Revolution'. Commemoration proposes ways that we can make the roads untaken in history visible and 'remember' them. A commemoration process shaped by a desire to re-invigorate the social imagination and encourage speculation on alternatives to current orthodoxies considers not only what happened in the past, but what else might conceivably have happened. The book links the untaken roads of the past to side-branching roads in the present: real possible alternatives to dominant ways of thinking and being, outlining commemorative practices that could connect these two sets of roads. Commemoration is described in The AAG Review of Books, as 'an excellent guide' to the 'questions of history and memory raised by the Decade [of Centenaries]', while a reviewer in The Irish Catholic refers to it as an 'eloquent book, written with great passion' that is 'required reading for anyone with an interest in the burgeoning field of public history.' 
Subversive Law in Ireland (2005): In this book, I demonstrate that the so-called unwritten 'agrarian code' of popular justice, though often depicted in political and fictional writings as anarchic and pathological, was pro-social as opposed to anti-social, emanating from an alternative moral code whose very existence undermined the legitimacy of the colonial civil law.  Subversive Law in Ireland has been cited in numerous scholarly publications and reviewed favourably in a broad range of academic journals.  David Lloyd, a pioneer of Irish postcolonial studies, claims that the book makes a 'magnificent and indispensable contribution' to the postcolonial project initiated by Frantz Fanon.  The internationally-renowned historian and cultural critic, Peter Linebuagh, has described the book as 'sophisticated and challenging', stating that 'the past is not written in stone but frozen in ice awaiting passionate histories such as Laird's to melt and release into the present its rushing waters.' 
Daniel Corkery's Cultural Criticism: Selected Writings (2012): This edited collection offers a unique insight into Daniel Corkery's wide-ranging cultural concerns, encouraging the reader to situate Corkery within twentieth-century anti-colonial intellectual debates.  In her Irish Times review, Angela Bourke, a renowned scholar of Irish culture and the Irish language, refers to the book's Introduction as an 'elegant' piece of writing that 'carefully situates Corkery's publications among the kinds of international resistance to colonial mind games that have made the French-Algerian Frantz Fanon, the Kenyan Ngugi wa Thiong'o and the Indian Homi K. Bhabha stellar names in critical theory.'  

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
SATLE 2023-24, Undergraduate Research Mentorship (with Dr Miranda Corcoran): Department of English Undergraduate Research Journal Enhancement Initiative (2024)National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education01-MAY-2401-MAY-25€1,089.00
IRC"GOIPG/2023/4586 Hope Noonan Stoner" Professor L. Jenkins and Dr H. Laird: Transnational and Diasporic Connections in the Modernist Poetry of Lola Ridge and Julia de Burgos.Irish Research Council01-SEP-2331-AUG-26€82,500.00
SATLE 2022-23, Undergraduate Research Mentorship (with Dr Miranda Corcoran and Dr Edel Semple): Department of English Undergraduate Research Journal Enhancement Initiative (2023)National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education01-MAY-2301-MAY-23€1,008.36
IRC "GOIPG/2022/220 Clodagh Heffernan" Dr H. Laird and Dr A. Hanna: Protest Writing and Dissent Culture in Contemporary Working-Class Ireland: Poetics of DefianceIrish Research Council01-SEP-2231-AUG-25€82,500.00
IRC "GOIPD/2020/810 Edward Molloy" Dr H. Laird: Between History and Revolution: Radical Separatism in Ireland from Tone to Pearse. Winner of the Maurice J. Bric Medal of Excellence in IRC's Researcher of the Year Awards 2020.Irish Research Council01-OCT-2030-SEP-22€109,570.00
IRC "GOIPD/2020/780 Emma Penney" Dr H. Laird: Social Class and the Women's Movement in Ireland: A Second Look at the Second WaveIrish Research Council01-OCT-2030-SEP-21€53,217.00
IRC"GOIPG/2015/3571 M McConigley"Dr H Laird :: The Border in Contemporary Irish Fiction 1970-2014.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1530-SEP-18€70,652.00
IRC"GOIPG/2015/3347 Yen-Chi Wu" Professor C. Connolly and Dr H. Laird: John McGahern and Modernity.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1530-SEP-18€70,652.00
IRC"GOIPD/2015/687 A Hanna"Dr H Laird ; Literature and Legislation in Ireland - Peotic Justice.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1530-SEP-17€89,065.00
IRC"GOIPG/2014/11 Rebecca Graham" Dr M. O'Connor and Dr H. oLaird: An Econfeminist Reading of Eilis Ni Dhuibhne's Fiction.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1430-SEP-17€69,711.00
IRC GOIPD/2013/394 Liam Lanigan ; Dublins of the Future - The City in Irish Modernism.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1330-SEP-14€43,626.00



(2018)Commemoration (Sireacht: Longings for Another Ireland).
Laird, Heather (2018) Commemoration (Sireacht: Longings for Another Ireland). Cork: Cork University Press. [Full Text] [Details]
(2005)Subversive Law in Ireland: From 'Unwritten Law' to the Dail Courts, 1879-1920.
Heather Laird (2005) Subversive Law in Ireland: From 'Unwritten Law' to the Dail Courts, 1879-1920. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Full Text] [Details]

Edited Books

(2023)Dwelling(s) in Nineteenth-Century Ireland
Heather Laird and Jay Roszman (Ed.). (2023) Dwelling(s) in Nineteenth-Century Ireland Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2012)Daniel Corkery's Cultural Criticism: Selected Writings
Heather Laird (Ed.). (2012) Daniel Corkery's Cultural Criticism: Selected Writings Daniel Corkery's Cultural Criticism: Selected Writings. Cork: Cork University Press. [Full Text] [Details]

Book Chapters

(2024)'A Living Testament to the Struggle for a Better Future: Commemoration as Revivalist Practice (forthcoming)'
Heather Laird (2024) 'A Living Testament to the Struggle for a Better Future: Commemoration as Revivalist Practice (forthcoming)' In: Gregory Castle (eds). Irish Revivals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(2024)'Agrarian Unrest in Civil War Ireland (forthcoming)'
Heather Laird (2024) 'Agrarian Unrest in Civil War Ireland (forthcoming)' In: John Crowley et al (eds). Atlas of the Irish Civil War. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2024)'Remembering Lost Trajectories: Reflections on Commemoration and Decolonisation on the Centenary of 1922 (forthcoming)'
Heather Laird (2024) 'Remembering Lost Trajectories: Reflections on Commemoration and Decolonisation on the Centenary of 1922 (forthcoming)' In: Thierry Robin and Élodie Gallet (eds). Ireland in the Concert of Nations: A Critical and Aesthetic Appraisal after a Century of Independence and Partition. Caen: Caen University Press. [Details]
(2022)'Writing Law(lessness): Legal Pluralism and Narrative Structure in Emily Lawless's Hurrish (1886)'
Heather Laird (2022) 'Writing Law(lessness): Legal Pluralism and Narrative Structure in Emily Lawless's Hurrish (1886)' In: Adam Hanna and Eugene McNulty (eds). Law and Literature: The Irish Case. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2022)''Agrarian Anarchy': Containing the Land War'
Heather Laird (2022) ''Agrarian Anarchy': Containing the Land War' In: Darragh Gannon and Fearghal McGarry (eds). Ireland 1922: Independence, Partition, Civil War. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. [Details]
(2021)''I don't know what any o' yous ud do without your ma: Writing Working-Class Irish Mothers''
Heather Laird (2021) ''I don't know what any o' yous ud do without your ma: Writing Working-Class Irish Mothers'' In: Gloria McMillan (eds). Routledge Companion to Literature and Class. Abingdon: Routledge. [Details]
(2017)'Writing Working-Class Irish Women'
Heather Laird (2017) 'Writing Working-Class Irish Women' In: Michael Pierse (eds). A History of Irish Working-Class Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2013)''Decentring the Irish Land War: Women, Politics and the Private Sphere''
Heather Laird (2013) ''Decentring the Irish Land War: Women, Politics and the Private Sphere'' In: Fergus Campbell and Tony Varley (eds). Land Questions in Modern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2009)''The Placing and Politics of Elizabeth Bowen in Contemporary Irish Literary and Cultural Criticism''
Heather Laird; (2009) ''The Placing and Politics of Elizabeth Bowen in Contemporary Irish Literary and Cultural Criticism'' In: Eibhear Walshe (eds). Irish Writers in their Time: Elizabeth Bowen. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. [Full Text] [Details]
(2006)''India and the Translation of the Irish Brehon Laws''
Heather Laird; (2006) ''India and the Translation of the Irish Brehon Laws'' In: Tadhg Foley and Maureen O'Connor (eds). India and Ireland: Colonies, Culture and Empire. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. [Full Text] [Details]
(2002)''Boycotting: Subversive Law as Alternative Law in Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland''
Heather Laird (2002) ''Boycotting: Subversive Law as Alternative Law in Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland'' In: Karen Vandevelde (eds). New Voices in Irish Criticism 3. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2022)''He daren't show his nose with the Molly Maguires looking for him to let daylight through him for grabbing the holding of an evicted tenant: Ulysses, the Cattle Economy and the Unwritten Agrarian Code''
Heather Laird (2022) ''He daren't show his nose with the Molly Maguires looking for him to let daylight through him for grabbing the holding of an evicted tenant: Ulysses, the Cattle Economy and the Unwritten Agrarian Code''. James Joyce Quarterly, 59.2 (Winter 2022) [Details]
(2018)''An Ireland as Complex and Various as Possible: Sean O'Faolain's Writings on Partition as a Precursor to Peace Process Republicanism''
Laird, Heather (2018) ''An Ireland as Complex and Various as Possible: Sean O'Faolain's Writings on Partition as a Precursor to Peace Process Republicanism''. Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture, 45 (1):111-134   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2015)'European postcolonial studies and Ireland: Towards a conversation amongst the colonized of Europe'
Laird, Heather (2015) 'European postcolonial studies and Ireland: Towards a conversation amongst the colonized of Europe'. Postcolonial Studies, 18 (4):384-396 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2013)''Criticism and the Crisis: Roundtable: Prospects and Futures''
Heather Laird, Seamus Deane, Susan McKay (2013) ''Criticism and the Crisis: Roundtable: Prospects and Futures''. The Irish Review, 46 (Autumn 2013) :88-104 [Details]
(2004)''Riding Roughshod: Anti-Hunting Agitation During the Irish Land War''
Heather Laird (2004) ''Riding Roughshod: Anti-Hunting Agitation During the Irish Land War''. Irish Journal of Anthropology, VII (*):17-36 [Details]

Conference Publications

(2024)C.Mahony and L. Lee (eds), 2023 Learning & Teaching Showcase Compendium of Posters (Cork: Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, UCC)
Heather Laird, Miranda Corcoran, Edel Semple (2024) Poster Publication: Department of English Undergraduate Journal Enhancement Initiative C.Mahony and L. Lee (eds), 2023 Learning & Teaching Showcase Compendium of Posters (Cork: Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, UCC) [Details]
(2010)Kassandra Conley, Edyta Lehmann and Sarah Zeiser (eds), Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium (Cambridge: The Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University)
Heather Laird; (2010) Time and the Irish: An Analysis of the Temporal Frameworks employed by Sir Henry Maine, Eoin MacNeill, and James Connolly in their Writings on Early Modern Ireland . In: Kassandra Conley, Edyta Lehmann, Sarah Zeiser eds. Kassandra Conley, Edyta Lehmann and Sarah Zeiser (eds), Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium (Cambridge: The Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University) Harvard University, , pp.128-141 [Details]

Book Reviews

(2024)Review of Mary Morrissy, Penelope Unbound, Irish Literary Supplement (Forthcoming 2024).
Heather Laird (2024) Review of Mary Morrissy, Penelope Unbound, Irish Literary Supplement (Forthcoming 2024). Book Reviews [Details]
(2024)Review of John F. Ryan, Gerald O'Donovan: A Life, 1871-1942, Estudios Irlandeses (Forthcoming 2024).
Heather Laird (2024) Review of John F. Ryan, Gerald O'Donovan: A Life, 1871-1942, Estudios Irlandeses (Forthcoming 2024). Book Reviews [Details]
(2023)Review of Michael G. Cronin, Revolutionary Bodies: Homoeroticism and the Political Imagination in Irish Writing, Estudios Irlandeses 18 (2023).
Heather Laird (2023) Review of Michael G. Cronin, Revolutionary Bodies: Homoeroticism and the Political Imagination in Irish Writing, Estudios Irlandeses 18 (2023). Book Reviews [Details]
(2022)Review of Nicholas Grene, Farming in Modern Irish Literature, Dublin Review of Books (January 2022).
Heather Laird (2022) Review of Nicholas Grene, Farming in Modern Irish Literature, Dublin Review of Books (January 2022). Book Reviews [Details]
(2021)Review of Pat McGarty, Leitrim: The Irish Revolution, 1912-23, Irish Literary Supplement 40.2 (Spring 2021).
Heather Laird (2021) Review of Pat McGarty, Leitrim: The Irish Revolution, 1912-23, Irish Literary Supplement 40.2 (Spring 2021). Book Reviews [Details]
(2019)Review of Breandan MacSuibhne, The End of Outrage: Post-Famine Adjustment in Rural Ireland, Etudes Irlandaises 44.2 (2019).
Heather Laird (2019) Review of Breandan MacSuibhne, The End of Outrage: Post-Famine Adjustment in Rural Ireland, Etudes Irlandaises 44.2 (2019). Book Reviews [Details]
(2017)Review of Leeann Lane and William Murphy, Leisure and the Irish in the Nineteenth Century, Nineteenth-Century Prose 45.1 (Spring 2018).
Heather Laird (2017) Review of Leeann Lane and William Murphy, Leisure and the Irish in the Nineteenth Century, Nineteenth-Century Prose 45.1 (Spring 2018). Book Reviews [Details]
(2015)Review of Tina O'Toole, The Irish New Woman, Victorian Studies 58.1 (Autumn 2015).
Heather Laird (2015) Review of Tina O'Toole, The Irish New Woman, Victorian Studies 58.1 (Autumn 2015). Book Reviews [Details]
(2014)Review of Kelly Matthews, The Bell Magazine and the Representation of Irish Identity, The Irish Review 48 (Summer 2014).
Heather Laird (2014) Review of Kelly Matthews, The Bell Magazine and the Representation of Irish Identity, The Irish Review 48 (Summer 2014). Book Reviews [Details]
(2013)Reveiw of David Lloyd, Irish Culture and Colonial Modernity, 1800-2000: The Transformation of Oral Space, Modern Philology III.2 (November 2013).
Heather Laird (2013) Reveiw of David Lloyd, Irish Culture and Colonial Modernity, 1800-2000: The Transformation of Oral Space, Modern Philology III.2 (November 2013). Book Reviews [Details]
(2013)Review of Sara L. Maurer, The Dispossessed State, RaVoN 63 (April 2013).
Heather Laird (2013) Review of Sara L. Maurer, The Dispossessed State, RaVoN 63 (April 2013). Book Reviews [Details]
(2013)Review of James H. Murphy (ed.), The Oxford History of the Irish Book, Vol. IV: The Irish Book in English, 1800-1891, Victorian Studies 55.3 (Spring 2013).
Heather Laird (2013) Review of James H. Murphy (ed.), The Oxford History of the Irish Book, Vol. IV: The Irish Book in English, 1800-1891, Victorian Studies 55.3 (Spring 2013). Book Reviews [Details]
(2011)Review of Mark Mossman, Disability, Representation and the Body in Irish Writing, 1800-1922, Victorian Studies 53.4 (Summer 2011).
Heather Laird (2011) Review of Mark Mossman, Disability, Representation and the Body in Irish Writing, 1800-1922, Victorian Studies 53.4 (Summer 2011). Book Reviews [Details]
(2009)Review of David Foxton, Revolutionary Lawyers: Sinn Fein and Crown Courts in Ireland and Britain, 1916-1923, The Journal of British Studies 48.4 (October 2009).
Heather Laird; (2009) Review of David Foxton, Revolutionary Lawyers: Sinn Fein and Crown Courts in Ireland and Britain, 1916-1923, The Journal of British Studies 48.4 (October 2009). Book Reviews [Details]
(2005)Review of Stephen Randolph Gibbons, Captain Rock, Night Errant, The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies 31.1 (Spring 2005).
Heather Laird; (2005) Review of Stephen Randolph Gibbons, Captain Rock, Night Errant, The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies 31.1 (Spring 2005). Book Reviews [Details]

Encyclopedia Entries

(2018)Entry on George Campbell's The Irish Land, Mutual Regard: An Anthology of Indo-Irish Writings (Delhi: DK Printworld, 2018).
Heather Laird (2018) Entry on George Campbell's The Irish Land, Mutual Regard: An Anthology of Indo-Irish Writings (Delhi: DK Printworld, 2018). . Encyclopedia Entries. [Details]
(2015)Entry on V.I. Lenin, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies.
Heather Laird (2015) Entry on V.I. Lenin, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies. . Encyclopedia Entries. [Details]

Newspaper Articles

(2019)'Decade of Commemoration: Let's Tell the People's History', Liberty Newspaper 18.1 (February 2019), p. 23.
Heather Laird (2019) 'Decade of Commemoration: Let's Tell the People's History', Liberty Newspaper 18.1 (February 2019), p. 23. Newspaper Articles [Details]

Online Multimedia

(2023)How Irish Women resisted Evictions during the Land War, RTÉ Brainstorm (April 2023).
Heather Laird (2023) How Irish Women resisted Evictions during the Land War, RTÉ Brainstorm (April 2023). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2022)How did the Irish Free State Deal with Rural Unrest over Land, RTÉ Brainstorm (Dec 2022).
Heather Laird (2022) How did the Irish Free State Deal with Rural Unrest over Land, RTÉ Brainstorm (Dec 2022). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2021)How Lee Dunne Challenged Idealised Representations of Working-Class Irish Motherhood, RTÉ Brainstorm (April 2021).
Dr Heather Laird (2021) How Lee Dunne Challenged Idealised Representations of Working-Class Irish Motherhood, RTÉ Brainstorm (April 2021). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2021)The Issues with Ireland's 'Women in the Home' Constitution Clause, RTÉ Brainstorm (March 2021).
Heather Laird and Emma Penney (2021) The Issues with Ireland's 'Women in the Home' Constitution Clause, RTÉ Brainstorm (March 2021). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2021)Why Irish Literature needs to let the Navvies into the Big House, RTÉ Brainstorm (February 2021).
Dr Heather Laird (2021) Why Irish Literature needs to let the Navvies into the Big House, RTÉ Brainstorm (February 2021). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2021)Canon Sheehan, the Magdalene Laundries and Irish Incarceration, RTÉ Brainstorm (January 2021).
Dr Heather Laird (2021) Canon Sheehan, the Magdalene Laundries and Irish Incarceration, RTÉ Brainstorm (January 2021). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2020)How Irish Women Played a Key Role in the 1920s' Dail Courts, RTÉ Brainstorm (December 2020).
Heather Laird (2020) How Irish Women Played a Key Role in the 1920s' Dail Courts, RTÉ Brainstorm (December 2020). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2020)The Story of the First Dail's 'Illegal' Legal System, RTÉ Brainstorm (July 2020).
Heather Laird (2020) The Story of the First Dail's 'Illegal' Legal System, RTÉ Brainstorm (July 2020). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2020)Why We Should Remember the 1920 Land Seizures in Ireland, RTÉ Brainstorm (June 2020).
Heather Laird (2020) Why We Should Remember the 1920 Land Seizures in Ireland, RTÉ Brainstorm (June 2020). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2019)What did James Joyce have to say about the Irish Beef Industry?, RTÉ Brainstorm (August 2019).
Heather Laird (2019) What did James Joyce have to say about the Irish Beef Industry?, RTÉ Brainstorm (August 2019). Online Multimedia [Details]
(2019)What are the Roots of the Irish Obsession with Property?, RTÉ Brainstorm (March 2019).
Heather Laird (2019) What are the Roots of the Irish Obsession with Property?, RTÉ Brainstorm (March 2019). Online Multimedia [Details]

Fiction, Creative Prose

(2024)Of Turtles and Books, Howl: New Irish Writing 24 (forthcoming).
Heather Laird (2024) Of Turtles and Books, Howl: New Irish Writing 24 (forthcoming). Fiction, Creative Prose [Details]
(2023)White Trash Prods, Southword 45 (November 2023).
Heather Laird (2023) White Trash Prods, Southword 45 (November 2023). Fiction, Creative Prose [Details]
(2022)First Death, Crannóg 56 (Spring 2022).
Heather Laird (2022) First Death, Crannóg 56 (Spring 2022). Fiction, Creative Prose [Details]
(2021)A Walk in the Mind, Elsewhere: A Journal of Place (May 2021).
Heather Laird (2021) A Walk in the Mind, Elsewhere: A Journal of Place (May 2021). Fiction, Creative Prose [Details]

Professional Activities

Conference Contributions

(2024)Conference Paper: The Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Time in Nineteenth-Century Ireland,
Heather Laird (2024) 'A happy sisterhood working in perfect silence and discipline': The Magdalen Laundry as Exemplar of Modernity in Canon Sheehan's Luke Delmege (1901). [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: The Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Time in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, Glucksman Ireland House, New York University , 28-JUN-24. [Details]
(2024)Roundtable: Connecting Female Anti-Colonial Resistance Histories,
Heather Laird (2024) Women in Resistance: Algeria - Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Roundtable: Connecting Female Anti-Colonial Resistance Histories, The Sugar Club, Dublin , 08-JUN-24. [Details]
(2024)Guest Lecture and Roundtable: Class Privilege and Irish Women's Writing,
Heather Laird (2024) Lecture and Roundtable to Accompany Reading by Lisa McInerney. Event Funded by IASIL Intersectional Ireland. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture and Roundtable: Class Privilege and Irish Women's Writing, University of Limerick, Limerick , 05-APR-24. [Details]
(2024)Guest Lecture and Roundtable: Revolutionary Law and Social Realities: A Centenary Retrospective,
Heather Laird (2024) Law and the Counter-State in Revolutionary Ireland: The Dáil Courts as the Legal Front of the War of Independence. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Guest Lecture and Roundtable: Revolutionary Law and Social Realities: A Centenary Retrospective, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 27-MAR-24. [Details]
(2023)Poster Presentation: Department of English Undergraduate Journal Enhancement Initiative 2023, UCC Learning and Teaching Showcase,
Heather Laird, Miranda Corcoran, Edel Semple (2023) Department of English Undergraduate Journal Enhancement Initiative Poster Presentation. [Poster Presentation], Poster Presentation: Department of English Undergraduate Journal Enhancement Initiative 2023, UCC Learning and Teaching Showcase, Western Gateway Building, UCC , 05-DEC-23. [Details]
(2023)Q & A Session: Cork International Film Festival 1923 Commemoration Event: Souls and Shadows: Reminiscences on Ireland's Revolution,
Heather Laird (2023) Q & A following Souls and Shadows. [N/A], Q & A Session: Cork International Film Festival 1923 Commemoration Event: Souls and Shadows: Reminiscences on Ireland's Revolution, Triskel Arts Centre, Cork , 21-NOV-23. [Details]
(2023)Roundtable: Remember and Renew: Cork City Council Event to Mark the Conclusion of the Decade of Centenaries Commemorations,
Heather Laird (2023) Roundtable Discussion: Remember and Renew. [Invited Oral Presentation], Roundtable: Remember and Renew: Cork City Council Event to Mark the Conclusion of the Decade of Centenaries Commemorations, UCC Cubs Building , 16-NOV-23. [Details]
(2023)Keynote Lecture: The Seventh International Flann O'Brien Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania,
Heather Laird (2023) Keynote Lecture: From 'Black Feeding' to 'The Nation's Fuel': O'Brien, Bogs and Bord na Móna, The Seventh International Flann O'Brien Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. [Keynote Speaker], Keynote Lecture: The Seventh International Flann O'Brien Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romanai , 30-JUN-23. [Details]
(2023)Conference Paper: The Society for the Study of Nineteeth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Colonising and Decolonising the Irish Nineteenth Century, Radboud University,
Heather Laird (2023) 'Unlawful Grazing' and 'Illegal Tillage': Rethinking the Decolonial Turn in Contemporary Irish Studies. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: The Society for the Study of Nineteeth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Colonising and Decolonising the Irish Nineteenth Century, Radboud University, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands , 22-JUN-23. [Details]
(2023)Interview: Cork Bloomsday 2023,
Heather Laird (2023) Interview: Cork Bloomsday 2023. Author William Wall in conversation with Dr Heather Laird, Nano Nagle Place, Cork. [Other], Interview: Cork Bloomsday 2023, Nano Nagle Place, Cork , 17-JUN-23. [Details]
(2023)Roundtable: Analysing the Anniversary,
Heather Laird (2023) Roundtable: Analysing the Anniversary: Memory-Making in National Moments of Commemoration (Memory, Commemoration, and Uses of the Past Research Cluster), UCC. [Oral Presentation], Roundtable: Analysing the Anniversary, UCC , 03-APR-23 - 03-APR-23. [Details]
(2023)Roundtable: The Band Nuisance,
Heather Laird (2023) Roundtable: The Band Nuisance: Music as Political Activity in Revolutionary Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Roundtable: The Band Nuisance, UCC , 23-MAR-23 - 23-MAR-23. [Details]
(2023)Roundtable: Revenants: In Conversation, The Assembly for Visual Inquiry,
Heather Laird (2023) Roundtable on Speculative Histories with Artist Kevin Mooney and Curator Sarah Kelleher to Accompany Mooney's Solo Exhibition Revenants at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. [Other], Roundtable: Revenants: In Conversation, The Assembly for Visual Inquiry, University College Cork , 07-MAR-23 - 07-MAR-23. [Details]
(2022)Guest Lectures: Borders Project, The French Society of Irish Studies,
Dr Heather Laird (2022) Remembering Partition: Commemoration and 'Difficult' Historical Events. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lectures: Borders Project, The French Society of Irish Studies, Université de Lille AND Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 , 22-NOV-22 - 24-NOV-22. [Details]
(2022)UCC Department of English Research Seminar,
Dr Heather Laird (2022) Remembering Lost Trajectories: Reflections on Commemoration and Decolonisation on the Centenary of 1922. [Oral Presentation], UCC Department of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 02-NOV-22. [Details]
(2022)Interview: Firestarters: Northern Ireland Women, Fiction and Fact,
Dr Heather Laird (2022) Author Jan Carson in Conversation with Dr Heather Laird. [Other], Interview: Firestarters: Northern Ireland Women, Fiction and Fact, Cork City Library, Grand Parade , 19-APR-22. [Details]
(2022)Keynote Lecture: SOFEIR 2022: 1922-2022: Ireland in the Concert of Nations,
Dr Heather Laird (2022) Reflections on Commemoration and Decolonisation on the Centenary of 1922. [Keynote Speaker], Keynote Lecture: SOFEIR 2022: 1922-2022: Ireland in the Concert of Nations, University of Orléans , 18-MAR-22 - 19-MAR-22. [Details]
(2022)Guest Lecture: Longford County Council Decade of Centenaries Programme,
Dr Heather Laird (2022) The Dáil Courts, 1920-24. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Longford County Council Decade of Centenaries Programme, Longford County Library , 21-FEB-22. [Details]
(2022)Invited Presentation: Female Hysteria Panel (organised by UCC Feminist Society),
Dr Heather Laird (2022) Female Hysteria in Irish Literature: Some Reflections. [Invited Oral Presentation], Invited Presentation: Female Hysteria Panel (organised by UCC Feminist Society), University College Cork , 01-FEB-22. [Details]
(2021)Roundtable: Fanon and Ireland,
Dr Heather Laird (2021) Roundtable Discussion: Fanon and Irish History. [Invited Oral Presentation], Roundtable: Fanon and Ireland, University College Cork (online event) , 06-DEC-21. [Details]
(2020)Roundtable: Bugs and Books: Disease, Infection and Contagion in Culture,
Dr Heather Laird (2020) Roundtable Discussion: Teaching and Learning in the Time of Covid-19. [Other], Roundtable: Bugs and Books: Disease, Infection and Contagion in Culture, University College Cork (online event) , 12-DEC-20. [Details]
(2020)Guest Lecture: Waterford and the 1920 Local Elections: Fighting for a Voice and a New Ireland,
Dr Heather Laird (2020) 'Illegal Law: The Dail Courts, 1920-24'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Guest Lecture: Waterford and the 1920 Local Elections: Fighting for a Voice and a New Ireland, Waterford City and County Council (online event) , 25-SEP-20. [Details]
(2019)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Dr Heather Laird (2019) 'He daren't show his nose with the Molly Maguires looking for him to let daylight through him for grabbing the holding of an evicted tenant': James Joyce, the Cattle Economcy and the Unwritten Agrarian Code. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 27-NOV-19. [Details]
(2019)Invited Presentation: Labour in the War Zone Conference: Class, Gender and the Independence Struggle in Munster, 1916-21, University College Cork (School of History/Irish Congress of Trade Unions),
Dr Heather Laird (2019) Radical Remembrance: Revolution, Commemoration and the Roads Untaken. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited Presentation: Labour in the War Zone Conference: Class, Gender and the Independence Struggle in Munster, 1916-21, University College Cork (School of History/Irish Congress of Trade Unions), University College Cork , 19-OCT-19. [Details]
(2019)Guest Lecture: Recalling Labour's Role in the Struggle for Independence: Commemorative Event marking the Irish Farm Labourers' Dispute of 1919, Athy Public Library, Co. Kildare,
Heather Laird (2019) The Irish Agricultural Labourer in History and Literature. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Guest Lecture: Recalling Labour's Role in the Struggle for Independence: Commemorative Event marking the Irish Farm Labourers' Dispute of 1919, Athy Public Library, Co. Kildare, Athy Public Library, Co. Kildare , 05-OCT-19. [Details]
(2019)Keynote Lecture: The Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Dreams of the Future in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, University of Leicester,
Dr Heather Laird (2019) Past Futures: Irish Land Agitation and the Roads Untaken. [Keynote Speaker], Keynote Lecture: The Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Dreams of the Future in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, University of Leicester, Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester , 27-JUN-19 - 28-JUN-19. [Details]
(2019)Keynote Lecture: Law and Literature Symposium: The Irish Case, Dublin City University,
Dr Heather Laird (2019) James Joyce, the Cattle Economy and the Unwritten Agrarian Code. [Keynote Speaker], Keynote Lecture: Law and Literature Symposium: The Irish Case, Dublin City University, Dublin City University , 06-APR-19. [Details]
(2019)Guest Lecture: MA Module (Women in Ireland: Reforms, Movements and Revolutions, 1840-1930), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,
Heather Laird (2019) Women and the Irish Land War. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: MA Module (Women in Ireland: Reforms, Movements and Revolutions, 1840-1930), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi , 26-FEB-19. [Details]
(2019)Guest Lecture: Fourth Indo-Irish Lecture,
Heather Laird (2019) 'Remembering Past Futures: Ireland's Decade of Centenaries and the Roads Untaken in History'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Fourth Indo-Irish Lecture, Guest Lecture, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi , 25-FEB-19. [Details]
(2019)Guest Lecture: MA Module (Women in Ireland: Reforms, Movements and Revolutions, 1840-1930), Jawarharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,
Heather Laird (2019) Women and the Commemoration of the 1916 Rising. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: MA Module (Women in Ireland: Reforms, Movements and Revolutions, 1840-1930), Jawarharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawarharlal Nehru University, New Delhi , 23-FEB-19. [Details]
(2019)Guest Lecture: Irish Studies Seminar Series, Queen's University Belfast,
Heather Laird (2019) 'Commemoration Against the Grain'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Irish Studies Seminar Series, Queen's University Belfast, Guest Lecture, Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University Belfast , 18-FEB-19. [Details]
(2019)Department of English Seminar Series,
Heather Laird (2019) 'Commemoration Against the Grain'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of English Seminar Series, Guest Lecture, NUI Maynooth , 11-FEB-19. [Details]
(2019)Q & A: The Irish Revolution: Memory and Commemoration,
Heather Laird (2019) Participant in Q + A, following a special preview screening of RTE and UCC's documentary 'The Irish Revolution'. [Other], Q & A: The Irish Revolution: Memory and Commemoration, Cork Opera House , 29-JAN-19. [Details]
(2019)Trade Union Week, UCC Students Union,
Heather Laird (2019) 'The Neoliberal Workplace: Impact and Responses'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Trade Union Week, UCC Students Union, University College Cork , 15-JAN-19. [Details]
(2018)Women in Literature: Roundtable Discussion (organised by UCC English Society and UCC Feminist Society),
Heather Laird (2018) 'Women in Literature: Some Reflections'. [Oral Presentation], Women in Literature: Roundtable Discussion (organised by UCC English Society and UCC Feminist Society), University College Cork , 20-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018)Conference Paper: 'All Things Considered . . . Material Culture and Memory',
Heather Laird (2018) '1916 Memorabilia: Owning the Rising'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: 'All Things Considered . . . Material Culture and Memory', University College Cork , 10-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018)Respondent: 'Social Imaginaries of the Dead',
Heather Laird (2018) Respondent to Margrit Shildrick, 'Rethinking the Temporality of Death: Some Bioscientific and Philosophical Considerations'. [Other], Respondent: 'Social Imaginaries of the Dead', University College Cork , 19-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)Guest Lecture: Carrick Water Music Festival,
Heather Laird (2018) 'Radical Remembrance: Commemoration and the Roads Untaken in History'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Carrick Water Music Festival, Carrick-on-Shannon , 14-JUL-18. [Details]
(2018)Conference Paper: ACIS (Annual Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies),
Heather Laird (2018) 'Commemoration against the Grain: Remembering Alternative Concepts and Practices of Land Usage in Nineteeth- and Early Twentieth-Century Ireland'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: ACIS (Annual Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies), University College Cork , 22-JUN-18. [Details]
(2018)Roundtable: ACIS (Annual Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies),
Heather Laird (2018) Roundtable: 'Elizabeth Bowen's Environments'. [Oral Presentation], Roundtable: ACIS (Annual Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies), University College Cork , 20-JUN-18. [Details]
(2018)ACIS (Annual Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies),
Heather Laird (2018) Chair: Roundtable - 'Mapping Revolutionary Ireland and Making the Atlas of the Irish Revolution'. [Other], ACIS (Annual Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies), University College Cork , 19-JUN-18. [Details]
(2018)Invited Presentation: 'Sex, Sexuality and Reproduction: Historical Perspectives',
Heather Laird (2018) 'I don't know what any o' yous ud do without your ma: Common Tropes in the Representation of Working-Class Motherhood in Irish Literature'. [Oral Presentation], Invited Presentation: 'Sex, Sexuality and Reproduction: Historical Perspectives', University College Cork , 28-APR-18. [Details]
(2018)Invited Presentation: 'The Irish Working Class: History, Politics, Literature',
Heather Laird (2018) 'Writing Working-Class Irish Mothers'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited Presentation: 'The Irish Working Class: History, Politics, Literature', Feile an Phobail: Falls Road Library , 15-MAR-18. [Details]
(2017)Conference Paper: Women's Voices in Ireland: From the Decade of Revolution to the Decade to Centenaries,
Heather Laird (2017) Televising the Rising: Women, History and Commemoration. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: Women's Voices in Ireland: From the Decade of Revolution to the Decade to Centenaries, University College Cork, Cork , 10-JUL-17. [Details]
(2016)Invited Presentation: Transformations in Irish Culture: New Perspectives, A Symposium in Honour of Luke Gibbons,
Heather Laird (2016) 'Reading Rebellion: Women, History and Commemoration'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited Presentation: Transformations in Irish Culture: New Perspectives, A Symposium in Honour of Luke Gibbons, NUI Maynooth , 18-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Heather Laird (2016) 'Reading Rebellion: Women, History and Commemoration'. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 16-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016)Guest Lecture: 'Reconsidering the Rising': Public Lecture Series,
Heather Laird (2016) 'Remembering Past Futures: Commemoration and the Roads Untaken'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: 'Reconsidering the Rising': Public Lecture Series, University College Cork , 26-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016)Invited Presentation: Crisis and Commemoration in Modern Ireland, 1916-2016,
Heather Laird (2016) 'Remembering Past Futures: Commemoration and the Roads Untaken'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited Presentation: Crisis and Commemoration in Modern Ireland, 1916-2016, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 14-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016)Keynote Lecture: IASIL 2016,
Heather Laird (2016) 'Remembering Past Futures: Commemoration and the Roads Untaken'. [Keynote Speaker], Keynote Lecture: IASIL 2016, University College Cork , 29-JUL-16. [Details]
(2016)Learning Neighbourhoods Initiative,
Heather Laird (2016) Daniel Corkery and Sean O'Faolain: A Reassessment'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Learning Neighbourhoods Initiative, Ballyphehane Community Centre , 04-MAY-16. [Details]
(2016)Invited Presentation: The House in the Mind: Architectural Space and the Imagination,
Heather Laird (2016) 'Domestic Ideology in Late-Nineteenth-Century Irish Land War Fiction'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited Presentation: The House in the Mind: Architectural Space and the Imagination, Wadham College, Oxford , 16-MAR-16. [Details]
(2015)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Heather Laird (2015) 'Writing Working-Class Irish Women: From O'Casey to Morrissy'. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 21-OCT-15. [Details]
(2015)'Ten Minute Tale': Culture Night,
Heather Laird (2015) 'Harper Lee's New Novel'. [Oral Presentation], 'Ten Minute Tale': Culture Night, University College Cork , 18-SEP-15. [Details]
(2015)Guest Lecture: Daniel Corkery Summer School,
Heather Laird (2015) 'Daniel Corkery and Sean O'Faolain: A Reassessment'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Daniel Corkery Summer School, Inchigeelagh , 19-JUL-15. [Details]
(2015)Red Stripe Symposium Five: 'Alternative Hedonism: Capitalism, Consumption and the Good Life',
Heather Laird (2015) Symposium Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Red Stripe Symposium Five: 'Alternative Hedonism: Capitalism, Consumption and the Good Life', Headfort School, Kells, Co. Meath , 27-JUN-19. [Details]
(2015)John McGahern Workshop,
Heather Laird (2015) John McGahern Workshop for International Graduate Students. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], John McGahern Workshop, University College Cork , 13-APR-15. [Details]
(2015)Invited Presentation: Northern/Irish Feminists Judgements Project: Interdisciplinary Panel,
Heather Laird (2015) 'Law, Colonialism and Anti-Colonial Resistance'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited Presentation: Northern/Irish Feminists Judgements Project: Interdisciplinary Panel, University College Cork , 06-FEB-15. [Details]
(2014)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Heather Laird (2014) 'An Ireland as Complex and Various as Possible: Partition and Pluralism in Sean O'Faolain's Criticial Writings'. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 10-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014)Red Stripe Reading Group,
Heather Laird (2014) Presentation on Hester Eisenstein's Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites use Women's Labour and Ideas to Exploit the World. [Oral Presentation], Red Stripe Reading Group, Dublin , 01-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)'What's Left?': Radicalism and the Academy,
Heather Laird (2014) 'Reading/Resisting the Neo-Liberal University: Some Speculations'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 'What's Left?': Radicalism and the Academy, University College Cork , 29-APR-14. [Details]
(2013)Invited Presentation: 2013 International Seminar on John McGahern,
Heather Laird (2013) Invited Presentation: 'The Writer as Reader: John McGahern on Irish Literature'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Invited Presentation: 2013 International Seminar on John McGahern, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim , 23-MAY-13 - 25-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Heather Laird (2013) From 'Dirty Books' to Dying Worlds: John McGahern on the Limitations of Post-revolutionary Ireland. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, UCC , 27-NOV-13 - 27-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013)Conference Paper: Ireland-India-Asia: Entangled Histories and Cultural Prcesses, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India,
Heather Laird (2013) 'As if we had a large body of English colonists settled in India backed by English law and English courts': The Influence of India on George Campbell's The Irish Land (1869). [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Conference Paper: Ireland-India-Asia: Entangled Histories and Cultural Prcesses, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, New Delhi, India , 29-OCT-13 - 29-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)Invited Presentation: MA in Irish Revolution, 1912-1923, UCC,
Heather Laird (2013) Dail Courts: Context and Analysis. [Invited Oral Presentation], Invited Presentation: MA in Irish Revolution, 1912-1923, UCC, UCC , 10-JAN-13 - 10-JAN-13. [Details]
(2012)Invited Presentation: The Rocky Road to 2016: Irish Studies: Ideas and Institutions after the Crash,
Dr Heather Laird (2012) 'Prospects and Futures for Irish Studies'. [Oral Presentation], Invited Presentation: The Rocky Road to 2016: Irish Studies: Ideas and Institutions after the Crash, NUI Maynooth , 22-JUN-12 - 22-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Dr Heather Laird (2012) 'The Politics of Going Nowhere: Resistance and Alternatives in the Writings of David Lloyd'. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 31-OCT-12 - 31-OCT-12. [Details]
(2012)Guest Lecture: Leitrim Historical Society,
Dr Heather Laird (2012) 'Petticoats and Porridge: Women and the Irish Land War'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Leitrim Historical Society, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim , 20-JUN-12 - 20-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)Red Stripe Seminar,
Dr Heather Laird (2012) Presentation on Catherine Chaput's Inside the Teaching Machine: Rhetoric and the Globalization of the US Public Research University. [Oral Presentation], Red Stripe Seminar, keough-Notre Dame Centre , 26-APR-12 - 26-APR-12. [Details]
(2011)CACSSS Postgraduate Conference,
Dr Heather Laird (2011) 'Scholarly and Commercial Publishing'. [Oral Presentation], CACSSS Postgraduate Conference, University College Cork , 12-NOV-11 - 12-NOV-11. [Details]
(2010)Guest Lecture: The Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway,
Heather Laird; (2010) 'Daniel Corkery as Postcolonial Critic: An analysis'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: The Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway, NUI Galway , 23-JUN-10 - 23-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)Conference Paper: SSNCI Conference: Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century Ireland,
Heather Laird; (2010) 'Immodest Women: Philanthropy and the Ladies' Land League'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: SSNCI Conference: Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, University College Cork , 18-JUN-10 - 18-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)Conference Paper: Education and Empire: The Sixth Galway Conference on Colonialism,
Heather Laird; (2010) 'The Postcolonial Critic as Anti-colonial Teacher: Daniel Corkery's Pedagogical Theory and Practice'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: Education and Empire: The Sixth Galway Conference on Colonialism, NUI Galway , 24-JUN-10 - 24-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Heather Laird; (2010) 'The Postcolonial Critic as Anti-colonial Teacher: Daniel Corkery's Pedagogical Theory and Practice'. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 28-APR-10. [Details]
(2009)Conference Paper: Elizabeth Bowen: Visions and Revisions,
Dr Heather Laird; (2009) Reflections on 'The Placing and Politics of Elizabeth Bowen in Contemporary Irish Literary and Cultural Criticism'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: Elizabeth Bowen: Visions and Revisions, University College Cork , 07-NOV-09 - 07-NOV-09. [Details]
(2009)UCC School of English Research Seminar,
Dr Heather Laird; (2009) 'Time and the Irish: The Temporal Frameworks employed by Henry Maine, Eoin MacNeill and James Connolly in their Writings on Early Modern Ireland'. [Oral Presentation], UCC School of English Research Seminar, University College Cork , 25-FEB-09 - 25-FEB-09. [Details]
(2008)Conference Paper: SSNCI Conference: 'Visual, Material and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland,
Dr Heather Laird; (2008) 'Time and the Irish: Temporal Frameworks in Nineteeth- and Early Twentieth-Century Debates on the Brehon Law'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: SSNCI Conference: 'Visual, Material and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, University of Limerick , 01-JUN-08 - 01-JUN-08. [Details]
(2008)Invited Presentation: Subaltern-Popular Workshop: Techniques of Mobilization,
Heather Laird; (2008) 'The Night of the Wisps: Signs, Dissemination and Insurgency in Nineteenth-Century Ireland'. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Invited Presentation: Subaltern-Popular Workshop: Techniques of Mobilization, University of California, Santa Barbara , 01-SEP-08 - 01-SEP-08. [Details]
(2008)Guest Lecture: Women's Studies Open Forum, University of Limerick,
Dr Heather Laird; (2008) 'The Placing and Politics of Elizabeth Bowen in Contemporary Irish Literary and Cultural Criticism'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Women's Studies Open Forum, University of Limerick, University of Limerick , 01-APR-08 - 01-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)Conference Paper: Harvard Celtic Colloquium,
Dr Heather Laird; (2008) 'Time and the Translation of the Irish Brehon Laws'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: Harvard Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University , 11-OCT-08 - 11-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008)Guest Lecture: NUI Maynooth Lecture Series,
Dr Heather Laird; (2008) 'Daniel Corkery as Postcolonial Critic: An Analysis'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: NUI Maynooth Lecture Series, NUI Maynooth , 21-NOV-08 - 21-NOV-09. [Details]
(2007)Guest Lecture: Notre Dame Summer School,
Dr Heather Laird; (2007) 'India and Debates about the Early Irish in the Nineteenth Century'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Notre Dame Summer School, Keogh-Notre Dame Centre , 01-JUL-07 - 01-JUL-07. [Details]
(2007)Conference Paper: 'India and Ireland', Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,
Dr Heather Laird; (2007) 'Primitive or Barbaric: India and the Reclassification of the Early Irish in the Nineteenth Century'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: 'India and Ireland', Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2005)Guest Lecture: Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway,
Laird, Heather; (2005) 'Women and Rural Agitation in Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway, Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway , 01-NOV-05 - 01-NOV-05. [Details]
(2005)Red Stripe Seminar,
Laird, Heather; (2005) Presentation on David Harvey's The New Imperialism. [Oral Presentation], Red Stripe Seminar, Keough-Notre Dame Centre , 01-FEB-05 - 01-FEB-05. [Details]
(2004)Guest Lecture: NUI Anthropology Seminar Series,
Dr Heather Laird; (2004) 'Riding Roughshod: Anti-hunting Agitation during the Irish Land War'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: NUI Anthropology Seminar Series, NUI Maynooth , 01-NOV-04 - 01-NOV-04. [Details]
(2004)Guest Lecture: Leitrim Historical Society,
Laird, Heather; (2004) 'From Barbarous Custom to Ancient Law: The Translation of the Brehon Laws in Nineteenth-Century Ireland'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Leitrim Historical Society, Leitrim Historical Society , 01-APR-04 - 01-APR-04. [Details]
(2004)Conference Paper: Fourth Galway Conference on Colonialism: Ireland and India,
Laird, Heather; (2004) 'India and the Translation of the Irish Brehon Laws'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: Fourth Galway Conference on Colonialism: Ireland and India, NUI Galway , 01-JUN-04 - 01-JUN-04. [Details]
(2003)Guest Lecture: English M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth,
Laird, Heather; (2003) 'Monstrous Women and Domestic Females in Land War Narratives'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: English M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth, English M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth , 01-NOV-03 - 01-NOV-03. [Details]
(2003)Guest Lecture: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Celtic Research Seminar, Harvard University,
Laird, Heather; (2003) 'Translating the Brehon Laws: Gaelic Antiquity as Ideological Project'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Celtic Research Seminar, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Celtic Research Seminar, Harvard University , 01-APR-03 - 01-APR-03. [Details]
(2003)Guest Lecture: Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway,
Laird, Heather; (2003) 'Law, Literature and Land in Nineteenth-Century Ireland'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway, Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway , 01-FEB-03 - 01-FEB-03. [Details]
(2003)Invited Presentation: Reflections on the Celtic Tiger, Bilgi University, Istanbul,
Laird, Heather; (2003) 'Race to the Bottom: Women and Work in Ireland'. [Oral Presentation], Invited Presentation: Reflections on the Celtic Tiger, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Bilgi University, Istanbul , 01-SEP-03 - 01-SEP-03. [Details]
(2002)Conference Paper: Postgraduate Conference on Scotland and Ireland,
Laird, Heather; (2002) 'Legal Crisis and Narrative Framework in Irish Land War Fiction'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: Postgraduate Conference on Scotland and Ireland, Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen , 01-APR-02 - 01-APR-02. [Details]
(2002)Red Strip Seminar,
Laird, Heather; (2002) Presentation on Mike Davis' The Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster. [Oral Presentation], Red Strip Seminar, Keough-Notre Dame Centre , 01-OCT-02 - 01-OCT-02. [Details]
(2002)Red Strip Seminar,
Laird, Heather; (2002) Presentation on David Roedigar's The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class. [Oral Presentation], Red Strip Seminar, Keough-Notre Dame Centre , 01-FEB-02 - 01-FEB-02. [Details]
(2001)Arts Faculty Postgraduate Research Day (Feb 2001),
Laird, Heather; (2001) 'A Conflict of Property Rights: The Anti-Hunting Campaign of 1881-1882'. [Oral Presentation], Arts Faculty Postgraduate Research Day (Feb 2001), U.C.D., Belfield , 01-FEB-01 - 01-FEB-01. [Details]
(2001)Guest Lecture: English M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth,
Laird, Heather; (2001) 'Writing Peasant Insurgency'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: English M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth, English M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth , 01-NOV-01 - 01-NOV-01. [Details]
(2001)Guest Lecture: Anthropology M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth,
Laird, Heather; (2001) 'Boycotting as Resistance during the Irish Land War'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture: Anthropology M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth, Anthropology M.A. Seminar, NUI Maynooth , 01-MAR-01 - 01-MAR-01. [Details]
(2001)Conference Paper: Irish Studies Postgraduate Conference,
Laird, Heather; (2001) 'Indian Subalternist Historiography and the Irish Non-Modern'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: Irish Studies Postgraduate Conference, Irish Studies Program, Boston College , 01-JAN-01 - 01-JAN-01. [Details]
(2001)Conference Paper: New Voices in Irish Criticism Conference (Feb 2001),
Laird, Heather; (2001) 'Unwritten Law and the Alternative State'. [Oral Presentation], Conference Paper: New Voices in Irish Criticism Conference (Feb 2001), NUI Galway , 01-FEB-01 - 01-FEB-01. [Details]

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2023Short-Listed for Southword Literary Essay Competition Munster Literature Centre
2022Invited Participant in The Borders Project (Sorbonne-Nouvelle Univeristy/University of Lille) SOFEIR (French Society for Irish Studies)
2022Short-Listed for New Irish Writing New Irish Writing (Irish Independent)
2021Short-Listed for MMCF Writing Competition (Flash Fiction Category) MMCF Writing Competition
2019Visiting Fellowship, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
2007President's Ph.D Scholarship (for PhD supervision) University College Cork
2003James and Mary Fox Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Irish Studies Centre for Irish Studies, NUIGalway
1999Government of Ireland Research Scholarship Irish Research Council
1998Postgraduate Scholarship in English University College Dublin
1996Library Scholar, NUI Maynooth NUIMaynooth

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland Member01-JAN-19 /
International Association for the Study of Irish Literature Member01-MAR-16 /
ICTU Global Solidarity Committee IFUT Delegate/
Red Stripe Reading Group Member01-JAN-98 / 30-NOV-15


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
UCC College Lecturer01-SEP-05 /
NUI, Maynooth Lecturer01-SEP-04 / 01-SEP-05
Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway Post-Doctoral Fellowship01-JAN-03 / 01-JAN-05
NUI, Maynooth Lecturer01-SEP-02 / 01-SEP-03


2009Ionad Bairre, University College Cork Postgraduate DiplomaTeaching and Learning in Higher Education
2008Ionad Bairre, University College Cork Postgraduate CertificateTeaching and Learning in Higher Education
2002UCD PHDAlternative Forms of Legality and their Fictional Representation
1997NUI Maynooth MAIrish Writing
1996NUI Maynooth BAEnglish and German


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
UCC Governing Body Elected Member2019 / 2023
UCC Academic Council Elected Member2018 / 2022
IFUT Council/Governing Body (Irish Federation of University Teachers)) Member2024 /
UCC Branch of IFUT (Irish Federation of University Teachers) Elected Committee Member2023 /
UCC Branch of IFUT (Irish Federation of University Teachers) Elected Committee Member2015 / 2019
Cork University Press Publications Committee (Chair) Chair2019 /
Cork University Press Publications Committee Member2011 / 2019
Cork University Press Editorial Subcommitee (Chair) Chair2015 /
Cork University Press Editorial Subcommittee Member2010 / 2015
SEMC (School Executive Management Committee) Member2009 / 2022
Department of English Awards Officer Department Officer2022 /
School of English Teaching and Learning Officer School Officer2007 / 2022
School of English Teaching and Learning Committee (Chair) Chair2007 / 2022
CACSSS Learning and Teaching Committee School of English Representative2012 / 2019
CACSSS Library Committee School of English Representative2019 / 2022
School of English Deputy Lead Worker Deputy Lead Worker2020 / 2021
Department of English Pandemic Teaching Working Group Member2021 / 2021
School of English Curriculum Review Committee Member2018 / 2018
School of English Quality Review Teaching and Learning Sub-committee Chair2016 / 2017
School of English MA Officer School of English MA Officer2014 / 2016
School of English Health and Safety Officer School of English Health and Safety Officer2010 / 2014
School of English First Year Curriculum Reform Committee Member2013 / 2014
CKE MA Irish Writing and Film Curriculum Reform Committee Co-chair2012 / 2013
School of English Quality Review Committee Chair2009 / 2010
School of English Second Year Committee Chair2007 / 2008
School of English Workloads Committee Member2006 / 2007
School of English First Year Committee Member2006 / 2007
School of English Second Year Committee Member2005 / 2006


BBC One, Who Do You Think You Are?
On five separate occasions, the WDYTYA production team has sought my advice on issues relating to land and agrarian violence in Ireland. Three of these five consultations have resulted in television appearances on WDYTYA. In 2014, I advised the WDYTYA production team in advance of the Julie Walters episode and explained documents relating to rural violence during the Land War period to Julie Walters on air (Season 11, Episode 1). In 2015, I advised the WDYTYA production team in advance of the Mark Gatiss episode and explained documents relating to land agitation in rural Derry during the Plantation of Ulster to Mark Gatiss on air (Season 12, Episode 9). In 2018, I advised the WDYTYA production team on documents relating to agrarian violence in pre-Famine Ireland. In 2019, I advised the WDYTYA production team on documents relating to relief and land during the Irish Famine. In 2019/20, I advised the WDYTYA production team in advance of the Liz Carr episode and explained documents relating to agrarian violence in 1850s South Armagh to Liz Carr on air (Season 17, Episode 4).

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Modernism/Modernity Referee08-NOV-21 - 30-NOV-21
Irish Studies Review Referee01-NOV-22 - 05-DEC-22
Estudios Irlandeses Referee08-JUL-21 - 31-JUL-21
Ilha Do Desterro Referee01-AUG-20 - 30-SEP-20
Etudes Irlandaises Referee01-FEB-19 - 31-MAY-19
Irish Studies Review Referee01-MAR-17 - 30-JUN-17
Victorian Studies Referee01-MAR-18 - 31-JUL-18

Other Activities


Media Engagement: Kfm Radio, Kildare. International Women's Day Interview on Kildare Focus Show about my RTÉ Brainstorm Article, "The Issues with Ireland's 'Women in the Home' Constitutional Clause" (co-written with Dr Emma Penney), 8 March 2023

Media Engagement: Conor O'Toole, "The Band Nuisance," UCC983FM, 14 February 2023. Interviewed about the involvement of bands in the Land War for the extended streamed version of this documentary.

Media Engagement: BBC One, Who Do You Think You Are?: Liz Carr, Season 17, Episode 4, 2 November 2020.  Advised production team in advance of the programme, and discussed documents with Liz Carr on air relating to agrarian violence in 1850s South Armagh.

Media Engagement: Castlebar Community Radio (CRCfm), Interviewed about the 1920 Land Seizures, 2 July 2020

Media Engagement: Youghal Local Radio (CRY104fm), Interviewed about the Dail Courts, 17 June 2020

Media Engagement: RTE Radio One, The History Show, Member of a Panel Interviewed as Part of a Series on the Irish War of Independence.  Interviewed about the Dail Courts, 22 September 2019

Media Engagement: NewsTalk Radio, Talking History Show, Interviewed about my book Commemoration, 8 September 2019

Media Engagement: RTE Radio One, The History Show, "The Irish Revolution - Memory and Commemoration."  Member of a recorded roundtable following a Special Preview Screening of RTE and UCC's documentary The Irish Revolution, Cork Opera House, Jan 2019.  The discussion was broadcast on 17 March 2019.

Media Engagement: NewsTalk Radio, Talking History Show, "The Irish Revolution: A History of the Rebel County", Kingsley Hotel, Cork, 15 May 2017.  Member of a panel of experts that took part in a live interview and discussion.

Media Engagement: BBC One, Who Do You Think You Are?: Mark Gatiss, Season 12, Episode 9, 8 October 2015.  Advised production team in advance of the programme, and discussed documents with Mark Gatiss on air relating to land agitation in rural Derry during the Plantation of Ulster.

Media Engagement: BBC One, Who Do You Think You Are?: Julie Walters, Season 11, Episode 1, 7 August 2014.  Advised production team in advance of the programme, and discussed documents with Julie Walters on air relating to Irish rural violence during the Land War period.

Media Engagement: Pat Collins, Living in a Coded Land, Harvest Films, 2014.  Interviewed in this documentary on the impact of colonialism on concepts and practices of land usage in Ireland.

Media Engagement: "UCC Lecturer Pays Tribute to Author John McGahern," Evening Echo. Interview following the death of Irish novelist John McGahern, March 2006.

External Examiner: BA English Programme, University of Ulster (2021-)

External Examiner: PhD, Northumbria University (March 2024).

Conference Committee: SSNCI 2021 (Dwelling(s) in Nineteenth-Century Ireland)

Conference Committee: IASIL 2016

Conference Committee: The Fourth Galway Conference on Colonialism (India and Ireland), 2004

Awards Assessor: Assessor for the Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland (SSNCI) Postgraduate Essay Award (2019)

Awards Assessor: Assessor for NUI Government of Ireland Scholarships, Brazil (2015)

Awards Assessor: Judge for Global Undergraduate awards (2013)

Awards Assessor: Assessor for NUI Travelling Studentship (2008)

Internal Research Funding: CACSSS Research Support Funding: For attendance of Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Time in Nineteenth-Century Ireland (2024): €500

Internal Research Funding: CACSSS Research Support Funding: For attendance of Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland Annual Conference: Colonising and Decolonising the Irish Nineteenth Century (2023): €500

Internal Research Funding: CACSSS Impact Funding Scheme (with Dr Jay Roszman, School of History): For "Dwelling(s) in Nineteenth-Century Ireland" Conference and Publication (2021): €1,507

Internal Research Funding: CACSSS Research Support Fund: For Delivery of Annual Indo-Irish Studies Lecture (2019): €488.34

Internal Research Funding: School of English Research Support Fund: For Delivery of Annual Indo-Irish Studies Lecture (2019): €199.28

Internal Research Funding: School of English Research Support Fund: For Attendance of Sex, Sexuality and Reproduction Conference: Historical Perspectives (2018): €60

Internal Research Funding: CACSSS Research Cluster Promotion Fund: For IASIL 2016 Transdisciplinary Roundtable on the Culture, History and Socio-economic Conditions of the Irish Working Class (2016): €800

Internal Research Funding: CACSSS Research Support Fund: For attending International Conference in India hosted by the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and the School of Asian Studies, UCC (2013): €500

Internal Research Funding 
Grant in Aid of Publication, CACSSS Publiction Scheme (2011) €2,500 

External Research Funding  Grant in Aid of Publication, NUI Publications Scheme (2011) €2,000

Internal Research Funding 
Grant in Aid of Publication, School of English Publications Scheme (2011) €1,000

Internal Research Funding

New Voices Conference, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (2008) €1,500

External Research Funding 

Grant in Aid of Publication, NUI Publication Scheme (2004) €2,000

Internal Research Funding 

Fourth Galway Conference on Colonialism, Faculty of Arts (2004) €2,500

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

My two main areas of teaching are prose fiction and theory.  I teach a broad selection of courses in each of these areas across a range of levels and in a variety of different classroom situations. 

My teaching in the area of prose fiction since 2005 includes:
EN1001 Foundations of Fiction;
EN1003 Introduction to Modern Literature (colonial/postcolonial literature); EN2071 Women and Literature (women's writing); EN3041 Twentieth-Century Fiction; EN3076 Contemporary Literature and Culture; EN3079 Contemporary Fiction and Drama; EN3073 Victorian Literature; EN3106 Twentieth-Century Popular Fiction; EN3006/3007 Africa in Fiction; EN3006/3007 Twentieth-Century Popular Fiction; EN3006/3007 The Writings of John McGahern; EN3006/3007 Reading Ulysses; BA Asian Studies: South Asian Postcolonial Literature; MA Irish Writing and Film: Land War Fiction; MA Irish Writing and Film: James Joyce Ulysses/James Joyce's 'The Dead'; MA Irish Writing and Film: Colonial/Postcolonial Literature; MA Modernities: James Joyce Ulysses; MA Modernities: Postcolonial Literature; MA Women's Studies: Romantic Fiction; MA Women's Studies: African Women's Writing

My teaching in the area of theory over the last five years includes:

EN1001 Foundations of Fiction;
EN1004 Theories (Postcolonial Theory and Marxist Theory); EN2071 Women and Literature (Feminist Literary Theory); MA Irish Writing and Film: Irish Cultural Criticism; MA Irish Writing and Film: Postcolonial Theory; MA Modernities: Postcolonial Theory; MA Women's Studies: Feminist Literary Theory

From the very beginning of my teaching career, I have been keen to make my classroom practice as intellectually exciting as my research. In order to achieve this goal, I have sought advice from colleagues, reflected upon the teaching practices and strategies of my favourite teachers, and familiarised myself with the most recent pedagogical research on lecturing, leading discussions, course design and grading. Since commencing work at University College Cork, I have completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and a Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning. I believe that my role in lecture and seminar classes is not only to communicate information and ideas, but to help students develop the skills and competencies that they need to become literary scholars. Moreover, I ensure that my modules are grounded in teaching methods that encourage students to consider themselves sources of knowledge and new lines of enquiry. 
It is important that students undertaking an English degree are made aware of the 'classics', but I believe that they should also be encouraged to read lesser-known literary works that - due to issues relating to class, race, gender and sexuality - are not part of the literary canon.  Included in the core texts on my undergraduate seminar course, "Women and Literature", for example, are Charlotte Bronte's highly-respected novel, Jane Eyre, and Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions, the first published novel by a black Zimbabwean woman.  Courses structured around a mixture of canonical and non-canonical texts encourage students to consider the non-literary factors that shape our understanding of what is "good" literature. 

In my courses, I focus in depth on the aspects of the course material that are most conducive to student learning as opposed to "covering" all of the course material superficially.  When teaching a novel, for example, I pinpoint specific passages that, when deeply understood, reveal how the author develops character, establishes tension, and creates dramatic movement.  With that understanding, students can read the rest of the novel more insightfully.  My hope is that - as well as learning useful information about literature from different genres and periods of time - the students taking my courses will develop a set of critical reading skills that they can apply to the world of language, literature and culture around them throughout their lifetime.

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2023Éadaoin Regan University College CorkPhD"A Method to the Madness: Representations of Female Psychological Disorder in Irish Women's Fiction, 1878-1914" (co-supervised)
2021Felicity (Flicka) Small University College CorkPhD"The Semiotics of Food in James Joyce's Ulysses"
2019Yen-Chi Wu University College CorkPHD'John McGahern and Modernity: Reshaping the Irish Literary Landscape' (co-supervised)
2019Martin McConigley University College CorkPHD'The Impact of the Border on Irish Fiction, 1969-2016' (co-supervised)
2023Charlotte Troy (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A."Voiceless Villains: Similarities in the Otherings of Bertha Mason and Miss Jessel" (co-supervised)
2023Ellen Hutchinson (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A."'Her Developing Breasts Would Never Grow': Women, Sexuality and the Female Form in the Work of Haruki Murakami"
2022Brian Gould (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A."The Post-Partition Condition: Irish Republican Narratives Since 1921" (co-supervised)
2021Hope Noonan Stoner (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A."'The cities call me with a million lips': The Countercultural Modernist Vision of America in the Poetry of Lola Ridge and Julia de Burgos" (co-supervised)
2021Clodagh Troelstra Heffernan (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A."Defiant Poetics and Ireland on the Dole: A Working-Class Studies Perspective" (co-supervised)
2020Tom Howlin (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A.'Marvellous Identities: Magical Realist Expressions of Postcoloniality in Midnight's Chlldren and At Swim-Two-Birds' (co-supervised)
2020Lara O'Toole (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"Now that she has found her place": Mobile Irish Girlhood and Gendering National Space' (co-supervised)
2020Emma Keyes (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"A Shout in the Street": Representations of Private, Public and International Space in Ulysses'
2020Julie Crowley (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"Notions above her Station": Upward Mobility in Juno and the Paycock, Strumpet City and The Rising of Bella Casey'
2020Aoife Healy (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A.'An Analysis of the Treatment of Masculinity and Patriotism in the Writings of Three Contemporary Irish Authors' (co-supervised)
2018John Woods (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Tradition and the Non-Modern in Douglas Hyde's Love Songs of Connacht'
2018Mary Lawton (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"And What are Goloshes, Gabriel?" Echoes of Hans Christain Andersen in James Joyce's "The Dead"'
2017Lauren McAuliffe (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A.'The Re-imagination of Motherhood in James Joyce's Ulysses'
2017Philip Nannery (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'The Irish-Catholic as Other in Post-War American Literature' (co-supervised)
2017Cody Jarman (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Jumpin' James Joyce: Blackface Minstrelsy in the Works of James Joyce' (co-supervised)
2016Ruairi Nolan (MA Women's Studies) University College CorkM.A.'A Feminist Critique of Nigerian Literature: An Analysis of the Representation of Women by Nigerian Novelists'
2016Calla Smith-Triglia (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'An Uncertain Future: The Contemporary Portrayal of Race in Irish Literature in Manhattan' (co-supervised)
2016Hawraa Khalid Ashour Jasem (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Jamie O'Neill's At Swim, Two Boys'
2016Ellan Dineen (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"From Punishment to Pleasure": Representations of Education in the Writings of John McGahern'
2016Donal Buggy (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Speech and Voice in the Films of Lenny Abrahamson' (co-supervised)
2014Laura Hallissey (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A."Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Representations of Race, Gender and Disability in Literature' (co-supervised)
2013Marie Coffey (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"We can't change the country, let us change the subject": Teleological Narratives and Heterogeneous Postcolonial Ontology in James Joyce's Ulysses'
2012Aoife Fitzgerald (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'The Domestic Realm in Women's Land War Fiction'
2011Deirdre O'Connor (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Gender Construction and Female Adolescence in Twentieth-Century Irish Women's Fiction'
2011Felicity Small (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"Food, Chyle, Blood, Dung, Earth, Food": The Function of Food in James Joyce's Ulysses'
2011Darren Hassett (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'The Role of the Public House in James Joyce's Ulysses and John M. Synge's The Playboy of the Western World'
2011Futaba Kurosa (MA Women's Studies) University College CorkM.A.'Ecofeminism: Past, Present and Future'
2010Nikisha Phelan (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"Outsiders on the Inside?": Locating "Immigrant Writers" in Irish Literature'
2010Aoife Moloney (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Redefining Lesbian Writing: Edna O'Brien as a "Woman-Identified" Writer'
2009Gregory Ahern (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Frank O'Connor and the War Years, 1939-45' (co-supervised)
2009Sharon Furlong (MA Women's Studies) University College CorkM.A.'"Herstory" and its Presence within the Leaving Certificate History Curriculum' (co-supervised)
2009Niamh O'Sullivan (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'"Mothers' Boys": Motherhood in the Writings of John McGahern and Frank O'Connor' (co-supervised)
2007Humphrey G. Murphy (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Homosexual and Irish: An Exploration of Gay Irish Identity in the Fiction of Colm Toibin'
2007Michelle Ni Chaoimh (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'The Irish Traveller: Sociological and Literary Representations'
2007Gavin Looney (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'The Politics of Sean O'Faolain's Literature'
2007Jessica Long (MA Women's Studies) University College CorkM.A.'Chick Lit: Contemporary Women's Fiction: Sexuality and Body Image in Reading the Romance and the Novels of Marian Keyes' (co-supervised)
2006Martina Cullen (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A.'Salman Rushdie: Incorporative Form and Strategic Collectivity: Towards a Concept of World Literature'
2006Orla Slack (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A.'The Question of the University: An Exploration of the Enlightenment, Modern and Postmodern University through the Eyes of a Pupil'
2006Brian Lane (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A.'Adorno on the Dance Floor: Resistance, Technology Appropriation and the Utopian in Contemporary Electronica'
2006Shane Power (MA Irish Writing and Film) University College CorkM.A.'Irish Catholic Literature in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland'
2006Leanne O'Sullivan (MA Modernities) University College CorkM.A.'Virginia Woolf and the Post-Impressionists'

Current Postgraduate Students

 StudentDegree Type
Stoner Hope Noonan Doctoral Degree
Troelstra Heffernan Clodagh Doctoral Degree

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English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
