Research Profile


Dr. Florence McCarthy leads a team of researchers in medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry investigating the synthesis and evaluation of diverse bioactive molecules from steroids to complex heterocycles. Our objective is the development of novel molecules for the treatment of diseases such as cancer and HIV and to this end, lead compounds are devised and synthesised to address a particular receptor in the body. Once the synthesised molecules have been validated these are taken forward (both in-house and in collaboration) toward biological evaluation. This drug discovery approach has so far yielded many highly cited publications concerning the synthesis of novel heterocycles and the relationship of these compounds to biological phenomena. Our research to date has led to significant advances in our understanding of anticancer mechanisms, including recent reports of the emergence of ellipticine and isoellipticines as potential adjuvant therapy. One of the first tangible contributions from our group was the first synthesis of phytosterol oxide standards; synthesis of these novel derivatives with significant toxicological potential in a stereoselective fashion had been attempted without success by many leading research teams in the field and our contributions have been cited widely. In addition, we have significant experience in kinase inhibitor template design and synthesis specifically in the area of bisindolemaleimides and indolocarbazoles. Other areas of activity include novel heterocycle formation and development of probes for new biological targets. Dr. McCarthy is a Principal investigator in the Analytical and Biological Chemistry Research Facility (ABCRF) and also runs the ABCRF mass spectrometry laboratory providing LCMS services to most of the multinational pharmaceutical corporations in Ireland, as well as within UCC and to many other third level institutions. Our work with industry (both synthetic and analytical) is confidential in nature and typically disseminated by confidential report. For the past 10 years, this aspect has helped ensure the Irish pharmaceutical sector has remained at the forefront of the knowledge economy.  Dr. McCarthy has attracted €1.5 million funding from a number of funding agencies and industrial sources and published >40 peer-reviewed papers and 1 book chapter to date (cited >600 times, h-index of 17 and an i10-index of 21). In terms of immediacy and relevance, since 2013, we have published >25 papers, our research has been cited >500 times, has a h-index of 16 and an i10-index of 17. In this period my research group have disseminated our results by oral presentation at national and international conferences on 48 occasions (9 of which were plenary lectures). 
Dr. McCarthy is enthusiastic about postgraduate education, ensuring that researchers gain the multiple skills required to underpin their futures and commonly projects in our group are multi-faceted. He is a member of Graduate Studies Committees for the Department, College and Academic Council.  Since 2008, he has graduated 9 PhD students who have developed international postdoctoral careers or senior roles within the pharmaceutical industry both in Ireland and internationally. In addition, 3 postdoctoral researchers have worked within the team and have progressed to careers in industry. Postgraduate students within my group have won awards for Best poster/presentation at local (Eli Lilly Symposia at UCC; Larry Pierce 2009, Charlotte Miller 2010, Elaine O’Sullivan 2013, Kevin O'Shea 2015 and Mary McKee 2016) and international conferences (GP2A 2010, Michael Cahill; GP2a 2016 Mary McKee) in addition to winning the Overall Award for Chemistry at the Undergraduate Awards for Ireland and Northern Ireland (Hannah Winfield in 2010). Elaine O’Sullivan (graduated 2016) was identified by the IRC and named as one of the “6 rising stars of research” by Silicon Republic for our work on novel isoellipticines. Dr. McCarthy is a member of European Network for Oxysterol Research and designated lab for phytosterol standard synthesis; Vice-Chairman of Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l’Arc Atlantique and host of the 20th GP2A Conference on the 1st-2nd September 2011 at UCC;  invited to present at COST action on Personalised Medicine; a committee member on the SFI funded Tyndall National Access Programme, a reviewer for proposals and responsible for the assignment of >€1 million funding to date;  a reviewer for the research funding body National Science Centre, Poland; reviewer for >15 scientific journals. He is actively engaged in outreach activities in postgraduate research and public awareness (PRTLI Transformations, Robert Boyle Science Festival of Science, Science Week instrumentation tours). Dr. McCarthy is currently module coordinator for CM4108, CM4109, PF1009 and PF2013 on the B.Sc. Chemistry, B.Sc. Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and B.Sc. Pharmacy degree programmes. Background: Florence McCarthy graduated from the School of Pharmacy, University of Sunderland, UK winning the Pfizer prize for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry. After a year of registration to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain register as a pharmacist in Glasgow, his subsequent PhD was undertaken in Medicinal Chemistry with Prof. Paul Groundwater at the University of Sunderland and entitled "Synthesis of Novel Ellipticines as Molecular Probes and DNA Binders" funded by the EPSRC.  In 2001, Dr. McCarthy joined Prof. Bill Denny at the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre (ACSRC), University of Auckland, New Zealand in conjunction with Pfizer Global Research and Development working on inhibitors of the Wee1 and Chk1 checkpoint kinases and the ErbB kinase inhibitor programme with successful patent registration. On his return to Ireland, he joined UCC as a part-time Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and the Department of Chemistry in 2003 before being made permanent in the Department of Chemistry in 2005.

Research Interests

Dr. Florence McCarthy leads a team of researchers in medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry investigating the synthesis and evaluation of diverse bioactive molecules from steroids to complex heterocycles. Our objective is the development of novel molecules for the treatment of diseases such as cancer and HIV and to this end, lead compounds are devised and synthesised to address a particular receptor in the body. Once the synthesised molecules have been validated these are taken forward (both in-house and in collaboration) toward biological evaluation. This drug discovery approach has so far yielded many highly cited publications concerning the synthesis of novel heterocycles and the relationship of these compounds to biological phenomena. The current focus of the group centres on the following: Indole and carbazole chemistry and their heterocyclic variants. Identification of new molecular templates for drug discovery. Ellipticine derivatives and their mechanism of biological effect. Erb B, Wee 1, and Chk 1 kinase inhibitors for the treatment of cancer.  Phytosterols and the toxicity of their oxygenated products. Specific interests in molecular modelling and mass spectrometry and their application to medicinal chemistry. Utilisation of LCMS in the improvement of pharmaceutical process and impurity profiling.   Our research to date has led to significant advances in our understanding of anticancer mechanisms, including recent reports of the emergence of ellipticine and isoellipticines as potential adjuvant therapy. One of the first tangible contributions from our group was the first synthesis of phytosterol oxide standards; synthesis of these novel derivatives with significant toxicological potential in a stereoselective fashion had been attempted without success by many leading research teams in the field and our contributions have been cited widely. In addition, we have significant experience in kinase inhibitor template design and synthesis specifically in the area of bisindolemaleimides and indolocarbazoles. Other areas of activity include novel heterocycle formation and development of probes for new biological targets. Dr. McCarthy is a Principal investigator in the Analytical and Biological Chemistry Research Facility (ABCRF) and also runs the ABCRF mass spectrometry laboratory providing LCMS services to most of the multinational pharmaceutical corporations in Ireland, as well as within UCC and to many other third level institutions. Our laboratory is a member of the SFI Molecular Medicine Ireland Technology Platform and the ATTLAS (Access to Third Level Analytical Services) platform. Our work with industry (both synthetic and analytical) is confidential in nature and typically disseminated by confidential report. For the past 10 years, this aspect has helped ensure the Irish pharmaceutical sector has remained at the forefront of the knowledge economy.  Dr. McCarthy is enthusiastic about postgraduate education, ensuring that researchers gain the multiple skills required to underpin their futures and commonly projects in our group are multi-faceted. He is a member of Graduate Studies Committees for the Department, College and Academic Council and has trained and acted as Independent Chair. Since 2008, he has graduated 7 PhD students who have developed international postdoctoral careers or senior roles within the pharmaceutical industry both in Ireland and internationally. In addition, 3 postdoctoral researchers have worked within the team and have progressed to careers in industry. Postgraduate students within my group have won awards for Best poster/presentation at local and international conferences in addition to winning the Overall Award for Chemistry at the Undergraduate Awards for Ireland and Northern Ireland.Dr. McCarthy is a member of the COST action CA15135: Multi-target paradigm for innovative ligand identification in the drug discovery process (MuTaLig) running from 2016-2020. Research Funding (as PI and Co-PI): SFI                           €245,800 (includes internal SFI OIP funding) PRTLI                      €63,500 IRC                          €397,942 EI                             €262,193 Industry                  €60,000 Other                       €467,489 Total                         €1,496,924   SFI €235,800 from SFI UREKA Site programme for a project entitled Undergraduate PharmaChemical Research Opportunities, as Co-PI in collaboration with Anita Maguire, Daniel McCarthy, Humphrey Moynihan, Damien Arrigan, Abina Crean, Stuart Collins, Jeremy Glennon, Brendan Griffin, JJ Keating, Simon Lawrence, Orla Ni Dhubhghaill and Caitriona O'Driscoll, Chemistry & Pharmacy, UCC.  A 3 year summer research programme for 39 undergraduate students from February 2007 – September 2009. €10,000 from UCC Internal SFI Overhead Investment Plan for equipment repairs from January  – December 2010 PRTLI €60,000 from PRTLI4 for National BioPharmaceutical & Pharmacological Science programme in collaboration with UCD, UCC as Co-PI with Anita Maguire from October 2007 – September 2012. €3,500 from HEA/PRTLI to fund a display at the Transformations event held at the National Science Gallery, Dublin in Dec 2008. IRC/IRCSET €5,000 from IRC Ulysses award for collaboration with Prof. Pascal Marchand, University of Nantes, France from Jan 2014 – Dec 2014 €96,000 from IRC Postgraduate Scholarship awarded to Mary McKee from Oct 2013 – Sept 2017 €72,009 from IRC Postgraduate Scholarship awarded to Kevin O’Shea Oct 2012 – Sept 2016. €72,009 from IRCSET, Postgraduate Scholarship awarded to Elaine O’Sullivan from October 2010 – September 2014. €72,009 from IRCSET, Postgraduate Scholarship awarded to Hannah Winfield from October 2010 – September 2014. €80,915 from IRCSET, Postgraduate Scholarship awarded to Larry Pierce from October 05 – Sept 09. Enterprise Ireland €249,193 from Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Programme 2010, as Co-PI in collaboration with Depuy for a project entitled Gentamicin degradation and release of coated surfaces, IP-2010-0068 from Sept 2011 – Aug 2013 €6,500 from Enterprise Ireland Travel Award for collaboration with Prof. Simon Mackay, University of Strathclyde, Scotland from Jan 2006 – Dec 2007 €6,500 from Enterprise Ireland Travel Award for collaboration with Prof. Simon Mackay, University of Strathclyde, Scotland from Jan 2005 – Dec 2006 Industry €60,000 from Waters Mass Spectrometry for postgraduate support in collaboration with Prof. Anita Maguire from November 05 – October 08.  Other €304,657 from DAFF FIRM (Food Institutional Research Measure) Grant as PI in collaboration with Anita Maguire and Nora O'Brien for a project entitled Phytosterol Oxides: a complete individual toxicological profile (Grant total, €519,983.00) from Oct 06 – Apr 10). €150,912 ABCRF Mass Spectrometry Services from Jan 2006 – Dec 2014 €6,500 from the Wellcome Trust for two Undergraduate Summer Studentships in collaboration with Prof. Paul Groundwater, University of Sunderland, UK (Kieran Greaney) and Prof. Simon Mackay, University of Strathclyde, Scotland (Elaine O’Sullivan) from Jun 2006 – Aug 2006 €5,000 from Cancer Research Ireland for a Travel Award for Fiona Deane from Jan 2005 – Dec 2005 €420 Travel Award from COST-Strategic-170612-07434 "Personalised Medicine" in June 2012.

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Science Foundation Ireland; Research Infrastructure 2015 (Category D: Opportunistic Funding); 16/RI/3404; Professor Anita MaguireScience Foundation of Ireland01-JAN-1730-JUN-19€322,663.00
Conjugation of molecule with drugs to check drug deliveryEnterprise Irl26-FEB-1815-APR-21€6,500.00
Small-molecule Modulators of Oomycete Calcium ChannelsDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)01-JAN-17€199,117.00
Irish Research Council; Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship 2017; GOIPG/2017/2082; "Selective inhibitors of GSK-3 kinase for the treatment of disease: the discovery of novel Napthopyridoindoles (NPIs)."; Florence McCarthyIrish Research Council01-OCT-1731-JAN-22€98,625.00
A structured approach to sphingosine derived quinolines as anticancert agents.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1530-SEP-19€96,000.00
Isoellipticines - targeting cell proliferation by a structured approach.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1330-SEP-17€96,000.00
Synthesis and evaluation of novel functionalised indoles as potential kinase inhibitors.Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-OCT-1230-SEP-16€72,000.00
EI "Development of New inhibitors of topoisomerase I by molecular modelling"Enterprise Irl04-APR-0631-AUG-07€6,500.00
IRCSET "Synthesis and development of carbazole based kinase inhibitors"Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-OCT-0531-MAR-09€80,915.00
Synthesis and evaluation of novel Ellipticines as potential pharmaceuticals.Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)04-OCT-1003-OCT-14€72,000.00
Synthesis and evaluation of novel functionalised indoles as protein kinases.Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)04-OCT-1003-OCT-14€72,000.00
DAFF "Phytosterol oxides: a complete individual toxicological profile"Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF)01-OCT-0631-OCT-10€304,657.00
IRC Ulysses 2013 Scheme.Irish Research Council01-JAN-1431-DEC-14€2,500.00
Mass Spectrometry ServiceIndustry01-JAN-9031-DEC-23€167,376.00


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2023)'Bisindolyl Maleimides and Indolylmaleimide Derivatives-A Review of Their Synthesis and Bioactivity'
Cooney LN;O'Shea KD;Winfield HJ;Cahill MM;Pierce LT;McCarthy FO; (2023) 'Bisindolyl Maleimides and Indolylmaleimide Derivatives-A Review of Their Synthesis and Bioactivity'. Pharmaceuticals, 16 (9) [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'30th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference'
O'Boyle NM;Helesbeux JJ;Meegan MJ;Sasse A;O'Shaughnessy E;Qaisar A;Clancy A;McCarthy F;Marchand P; (2023) '30th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference'. Pharmaceuticals, 16 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Dibenzofuran Derivatives Inspired from Cercosporamide as Dual Inhibitors of Pim and CLK1 Kinases'
Dao VH;Ourliac-Garnier I;Logé C;McCarthy FO;Bach S;da Silva TG;Denevault-Sabourin C;Thiéfaine J;Baratte B;Robert T;Gouilleux F;Brachet-Botineau M;Bazin MA;Marchand P; (2021) 'Dibenzofuran Derivatives Inspired from Cercosporamide as Dual Inhibitors of Pim and CLK1 Kinases'. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 26 (21) [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'29th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference'
Helesbeux JJ;Carro L;McCarthy FO;Moreira VM;Giuntini F;O'Boyle N;Matthews SE;Bayraktar G;Bertrand S;Rochais C;Marchand P; (2021) '29th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference'. Pharmaceuticals, 14 (12) [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Synthesis and evaluation of novel ellipticines and derivatives as inhibitors of Phytophthora infestans'
McKee M.L.;Zheng L.;O’sullivan E.C.;Kehoe R.A.;Doyle Prestwich B.M.;Mackrill J.J.;McCarthy F.O. (2020) 'Synthesis and evaluation of novel ellipticines and derivatives as inhibitors of Phytophthora infestans'. Journal of Pathogens, 9 (7):1-23 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Inhibitory properties of aldehydes and related compounds against phytophthora infestans—identification of a new lead'
Mackrill J.J.;Kehoe R.A.;Zheng L.;McKee M.L.;O’sullivan E.C.;Prestwich B.M.D.;McCarthy F.O. (2020) 'Inhibitory properties of aldehydes and related compounds against phytophthora infestans—identification of a new lead'. Journal of Pathogens, 9 (7):1-24 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Isoquinolinequinone N-oxides as anticancer agents effective against drug resistant cell lines'
Kruschel, Ryan D.; Buzid, Alyah; Khandavilli, Udaya B. Rao; Lawrence, Simon E.; Glennon, Jeremy D.; McCarthy, Florence O. (2020) 'Isoquinolinequinone N-oxides as anticancer agents effective against drug resistant cell lines'. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 18 (3):557-568 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Novel 11-Substituted Ellipticines as Potent Anticancer Agents with Divergent Activity against Cancer Cells'
Miller, C.M.; O’Sullivan, E.C.; McCarthy, F.O. (2019) 'Novel 11-Substituted Ellipticines as Potent Anticancer Agents with Divergent Activity against Cancer Cells'. Pharmaceuticals, 12 (2):90-90   [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Synthesis and anticancer activity of novel bisindolylhydroxymaleimide derivatives with potent GSK-3 kinase inhibition'
Winfield, Hannah J.; Cahill, Michael M.; O'Shea, Kevin D.; Pierce, Larry T.; Robert, Thomas; Ruchaud, Sandrine; Bach, Stéphane; Marchand, Pascal; McCarthy, Florence O. (2018) 'Synthesis and anticancer activity of novel bisindolylhydroxymaleimide derivatives with potent GSK-3 kinase inhibition'. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 26 :4209-4224   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017)'Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity of Novel Heterocyclic Indole-Trimethoxyphenyl Conjugates'
Cahill MM;O'Shea KD;Pierce LT;Winfield HJ;Eccles KS;Lawrence SE;McCarthy FO; (2017) 'Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity of Novel Heterocyclic Indole-Trimethoxyphenyl Conjugates'. Pharmaceuticals, 10 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'The impact of storage conditions upon gentamicin coated antimicrobial implants'
Mullins, ND;Deadman, BJ;Moynihan, HA;McCarthy, FO;Lawrence, SE;Thompson, J;Maguire, AR (2016) 'The impact of storage conditions upon gentamicin coated antimicrobial implants'. Journal Of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 6 :374-381 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Oxidation of sitosterol and transport of its 7-oxygenated products from different tissues in humans and ApoE knockout mice'
Schött, Hans-Frieder; Baumgartner, Sabine; Husche, Constanze; Luister, Alexandra; Friedrichs, Silvia; Miller, Charlotte M.; McCarthy, Florence O.; Plat, Jogchum; Laufs, Ulrich; Weingärtner, Oliver; Lütjohann, Dieter (2016) 'Oxidation of sitosterol and transport of its 7-oxygenated products from different tissues in humans and ApoE knockout mice'. The Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, 169 :145-151   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors. 20. Optimization of substituted quinazoline and pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives as orally active, irreversible inhibitors of the epidermal growth factor receptor family'
Smaill JB;Gonzales AJ;Spicer JA;Lee H;Reed JE;Sexton K;Althaus IW;Zhu T;Black SL;Blaser A;Denny WA;Ellis PA;Fakhoury S;Harvey PJ;Hook K;McCarthy FO;Palmer BD;Rivault F;Schlosser K;Ellis T;Thompson AM;Trachet E;Winters RT;Tecle H;Bridges A; (2016) 'Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors. 20. Optimization of substituted quinazoline and pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives as orally active, irreversible inhibitors of the epidermal growth factor receptor family'. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'7-Formyl-10-methylisoellipticine, a novel ellipticine derivative, induces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and shows anti-leukaemic activity in mice'
E.G. Russell, J. Guo, E.C. O’Sullivan, C.M. O’Driscoll, F.O. McCarthy, T.G. Cotter (2016) '7-Formyl-10-methylisoellipticine, a novel ellipticine derivative, induces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and shows anti-leukaemic activity in mice'. Investigational new drugs, 34 (1):15-23 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Activation of multiple chemotherapeutic prodrugs by the natural enzymolome of tumour-localised probiotic bacteria'
Lehouritis, P. Stanton, M. McCarthy, F. O. Jeavons, M. Tangney, M. (2016) 'Activation of multiple chemotherapeutic prodrugs by the natural enzymolome of tumour-localised probiotic bacteria'. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 222 :9-17   [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Local bacteria affect the efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs'
Panos Lehouritis, Joanne Cummins, Michael Stanton, Carola T. Murphy, Florence O. McCarthy, Gregor Reid, Camilla Urbaniak, William L. Byrne & Mark Tangney (2015) 'Local bacteria affect the efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs'. Scientific Reports, 5 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'7β-Hydroxysitosterol crosses the blood-brain barrier more favored than its substrate sitosterol in ApoE -/-mice'
H.F. Schött, C. Husche, S. Friedrichs, C.M. Miller, F.O. McCarthy, U. Laufs, J. Plat, O. Weingärtner, D. Lütjohann (2015) '7β-Hydroxysitosterol crosses the blood-brain barrier more favored than its substrate sitosterol in ApoE -/-mice'. Steroids, 99 (Part B):178-182 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Vascular effects of oxysterols and oxyphytosterols in apoE -/- mice'
O. Weingärtner, C. Husche, H.F. Schött, T. Speer, C.M. Miller, F.O. McCarthy, J. Plat, D. Lütjohann, U. Laufs (2015) 'Vascular effects of oxysterols and oxyphytosterols in apoE -/- mice'. Atherosclerosis, 240 (1):73-79 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Ellipticine derivative induces potent cytostatic effect in acute myeloid leukaemia cells'
E.G. Russell, E.C. O’Sullivan, C.M. Miller, J. Stanicka, F.O. McCarthy, T.G. Cotter (2014) 'Ellipticine derivative induces potent cytostatic effect in acute myeloid leukaemia cells'. Investigational new drugs, 32 (6):1113-1122 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Vascular effects of sterols, oxysterols, phytosterols, and oxyphytosterols in apoE-/-mice'
O. Weingärtner, D. Lüthjohann, H.F. Schött, T. Speer, F.O. McCarthy, U. Laufs (2014) 'Vascular effects of sterols, oxysterols, phytosterols, and oxyphytosterols in apoE-/-mice'. Atherosclerosis, 235 (2):e262-e263   [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Recent advances in Phytosterol Oxidation Products'
Yvonne O’Callaghan, Florence O. McCarthy, Nora M. O’Brien (2014) 'Recent advances in Phytosterol Oxidation Products'. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications, 446 (3):786-791 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Synthesis and assessment of the relative toxicity of the oxidised derivatives of campesterol and dihydrobrassicasterol in U937 and HepG2 cells'
O'Callaghan Y, Kenny O, O'Connell NM, Maguire AR, McCarthy FO, O'Brien NM (2013) 'Synthesis and assessment of the relative toxicity of the oxidised derivatives of campesterol and dihydrobrassicasterol in U937 and HepG2 cells'. Biochimie, 95 (3):496-503 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Synthesis and evaluation of novel Ellipticines as potential anti-cancer agents'
F. M. Deane, E. C. O’Sullivan, A. R. Maguire, J. Gilbert, J. A. Sakoff, A. McCluskey and F. O. McCarthy (2013) 'Synthesis and evaluation of novel Ellipticines as potential anti-cancer agents'. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 11 (8):1334-1344 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Synthesis and identification of novel indolo[2,3-a]pyrimido[5,4-c]carbazoles as a new class of anti-cancer agents'
L. T. Pierce, M. M. Cahill, H. J. Winfield and F. O. McCarthy (2012) 'Synthesis and identification of novel indolo[2,3-a]pyrimido[5,4-c]carbazoles as a new class of anti-cancer agents'. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 56 :292-300 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Isolation, biological activity and synthesis of the natural product ellipticine and related pyridocarbazoles'
C. M. Miller and F. O. McCarthy (2012) 'Isolation, biological activity and synthesis of the natural product ellipticine and related pyridocarbazoles'. RSC Advances, 2 (24):8883-8918 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Synthetic routes to Campesterol and Dihydrobrassicasterol: a first reported synthesis of the key phytosterol Dihydrobrassicasterol'
N. M. O’Connell, Y. C. O’Callaghan, N. M. O’Brien, A. R. Maguire and F. O. McCarthy (2012) 'Synthetic routes to Campesterol and Dihydrobrassicasterol: a first reported synthesis of the key phytosterol Dihydrobrassicasterol'. Tetrahedron, 68 (25):4995-5004 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Isoellipticine Derivatives and Salts'
C. M. Miller, E. C. O’Sullivan, K. J. Devine and F. O. McCarthy (2012) 'Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Isoellipticine Derivatives and Salts'. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 10 (39):7912-7921 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Is LCMS fast becoming an essential technique for pharmaceuticals'
F.O. McCarthy (2012) 'Is LCMS fast becoming an essential technique for pharmaceuticals'. European Pharmaceutical Review, 17 (1):54-59   [Details]
(2012)'Oxidised Derivatives of Dihydrobrassicasterol: Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Potential in U937 and HepG2 cells'
O. Kenny, Y. O'Callaghan, N. M. O'Connell, F. O. McCarthy, A. R. Maguire and N. M. O'Brien (2012) 'Oxidised Derivatives of Dihydrobrassicasterol: Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Potential in U937 and HepG2 cells'. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60 (23):5952-5961 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Modifications to the Vilsmeier-Haack formylation of 1,4-dimethylcarbazole and its application to the synthesis of ellipticines'
Deane, FM; Miller, CM; Maguire, AR; McCarthy, FO; (2011) 'Modifications to the Vilsmeier-Haack formylation of 1,4-dimethylcarbazole and its application to the synthesis of ellipticines'. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 48 (4):814-823   [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Synthesis of novel 3,4-diaryl-5-aminopyrazoles as potential kinase inhibitors'
L. T. Pierce, M. M. Cahill and F. O. McCarthy (2011) 'Synthesis of novel 3,4-diaryl-5-aminopyrazoles as potential kinase inhibitors'. Tetrahedron, 67 (25):4601-4611 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of the oxidized derivatives of stigmasterol in the U937 human monocytic cell line'
O'Callaghan, Y. C.,Foley, D. A.,O'Connell, N. M.,McCarthy, F. O.,Maguire, A. R.,O'Brien, N. M.; (2010) 'Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of the oxidized derivatives of stigmasterol in the U937 human monocytic cell line'. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (19):10793-10798   [Details]
(2010)'Design And Synthesis Of Novel 5,6-Bisindolylpyrimidin-4-Ones Structurally Related To Ruboxistaurin (LY333531)'
L. T. Pierce, M. M. Cahill and F. O. McCarthy; (2010) 'Design And Synthesis Of Novel 5,6-Bisindolylpyrimidin-4-Ones Structurally Related To Ruboxistaurin (LY333531)'. Tetrahedron, 66 (51):9754-9761 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Synthesis and characterisation of stigmasterol oxidation products'
Foley, DA; O'Callaghan, Y; O'Brien, NM; McCarthy, FO; Maguire, AR; (2010) 'Synthesis and characterisation of stigmasterol oxidation products'. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 :1165-1173 [Details]
(2009)'Design and synthesis of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as anti-cancer agents'
Pierce, Larry T; Cahill, Michael M; McCarthy, Florence O; (2009) 'Design and synthesis of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as anti-cancer agents'. Drugs of the Future, 34 (Suppl A):100-100 [Details]
(2009)'Phytosterol Oxidation Products: Their Formation, Occurrence, and Biological Effects'
E. Ryan, F. O. McCarthy, A. R. Maguire and N. M. O'Brien. ; (2009) 'Phytosterol Oxidation Products: Their Formation, Occurrence, and Biological Effects'. Food Reviews International, 25 :157-174 [Details]
(2009)'Design and synthesis of novel ellipticine c-Kit Kinase inhibitors'
Miller, C; Thompson, D; McCarthy, FO; (2009) 'Design and synthesis of novel ellipticine c-Kit Kinase inhibitors'. Drugs of the Future, 34 (Suppl A):102-102 [Details]
(2008)'Computer Simulations Reveal a Novel Nucleotide-type Binding Orientation for Ellipticine-based Anticancer c-kit Kinase Inhibitors'
D. Thompson, C. Miller, F.O. McCarthy; (2008) 'Computer Simulations Reveal a Novel Nucleotide-type Binding Orientation for Ellipticine-based Anticancer c-kit Kinase Inhibitors'. Biochemistry, 47 :10333-10344 [Details]
(2007)'Exploring DNA topoisomerase I inhibition by the benzo[c]phenanthridines fagaronine and ethoxidine using steered molecular dynamics'
R. L. Clark, F. M. Deane, N. G. Anthony, B. F. Johnston, F. O. McCarthy and S. P. Mackay. ; (2007) 'Exploring DNA topoisomerase I inhibition by the benzo[c]phenanthridines fagaronine and ethoxidine using steered molecular dynamics'. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 15 :4741-4752 [Details]
(2005)'Phytosterol, tocopherol and squalene content of five edible nuts (Brazil, Pecan, Pine, Pistachio, Cashew)'
Ryan E., Galvin K., O'Connor T.P., McCarthy F.O., Maguire A.R. and O'Brien N.M.; (2005) 'Phytosterol, tocopherol and squalene content of five edible nuts (Brazil, Pecan, Pine, Pistachio, Cashew)'. Proceedings of The Nutrition Society, * (*):*-* [Details]
(2005)'Fatty acid profile, tocopherol, squalene and phytosterol content of brazil, pecan, pine, pistachio and cashew nuts'
Ryan E., Galvin K., O’Connor T.P., McCarthy F.O., Maguire A.R. and O’Brien N.M.; (2005) 'Fatty acid profile, tocopherol, squalene and phytosterol content of brazil, pecan, pine, pistachio and cashew nuts'. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, * (*):*-* [Details]
(2005)'Synthesis, isolation and characterisation of β-sitosterol and β-sitosterol oxide derivatives'
F. O. McCarthy, J. Chopra, A. Ford, S. A. Hogan, J. P. Kerry, N. O'Brien, E. Ryan and A. R. Maguire; (2005) 'Synthesis, isolation and characterisation of β-sitosterol and β-sitosterol oxide derivatives'. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 3 (16):3059-3065 [Details]
(2005)'Qualitative and quantitative comparison of the cytotoxic and apoptotic potential of phytosterol oxidation products with their corresponding cholesterol oxidation products'
E. Ryan;J. Chopra;F. McCarthy;A. R. Maguire;N. M. O'Brien; (2005) 'Qualitative and quantitative comparison of the cytotoxic and apoptotic potential of phytosterol oxidation products with their corresponding cholesterol oxidation products'. British Journal of Nutrition, 94 :443-451   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2002)'Molecular modelling of novel ellipticine-amino acid inhibitors of topoisomerase I'
F. O. McCarthy, D. Cairns, P. W. Groundwater and S. P. Mackay; (2002) 'Molecular modelling of novel ellipticine-amino acid inhibitors of topoisomerase I'. J. Pharm. Pharmacol, 54(Suppl) [Details]
(2000)'The design of novel ellipticine-amino acid topoisomerase I inhibitors'
D. Cairns, F.O. McCarthy, P.W. Groundwater and S.P. Mackay; (2000) 'The design of novel ellipticine-amino acid topoisomerase I inhibitors'. Clinical Cancer Research, 6 [Details]
(1998)'A mechanistic investigation into the microbial chiral inversion of 2-arylpropionic acids using deuterated derivatives of 2-phenylpropionic acid'
W. Rhys-Williams, F. McCarthy, J. Baker, Y.F. Hung, M. Thomason, A. W. Lloyd and G. W. Hanlon; (1998) 'A mechanistic investigation into the microbial chiral inversion of 2-arylpropionic acids using deuterated derivatives of 2-phenylpropionic acid'. Enzyme Microb. Technol, 22 (4):281-287 [Details]

Book Chapters

(2012)'Emerging targets in the bioactivity of Ellipticines and derivatives'
E.C. O’ Sullivan, C.M. Miller, F.M. Deane, F.O. McCarthy (2012) 'Emerging targets in the bioactivity of Ellipticines and derivatives' In: Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers. [Details]

Other Journals

(2012)'Recent developments in the use of LCMS in process pharmaceutical chemistry'
McCarthy F. (2012) 'Recent developments in the use of LCMS in process pharmaceutical chemistry' European Pharmaceutical Review, 17 (1) . [Details]
(2011)'ChemInform Abstract: Modifications to the Vilsmeier—Haack Formylation of 1,4-Dimethylcarbazole and Its Application to the Synthesis of Ellipticines'
Fiona M. Deane, Charlotte M. Miller, Anita R. Maguire, Florence O. McCarthy (2011) 'ChemInform Abstract: Modifications to the Vilsmeier—Haack Formylation of 1,4-Dimethylcarbazole and Its Application to the Synthesis of Ellipticines' Cheminform, 42 (51) . [DOI] [Details]

Conference Publications

(2005)Proceedings of The Nutrition Society
E. Ryan, K. Galvin, T.P. O'Connor, F.O. McCarthy, A. R. Maguire and N. M. O¿Brien; (2005) Phytosterol, tocopherol and squalene content of five edible nuts (Brazil, pecan, pine, pistachio, cashew) Proceedings of The Nutrition Society , pp.41-41 [Details]
(2002)British Pharmaceutical Conference
F.O. McCarthy, D. Cairns, P.W. Groundwater and S.P. Mackay; (2002) Molecular modelling of novel ellipticine-amino acid inhibitors of topoisomerase I British Pharmaceutical Conference Manchester, UK, , 23-SEP-02 - 25-SEP-02 [Details]
D. Cairns, F.O. McCarthy, P.W. Groundwater and S.P. Mackay ; (2000) The design of novel ellipticine-amino acid topoisomerase I inhibitors EORTC Amsterdam, , 07-NOV-00 - 10-NOV-00 [Details]


(2018)Investigation of PKDRR Channel Proteins in Phytophthora Infestans.
Zheng, LM;Doyle-Prestwich, B;McCarthy, F;Zhang, T;Mackrill, J (2018) Investigation of PKDRR Channel Proteins in Phytophthora Infestans. NEW YORK: Abstract [Details]
Weingartner, O,Luthjohann, D,Schott, HF,Speer, T,McCarthy, F,Laufs, U (2014) VASCULAR EFFECTS OF STEROLS, OXYSTEROLS, PHYTOSTEROLS, AND OXYPHYTOSTEROLS IN APOE-/-MICE. Abstract [Details]
(2005)Phytosterol, tocopherol and squalene content of five edible nuts (Brazil, pecan, pine, pistachio, cashew).
Ryan, E,Galvin, K,O'Connor, TP,Maguire, AR,McCarthy, F (2005) Phytosterol, tocopherol and squalene content of five edible nuts (Brazil, pecan, pine, pistachio, cashew). Abstract [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2016Best Oral Presentation (Mary McKee) Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique (GP2A)
2016First Prize Postgraduate Symposium (Mary McKee) Eli Lilly
2015First Prize Eli Lilly Postgraduate Symposium (Kevin O'Shea) Eli Lilly, Kinsale
2013First Prize Eli Lilly Postgraduate Symposium (Elaine O'Sullivan) Eli Lilly
2010Undergraduate Award for Ireland and Northern Ireland (Hannah Winfield) Undergraduate Awards
2010Prize for Best Poster and Presentation GP2A (Michael Cahill) Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique
2009First Prize Eli Lilly Postgraduate Symposium (Charlotte Miller) Eli Lilly
2009Runner-up Eli Lilly Postgraduate Symposium (Michael Cahill) Eli Lilly
2008First Prize Eli Lilly Postgraduate Symposium (Larry Pierce) Eli Lilly
2007Runner-up Eli Lilly Postgraduate Seminar Prize (Fiona Deane) Eli Lilly
1996Pfizer Prize for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry University of Sunderland

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain Member/
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland Member/
Royal Society of Chemistry Member/
Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique Member/


 Patent NumberTitleGranted
WO 2003091255Preparation of pyrrolocarbazoles, benzofuroisoindoles, and azacyclopentafluorenes inhibitors of checkpoint kinases WEE1 and CHK1 15-APR-03


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
COST CA17104 Management Committee Member2018 / 2022
Management Committee of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique Vice-Chairman2017 /
COST CA15135 Member2016 / 2020
Department of Chemistry Teaching and Exams Committee Chair2015 / 2017
Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique Conference Conference Organiser2005 / 2016
Academic Council - Graduate Studies Committee Member2010 / 2016
Staff Student Committe - Department of Chemistry Chairperson2005 / 2010
Teaching and Examinations Committee - Department of Chemistry Member2005 / 2016
Research and Graduate Studies Committee - Department of Chemistry Member2007 / 2016
Graduate Studies Committee - SEFS Member2009 / 2016

Conference Contributions

(2014)Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Florence O. McCarthy, Niamh N O'Connell, Anita R. Maguire, Yvonne O'Callaghan, Nora M. O'Brien (2014) Phytosterols: a healthy alternative to Cholesterol?. [Plenary Lecture], Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Nantes, France , 28-AUG-14 - 29-AUG-14. [Details]
(2014)Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Hannah J. Winfield, Florence O. McCarthy (2014) Arresting cell growth by novel indolocarbazoles functionalised by Lossen Rearrangement. [Invited Oral Presentation], Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Nantes, France , 27-AUG-14 - 28-AUG-14. [Details]
(2014)Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Elaine C. O'Sullivan, Eileen G. Russell, Charlotte M. Miller, Thomas G. Cotter, Florence O. McCarthy (2014) From heterocycles to cell cycles: isoellipticines as anticancer agents. [Invited Oral Presentation], Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Nantes, France , 27-AUG-14 - 28-AUG-14. [Details]
(2014)66th Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium,
Elaine C. O'Sullivan, Eileen G. Russell, Thomas G. Cotter, Florence O. McCarthy (2014) From heterocycles to cell cycles: isoellipticines as anti-cancer agents. [Invited Oral Presentation], 66th Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium, NUI Galway , 19-JUN-14 - 20-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014)66th Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium,
Hannah J.Winfield and Florence O. McCarthy (2014) Arresting cell growth by novel indolocarbazoles functionalised by Lossen Rearrangement. [Poster Presentation], 66th Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium, NUI Galway , 19-JUN-14 - 20-JUN-14. [Details]
(2013)School of Pharmacy, UCC, 10 Year Anniversary Research Conference,
Nicholas D. Mullins, Anita R. Maguire, Humphrey A. Moynihan, Florence O. McCarthy, Simon E. Lawrence, Abina Crean, Jonathan Thompson (2013) A Study of Gentamicin Degradation on Coated Surfaces. [Poster Presentation], School of Pharmacy, UCC, 10 Year Anniversary Research Conference, Cork , 27-SEP-13 - 27-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)11th Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium,
Hannah J. Winfield, Florence O. McCarthy (2013) SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION OF NOVEL FUNCTIONALISED INDOLES AS POTENTIAL ANTICANCER AGENTS. [Oral Presentation], 11th Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium, University College Cork , 06-SEP-13 - 06-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)11th Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium,
Elaine C. O'Sullivan, Florence O. McCarthy (2013) Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel Isoellipticines as anticancer agents. [Oral Presentation], 11th Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium, University College Cork , 06-SEP-13 - 06-SEP-13. [Details]
(2012)6th RSC Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium,
Hannah J. Winfield, Florence O. McCarthy (2012) Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Indolocarbazoles and Derivatives as Anticancer Agents. [Oral Presentation], 6th RSC Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Cambridge, UK , 14-DEC-12 - 14-DEC-12. [Details]
(2012)6th RSC Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium,
Elaine C. O'Sullivan, Charlotte M. Miller, Ken J. Devine, Florence O. McCarthy (2012) Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel Isoellipticines as anti-cancer agents. [Oral Presentation], 6th RSC Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Cambridge, UK , 14-DEC-12 - 14-DEC-12. [Details]
(2012)COST Action PERMED - Personalised Medicine,
Florence O. McCarthy, Fiona M. Deane, Charlotte M. Miller, Elaine C. O'Sullivan (2012) (Iso)Ellipticines and derivatives as selective CNS cancer therapeutics. [Poster Presentation], COST Action PERMED - Personalised Medicine, Larnica, Cyprus , 17-JUN-12 - 21-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)Royal Society of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Regional Meeting & Awards Symposium,
Florence O. McCarthy (2012) (Iso)Ellipticines and derivatives as selective CNS cancer therapeutics. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Royal Society of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Regional Meeting & Awards Symposium, NUI Galway, Ireland , 19-APR-12 - 19-APR-12. [Details]
(2011)1st European Network on Oxysterols Research (ENOR) Symposium,
Florence O. McCarthy; (2011) International conference on Oxysterol research. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 1st European Network on Oxysterols Research (ENOR) Symposium, Rome, Italy , 22-SEP-11 - 24-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Florence O. McCarthy; (2011) International conference in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland , 01-SEP-11 - 02-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)20th Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Charlotte M. Miller, Florence O. McCarthy (2011) Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Isoellipticine Derivatives as Anti-cancer Agents. [Oral Presentation], 20th Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Cork , 01-SEP-11 - 02-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Michael M. Cahill, Larry T. Pierce, Hannah J. Winfield, Florence O. McCarthy; (2011) Anticancer activity of novel azaindole derivatives related to the bisindolemaleimides. [Poster Presentation], XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Cork, Ireland , 01-SEP-11 - 02-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Elaine C. O'Sullivan, Charlotte M. Miller, Ken Devine and Florence O. McCarthy. ; (2011) Synthesis and evaluation of novel Ellipticine derivatives as anti-cancer agents. [Poster Presentation], XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Cork, Ireland , 01-SEP-11 - 02-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Hannah J. Winfield, Michael M. Cahill, Larry T. Pierce, Florence O. McCarthy; (2011) Synthesis of novel functionalised imidazoles as potential anticancer agents. [Poster Presentation], XXth Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Cork, Ireland , 01-SEP-11 - 02-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)NUI Maynooth Seminar Series,
Florence O. McCarthy; (2011) Departent of Chemistry Seminar series 2011. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], NUI Maynooth Seminar Series, Maynooth, Ireland , 14-APR-11 - 14-APR-11. [Details]
(2011)Irish Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting,
Florence O. McCarthy (2011) Design and synthesis of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as anticancer agents. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Cork, Ireland , 02-MAR-11 - 02-MAR-11. [Details]
(2011)(Bio)Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (BPS) Conference,
Kieran Greaney and Florence O. McCarthy; (2011) Synthesis of Novel Quinoxalines as Potential HIV Integrase Inhibitors. [Poster Presentation], (Bio)Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (BPS) Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin , 11-JAN-11 - 11-JAN-11. [Details]
(2011)(Bio)Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (BPS) Conference,
Charlotte Miller*, Florence O. McCarthy (2011) Design and synthesis of novel ellipticine c-Kit kinase inhibitors. [Oral Presentation], (Bio)Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (BPS) Conference, DCU, Dublin , 11-JAN-11 - 11-JAN-11. [Details]
(2010)Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium,
Kieran J. Greaney and Florence O. McCarthy (2010) Synthesis of Novel Quinoxalines as Potential HIV Integrase Inhibitors. [Oral Presentation], Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium, Cork , 17-SEP-10 - 17-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)XIXth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Cahill, Michael M; Pierce, Larry T; Devine, Ken J; McCarthy, Florence O; (2010) Synthetic Studies towards Novel Azaindolocarbazoles. [Invited Oral Presentation], XIXth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Rouen, France , 01-SEP-10 - 02-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)XIXth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
Greaney, Kieran; McCarthy, Florence O; (2010) Synthesis of Novel Quinoxalines as Potential HIV Integrase Inhibitors. [Invited Oral Presentation], XIXth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Rouen, France , 01-SEP-10 - 02-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)62nd Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium, Queens University Belfast, 2010,
Charlotte Miller*, Florence O. McCarthy (2010) Design and synthesis of novel ellipticine c-Kit kinase inhibitors. [Oral Presentation], 62nd Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium, Queens University Belfast, 2010, Queens University Belfast, Northern ireland , 01-JUL-10 - 02-JUL-10. [Details]
(2010)Irish Fungal Meeting,
Margassery, L.M., Kennedy, J., McCarthy, F., O’ Gara, F., Dobson, A.D.W., and Morrissey, J.P. (2010) Bioactive compounds from marine endosymbionts. [Oral Presentation], Irish Fungal Meeting, UCC CORK , 17-JUN-10 - 18-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)SFI/MMI Technology Platform Workshop,
F.O. McCarthy and A.R. Maguire (2010) ABCRF Mass Spectrometry Laboratory: Enabling the Pharmachemical Industry to deliver new products and process improvements through LCMS. [Poster Presentation], SFI/MMI Technology Platform Workshop, Durkan Lecture Theatre at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James's Hospital, Dublin , 03-JUN-10 - 03-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)SGM Galway,
Margassery, L.M., Kennedy, J., McCarthy, F., O’ Gara, F., Dobson, A.D.W., and Morrissey, J.P (2010) Identification of novel bioactive metabolites with anti-fungal activities from marine sponge associated microbes. [Oral Presentation], SGM Galway, Galway Ireland . [Details]
(2010)Royal Society of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Regional Meeting & Awards Symposium,
Florence O. McCarthy (2010) Synthesis of Indolocarbazoles and precursors as anticancer agents. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Royal Society of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Regional Meeting & Awards Symposium, Cork , 31-MAY-10 - 31-MAY-10. [Details]
(2010)Society for General Microbiology-Spring Meeting,
Margassery, L.M., Flemer, B., Jackson, S.A., Edrada-Ebel, R., Kennedy, J., McCarthy, F., O’Gara, F., Dobson, A.D.W. and Morrissey, J.P. (2010) Identification of bioactive metabolites from marine sponge-associated microbe. [Oral Presentation], Society for General Microbiology-Spring Meeting, Edinburgh,Scotland , 29-MAR-10 - 01-APR-10. [Details]
(2009)Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry: Emerging Targets, Novel Candidates and Innovative Strategies,
Charlotte Miller, Florence O. McCarthy* (2009) Design and synthesis of novel ellipticine c-Kit Kinase inhibitors. [Poster Presentation], Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry: Emerging Targets, Novel Candidates and Innovative Strategies, Barcelona, Spain , 01-OCT-09 - 03-OCT-09. [Details]
(2009)Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry: Emerging Targets, Novel Candidates and Innovative Strategies,
Pierce, Larry T; Cahill, Michael M; McCarthy, Florence O (2009) Design and synthesis of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as anti-cancer agents. [Poster Presentation], Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry: Emerging Targets, Novel Candidates and Innovative Strategies, Barcelona, Spain , 01-OCT-09 - 03-OCT-09. [Details]
(2009)Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium,
M.M. Cahill and F.O. McCarthy (2009) Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel azaindolocarbazole derivatives as potential anticancer agents. [Oral Presentation], Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium, Cork , 07-SEP-09 - 07-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009)Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium,
C. Miller, D. Thompson and F. O. McCarthy (2009) Design and synthesis of novel ellipticine c-Kit kinase inhibitors. [Oral Presentation], Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium, Cork , 07-SEP-09 - 07-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009)XVIIIth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
C. Miller, D. Thompson and F. O. McCarthy; (2009) Design and synthesis of novel ellipticine c-Kit kinase inhibitors. [Invited Oral Presentation], XVIIIth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , 03-SEP-09 - 04-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009)XVIIIth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique,
L. T. Pierce, M. M. Cahill and F. O. McCarthy; (2009) Design and synthesis of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as anticancer agents. [Plenary Lecture], XVIIIth European Conference of GP2A Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique, Trinity College Dublin , 03-SEP-09 - 04-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009)IUPAC International conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009,
Charlotte Miller*, Damien Thompson, Florence O. McCarthy (2009) Design & synthesis of novel ellipticine c-kit kinase inhibitors. [Poster Presentation], IUPAC International conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009, Glasgow, UK , 02-AUG-09 - 07-AUG-09. [Details]
(2009)IUPAC International conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009,
Larry T. Pierce,* Michael M. Cahill, Florence O. McCarthy (2009) Design and synthesis of novel bisaryl-5- aminopyrazole derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents. [Poster Presentation], IUPAC International conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009, Glasgow, UK , 02-AUG-09 - 07-AUG-09. [Details]
(2009)61st Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium,
Larry T. Pierce,* Florence O. McCarthy (2009) Design, synthesis and development of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as potential anticancer agents. [Oral Presentation], 61st Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium, DIT, Dublin , 18-JUN-09 - 19-JUN-09. [Details]
(2008)XVIIth European conference of GP2A,
Larry T. Pierce, Michael M. Cahill, Florence O. McCarthy ; (2008) Design, synthesis and development of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents. [Poster Presentation], XVIIth European conference of GP2A, Caen, France , 28-MAY-08 - 30-MAY-08. [Details]
(2008)XVIIth European conference of GP2A,
N. O' Connell, F. O. McCarthy, A. R. Maguire, N. O' Brien ; (2008) A novel route to individual phytosterols. [Poster Presentation], XVIIth European conference of GP2A, Caen, France , 28-MAY-08 - 30-MAY-08. [Details]
(2008)Eli Lilly Research Symposium,
F.O. McCarthy and L.T. Pierce; (2008) Design, synthesis and development of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as potential anticancer agents. [Oral Presentation], Eli Lilly Research Symposium, UCC, Ireland , 18-SEP-08 - 18-SEP-08. [Details]
(2008)Waters Mass Spectrometry Symposium,
F.O. McCarthy; (2008) . [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Waters Mass Spectrometry Symposium, UCC , 16-JUL-08 - 16-JUL-08. [Details]
(2008)Irish Schools of Pharmacy Research Conference,
F.O. McCarthy; (2008) Design, synthesis and development of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as potential anticancer agents. [Oral Presentation], Irish Schools of Pharmacy Research Conference, UCC, Ireland , 02-APR-08 - 02-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)Irish Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar,
N. O¿ Connell, F. O. McCarthy, A. R. Maguire, N. O¿ Brien ; (2008) Phytosterol oxides: a complete individual toxicology profile. [Poster Presentation], Irish Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar, Ireland , 02-APR-08 - 02-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)All-Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar,
L.T. Pierce, F.O. McCarthy (2008) Design and synthesis of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as anti-cancer agents. [Oral Presentation], All-Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar, Cork , 03-APR-08 - 04-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)National Access Programme Symposium,
F.O. McCarthy; (2008) NAP 109 - Design of novel Ellipticine c-KIT kinase inhibitors. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], National Access Programme Symposium, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin , 24-JAN-08 - 24-JAN-08. [Details]
(2007)Eli Lilly Research Symposium,
F.O. McCarthy; (2007) Synthesis and Evaluation of Ellipticine Derivatives as Potential Anti-cancer Agents. [Oral Presentation], Eli Lilly Research Symposium, UCC, Ireland , 17-SEP-07 - 17-SEP-07. [Details]
(2007)LCMS applications in the pharmaceutical industry,
F.O. McCarthy; (2007) LCMS applications in the pharmaceutical industry. [Invited Oral Presentation], LCMS applications in the pharmaceutical industry, Boston Scientific, Galway , 06-JUN-07 - 06-JUN-07. [Details]
(2007)Waters Ireland Innovations Meeting,
F.O. McCarthy; (2007) Identification of unknown impurities using Time of Flight MS. [Invited Oral Presentation], Waters Ireland Innovations Meeting, Radisson, Little Island, Cork , 09-OCT-07 - 10-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)Advances in Synthesis and Chemical Biology VI symposium,
Larry T. Pierce, Michael M. Cahill, Florence O. McCarthy ; (2007) Design, synthesis and development of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents. [Poster Presentation], Advances in Synthesis and Chemical Biology VI symposium, Trinity College Dublin , 14-DEC-07 - 14-DEC-07. [Details]
(2007)XVIèmes Rencontres Europeennes du Groupment des Pharmacochimistes de L'Arc Atlantique (GP2A),
F.O. McCarthy; (2007) Novel Ellipticines in Cancer research. [Plenary Lecture], XVIèmes Rencontres Europeennes du Groupment des Pharmacochimistes de L'Arc Atlantique (GP2A), Bordeaux, France , 06-SEP-07 - 07-SEP-07. [Details]
(2007)5th Annual Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium in Organic & Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Fiona Deane, Florence McCarthy and A.R. Maguire; (2007) Synthesis and evaluation of ellipticine derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents. [Oral Presentation], 5th Annual Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium in Organic & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University College Cork , 03-SEP-07 - 03-SEP-07. [Details]
(2007)Waters UPLC workshop,
F.O. McCarthy; (2007) . [Conference Organising Committee Member], Waters UPLC workshop, UCC , 03-APR-07 - 04-APR-07. [Details]
(2006)Advances in Synthesis and Chemical Biology V symposium,
F. M. Deane, F. O. McCarthy, A. R. Maguire, H. Major and S. Preece ; (2006) Synthesis and evaluation of ellipticine derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents. [Poster Presentation], Advances in Synthesis and Chemical Biology V symposium, Trinity College Dublin , 15-DEC-06 - 15-DEC-06. [Details]
(2006)XVth European conference of GP2A,
R. L. Clark, F. M. Deane, F.O. McCarthy, S.P. Mackay (2006) Explaining the dual mechanism of DNA topoisomerase I inhibition by the benzo[c]phenanthridines fagaronine and ethoxidine by molecular modeling. [Oral Presentation], XVth European conference of GP2A, University of Bath, UK , 07-SEP-06 - 08-SEP-06. [Details]
(2006)XVth European conference of GP2A,
F. M. Deane, F. O. McCarthy, A. R. Maguire, H. Major and S. Preece; (2006) Synthesis and evaluation of ellipticine derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents. [Poster Presentation], XVth European conference of GP2A, Bath, UK , 07-SEP-06 - 08-SEP-06. [Details]
(2005)Royal Society of Chemistry/ Institute of Chemistry/ Society of Chemical Industry Joint Conference The Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules,
F.O. McCarthy; (2005) Medicinal Chemistry Approaches to Optimize EGFR Kinase Inhibitors. [Invited Oral Presentation], Royal Society of Chemistry/ Institute of Chemistry/ Society of Chemical Industry Joint Conference The Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules, University College Cork , 09-JUN-05 - 09-JUN-05. [Details]
(2005)35th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference,
Ryan, E., McCarthy, F., Chopra, J., Maguire, A.M. and O'Brien, N.M.; (2005) Comparison of the cytotoxic and apoptotic potential of phytosterol and cholesterol oxidation products. [Poster Presentation], 35th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-SEP-05 - 02-SEP-05. [Details]
(2005)35th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference,
Ryan, E.; Galvin, K.; O'Connor, T.P.; Maguire, A.R.; McCarthy, F.O.; Forde, A. and O'Brien, N.M. (2005) Phytosterol, tocopherol and squalene content of linseed, pumpkin, poppy, sesame and mustard seed oil. [Poster Presentation], 35th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-SEP-05 - 02-SEP-05. [Details]
(2005)Irish Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar,
F.O. McCarthy, J. Chopra, A. Ford, E. Ryan, N. O'Brien and A.R. Maguire; (2005) Potential health impact of dietary beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol oxidation products. [Poster Presentation], Irish Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar, Ireland , 01-MAR-05 - 01-MAR-05. [Details]
(2004)12th Annual Research day, Faculty of medicine and Health,
Ryan, E., O'Sullivan, S.M., McCarthy, F., Chopra, J., Maguire, A. and O'Brien, N.M.; (2004) Cytotoxicity of oxidised plant sterols in human monocytic, adenocarcinoma and hepatoma cell lines. [Poster Presentation], 12th Annual Research day, Faculty of medicine and Health, Cork, Ireland , 09-JUN-04 - 09-JUN-04. [Details]
(2003)Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences seminar series,
F.O. McCarthy; (2003) Bioactive Discovery in the New Millenium. [Invited Oral Presentation], Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences seminar series, University of Auckland, New Zealand , 19-FEB-03 - 19-FEB-03. [Details]
(2002)Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences seminar series,
F.O. McCarthy; (2002) Synthesis and evaluation of ellipticine derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents. [Invited Oral Presentation], Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences seminar series, University of Auckland, New Zealand , 24-JUL-02 - 24-JUL-02. [Details]
(1999)Pharmaceutical Association of Ireland Research day,
Mccarthy, F.O., Chopra, J., Ford, A., Ryan, E., O'Brien, N.M. and Maguire, A.R.; (1999) Potential health impact of dietary beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol oxidation products. [N/A], Pharmaceutical Association of Ireland Research day, Dublin, Ireland , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]

Outreach Activities


Actively engaged in outreach activities for undergraduate recruitment, postgraduate research (link) and public awareness (Careers days, PRTLI Transformations event, Robert Boyle Science Festival of Science, Science Week instrumentation tours).

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry Referee-
Anti-Cancer Agents In Medicinal Chemistry Referee-
Pharmaceuticals Referee-
Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry Referee-
Lipids In Health And Diseaselipids In Health And Disease Referee01-JUL-15 -
Tetrahedron Letters Referee-
European Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry Referee-
Medchemcomm Referee-
Food And Chemical Toxicology Referee-
Molecular Biosystems Referee-
Tetrahedron Referee-
Mini Reviews In Medicinal Chemistry Referee-
Molecular Biosystems Referee-
European Journal Of Organic Chemistry Referee-
Organic And Biomolecular Chemistry Referee-
European Journal Of Organic Chemistry Referee-
Chemmedchem Referee-
Phytochemistry Referee-
Marine Drugs Referee-
Journal Of Medicinal Food Referee-
Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition And Medicinal Chemistry Referee-

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Dr. McCarthy teaches a wide range of topics in Organic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry to undergraduate programmes including B.Sc. Chemistry, Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Compounds (CPC), Pharmacy, Food and Nutritional Sciences and Nursing in addition to postgraduate education in CM6101, CM7002, CM7003, CM7006 and CM7007.

Please visit the individual Blackboard pages for relevant course material.

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2016Hannah Winfield University College CorkPHD DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL SCIENCESSynthesis and Evaluation of Novel Functionalised Indoles as Anticancer Agents
2016Elaine O'Sullivan University College CorkPHD DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL SCIENCESSynthesis and evaluation of novel Ellipticines as potential anti-cancer agents
2015Kieran Greaney University College CorkPhDSynthesis and evaluation of novel quinolines and quinazolines as potential anti-cancer agents
2013Michael Cahill University College CorkPhDSynthesis and evaluation of novel azaindolocarbazole derivatives as cancer chemotherapeutics
2012Charlotte Miller University College CorkPhDDesign, synthesis and evaluation of novel ellipticine derivatives and analogues as anti-cancer agents
2011Larry Pierce University College CorkPhDDesign, synthesis and development of novel indolocarbazole derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents
2010Fiona Deane University College CorkPhDDesign, synthesis and evaluation of elliptiicne derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Prof. Tom Cotter University College CorkIRELAND
Prof. Anita Maguire University College CorkIRELAND
Dr. Mark Tagney University College CorkIRELAND
Prof. Nora O'Brien University College CorkIRELAND
Prof. Fergal O'Gara University College CorkIRELAND
Dr. Christian Waeber University College CorkIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Prof.Rod Ceredig National Univeristy of Ireland GalwayIRELAND
Prof. Adam McCluskey University of NewcastleAUSTRALIA
Prof. Dieter Lutjohann University of BonnGERMANY
Dr. Oliver Weingartner University of OldenburgGERMANY
Dr. Jogchum Plat University of MaastrichtHOLLAND
Prof. Paul Groundwater University of SydneyAUSTRALIA
Prof. Christophe Rochais University of CaenFRANCE
Dr. Damien Thompson University of LimerickIRELAND
Prof. Simon Mackay University of StrathclydeSCOTLAND
Prof. Pascal Marchand University of NantesFRANCE

Contact details

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School of Chemistry

Scoil na Ceimic

Second Floor, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60
