Research Profile

Daragh O'Connell


I am the Head of the Department of Italian, UCC and Director of the CDSI (Centre for Dante Studies in Ireland): 
(Recorded activities of the Centre can be viewed here:
I am currently Senior Editor of Italian Studies (pre-1700)
I previously held the position of Head of Research in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Director of CASiLaC (Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures:
I research across three distinct areas: Dante Studies; Modern and Contemporary Sicilian Literature; 18th Century Neapolitan Autobiography (Vico). 
My main field of interest is Dante, in particular Dante and 13th and 14th Century Court Culture. I have published widely on Dante, including Art and Nature in Dante (with Jennifer Petrie, 2013), War and Peace in Dante (2015) and Dante and the Seven Deadly Sins (both with John C. Barnes, 2017). I am currently editing the volume Luoghi e spazi reali e ideali nell’opera e nella vita di Dante (Cesati, 2024).
I have also published extensively on modern and contemporary Sicilian literature (writers on which I have published include Verga, De Roberto, Pirandello, Sciascia, Tomasi di Lampedusa), and on the narrative poetics of Vincenzo Consolo in particular. My monograph, La trilogia dell Trinacria: polifonia e palinsesti nella narrativa di Vincenzo Consolo (Milan: Mimesis) will be published later this year. 
I also work on autobiographical writing in Naples in the Eighteenth-century, with a particular focus on Giambattista Vico and Pietro Giannone and the History of Ideas. In 2014 I co-edited (with D. Trapassi) the volume: L'arte della scrittura delle vite: Contesti auto-biografici e autobiografismo nella letteratura italiana (Florence: Cesati, 2014). 
My undergraduate teaching covers some of these areas, especially Dante and the literature of the Early Modern period.
I also set up with colleagues in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures the Masters in Translation Studies. I am happy to provide supervision on any of these areas.
I currently have 5 PhD students:
1) Dario Galassini (IRC Postgraduate Scholar) - «Poeta che mi guidi»: Dantean Afterlives in the Poetry of Giorgio Caproni, Antonia Pozzi, Vittorio Sereni and Mario Luzi.
2) Elsina Caponetti (IRC Postgraduate Scholar) - "Mirabilis visio": Dante's "Commedia" and Irish Vision Literature
3) Chiara Valcelli (IRC Postgraduate Scholar ; with Dr Adam Hanna, School of English) - Dante in Joyce: Mapping Dante's 'Commedia' onto Joyce's 'Dubliners', 'Ulysses' and 'Finnegan's Wake'
4) Tommaso Verga (with Dr Barry Monahan, Dept. of Film Studies) -  'Masking Modernity: Pirandello, Welles, Kurosawa'
5) Stephen Boyd (with Dr Helena Buffery, Dept. of SPLAS) - Cervantes and the Novelas ejemplares

I am on the Executive Committee of A.I.P.I (Associazione Internazionale Professori d'Italiano) and have previously been on the Executive Commitee of Society for Italian Studies (SIS) 2009-2016; Honorary Secretary and Executive Committee of the Society for Pirandello Studies (UK and Ireland) 2009-2013; Executive Committee of CLAI (Comparative Literature Association of Ireland) 2008-2014. I am also on the editorial board of various prestigious journals and publishers: Mimesis: Punti di vista: Testi e studi di letteratura contemporaneaCiviltà italiana/ Spunti e ricerche/ Biblion: Testi commentati del Medioevo e dell'Eta' Moderna.  

Research Interests

  • Dante Studies 
  • 13th & 14th Century Italian Court Culture
  • Sicilian Literature 20th/21st centuries
  • Narrative Poetics of Vincenzo Consolo
  • Eighteenth-century Neapolitan Intellectual Culture
  • Eighteenth-century Autobiography (Vico, Giannone, D'Andrea and Genovesi)
  • Early Modern Theatre 
  • European Modernism
  • The Italian Historical Novel
  • Italian Theatre
  • Ekphrasis and the Novel
  • Genetic Criticism

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Dreams and Vision in Dante and the Italian Middle AgesIrish Research Council01-SEP-2331-AUG-24€52,441.00
Beyond Literary Influence: Reconfiguring Dante's Critical and Scholarly Reception in the British Isles (1810s-1910s)Irish Research Council01-OCT-1930-SEP-20€46,683.00
Writing Women's Voices at the Origins of Italian Literary CultureIrish Research Council01-OCT-1830-SEP-21€91,846.00
«Poeta che mi guidi»: Dantean Afterlives in the Poetry of Giorgio Caproni, Antonia Pozzi, Vittorio Sereni and Mario Luzi.Irish Research Council01-SEP-2131-AUG-24€82,500.00
Livy's Legacy in DanteIrish Research Council01-OCT-2131-OCT-22€96,417.00
Lyric Subjectivity in Guido Cavalcanti's _Rime_Irish Research Council01-OCT-2031-MAY-22€47,422.00
Irish Research Council; Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship 2017; Martina Piperno; "The Other (in) Italy; Survival and Legacy of Italics (1800-2000); GOIPD/2017/1081; Daragh O'ConnellIrish Research Council01-OCT-1730-SEP-19€85,340.00
Dante in Joyce: Mapping Dante's 'Commedia' onto Joyce's 'Dubliners', 'Ulysses' and 'Finnegan's Wake'Irish Research Council01-SEP-2231-AUG-26€110,000.00
"Mirabilis visio": Dante's "Commedia" and Irish Vision LiteratureIrish Research Council01-SEP-2231-AUG-25€82,500.00
Internal Research GrantsCollege of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences01-JAN-0831-DEC-22€6,000.00
Dante Public Lecture Series 2011-202310-JAN-1120-JAN-23€3,372.00


Edited Books

(2017)Dante and the Seven Deadly Sins
Barnes, John C. & O'Connell, Daragh (Ed.). (2017) Dante and the Seven Deadly Sins Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2016)Comparative Becomings: Studies in Transition
Kelly, Michael G. & O'Connell, Daragh (Ed.). (2016) Comparative Becomings: Studies in Transition Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2015)War and peace in Dante
Barnes, John C. & O'Connell, Daragh (Ed.). (2015) War and peace in Dante War and peace in Dante. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2014)L'arte della scrittura delle vite: Contesti auto-biografici e autobiografismo nella letteratura italiana
O'Connell, Daragh & Trapassi, Leonarda (Ed.). (2014) L'arte della scrittura delle vite: Contesti auto-biografici e autobiografismo nella letteratura italiana L'arte della scrittura delle vite: Contesti auto-biografici e autobiografismo nella letteratura italiana. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2013)Nature and Art in Dante: Literary and Theological Essays
O'Connell, Daragh & Petrie, Jennifer (Ed.). (2013) Nature and Art in Dante: Literary and Theological Essays Nature and Art in Dante: Literary and Theological Essays. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2012)Insularita' e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (2 vols)
Salvadori Lonergan, C.; Bastiansen, M.; Musarra, F.; Van den Bossche, B; O'Connell, D (Ed.). (2012) Insularita' e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (2 vols) Insularita' e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (2 vols). Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2009)Tempo e memoria nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (4 vols)
Bastiaensen, M.; Bianchi, A.; De Marchi, O'Connell, D.; P.; Reichardt, D.; Salvadori Lonergan, C.; Sosnowski, R.; Van den Bossche, B.; Vedder, I (Ed.). (2009) Tempo e memoria nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (4 vols) Tempo e memoria nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (4 vols). Brussels: AIPI.   [Details]

Book Chapters

(2024)'Lettura e interpretazione del canto x'
O'Connell, Daragh (2024) 'Lettura e interpretazione del canto x' In: Zygmunt G. Baranski & Maria Antonietta Terzoli (eds). Voci sul Purgatorio di Dante: Una nuova lettura della seconda cantica. Rome: Carocci. [Details]
(2024)'Sotto il sole verghiano: Verga e Consolo scrittori di cose'
O'Connell, Daragh (2024) 'Sotto il sole verghiano: Verga e Consolo scrittori di cose' In: Donatella La Monaco & Domenica Perrone (eds). La funzione Verga nel Novecento e oltre. Enna: Euno. [Details]
(2023)'Vita nova VIII [3]'
O'Connell, Daragh (2023) 'Vita nova VIII [3]' In: Zygmunt G. Baranski, Heather Webb (eds). Dante's Vita Nova: A Collaborative Reading. Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. [Details]
(2022)'‘”a poetar mi davano intelletto”: Virgil, Dante, Heaney’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) '‘”a poetar mi davano intelletto”: Virgil, Dante, Heaney’' In: Corinna Salvadori & John Scattergood (eds). Liber amicorum: Medieval Studies, Translation, Creativity. Turin: Trauben. [Details]
(2022)''Dante's Convento de le Bianche Stole: Two Points between Nudity and Folly''
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) ''Dante's Convento de le Bianche Stole: Two Points between Nudity and Folly'' In: Simon Gilson & Ambra Moroncini (eds). Nudity and Folly in Italian Literature From Dante to Leopardi. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2022)'‘Between concatenatio pulcra and the “Tyranny of Rhyme”: Translating Dante’s libello’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) '‘Between concatenatio pulcra and the “Tyranny of Rhyme”: Translating Dante’s libello’' In: Federica Coluzzi & Jacob Blakesley (eds). The Afterlife of Dante’s Vita Nova in the Anglophone World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Translation and Reception History. New York: Routledge. [Details]
(2021)'La notte della ragione: Fra poetica e politica in Nottetempo, casa per casa''
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) 'La notte della ragione: Fra poetica e politica in Nottetempo, casa per casa'' In: Gianni Turchetta (eds). Questo luogo d'incrocio d'ogno vento e assalto: Vincenzo Consolo e la cultura del mediterraneo, fra conflitto e integrazione'. Milan: Mimesis.   [Details]
(2021)'‘Visible Speech: A Comedy Across Time’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) '‘Visible Speech: A Comedy Across Time’' In: 100 Lithographs – Dante’s Divine Comedy – Liam Ó Broin. Dublin: OPW Publishing. [Details]
(2021)'‘Il canto della gola: Inferno VI, Ciacco fra Boccaccio e Benigni’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) '‘Il canto della gola: Inferno VI, Ciacco fra Boccaccio e Benigni’' In: Franco Musarra, Pacifico Ramazzotti, Andrea Aldo Robiglio, Bart Van Den Bossche (eds). Così «intrai per lo cammino alto e silvestro»: Attraversare l’Inferno dantesco con Roberto Benigni. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2020)'‘“Corti vizio”: Dante e l’idea cortese’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2020) '‘“Corti vizio”: Dante e l’idea cortese’' In: Sergio Portelli & Karl Chircop (eds). Percorsi del testo: la letteratura italiana tra adattamento e appropriazione. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2020)'‘Canto XVIII: ovvero, quando le parole cominciano a puzzare’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2020) '‘Canto XVIII: ovvero, quando le parole cominciano a puzzare’' In: Franco Musarra (eds). Letture dell’Inferno di Roberto Benigni. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2019)'Memoria della regione: Pirandello e l'antologia siciliana'
O'Connell. Daragh (2019) 'Memoria della regione: Pirandello e l'antologia siciliana' In: Alessandra Sorrentino& Michael Rossner (eds). Pirandello: Narrazione, Memoria, Identita'. Oxford-NewYork: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2019)'‘Resisting the Court: Courtesy and Courtliness in the Commedia’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2019) '‘Resisting the Court: Courtesy and Courtliness in the Commedia’' In: Ambra Moroncini, Darrow Schecter and Fabio Vighi (eds). Resistance in Italian Culture from Dante to the 21st century. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2018)'Il punto scritto: genesi e scrittura ne 'Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio''
O'Connell. Daragh (2018) 'Il punto scritto: genesi e scrittura ne 'Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio'' In: Anna Frabetti, Laura Toppan (eds). Studi per Vincenzo Consolo: Con lo studio di puo' forse cambiare il mondo. Strasbourg: Presses Universite' de Strasbourg.   [Details]
(2017)'“Whorish Eyes: Envy at the Court of Vice'
O'Connell (2017) '“Whorish Eyes: Envy at the Court of Vice' In: Barnes, J. C. & O'Connell, Daragh (eds). Dante and the Seven Deadly Sins. Dublin: Four Courts. [Details]
(2017)'Theatre of Melancholic Memory: Vincenzo Consolo and the Poetics of the Stage'
O'Connell, Daragh (2017) 'Theatre of Melancholic Memory: Vincenzo Consolo and the Poetics of the Stage' In: Ferrara, E. M. & O'Cuilleanain, C (eds). Staged Narratives / Narrative Stages. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2016)'Denti Alligator: The Dantification of Popular Culture'
O'Connell, Daragh (2016) 'Denti Alligator: The Dantification of Popular Culture' In: Kelley, Michael G. & O'Connell, Daragh (eds). Comparative Becomings: Studies in Transition. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2015)'‘Whorled without aimed: Joyce the Diviner of Vico’s Providential Scienza nuova’'
O'Connell, Daragh (2015) '‘Whorled without aimed: Joyce the Diviner of Vico’s Providential Scienza nuova’' In: Fogarty, Anne & O'Rourke, Fran (eds). Voices on Joyce. Dublin: UCD Press. [Details]
(2014)'Providential Divining: Heresies and Controversies in Giambattista Vico's Scienza Nuova'
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) 'Providential Divining: Heresies and Controversies in Giambattista Vico's Scienza Nuova' In: Beyond Catholicism: Heresy, Mysticism and Apocalypse in Italian Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details]
(2014)'Egli, se stesso e Giambattista: Vico e l'autobiografia nella Napoli settecentesca'
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) 'Egli, se stesso e Giambattista: Vico e l'autobiografia nella Napoli settecentesca' In: O'Connell, Daragh & Trapassi, Leonarda (eds). L'arte della scrittura delle vite: contesti auto-biografici e autobiografismo nella letteratura italiana. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2014)'Furor Melancholicus: Poetica pittorica nella narrativa di Vincenzo Consolo'
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) 'Furor Melancholicus: Poetica pittorica nella narrativa di Vincenzo Consolo' In: Domenica Perrone & Natale Tedesco (eds). Letteratura, musica e arti figurative tra Settecento e Novecento. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2014)'Patria de exilio: la poética del regreso en la obra de Carmine Abate'
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) 'Patria de exilio: la poética del regreso en la obra de Carmine Abate' In: Luigi Giuliani, Leonarda Trapassi, Javier Martos (eds). Far Away is Here. Lejos es aquí. Berlin: Frank & Timme. [Details]
(2013)'Sciascia e l'antologia'
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) 'Sciascia e l'antologia' In: Leonardo Sciascia: Un testimone del secolo XX. Rome: Bonanno. [Details]
(2013)'Dante's Silent Ship: Similes, Swimming and Seafaring in the Commedia'
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) 'Dante's Silent Ship: Similes, Swimming and Seafaring in the Commedia' In: Nature and Art in Dante: Literary and Theological Essays. Dublin: Four Courts. [Details]
(2011)'Nostoi: Contesting Identities and Homelands in the Narrative of Carmine Abate'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2011) 'Nostoi: Contesting Identities and Homelands in the Narrative of Carmine Abate' In: Specchi di realta': Aspetti del rapporto tra narrativa e societa' in Italia dopo il 1989. Turin: Trauben. [Details]
(2010)'Passione e trasgressione in Pirandello'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2010) 'Passione e trasgressione in Pirandello' In: Le passioni di Pirandello. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2009)'Il suono del piffero: Vittorini in Consolo'
Daragh O'Connell; (2009) 'Il suono del piffero: Vittorini in Consolo' In: Un secolo con Vittorini. Turin: Trauben. [Details]
(2009)'Mascelloni, Masks and Mascara: Writing, Language and Power'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) 'Mascelloni, Masks and Mascara: Writing, Language and Power' In: Resisting the Tide: Cultural Opposition Under Berlusconi (2001-2006). London: Continuum. [Details]
(2009)'Degenerative Genre: Federico De Roberto and His Sicilian Legacy'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) 'Degenerative Genre: Federico De Roberto and His Sicilian Legacy' In: The Risorgimento of Federico De Roberto. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2007)'Mafia and Antimafia: Sciascia and Borsellino in Vincenzo Consolo's Lo Spasimo di Palermo'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) 'Mafia and Antimafia: Sciascia and Borsellino in Vincenzo Consolo's Lo Spasimo di Palermo' In: Assassinations, Murders and Mysteries in Modern Italy. New York: Palgrave. [Details]
(2007)'A Lost Ithaca: Return, Memory and Loss in Vincenzo Consolo's Lo Spasimo di Palermo'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) 'A Lost Ithaca: Return, Memory and Loss in Vincenzo Consolo's Lo Spasimo di Palermo' In: Trends in Contemporary Italian Narrative. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. [Details]
(2007)'Buio sospeso: Sinergia narrativa ne Lo Spasimo di Palermo di Vincenzo Consolo'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) 'Buio sospeso: Sinergia narrativa ne Lo Spasimo di Palermo di Vincenzo Consolo' In: Sinergie narrative: Cinema e letteratura nell'Italia contemporanea. Florence: Cesati. [Details]
(2006)'Angelicafugata: from Ariosto to Lampedusa'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2006) 'Angelicafugata: from Ariosto to Lampedusa' In: Italian Culture: Interactions, Transpositions and Translations. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2003)'Consolo's trista conca: Dantean Anagnorisis and Echo in Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2003) 'Consolo's trista conca: Dantean Anagnorisis and Echo in Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio' In: Echi danteschi/Dantean Echoes. Turin: Trauben. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2022)''An Irish Dante, Part II: A Dantean Afterlife''
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) ''An Irish Dante, Part II: A Dantean Afterlife''. Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 444 (Winter 2022):401-411 [Details]
(2022)''An Irish Dante: Possible Precursors to the Commedia''
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) ''An Irish Dante: Possible Precursors to the Commedia''. Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 442 (Summer 2022):125-133 [Details]
(2021)'‘“Diverse voci fanno dolci note”: Dante Between Scholarship and Commemoration’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) '‘“Diverse voci fanno dolci note”: Dante Between Scholarship and Commemoration’'. Annali D'Italianistica, 39 :412-426 [Details]
(2020)'‘Literary Cultures in/and Italian Studies’'
O'Connell. Daragh, Sica. Beatrice (2020) '‘Literary Cultures in/and Italian Studies’'. Italian Studies, 75 (2):125-139 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Ariosto’s Astute Arrogance: The Construction of the Comic City in La Lena'
O'Connell, Daragh (2017) 'Ariosto’s Astute Arrogance: The Construction of the Comic City in La Lena'. Renaissance and Reformation, 40 (1):37-66 [Details]
(2012)'Tizzone d'Inferno: Sciascia on Joyce'
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) 'Tizzone d'Inferno: Sciascia on Joyce'. Todomodo. Rivista internazionale di studi sciasciani / A Journal of Sciascia Studies, 2 :235-246 [Details]
(2009)'Festa delle trasgressioni: Modern and Pre-Modern in Pirandello'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) 'Festa delle trasgressioni: Modern and Pre-Modern in Pirandello'. Pirandello Studies. Journal of the Society for Pirande, 29 :59-74 [Details]
(2008)'Sicilian Literature and Vincenzo Consolo'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2008) 'Sicilian Literature and Vincenzo Consolo'. Italian Studies, 63 (2):315-321 [Details]
(2008)'And he a face still forming: Genesis, Gestation and Variation in Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2008) 'And he a face still forming: Genesis, Gestation and Variation in Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio'. Italian Studies, 63 (1):119-140 [Details]
(2008)'Consolo narratore e scrittore palincestuoso'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2008) 'Consolo narratore e scrittore palincestuoso'. Quaderns d'Italià, :161-184   [Details]
(2007)'Pirandello and Joyce say Yes! in Denis Johnston's The Old Lady Says No!'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) 'Pirandello and Joyce say Yes! in Denis Johnston's The Old Lady Says No!'. Pirandello Studies. Journal of the Society for Pirande, 27 :75-92 [Details]
(2005)'Zu Luigi: Pirandello and the Sicilian Literary Tradition'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) 'Zu Luigi: Pirandello and the Sicilian Literary Tradition'. Pirandello Studies. Journal of the Society for Pirande, 25 :29-48 [Details]
(2004)'Il dovere del racconto: Interview with Vincenzo Consolo'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2004) 'Il dovere del racconto: Interview with Vincenzo Consolo'. The Italianist, 24 (2):238-253 [Details]

Other Journals

(2022)'‘La consolazione di Dante: Echi danteschi ne Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio’'
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) '‘La consolazione di Dante: Echi danteschi ne Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio’' Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature, XIII (211) :7-18. [Details]
(2010)'Il palinsesto della memoria. Consolo fra narrare e scrivere'
O'Connell, Daragh; (2010) 'Il palinsesto della memoria. Consolo fra narrare e scrivere' Microprovincia. Scrittura e memoria in Vincenzo Consolo, 48 :42-66. [Details]

Book Reviews

(2007)Pirandello Studies, 27.
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Pirandello Studies, 27. Book Reviews [Details]
(2007)Italian Culture, 24.
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Italian Culture, 24. Book Reviews [Details]
(2007)Modern Italy, 12:1.
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Modern Italy, 12:1. Book Reviews [Details]
(2007)Italian Studies, 62:1.
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Italian Studies, 62:1. Book Reviews [Details]
(2005)Pirandello Studies, 25.
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) Pirandello Studies, 25. Book Reviews [Details]


(2012)Traduzioni della Libellula: L'olivo e l'olivastro, Vincenzo Consolo.
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) Traduzioni della Libellula: L'olivo e l'olivastro, Vincenzo Consolo. Translations [DOI] [Details]
(2009)Letteratura e potere - Literature and Power.
Consolo, Vincenzo; (2009) Letteratura e potere - Literature and Power. Translations   [Details]
(2008)L'isola in me: in viaggio con Vincenzo Consolo.
Tortora de Falco, Ludovica; (2008) L'isola in me: in viaggio con Vincenzo Consolo. Translations [Details]
(2006)Report of Basilio Archita.
Consolo, Vincenzo; (2006) Report of Basilio Archita. Toronto: Translations [Details]
(2006)The Ruin of Syracuse.
Consolo, Vincenzo; (2006) The Ruin of Syracuse. Toronto: Translations [Details]
(2006)The Languages of the Forest.
Consolo, Vincenzo; (2006) The Languages of the Forest. Toronto: Translations [Details]

Professional Activities

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
University College Dublin Foundation for Italian Studies Editorial Board01-JAN-05 / 31-DEC-15
Civiltà italiana Editorial Board01-JAN-09 / 31-DEC-30
Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano Member/
The Society for Pirandello Studies Hon. Secretary; Editorial Board/
La Libellula Editorial Board/
Society for Italian Studies Executive Committee/
Association for the Study of Modern Italy Member/
American Association for Italian Studies Member/
American Association for Teachers of Italian Member/
Undergraduate Student Awards Chairperson for Languages and Linguistics02-JAN-10 / 31-DEC-12

Conference Contributions

(2024)Firmare la propria condanna a morte: Michael Collins e la guerra civile irlandese,
O'Connell, Daragh (2024) L'omicidio politico fra le due Guerre mondiali. [Invited Oral Presentation], Firmare la propria condanna a morte: Michael Collins e la guerra civile irlandese, Universita' di Padova , 17-MAY-24 - 18-MAY-24. [Details]
(2024)Dante's Lessons in Literary Love,
O'Connell, Daragh (2024) Societa' Dante Alighieri, Cork. [Plenary Lecture], Dante's Lessons in Literary Love, Collins Barracks, Cork , 13-MAY-24 - 13-MAY-24. [Details]
(2023)Kicking with the Other Foot: Commemorating Dante in Ireland, between Nationalism and Sectarianism,
Daragh O'Connell (2023) Memory, Commemoration and the Uses of the Past. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Kicking with the Other Foot: Commemorating Dante in Ireland, between Nationalism and Sectarianism, University College Cork , 09-NOV-23 - 09-NOV-23. [Details]
(2023)'Esser alcun di nostra terra prava': Firenze e i fiorentini nelle 'Esposizioni' di Boccaccio,
Daragh O'Connell (2023) Das Spatwerk Boccaccios: Le Esposizioni sopra la Comedia. [Invited Oral Presentation], 'Esser alcun di nostra terra prava': Firenze e i fiorentini nelle 'Esposizioni' di Boccaccio, Universtat Gottingen , 18-OCT-23 - 20-OCT-23. [Details]
(2023)Purgatorio X,
Daragh O'Connell (2023) Societa' Dantesca Italiana. [Plenary Lecture], Purgatorio X, SDI Florence , 05-OCT-23 - 05-OCT-23. [Details]
(2023)Dante e Joyce al mare: Postura e liminalita' nelle Commedia e nello Ulysses,
O'Connell, Daragh (2023) Alma Dante 2023: Congresso Dantesco Internazionale. [Oral Presentation], Dante e Joyce al mare: Postura e liminalita' nelle Commedia e nello Ulysses, University of Bologna (sede Ravenna) , 17-MAY-23 - 20-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023)'Per legame musaico': Four Irish Poets in the Pit of Hell,
O'Connell. Daragh (2023) Radical Translation(s)/Translating the Radical. TSNI: Translation Studies Network of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 'Per legame musaico': Four Irish Poets in the Pit of Hell, University College Cork , 28-APR-23 - 28-APR-23. [Details]
(2023)Punti critici danteschi,
O'Connell. Daragh (2023) Avvio del poema dantesco - Ipotesi a confronto. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Punti critici danteschi, University of Pisa , 23-MAR-23 - 23-MAR-23. [Details]
(2023)Joyce and Dante at the Beach: Posture and Poetics in 'Ulysses',
O'Connell. Daragh (2023) Joys in Transition. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Joyce and Dante at the Beach: Posture and Poetics in 'Ulysses', University of Roma Tre , 02-FEB-23 - 03-FEB-23. [Details]
(2022)Scrittori di cose: Verga e Consolo nella letteratura siciliana,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Raccontare la realta': Italia ieri e oggi. [Oral Presentation], Scrittori di cose: Verga e Consolo nella letteratura siciliana, University of Palermo , 27-OCT-22 - 29-OCT-22. [Details]
(2022)Luoghi e spazi reali e ideali nell’opera e nella vita di Dante,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Raccontare la realta': Italia ieri e oggi. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Luoghi e spazi reali e ideali nell’opera e nella vita di Dante, University of Palermo , 27-OCT-22 - 29-OCT-22. [Details]
(2022)Visibili rifatti: Early Modern Voices in the Contemporary World,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Early Modern Voices in the Contemporary World. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Visibili rifatti: Early Modern Voices in the Contemporary World, University of Sussex , 29-JUN-22 - 30-JUN-22. [Details]
(2022)Alma Dante 2022,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Seminario dantesco 2022. [Visiting Critic], Alma Dante 2022, University of Bologna , 22-JUN-22 - 24-JUL-22. [Details]
(2022)Dante and Joyce at the Beach: Posture and Poetics in 'Ulysses',
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) James Joyce Ulysses Centenary Symposium. [Oral Presentation], Dante and Joyce at the Beach: Posture and Poetics in 'Ulysses', Trinity College Dublin , 12-JUN-22 - 18-JUN-22. [Details]
(2022)Ulysses in Italy: Joyce among the Sicilians,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Ulysses Centenary. [Plenary Lecture], Ulysses in Italy: Joyce among the Sicilians, University of Perugia , 18-MAY-22 - 18-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022)Ulisse in Italia: Joyce fra i siciliani,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) 100 di Ulisse. [Plenary Lecture], Ulisse in Italia: Joyce fra i siciliani, University of Genova , 17-MAY-22 - 17-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022)Mario Luzi - Persone nel viaggio,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Mario Luzi Symposium. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Mario Luzi - Persone nel viaggio, University College Cork , 04-MAY-22 - 04-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022)'concatenatio pulcra': Contemporary Poets Translating Dante,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) The Poetic Tongue II: Poets Translating Poets. [Invited Oral Presentation], 'concatenatio pulcra': Contemporary Poets Translating Dante, University College Cork , 04-MAY-22 - 04-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022)Dante Futures,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) SIS Biennial Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Dante Futures, University of Warwick , 21-APR-22 - 21-APR-22. [Details]
(2022)La trista conca: Dante e Consolo,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) La herencia cultural de Vincenzo Consolo. [Plenary Lecture], La trista conca: Dante e Consolo, Universitat de Valencia , 08-APR-22 - 09-APR-22. [Details]
(2022)Dante's Thought in Context: Theology and Philosophy in Late Medieval Italy,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Renaissance Society of America. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Dante's Thought in Context: Theology and Philosophy in Late Medieval Italy, Dublin (Conference centre) , 02-APR-22 - 02-APR-22. [Details]
(2022)Diverse voci fanno dolci note,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Presentazione del libro “The Oxford Handbook of Dante”. [Plenary Lecture], Diverse voci fanno dolci note, Italian Cultural Institute, Dublin , 25-MAR-22 - 25-MAR-22. [Details]
(2022)Ulisse in Sicilia,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Uno strano triangolo: L'Ora, Joyce, Pizzuto. [Plenary Lecture], Ulisse in Sicilia, Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana (Palermo) , 02-FEB-22 - 02-FEB-22. [Details]
(2022)Raccontare Consolo: Con Claudio Masetta Milone,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Conversare su Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Raccontare Consolo: Con Claudio Masetta Milone, University College Cork , 18-FEB-22 - 18-FEB-22. [Details]
(2022)Studiare Consolo: Con Nicolo' Messina,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Conversare su Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Studiare Consolo: Con Nicolo' Messina, University College Cork , 11-FEB-22 - 11-FEB-22. [Details]
(2022)Curare Consolo: Con Gianni Turchetta,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Conversare su Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Curare Consolo: Con Gianni Turchetta, University College Cork , 04-FEB-22 - 04-FEB-22. [Details]
(2022)Ulisse in Sicilia,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Uno strano triangolo: L'Ora, Joyce, Pizzuto. [Plenary Lecture], Ulisse in Sicilia, Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana (Palermo) , 02-FEB-22 - 02-FEB-22. [Details]
(2022)Tradurre Consolo: Con Joseph Farrell,
O'Connell. Daragh (2022) Conversare su Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Tradurre Consolo: Con Joseph Farrell, University College Cork , 28-JAN-22 - 28-JAN-22. [Details]
(2021)Irishing Dante,
Kenneth Clarke, Emma Nic Cárthaigh and Daragh O'Connell (2021) Dante Dialogues IX. [Invited Oral Presentation], Irishing Dante, University College Cork (on-line) , 10-DEC-21 - 10-DEC-21. [Details]
(2021)Dante between Belfast and Glasgow: Alasdair Gray, Ciaran Carson and Philip Terry,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) Dante and Alasdair Gray: a Scottish Journey through the Divine Comedy. [Plenary Lecture], Dante between Belfast and Glasgow: Alasdair Gray, Ciaran Carson and Philip Terry, University of Glasgow: , 09-DEC-21 - 09-DEC-21. [Details]
(2021)Centre for Dante Studies in Ireland,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) A Centenary Celebration of New Voices in UK and Irish Dante Studies. [Plenary Lecture], Centre for Dante Studies in Ireland, University of Oxford , 13-NOV-21 - 13-NOV-21. [Details]
(2021)British and Irish Remediations of Dante,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) A Centenary Celebration of New Voices in UK and Irish Dante Studies. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], British and Irish Remediations of Dante, University of Cambridge , 12-NOV-21 - 12-NOV-21. [Details]
(2021)'Pigliare occhi, per avere la mente: Dante through the Art of Laim O'Broin,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) Lectura dantis andreapolitana. [Plenary Lecture], 'Pigliare occhi, per avere la mente: Dante through the Art of Laim O'Broin, University of St Andrews , 06-NOV-21 - 06-NOV-21. [Details]
(2021)Dante in Irlanda,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) Congresso Dantesco Internazionale. [Plenary Lecture], Dante in Irlanda, Ravenna , 18-SEP-21 - 18-SEP-21. [Details]
(2021)Purgatorio 8: Community and Exclusion in the Valley of the Negligent Rulers,
O'Connell. Daragh, Claudia Rossignoli (2021) Canto per Canto: Dante Society of America. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Purgatorio 8: Community and Exclusion in the Valley of the Negligent Rulers, , 08-SEP-21 - 08-SEP-21. [Details]
(2021)La “Scienza” ne La scienza nuova: G. Vico fra antichi e moderni,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) Fisica e letteratura: dialogo tra due mondi. [Oral Presentation], La “Scienza” ne La scienza nuova: G. Vico fra antichi e moderni, University of Geneva , 28-JUN-21 - 28-JUN-21. [Details]
(2021)An Irish Dante? Precursors to an Irish Afterlife,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) Societa' Dante Alighieri (Cork). [Plenary Lecture], An Irish Dante? Precursors to an Irish Afterlife, , 18-MAY-21 - 18-MAY-21. [Details]
(2021)Dante irlandese: percorsi letterari fra il moderno e il medioevo,
O'Connell. Daragh (2021) Dantedi': La Maremme per Dante. [Plenary Lecture], Dante irlandese: percorsi letterari fra il moderno e il medioevo, , 26-MAR-21 - 26-MAR-21. [Details]
(2020)Courting Dante: The Politics of Love in the Commedia,
O'Connell. Daragh (2020) Dante Public Lecture Series 2020. [Plenary Lecture], Courting Dante: The Politics of Love in the Commedia, University College Cork , 10-FEB-20 - 10-FEB-20. [Details]
(2019)La notte della ragione: Politica e poetics in Nottetempo, casa per casa,
O'Connell. Daragh (2019) L'opera di Vincenzo Consolo e l'identità culturale del Mediterraneo, fra conflitto e integrazione. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], La notte della ragione: Politica e poetics in Nottetempo, casa per casa, University of Milan , 06-MAR-19 - 07-MAR-19. [Details]
(2018)‘“lor vanità che par persona”: Immateriality and Haptic Memory in Dante’s Commedia’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2018) All Things Considered: Material Culture and Memory. [Oral Presentation], ‘“lor vanità che par persona”: Immateriality and Haptic Memory in Dante’s Commedia’, University College Cork , 09-NOV-18 - 10-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018)‘Surfing in Hell’: Dante’s Social Media and Online Presence’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2018) Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo. [Plenary Lecture], ‘Surfing in Hell’: Dante’s Social Media and Online Presence’, Italian Cultural Institute, Dublin , 22-OCT-18. [Details]
(2018)‘Inferno XVIII: ovvero quando le parole cominciano a puzzare’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2018) Convegno Internazionale di Studi: Letture dell’Inferno di Roberto Benigni. [Plenary Lecture], ‘Inferno XVIII: ovvero quando le parole cominciano a puzzare’, Apiro/Jesi , 06-OCT-18 - 07-OCT-18. [Details]
(2018)‘“Corti vizio”: Dante e la lingua cortese’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2018) AIPI Conference. [Oral Presentation], ‘“Corti vizio”: Dante e la lingua cortese’, University of Siena , 03-SEP-18 - 05-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)‘Resisting the Court: ‘amore’ and ‘cortesia’ in the Commedia’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2018) Resistance in Italian Culture: Literature, Politics and Film. [Oral Presentation], ‘Resisting the Court: ‘amore’ and ‘cortesia’ in the Commedia’, University of Sussex , 05-APR-18 - 06-APR-18. [Details]
(2018)‘Dante’s Envy: Poetry and Punishment in the Court of Vice’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2018) Dante Public Lecture Series 2018. [Plenary Lecture], ‘Dante’s Envy: Poetry and Punishment in the Court of Vice’, University College Cork , 22-JAN-18 - 22-JAN-18. [Details]
(2017)‘Pirandello e l’antologia siciliana’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2017) Pirandello in un mondo globalizzato: Narrazione, Memoria, Identità. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], ‘Pirandello e l’antologia siciliana’, University of Munich , 07-NOV-17 - 08-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017)‘Whose body is it anyway? Bodies in the City of Ariosto’s La Lena’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2017) Urban Space and the Body. [Oral Presentation], ‘Whose body is it anyway? Bodies in the City of Ariosto’s La Lena’, University College Cork , 09-JUN-17 - 10-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017)A poetar mi davano intelletto: Virgil and Heaney via Dante,
O'Connell, Daragh (2017) Congresso Dantesco Internazionale. [Oral Presentation], A poetar mi davano intelletto: Virgil and Heaney via Dante, Ravenna (University of Bologna) , 25-MAY-17 - 27-MAY-17. [Details]
(2017)Il punto scritto: genesi e scrittura ne Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio,
O'Connell, Daragh (2017) Vincenzo Consolo. L’homme, l’écrivain, l’intellectuel. [Plenary Lecture], Il punto scritto: genesi e scrittura ne Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio, Université de Strasbourg , 16-FEB-17 - 17-FEB-17. [Details]
(2017)A poetar mi davao intelletto: Virgil, Dante and Heaney,
O'Connell, Daragh (2017) Colloquium TCD. [Plenary Lecture], A poetar mi davao intelletto: Virgil, Dante and Heaney, Trinity College Dublin , 11-FEB-17 - 11-FEB-17. [Details]
(2017)Giambattista Vico and the Imagination of History,
O'Connell, Daragh (2017) CASiLaC European Thought and Global Inspiration Semiar. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Giambattista Vico and the Imagination of History, University College Cork , 23-FEB-17 - 23-FEB-17. [Details]
(2017)Paradiso IX,
O'Connell, Daragh (2017) Lectura dantis andreapolitana. [Plenary Lecture], Paradiso IX, University of St Andrews , 10-MAR-17 - 10-MAR-17. [Details]
(2016)Crestomazie siciliane: le antologie e la costruzione di un contro-canone nazionale,
O'Connell, Daragh (2016) AIPI Conference. [Oral Presentation], Crestomazie siciliane: le antologie e la costruzione di un contro-canone nazionale, University of Budapest , 31-AUG-16 - 03-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Virgil and Heaney in Florence: Dante and Dead Poetry,
O'Connell, Daragh (2016) Heaney and the Virgilian Tradition. [Plenary Lecture], Virgil and Heaney in Florence: Dante and Dead Poetry, University College Cork , 24-SEP-16 - 24-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)A d'iompaigh go Gaeilge: translating European literature into irish,
Aidan Doyle, Daragh O'Connell (2016) conference on translation. [Conference Organising Committee Member], A d'iompaigh go Gaeilge: translating European literature into irish, UCC . [Details]
(2016)To Hell with De Brun: Translating Dante’s Commedia,
O'Connell, Daragh (2016) – Translating European literature into Irish in the Free State. [Plenary Lecture], To Hell with De Brun: Translating Dante’s Commedia, University College Cork , 16-SEP-16 - 16-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)The Italian Ulysses: Joyce and Insular Poetics between Ireland and Sicily,
O'Connell, Daragh (2016) Irishing Italy: Reading and Translating Ireland in Italy in the Twentieth-Century. [Plenary Lecture], The Italian Ulysses: Joyce and Insular Poetics between Ireland and Sicily, University of Notre Dame (Rome) , 22-NOV-16 - 22-NOV-16. [Details]
(2015)Ariosto's Astute Arrogance: The Construction of the Comic City in La Lena,
O'Connell, Daragh (2015) Ludovico Ariosto’s La Lena (1528/1529) constitutes both a textual and scenic overhauling of Plautine theatrical models.The paper charts the trajectory of Ariosto’s changing dramatic art from La Cassaria to Il Negromante in terms of its dialogue with Ferrara in order to detail the process of this transformed city-space in La Lena. [Oral Presentation], Ariosto's Astute Arrogance: The Construction of the Comic City in La Lena, Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento , 20-JUN-15 - 20-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015)Dante's Disco Inferno: Popular Culture and the Commedia,
O'Connell, Daragh (2015) Lecture examines Dante's enduring prensence in popular culture today and interrogates how his text is mediated. [Plenary Lecture], Dante's Disco Inferno: Popular Culture and the Commedia, Italian Cultural Institute, Dublin , 10-JUN-15 - 10-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015)Machiavelli's Forked-Tongue: The Gift of the Vernacular,
O'Connell, Daragh (2015) This paper examines Machiavelli’s theorization of the Florentine vernacular, particularly in writing (Discorso o dialogo intorno alla nostra lingua, 1525), and how it is applied as both a propagandizing weapon and as an eloquent gift. Instances of this dual function are especially evident in both Il principe and the Madragola. The paper argues that Machiavelli’s contribution to the Questione della lingua in Italy is singular, but at the same time his negotiation with and deployment of vernacularity are equally pivotal to the enrichment and problematization of the Italian language. [Oral Presentation], Machiavelli's Forked-Tongue: The Gift of the Vernacular, Humboldt University Berlin , 27-MAR-15 - 27-MAR-15. [Details]
(2016)‘“Occhi putti”: Distorted Sight and Modes of Seeing in Dante’s Commedia’,
O'Connell. Daragh (2016) The Senses in Medieval and Renaissance Europe: Sight and Visual Perception. [Oral Presentation], ‘“Occhi putti”: Distorted Sight and Modes of Seeing in Dante’s Commedia’, University College Dublin , 11-MAR-16 - 12-MAR-16. [Details]
(2014)Denti Alligator: The Dantification of Popular Culture,
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) Dante Lecture Series 2014 UCC. [Plenary Lecture], Denti Alligator: The Dantification of Popular Culture, University College Cork , 21-JAN-14. [Details]
(2014)'Whorish Eyes': Style and Suicide in Dante's 'Inferno' XIII,
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) Reading the Written Word: Script, Style and Language. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], 'Whorish Eyes': Style and Suicide in Dante's 'Inferno' XIII, UCC , 21-FEB-14 - 21-FEB-14. [Details]
(2014)Looking Back: The Posture(s) of Memory, Fear and Self-Regard in the 'Commedia',
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) Visualising Posture in Dante's 'Comedy': History, Theory and Practice. [Invited Oral Presentation], Looking Back: The Posture(s) of Memory, Fear and Self-Regard in the 'Commedia', University of Cambridge , 12-SEP-14 - 13-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014)The Night of Reason: Between Melancholy and Epiphany in the Narrative of Vincenzo Consolo,
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) AAIS Conference. [Oral Presentation], The Night of Reason: Between Melancholy and Epiphany in the Narrative of Vincenzo Consolo, University of Zurich , 25-MAY-14 - 25-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)Interstitial Vico: Settecento Naples between Jurisdictionalism and Post-Humanism,
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) SIS Interim Conference. [Invited Oral Presentation], Interstitial Vico: Settecento Naples between Jurisdictionalism and Post-Humanism, British School Rome , 27-MAR-14 - 28-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014)Fra riso e sorriso: la storia genetica del primo capitolo de 'Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio',
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) Vincenzo Consolo: Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio. [Plenary Lecture], Fra riso e sorriso: la storia genetica del primo capitolo de 'Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio', University of Messina (Noto) , 14-FEB-14 - 15-FEB-14. [Details]
(2014)Dante and Suicide in the Court of Vice: A Reading of 'Inferno' XIII,
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) Societa' Dante Alighieri. [Plenary Lecture], Dante and Suicide in the Court of Vice: A Reading of 'Inferno' XIII, Cork , 12-MAY-14 - 12-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)'Visibile Parlare': Proud Art in 'Purgatorio' X,
O'Connell, Daragh (2014) Dante Lecture Series 2014 UCC. [Plenary Lecture], 'Visibile Parlare': Proud Art in 'Purgatorio' X, University College Cork , 04-FEB-14 - 04-FEB-14. [Details]
(2013)Purgatario, Canto X,
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) Lectura Dantis Andreapolitana. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Purgatario, Canto X, Univeristy of St Andrews , 15-MAR-13 - 15-MAR-13. [Details]
(2013)Dante and Virgil,
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) Classical Association of Ireland. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Dante and Virgil, Cork , 04-MAR-13 - 04-MAR-13. [Details]
(2013)Li occhi putti: Inferno XIII,
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) NUI Galway Research Seminar series 2013. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Li occhi putti: Inferno XIII, Nui Galway , 20-NOV-13 - 20-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013)Furor Melancholicus: poetica pittorica ed epifania nella narrativa di Consolo,
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) Vincenzo Consolo nel crocevia mediterraneo. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Furor Melancholicus: poetica pittorica ed epifania nella narrativa di Consolo, Italian Cultural Institute, Dublin , 19-OCT-13 - 20-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)Stuck in the Middle with You: Filth and Flattery in Inferno XVIII,
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) Dante Public Lecture Series. [Plenary Lecture], Stuck in the Middle with You: Filth and Flattery in Inferno XVIII, University College Cork , 05-FEB-13 - 05-FEB-13. [Details]
(2013)Nature and Art in Dante,
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) Italian Studies in Ireland One-Day research Colloquium. [Oral Presentation], Nature and Art in Dante, Trinity College Dublin , 02-FEB-13 - 02-FEB-13. [Details]
(2013)Interstitial Tabucchi,
O'Connell, Daragh (2013) Rua da Saudade: Antonio Tabucchi between Italy and Portugal. [Oral Presentation], Interstitial Tabucchi, University College Cork , 22-MAR-13 - 22-MAR-13. [Details]
(2012)Lejos es aquí / Far Away Is Here,
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) Exilic Homelands: The Poetics of Return in the Narrative of Carmelo Abate. [Oral Presentation], Lejos es aquí / Far Away Is Here, University of Extremadura , 22-NOV-12 - 24-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)Italian Studies in Ireland One-Day Research Colloquium,
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) Research Collaborations and AIPI. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Italian Studies in Ireland One-Day Research Colloquium, UCC , 03-FEB-12 - 03-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012)Dante Public Lecture Series 2012,
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) 5 Public lectures on Dante. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Dante Public Lecture Series 2012, University College Cork , 24-JAN-12 - 21-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012)“AMALIA’S HOUSE - James Joyce’s mirror”: Presentazione del libro in video-conferenza da Trieste con l’autrice Carla Carloni Mocavero. A cura del Dr. Daragh O’Connell, University College Cork,
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) XII SETTIMANA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA NEL MONDO. [Invited Oral Presentation], “AMALIA’S HOUSE - James Joyce’s mirror”: Presentazione del libro in video-conferenza da Trieste con l’autrice Carla Carloni Mocavero. A cura del Dr. Daragh O’Connell, University College Cork, Italian Cultural Institute, Dublin , 17-OCT-12 - 17-OCT-12. [Details]
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) Furor Melancholicus: poetica pittorica nella narrativa di Vincenzo Consolo. [Oral Presentation], L'ITALIA E LE ARTI - LINGUA E LETTERATURA A DIALOGO CON ARTE, MUSICA E SPETTACOLO, University of Salzburg , 05-SEP-12 - 08-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)Transitions in Comparative Studies,
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) First International Conference of CLAI. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Transitions in Comparative Studies, University College Cork , 28-JUN-12 - 30-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)Sicilian Writers Public Lecture Series,
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Sicilian Writers Public Lecture Series, University College Dublin , 26-NOV-12 - 26-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)Selves as Others: Identity in Pirandello,
O'Connell, Daragh (2012) The Society for Pirandello Studies. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Selves as Others: Identity in Pirandello, Bloomsbury Theatre London , 10-NOV-12 - 10-NOV-12. [Details]
(2011)Il Gattopardo Launch,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2011) Il Gattopardo: Genesis and Curious Afterlife. [Invited Oral Presentation], Il Gattopardo Launch, Istituto di cultura italiana, Dublin , 07-FEB-11 - 07-FEB-11. [Details]
(2011)Dante Public Lecture Series,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2011) Dante's Silent Ship. [Plenary Lecture], Dante Public Lecture Series, University College Cork , 15-FEB-11 - 15-FEB-11. [Details]
(2011)Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2011) He, Himself and Giambattista: Vico and Autobiography in the Third Person. [Oral Presentation], Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of St. Andrews , 07-JUL-11 - 07-JUL-11. [Details]
(2011)Lectura Dantis Andreapolitana,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2011) Canto XVIII. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Lectura Dantis Andreapolitana, University St Andrews , 11-MAR-11 - 11-MAR-11. [Details]
(2011)Generations, Genders and Genres in Pirandello,
O'Connell, Daragh (2011) The Society for Pirandello Studies. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Generations, Genders and Genres in Pirandello, Institute for Germanic and Romance Studies, London , 15-OCT-11 - 15-OCT-11. [Details]
(2011)Dante Public Lecture Series 2011,
O'Connell, Daragh (2011) 5 Public Lectures on Dante. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Dante Public Lecture Series 2011, Univeristy College Cork , 25-JAN-11 - 22-FEB-11. [Details]
(2010)Societa' Dante Alighieri di Cork Annual Lecture,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2010) Sicily: Paper Island. [Plenary Lecture], Societa' Dante Alighieri di Cork Annual Lecture, Societa' Dante Alighieri di Cork, Cork , 18-OCT-10 - 18-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010)Insularità e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiane. XIX Convegno dell'Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2010) Islomania: Scrivere la Sicilia. [Oral Presentation], Insularità e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiane. XIX Convegno dell'Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano, University of Cagliari , 26-AUG-10 - 29-AUG-10. [Details]
(2010)Religion, Mysticism and Heresy in Italian Culture. SIS Interim Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2010) Providential Divining: Heresies and Controversies in Giambattista Vico's Scienza nuova. [Oral Presentation], Religion, Mysticism and Heresy in Italian Culture. SIS Interim Conference, Palazzo Pesaro Papfava, Venice , 16-APR-10 - 17-APR-10. [Details]
(2010)Italian Studies in Ireland,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2010) He, Himself and Giambattista: Vico and Autobiography. [Oral Presentation], Italian Studies in Ireland, NUI Galway , 17-DEC-10 - 17-DEC-10. [Details]
(2010)Character, Characters and Characterisation in Pirandello,
O'Connell, Daragh (2010) The Society for Pirandello Studies. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Character, Characters and Characterisation in Pirandello, Institute for Germanic and Romance Studies, London , 09-OCT-10 - 09-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010)Renaissance Now!,
O'Connell, Daragh (2010) International Renaissance conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Renaissance Now!, University College Cork/ Crawford Gallery , 09-DEC-10 - 10-DEC-10. [Details]
(2009)Clothing the Naked: Pirandello and Pirandellismo,
O'Connell, Daragh (2009) The Society for Pirandello Studies. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Clothing the Naked: Pirandello and Pirandellismo, Insitute for Germanic and Romance Studies , 17-OCT-09 - 17-OCT-09. [Details]
(2009)Leonardo Sciascia: vent'anni dopo,
O'Connell, Daragh (2009) Sciascia Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Leonardo Sciascia: vent'anni dopo, University College Cork , 23-OCT-09 - 24-OCT-09. [Details]
(2009)Per un ritratto dello scrittore. Giornate di studio su Leonardo Sciascia,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) Sciascia e l'antologia. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Per un ritratto dello scrittore. Giornate di studio su Leonardo Sciascia, University of Seville , 19-NOV-09 - 21-NOV-09. [Details]
(2009)Leonardo Sciascia's Defiance: Literature, History, Politics,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) Antologizing Sicily: Sciascia's essays, Prefaces and Anthologies. [Oral Presentation], Leonardo Sciascia's Defiance: Literature, History, Politics, University College London, UK , 06-NOV-09 - 07-NOV-09. [Details]
(2009)Commemorating Leonardo Sciascia,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) Sciascia and Verga. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Commemorating Leonardo Sciascia, University of Strathclyde, UK , 04-DEC-09 - 05-DEC-09. [Details]
(2009)Mosaics of Identity (The Problems of Identity in Recent Italian Literature),
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) Nostoi: Contesting Identities and Homelands in Carmine Abate. [Oral Presentation], Mosaics of Identity (The Problems of Identity in Recent Italian Literature), Trinity College Dublin , 03-APR-09 - 03-APR-09. [Details]
(2009)Research Seminar, TCD,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) Epiphany and Melancholy in the Narrative of Vincenzo Consolo. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, TCD, Trinity College Dublin , 10-FEB-09 - 10-FEB-09. [Details]
(2009)Dante and the Seven Deadly Sins,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) Wanton Eyes: Envy at the Court of Vice. [Plenary Lecture], Dante and the Seven Deadly Sins, University College Dublin , 09-FEB-09 - 09-FEB-09. [Details]
(2009)Research Seminar, Department of Italian, UCC,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) (Dante...Bruno).Vico..Joyce[Beckett]: The Scienza nuova Revisited. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research Seminar, Department of Italian, UCC, University College Cork , 10-DEC-09 - 10-DEC-09. [Details]
(2009)Yeats and Italy,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2009) The Tower and the Spiral: Yeats and Sicily. [Plenary Lecture], Yeats and Italy, National Library of Ireland , 11-MAY-09 - 11-MAY-09. [Details]
(2008)Giornata di studi su Elio Vittorini,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2008) Il suono del piffero: Vittorini in Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Giornata di studi su Elio Vittorini, Trinity College Dublin , 18-APR-08 - 18-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)Transmissions and Transformations in Italian Culture. SIS Interim Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2008) Contemporary Ecdotics: Vincenzo Consolo's Nottetempo, casa per casa. [Oral Presentation], Transmissions and Transformations in Italian Culture. SIS Interim Conference, Institute of Germanic and romance Studies, London , 25-APR-08 - 26-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)AATI/AAIS Convention,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2008) Consolo fra narrare e scrivere. [Oral Presentation], AATI/AAIS Convention, Taormina/Giardini Naxos , 22-MAY-08 - 25-MAY-08. [Details]
(2008)A Hundred Years of Pirandellian Umorismo,
O'Connell, Daragh (2008) The Society for Pirandello Studies. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], A Hundred Years of Pirandellian Umorismo, Italian Cultural Institute, London , 25-OCT-08 - 25-OCT-08. [Details]
(2007)Le passioni di Pirandello,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Passioni e trasgressioni in Luigi Pirandello. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Le passioni di Pirandello, University of Leuven/ University of Antwerp , 11-MAY-07 - 12-MAY-07. [Details]
(2007)Vincenzo Consolo: Between Sicily and Europe,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Consolo scrittore e narratore palincestuoso. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Vincenzo Consolo: Between Sicily and Europe, University of Oxford , 15-OCT-07 - 15-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)La Sicilia, le Sicilie,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) La trilogia della Trinacria: polifonia e palinsesti nella narrativa di Vincenzo Consolo. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], La Sicilia, le Sicilie, University of Strathclyde, UK , 24-MAR-07 - 24-MAR-07. [Details]
(2007)Research Seminar, UCC,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Palimpsestusous Narratives: A Genetic Critical Approach to the Poetics of Vincenzo Consolo. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, UCC, University College Cork , 13-NOV-07 - 13-NOV-07. [Details]
(2007)Pirandello and the Making of the Modern,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) Festa delle trasgressioni: Modern and Pre-Modern in Pirandello. [Oral Presentation], Pirandello and the Making of the Modern, University College London , 20-OCT-07 - 20-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)The Risorgimento di Federico de Roberto,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2007) De Roberto's Sicilian Legacy. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Risorgimento di Federico de Roberto, University of Cambridge , 23-MAR-07 - 23-MAR-07. [Details]
(2006)Nature and Art in Dante,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2006) Smiles, Similes, Swimming and Seafaring in Dante's Commedia. [Plenary Lecture], Nature and Art in Dante, University College Dublin , 20-FEB-06 - 20-FEB-06. [Details]
(2006)Research Seminar,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2006) The Lombard Enlightenment: Cesare Beccaria and Pietro Verri. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, Dublin European Institute, University College Dublin , 15-NOV-06 - 15-NOV-06. [Details]
(2006)Narrative Synergies: Cinema and Literature in Contemporary Italy,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2006) Consolo's buio sospeso: Narrative Synergy in Lo Spasimo di Palermo. [Oral Presentation], Narrative Synergies: Cinema and Literature in Contemporary Italy, University of Oxford , 20-JAN-06 - 21-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Each in His Own Way. Society for Pirandello Studies,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2006) Pirandello and Joyce say Yes! in Denis Johnston's The Old Lady says No!. [Oral Presentation], Each in His Own Way. Society for Pirandello Studies, University College London , 14-OCT-06 - 14-OCT-06. [Details]
(2006)Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio, trent'anni dopo. Convegno di studi su Vincenzo Consolo. Fondazione ACIO,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2006) E lui una faccia ancora che forma: Gestazione e variazioni ne Il sorriso dell'ignoto mariniao. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio, trent'anni dopo. Convegno di studi su Vincenzo Consolo. Fondazione ACIO, Capo d'Orlando , 05-OCT-06 - 07-OCT-06. [Details]
(2006)AAIS/AATI Convention,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2006) The Changing Face of Consolo's Smile: Gestation and Variation in Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio from the 60s to the Present. [Oral Presentation], AAIS/AATI Convention, Palazzo Ducale, Genova , 25-MAY-06 - 27-MAY-06. [Details]
(2005)Dialogue with Tradition,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) Isola di carta: Tradition and Memory in Vincenzo Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Dialogue with Tradition, University of Warwick, UK , 05-FEB-05 - 05-FEB-05. [Details]
(2005)Research Seminar, UCD,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) Degenerating Genre: the feuilleton and giallo in Consolo's Narrative. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, UCD, University College Dublin , 15-NOV-05 - 15-NOV-05. [Details]
(2005)Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) From Page to Screen: The Subversion of Narrative in Lo Spasimo di Palermo. [Oral Presentation], Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of Salford , 07-JUL-05 - 09-JUL-05. [Details]
(2005)Research Seminar, TCD. Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) Whorled without aimed: Orthodoxy in Giambattista Vico's Scienza nuova. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, TCD. Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Trinity College Dublin , 02-NOV-05 - 02-NOV-05. [Details]
(2005)Shifting Souths: Robert Dombroski Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) The Leopard and the Snail: Contrasting maps of Sicily in Tomasi di Lampedusa and Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Shifting Souths: Robert Dombroski Conference, University of Connecticut , 16-SEP-05 - 17-SEP-05. [Details]
(2005)James Joyce Summer School,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2005) Commodius Vicus: Vico and Joyce Revisited. [Plenary Lecture], James Joyce Summer School, Newman House, University College Dublin , 13-JUL-05 - 13-JUL-05. [Details]
(2004)Research Seminar, NUI Galway,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2004) Figuring Sicily in Tomasi di Lampedusa and Consolo. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, NUI Galway, NUI Galway , 23-MAR-04 - 23-MAR-04. [Details]
(2004)Research Seminar,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2004) Providential Divining: Problems of Orthodoxy in Vico's Scienza nuova. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, University College Dublin , 14-APR-04 - 14-APR-04. [Details]
(2004)Society for Pirandello Studies,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2004) Zu Luigi: Pirandello the Sicilian. [Oral Presentation], Society for Pirandello Studies, University College Dublin , 06-NOV-04 - 06-NOV-04. [Details]
(2004)The Second Italian Republic Ten Years On: Prospect and Retrospect. Association for the Study of Modern Italy,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2004) Itaca perduta: Return and Loss in Consolo's Recent Narrative. [Oral Presentation], The Second Italian Republic Ten Years On: Prospect and Retrospect. Association for the Study of Modern Italy, Italian Cultural Institute, London , 12-NOV-04 - 13-NOV-04. [Details]
(2003)Assassinations, Murder and Mysteries in Modern Italy. Association for the Study of Modern Italy,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2003) Judex: Mafia, State and Borsellino in Consolo's Lo Spasimo di Palermo. [Oral Presentation], Assassinations, Murder and Mysteries in Modern Italy. Association for the Study of Modern Italy, Italian Cultural Institute, London , 21-NOV-03 - 22-NOV-03. [Details]
(2003)Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2003) Under the Verghian Sun: Genre and Tradition in Vincenzo Consolo. [Oral Presentation], Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University College Cork , 04-JUL-03 - 06-JUL-03. [Details]
(2003)Research Seminar, TCD,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2003) The Pictorial Imagination: Figurative Art in Vincenzo Consolo. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, TCD, Trinity College Dublin , 23-JAN-03 - 23-JAN-03. [Details]
(2002)C. S. Lonergan Giornata di studi,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2002) Angelica in Flight from Ariosto to Lampedusa. [Oral Presentation], C. S. Lonergan Giornata di studi, Trinity College Dublin , 20-APR-02 - 20-APR-02. [Details]
(2002)Research Seminar, UCD,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2002) The Anti-Gattopardo? Modes of Historical Representation in Lampedusa and Consolo. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Seminar, UCD, University College Dublin , 27-NOV-02 - 27-NOV-02. [Details]
(2001)Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2001) Consolo's Vortex(t): Narrative Journeys and Textual Metaphors. [Oral Presentation], Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of Exeter , 30-MAR-01 - 01-APR-01. [Details]
(2000)Senses of Humour in Italian Literature,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2000) Il sorriso dell'ignoto umorista: The Lack of Humour in Sicilian Literature. [Oral Presentation], Senses of Humour in Italian Literature, University of Cambridge , 18-MAR-00 - 18-MAR-00. [Details]
(2000)SIS Postgraduate Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (2000) Il riso di lumaca: Metaphor in Consolo's Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio. [Oral Presentation], SIS Postgraduate Conference, University College London , 27-MAY-00 - 27-MAY-00. [Details]
(1999)Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (1999) Trilogy or Tryptych? Consolo's Lo Spasimo di Palermo. [Oral Presentation], Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of Bristol , 09-APR-99 - 11-APR-99. [Details]
(1999)SIS Postgraduate Conference,
O'Connell, Daragh; (1999) Angelicafugata: Textual Anomalies in Tomasi di Lampedusa's Il Gattopardo. [Oral Presentation], SIS Postgraduate Conference, University College London , 22-MAY-99 - 22-MAY-99. [Details]

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

I teach across a range of areas and periods from Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarch and the Early Modern Period (Machiavelli & Ariosto) to Modern and Contemporary Literature and Film. I also teach Translation Studies at both Undergraduate and at MA. 

Current Postgraduate Students

 StudentDegree Type
Caponetti Elsina Doctoral Degree
Valcelli Chiara Doctoral Degree

Contact details

  • Daragh O'Connell
    Senior Lecturer/ Head of Department
  • Department of Italian
    School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
    University College Cork
  • 00353-21-4902554

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Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
