Research Profile

Niall O'Leary


2001 I completed my PhD in 2001 on the genetics and physiology of styrene degradation by Pseudomonas putida CA-3, before going on to post-doctoral work in areas of microbial biopolymer synthesis and wastewater biotreatment in UCC.
2005 I joined the UCC School of Microbiology as a temporary lecturer, securing funding to explore wastewater nutrient removal technology development for the dairy sector.  At that time I also undertook online curriculum design courses at Harvard Graduate School WIDE program, and went on to become an online coach for the programme from 2006-2008.

2010 I was appointed to full time lecturer in the School and continued to develop my wastewater research lab located at UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. 
In parallel to my disciplinary research, between 2008 - 2014 I pursued further CPD in education completing NFQ linked postgraduate certificate, diploma and MA in teaching and learning at UCC.

2016 I relocated from the Environmental Research Institute back to the School of microbiology to take over the lab were I had finished my PhD 15 years earlier!  My research interests expanded to microbial community ecology of biotreatment systems and development of novel bioreactor configurations advancing sustainability in dairy wastewater management.
At this time also (2016), given my commitment to continuing education and student centric learning, I was invited to become a Teaching Fellow of UCC’s Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) involved in the design and delivery of CPD in teaching and learning to fellow colleagues.

2019 I was appointed to Senior Lecturer and have since enjoyed developing valuable interdisciplinary collaborations aimed at delivering circular economy aligned, sustainable valorisation solutions to agri-food sector waste management.
During Covid the lab pivoted to deliver wastewater based epidemiology for SARS-CoV-2 community monitoring with SFI support, which has continued into university health monitoring projects.  2022 I became an affiliated PI with the SUSFERM precision fermentation facility in UCC using microbial systems for sustainable product production.   Currently collaborating with Biotech industry partners to provide research support to develop distillery wastestream valorisations.

In recent years I have also developed funded research projects in teaching and learning, including exciting industrial collaborations based around bespoke technology enhanced learning and virtual, interactive site visits. It has been rewarding to see this long term commitment to teaching design translate into a productive research scholarship through various peer review publications and conference presentations. I also welcome collaboration opportunities in this space.

Research Interests

Affiliations:  Principal Investigator School of Microbiology and affiliated PI of the UCC Environmental Research Institute and, UCC SUSFERM biotechnology centre for precision fermentation. 
  My disciplinary research is primarily focused on the application of microbial communities to agri/food sector wastewater remediation and/or bioconversions to develop sustainable, waste valorisation opportunities for industry, aligned with circular economy principles. My lab also conducts microbial community profiling and predictive functional modelling of bioreactor communities at laboratory, pilot and applied industrial scales, contributing biological insights to wastewater treatment plant performance and bioreactor optimisations.  Much of my work to date has focused on the dairy processing sector with whom I have an extensive network of collaborators, examining opportunities for wastewater conversion to biodegradable plastics and conditioning of same to facilitate cultivation of aquatic plants with high protein content. Recent projects have expanded into meat processing wastestreams as well as farmyard wash waters with interdisciplinary teams including plant scientists, engineers and food technologists.

During the pandemic I secured SFI rapid response funding to develop laboratory capacity for wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) to detect SARS-CoV-2 in municipal wastewater in the Munster region. This project reported into governmental agencies for public health monitoring and later contributed collaborative input to the UniCov project where WBE was conducted nationally on campuses to facilitate a safe return to 3rd level education.  WBE is a growth research area internationally and the lab is developing further activities and collaborations in same.

My lab has also provided research capacity support to companies developing commericalisation opportunities through Enterprise Ireland Innovation Vouchers. 

 In 2016 I became an invited
 Fellow of the university’s Centre for the Integration of Research Teaching and Learning and hold an MA (1H) in Teaching and Learning in higher education (2014). In this role I have supervised several research masters in TLHE, primarily with a focus on technology enhanced teaching practice with several published outputs.

In addition, I have secured funding from the National forum in both lead and Co-PI roles to investigate the development and impact of virtual reality simulations in teaching of molecular biology and,  recently, the creation of 360 mapping and virtual tours of industrial sites to provide virtual industry access and contextual learning opportunities for undergraduates, which has also lead to several co-author interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed publications and contributed to a DELTA award (2022) for excellence from the National Forum. 

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Science Foundation of Ireland15-AUG-2014-OCT-21€44,876.00
UniCov StudyScience Foundation Ireland01-JUN-2103-SEP-23€188,770.00
Investigating the molecular networks that lead dominant respiratory pathogens to emerge from within chronic respiratory disease interactomes.Irish Research Council01-JUN-2130-MAR-25€110,000.00
Exploring co-culturing to enhance antimicrobial compound production among isolates generated through the Microbiology Society’s Antibiotics Unearthed programme (Harry Smith Bursary Award)Other: Not Listed01-JUN-2001-SEP-21€3,200.00
Duckweed as a novel, sustainable source of protein for IrelandDepartment of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF)01-SEP-2231-AUG-26€45,500.00
Innovation Voucher: Co-digestion of biodegradable healthcare products with hospital food for potential waste valorisationEnterprise Ireland27-MAY-24€6,500.00
ELEVATE: Enhanced Active Learning in Virology, Cell Culture and Molecular Biotechnology01-JUN-2103-SEP-23€40,000.00
SEFS Connect Bursary:Evaluation of biomarker targets for correlation of wastewater network pathogen loads with population equivalentsUniversity College Cork27-MAY-2301-SEP-23€3,200.00
VISTA 360: Virtual Industrial Site Training AccessNAIRTL01-FEB-2330-SEP-24€5,789.00
NEWTRIENTS (Co-PI)Environmental Protection Agency03-APR-1731-MAR-21€650,000.00
Dairy Water Project (Collaborator)Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)02-MAR-1528-FEB-19€1,000,000.00
Investigation of a novel biotechnological approach to the removal of phosphates and nitratesDepartment of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF)01-JUL-0631-MAR-10€240,157.00
(Collaborator) The anti-inflammatory and microbial modulating effects of marine derived laminarin and omega-3 fatty acids on inflammatory bowel disease in an exp porcine modelDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)01-JAN-1431-MAR-17€493,064.00
Microbiological Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for potable applications.Enterprise Irl18-JUN-1418-JUN-16€6,500.00
Biopolymer production from Irish Dairy Industry Wastewaters.Environment Protection Agency (EPA)23-JUL-1222-FEB-15€197,465.00

Contract Researchers

 Researcher NameProjectRoleFunding Body
Talia MoonsamyDuckweedResearch Assistant
James MurphyCo-digestion of biodegradable healthcare products with hospital food for potential waste valorisationResearch Assistant
Joanna SzafranUniCovResearch Assistant
Samuel WaldronVISTA 360Research Assistant
Dr Lekha Menon MargasseryNEWTRIENTSPostdoctoral Researcher
Kisandra O'SheaEvaluation of biomarker targets for correlation of wastewater network pathogen loads with population equivalentsResearch Assistant
Leah McPhillipsExploring co-culturing to enhance antimicrobial compound production among isolates generated through the Microbiology Society’s Antibiotics Unearthed programmeResearch Assistant
Billy WalshELEVATEResearch Assistant
Dr. Lekha Menon-MargasseryRef: 13/F/516 Marine derived compounds and IBD modulationPostdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Anca MinescuBiopolymer production from Dairy Industry WastestreamsPostdoctoral ResearcherEnvironmental Protection Agency


Book Chapters

(2021)'Anaerobic Removal of Nitrogen: Nitrate-Dependent Methane Oxidation and Bioelectrochemical Processes'
Alejandro Rodriguez-Sanchez, Beatriz Gil-Pulido, Alan Dobson, Niall O’Leary (2021) 'Anaerobic Removal of Nitrogen: Nitrate-Dependent Methane Oxidation and Bioelectrochemical Processes' In: Nitrogen Cycle: Ecology, Biotechnological Applications and Environmental Impacts. Boca Raton: CRC Press. [Details]
(2015)'Marine Sponges- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology'
Jackson, S.A., Kennedy, J., Margassery, L.M., Flemer, B., O’Leary, N.P., Morrissey, J.P., O’Gara, F. and Dobson, A.D.W (2015) 'Marine Sponges- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology' In: Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology. Berlin: Springer Science. [Details]
(2013)'Marine Sponges- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology'
Jackson, S.A., Kennedy, J., Margassery, L.M., Flemer, B., O’Leary, N.P., Morrissey, J.P., O’Gara, F. and Dobson, A.D.W. (2013) 'Marine Sponges- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology' In: Handbook of Marine Biotechnology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [Details]

Published Reports

(2022)Innovative Valorisation of Dairy Processing Wastewater Using a Circular Economy Approach.
Eamonn Walsh, Lekha Margassery, Neil Coughlan, Roisin Broughton, Holger Kühnhold, Arno Fricke, Gavin Burnell, Maria O’Mahoney, David Wall, Paul Bolger, Niall O’Leary and Marcel A.K. Jansen (2022) Innovative Valorisation of Dairy Processing Wastewater Using a Circular Economy Approach. Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin.   [Details]
(2016)Biopolymer Production from Irish Dairy Industry Wastewaters.
Anca Minescu, David Wall, Jerry Murphy, Alan Dobson and Niall D. O’ Leary. 2016. (2016) Biopolymer Production from Irish Dairy Industry Wastewaters. Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland.   [Details]
(2006)Biological Approaches to Nutrient Removal in the Irish Food Sector (2001-LS-FW2-M1) Final Report 2006.ERTDI Report Series No.60, p1-50.
Marchsi, J.R., O’Leary, N.O., Kirby, J., Toomey, M. and A.D.W. Dobson. (2006) Biological Approaches to Nutrient Removal in the Irish Food Sector (2001-LS-FW2-M1) Final Report 2006.ERTDI Report Series No.60, p1-50. Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin. [Details]
(2010)Recombinant DNA approaches to enhance the activity of the pathway for the degradation of the toxic pollutant styrene in the bioreactor isolate Pseudomonas putida CA-3: a biotechnologically significant metabolic route. (2007-FS-ET-9-M5).
O’Mahony,M.M., O’Leary, N.P. and A. D.W. Dobson. (2010) Recombinant DNA approaches to enhance the activity of the pathway for the degradation of the toxic pollutant styrene in the bioreactor isolate Pseudomonas putida CA-3: a biotechnologically significant metabolic route. (2007-FS-ET-9-M5). Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin.   [Details]
(2007)Biological approaches to nutrient removal in the Irish food sector.
J. Marchesi, N. O¿ Leary, J. Kirby, M. Toomey and A. Dobson; (2007) Biological approaches to nutrient removal in the Irish food sector. ERTDI Report series No. 60. (2001-LS-FW2-M1), ERTDI Report series No. 60. (2001-LS-FW2-M1). [Details]

Other Journals

(2024)'Treatment of dairy wastewater using intermittent-aeration sequencing batch reactor at pilot-scale'
Alejandro Rodriguez-Sanchez and Beatriz Gil-Pulido and Peter Leonard and William Finnegan and Xinmin Zhan and Alan D.W. Dobson and Niall O'Leary (2024) 'Treatment of dairy wastewater using intermittent-aeration sequencing batch reactor at pilot-scale' Bioresource Technology Reports, 26 .   [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'Student informed development of virtual reality simulations for teaching and learning in the molecular sciences'
Reen, F. Jerry and Jump, Owen and McEvoy, Grace and McSharry, Brian P. and Morgan, John and Murphy, David and O’Leary, Niall and O’Mahony, Billy and Scallan, Martina and Walsh, Christine and Supple, Briony (2024) 'Student informed development of virtual reality simulations for teaching and learning in the molecular sciences' Journal of Biological Education, :1-17.   [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'Investigating the effects of whiskey-barrel derived biochar addition to anaerobic digestion at a distillery: A study on energy yield and system efficiency'
Anga Hackula and Xue Ning and Gillian Collins and Stephen A. Jackson and Niall D. O’Leary and Chen Deng and Richard O’Shea and Jerry D. Murphy and David M. Wall (2024) 'Investigating the effects of whiskey-barrel derived biochar addition to anaerobic digestion at a distillery: A study on energy yield and system efficiency' Energy Conversion and Management: X, 23 .   [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Anaerobic digestion performance and microbial community structures in biogas production from whiskey distillers organic by-products'
Jackson, S.A. and Kang, X. and O'Shea, R. and O'Leary, N. and Murphy, J.D. and Dobson, A.D.W. (2020) 'Anaerobic digestion performance and microbial community structures in biogas production from whiskey distillers organic by-products' Bioresource Technology Reports, 12 .   [DOI] [Details]


(2016)From lignocellulosic metagenomes to lignocellulolytic genes: trends, challenges and future prospects.
Batista-Garcia, RA;Sanchez-Carbente, MD;Talia, P;Jackson, SA;O'Leary, ND;Dobson, ADW;Folch-Mallol, JL (2016) From lignocellulosic metagenomes to lignocellulolytic genes: trends, challenges and future prospects. HOBOKEN: Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'Diversifying laboratory assessment modes broadens engagement with practical competencies in life science students'
Drumm BT;Bree R;Griffin CS;O'Leary N; (2024) 'Diversifying laboratory assessment modes broadens engagement with practical competencies in life science students'. Advances in Physiology Education, 48 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'Optimization of Screening Media to Improve Antimicrobial Biodiscovery from Soils in Undergraduate/Citizen Science Research-Engaged Initiatives'
McPhillips, Leah, John O’Callaghan, Carmel Shortiss, Stephen A. Jackson, and Niall D. O’Leary (2024) 'Optimization of Screening Media to Improve Antimicrobial Biodiscovery from Soils in Undergraduate/Citizen Science Research-Engaged Initiatives'. Antibiotics-Basel, [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'Integration of microbial bioreactors and Lemna minor cultivation for sustainable treatment of dairy processing wastewater'
Éamonn Walsh, Lekha Menon Margassery, Alejandro Rodriguez-Sanchez, David Wall, Paul Bolger, Marcel A.K. Jansen, Niall O'Leary (2024) 'Integration of microbial bioreactors and Lemna minor cultivation for sustainable treatment of dairy processing wastewater'. Journal Of Water Process Engineering, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Efflux, Signaling and Warfare in a Polymicrobial World'
Moore-Machacek A;Gloe A;O'Leary N;Reen FJ; (2023) 'Efflux, Signaling and Warfare in a Polymicrobial World'. Antibiotics-Basel, 12 (4) [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Structural modification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkylquinoline cell-cell communication signal, HHQ, leads to benzofuranoquinolines with anti-virulence behaviour in ESKAPE pathogens'
Rossetto V;Moore-Machacek A;Woods DF;Galvão HM;Shanahan RM;Hickey A;O'Leary N;O'Gara F;McGlacken GP;Reen FJ; (2023) 'Structural modification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkylquinoline cell-cell communication signal, HHQ, leads to benzofuranoquinolines with anti-virulence behaviour in ESKAPE pathogens'. Microbiology-SGM, 169 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Developing Student Co-Designed Immersive Virtual Reality Simulations for Teaching of Challenging Concepts in Molecular and Cellular Biology'
Reen FJ., Jump O., McEvoy G., McSharry BP., Morgan J., Murphy D., O'Leary N., O'Mahony B., Scallan M., Walsh C., Supple B., (2022) 'Developing Student Co-Designed Immersive Virtual Reality Simulations for Teaching of Challenging Concepts in Molecular and Cellular Biology'. Fems Microbiology Letters, [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Duckweed bioreactors: Challenges and opportunities for large-scale indoor cultivation of Lemnaceae'
Coughlan N.E.;Walsh É.;Bolger P.;Burnell G.;O'Leary N.;O'Mahoney M.;Paolacci S.;Wall D.;Jansen M.A.K. (2022) 'Duckweed bioreactors: Challenges and opportunities for large-scale indoor cultivation of Lemnaceae'. The Journal of Cleaner Production, 336 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Osteointegration, antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of orthopaedic titanium surfaces coated with silver and strontium-doped hydroxyapatite using a novel blasting process'
O' Sullivan C;O' Neill L;O' Leary ND;O' Gara JP;Crean AM;Ryan KB; (2021) 'Osteointegration, antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of orthopaedic titanium surfaces coated with silver and strontium-doped hydroxyapatite using a novel blasting process'. Drug Delivery And Translational Research, [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'The Use of Virtual Reality in the Teaching of Challenging Concepts in Virology, Cell Culture and Molecular Biology'
Reen, F. Jerry and Jump, Owen and McSharry, Brian P. and Morgan, John and Murphy, David and O’Leary, Niall and O’Mahony, Billy and Scallan, Martina and Supple, Briony (2021) 'The Use of Virtual Reality in the Teaching of Challenging Concepts in Virology, Cell Culture and Molecular Biology'. 2   [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Anaerobic digestion performance and microbial community structures in biogas production from whiskey distillers organic by-products'
Jackson S.A.;Kang X.;O'Shea R.;O'Leary N.;Murphy J.D.;Dobson A.D.W. (2020) 'Anaerobic digestion performance and microbial community structures in biogas production from whiskey distillers organic by-products'. Bioresource Technology Reports, 12 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'The Effects of the Marine-Derived Polysaccharides Laminarin and Chitosan on Aspects of Colonic Health in Pigs Challenged with Dextran Sodium Sulphate'
Rattigan R.;O'Doherty J.V.;Vigors S.;Ryan M.T.;Sebastiano R.S.;Callanan J.J.;Thornton K.;Rajauria G.;Margassery L.M.;Dobson A.D.W.;O'Leary N.D.;Sweeney T. (2020) 'The Effects of the Marine-Derived Polysaccharides Laminarin and Chitosan on Aspects of Colonic Health in Pigs Challenged with Dextran Sodium Sulphate'. Marine Drugs, 18 (5) [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'DairyWater: Striving for sustainability within the dairy processing industry in the Republic of Ireland'
Finnegan, W., Goggins, J., Clifford, E., Goggins, J., O’Leary, N., Dobson, A.D.W., Rowan, N., Xiao, L., Miao, S., Fitzhenry, K., Leonard, P., Tarpey, E., Gil-Pulido, B., Gao, F. and Zhan, X. (2018) 'DairyWater: Striving for sustainability within the dairy processing industry in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science, 85 (3):1-9 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Evaluation of dairy processing wastewater biotreatment in an IASBR system: aeration rate impacts on performance and microbial ecology'
Gil-Pulido, Beatriz; Tarpey, Emma; Almeida, Eduardo L.; Finnegan, William; Zhan, Xinmin; Dobson, Alan D. W.; O’Leary, Niall (2018) 'Evaluation of dairy processing wastewater biotreatment in an IASBR system: aeration rate impacts on performance and microbial ecology'. Biotechnology Reports,   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas putida CA-3, a bacterium capable of styrene degradation and medium chain length polyhydroxyalkonate synthesis'
Almeida, E.L., Margassey, L.M., O’Leary, N., and Dobson, A.D.W. (2018) 'Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas putida CA-3, a bacterium capable of styrene degradation and medium chain length polyhydroxyalkonate synthesis'. Genome Announcements, 6:e01534-17; doi:10.1128/genomeA.01534-17 [Details]
(2016)'From lignocellulosic metagenomes to lignocellulolytic genes: trends, challenges and prospects'
Batista-García, R.A., Sánchez-Carbente, Md R., Talia, P., Jackson, S.A., O’Leary, N.D., Dobson, A.D.W. and Folch-Mallol, J.L. (2016) 'From lignocellulosic metagenomes to lignocellulolytic genes: trends, challenges and prospects'. Biofuels, Bioproducts, Biorefinery, 10 :862-882 [Details]
(2014)'Aquimarina amphilecti sp. nov., isolated from the sponge Amphilectus fucorum'
Kennedy, J., Margassery, L.M., O’Leary, N.D., O’Gara, F., Morrissey, J., and Dobson, A.D.W. (2014) 'Aquimarina amphilecti sp. nov., isolated from the sponge Amphilectus fucorum'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64 :501-505 [Details]
(2014)'Functional characterization of a StyS sensor kinase reveals distinct domains associated with intracellular and extracellular sensing of styrene in P. putida CA-3'
O'Leary, ND,Mooney, A,O'Mahony, M,Dobson, ADW (2014) 'Functional characterization of a StyS sensor kinase reveals distinct domains associated with intracellular and extracellular sensing of styrene in P. putida CA-3'. Bioengineered, 5 :114-122 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'GacS-Dependent Regulation of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthesis in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
Ryan, WJ,O'Leary, ND,O'Mahony, M,Dobson, ADW (2013) 'GacS-Dependent Regulation of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthesis in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79 :1795-1802 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Regulation of phenylacetic acid uptake is sigma(54) dependent in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
O' Leary, ND,O' Mahony, MM,Dobson, ADW (2011) 'Regulation of phenylacetic acid uptake is sigma(54) dependent in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. BMC Microbiology, 11 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Functional metagenomic strategies for the discovery of novel enzymes and biosurfactants with biotechnological applications'
Kennedy, J., O'Leary, N., Kiran, S., Morrissey, J., O'Gara, F., Selvin, J. and Dobson, A.D.W. (2011) 'Functional metagenomic strategies for the discovery of novel enzymes and biosurfactants with biotechnological applications'. Journal of applied microbiology, 111 :787-799 [Details]
(2010)'Deposition of substituted apatites with anticolonizing properties onto titanium surfaces using a novel blasting process'
O'Sullivan, C,O'Hare, P,O'Leary, ND,Crean, AM,Ryan, K,Dobson, ADW,O'Neill, L; (2010) 'Deposition of substituted apatites with anticolonizing properties onto titanium surfaces using a novel blasting process'. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 95B :141-149 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Effect of Heterologous Expression of Phag [(R)-3-Hydroxyacyl-Acp-Coa Transferase] On Polyhydroxyalkanoate Accumulation From The Aromatic Hydrocarbon Phenylacetic Acid In Pseudomonas Species'
Tobin, KM, O'Leary, ND, Dobson, ADW, O'Connor, KE; (2007) 'Effect of Heterologous Expression of Phag [(R)-3-Hydroxyacyl-Acp-Coa Transferase] On Polyhydroxyalkanoate Accumulation From The Aromatic Hydrocarbon Phenylacetic Acid In Pseudomonas Species'. Fems Microbiology Letters, 268 (1):9-15 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Effect of heterologous expression of phaG [(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-ACP-CoA transferase] on polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation from the aromatic hydrocarbon phenylacetic acid in Pseudomonas species'
Tobin, KM,O'Leary, ND,Dobson, ADW,O'Connor, KE; (2007) 'Effect of heterologous expression of phaG [(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-ACP-CoA transferase] on polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation from the aromatic hydrocarbon phenylacetic acid in Pseudomonas species'. Fems Microbiology Letters, 268 :9-15 [DOI] [Details]
(2005)'Genetic characterization of accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoate from styrene in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
O'Leary, ND;O'Connor, KE;Ward, P;Goff, M;Dobson, ADW (2005) 'Genetic characterization of accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoate from styrene in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71 :4380-4387 [DOI] [Details]
(2004)'Cloning and functional analysis by gene disruption of a novel gene involved in indigo production and fluoranthene metabolism in Pseudomonas alcaligenes PA-10'
Alemayehu, D., Gordon, L.M., O'Mahony, M.M., O'Leary, N.D. and Dobson, A.D.W. ; (2004) 'Cloning and functional analysis by gene disruption of a novel gene involved in indigo production and fluoranthene metabolism in Pseudomonas alcaligenes PA-10'. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 239 (293) [Details]
(2002)'Biochemistry, genetics and physiology of microbial styrene degradation'
O'Leary, N.D., O'Connor, K.E. and Dobson, A.D.W. ; (2002) 'Biochemistry, genetics and physiology of microbial styrene degradation'. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 26 :403-417 [Details]
(2002)'Induction and repression of the sty operon in P. putida CA-3 during growth on phenylactetic acid under organic and inorganic nutrient-limiting continuous culture conditions'
O'Leary, N.D., Duetz, W.A., Dobson, a.D.W. and O'Connor, K.E.; (2002) 'Induction and repression of the sty operon in P. putida CA-3 during growth on phenylactetic acid under organic and inorganic nutrient-limiting continuous culture conditions'. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 208 (2):263-268 [Details]
(2001)'Transcriptional regulation of styrene degradation in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
Induction and repression of the sty operon in Pseudomonas putida CA-3 during growth on phenylacetic acid under organic and inorganic nutrient limiting continuous culture conditions.; (2001) 'Transcriptional regulation of styrene degradation in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. Microbiology, 147 :973-979 [Details]
(2014)'Functional characterization of a StyS sensor kinase reveals distinct domains associated with intracellular and extracellular sensing of styrene in P. putida CA-3'
O' Leary, N.D., O' Sullivan, A., O' Mahony, M., and A. Dobson. (2014) 'Functional characterization of a StyS sensor kinase reveals distinct domains associated with intracellular and extracellular sensing of styrene in P. putida CA-3'. Bioengineered Bugs, 5 (2) [Details]
(2013)'GacS-Dependent Regulation of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthesis in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
Ryan WJ, O'Leary ND, O'Mahony M, Dobson AD. (2013) 'GacS-Dependent Regulation of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthesis in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 76 (6):1795-1802 [Details]
(2011)'Functional metagenomic strategies for the discovery of novel enzymes and biosurfactants with biotechnological applications from marine ecosystems'
Kennedy, J., O'Leary, N.D., Kiran, G.S., Morrissey, J.P., O'Gara, F., Selvin, J., and Dobson, A.D.W.; (2011) 'Functional metagenomic strategies for the discovery of novel enzymes and biosurfactants with biotechnological applications from marine ecosystems'. Journal of applied microbiology, 111 (4):787-799 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Regulation of phenylacetic acid assimilation is sigma 54 dependent in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
O'Leary, N., O'Mahony, M.M. and Dobson, A.D.W. (2011) 'Regulation of phenylacetic acid assimilation is sigma 54 dependent in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. BMC Microbiology, 11 [Details]
(2010)'Deposition of substituted apatites with anticolonizing properties onto titanium surfaces using a novel blasting process'
O'Sullivan, C. and O'Hare, P. and O'Leary, N. D. and Crean, A. M. and Ryan, K. and Dobson, A. D. W. and O'Neill, L.; (2010) 'Deposition of substituted apatites with anticolonizing properties onto titanium surfaces using a novel blasting process'. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 95B (1):141-149 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'The contribution of `omic'-based approaches to the study of enhanced biological phosphorus removal microbiology'
Forbes, Christina M. and O'Leary, Niall D. and Dobson, Alan D. and Marchesi, Julian R.; (2009) 'The contribution of `omic'-based approaches to the study of enhanced biological phosphorus removal microbiology'. FEMS microbiology ecology, 69 (1):1-15 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Effect of heterologous expression of phaG [(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-ACP-CoA transferase]on polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation from the aromatic hydrocarbon phenylacetic Pseudomonas species'
Tobin, K.M., O'Leary, N.D., Dobson, A.D.W. and O'Connor, K.E.; (2007) 'Effect of heterologous expression of phaG [(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-ACP-CoA transferase]on polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation from the aromatic hydrocarbon phenylacetic Pseudomonas species'. Fems Microbiology Letters, * (268):9-15 [Details]
(2006)'Cloning and functional characterization of the styE gene, involved in styrene transport in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
Mooney, A;O'Leary, ND;Dobson, ADW (2006) 'Cloning and functional characterization of the styE gene, involved in styrene transport in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 :1302-1309 [DOI] [Details]
(2005)'Genetic characterisation of polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation from styrene in P. putida CA-3'
O' Leary, N. D., K. E. O' Connor, P. Ward, M. Goff and A. D. W. Dobson; (2005) 'Genetic characterisation of polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation from styrene in P. putida CA-3'. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 71 :4380-4387 [Details]
(2005)'Isolation and characterizationof a diverse group of phenylacetic acid degrading microorganisms from pristine soil'
O¿ Connor K. E., N. D. O¿ Leary, J. R. Marchesi, A.D.W. Dobson and W.A. Duetz; (2005) 'Isolation and characterizationof a diverse group of phenylacetic acid degrading microorganisms from pristine soil'. Chemosphere, 61 :965-973 [Details]
(2004)'Cloning and functional analysis by gene disruption of a novel gene involved in indigo production and fluoranthene metabolism in Pseudomonas alcalagines PA10'
Alemayehu, D., L. M. Gordon, N. D. O¿ Leary and A.D.W. Dobson; (2004) 'Cloning and functional analysis by gene disruption of a novel gene involved in indigo production and fluoranthene metabolism in Pseudomonas alcalagines PA10'. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 239 :285-293 [Details]
(2002)'Biochemistry, genetics and physiology of microbial styrene degradation'
O'Leary, ND., O'Connor, KE., Dobson, ADW; (2002) 'Biochemistry, genetics and physiology of microbial styrene degradation'. Fems Microbiology Letters, * (26):263-268 [Details]
(2002)'Induction and repression of the sty operon in Pseudomonas putida CA-3 during growth on phenylacetic acid under organic and inorganic nutrient limiting continuous culture conditions'
O'Leary, ND., Duetz, W., Dobson, ADW; (2002) 'Induction and repression of the sty operon in Pseudomonas putida CA-3 during growth on phenylacetic acid under organic and inorganic nutrient limiting continuous culture conditions'. Fems Microbiology Letters, 208 (*):263-268 [Details]
(2001)'Transcriptional regulation of styrene degradation in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'
O'Leary, ND;O'Connor, KE;Duetz, W;Dobson, ADW (2001) 'Transcriptional regulation of styrene degradation in Pseudomonas putida CA-3'. Microbiology-SGM, 147 :973-979 [Details]

Conference Publications

(2019)Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019
Arno Fricke, Jerry D. Murphy and Niall D. O'Leary (2019) Dairy processing wastewater as a feedstock for microbial bioplastic production Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)Proceedings of the second annual conference of the national academy for the integration of research, teaching and learning
N. O' Leary (2009) Accessing Multiple Intelligences in Science Proceedings of the second annual conference of the national academy for the integration of research, teaching and learning Waterford Institute of Technology, [DOI] [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2021DELTA National award for Disciplinary Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Assessment . HEA National Forum for Teaching and Learning
2015Presidents Award for Teaching Excellence University College Cork

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Microbiology Society Previous Member of the Irish Division Committee/
Federation of Microbiology Societies (FEMS) Affiliate member/
International Water Association Ordinary Member/

Conference Contributions

(2024)European Congress of Immunology,
Joshua Flynn, Eolann Dinneen, Clo O’Riordan, Joanna Szafran, Matt Power, Muireann Hickey, Siobhan Gargan, William McCormack, Orla Sheils, Breda Smyth, Niall O’Leary, Mary Horgan, Michael Byrne, Aideen Long, John MacSharry. (2024) Sex differences in salivary antibodies in response to SARS-CoV-2 challenge. [Poster Presentation], European Congress of Immunology, Dublin . [Details]
(2024)Physiology in Focus,
Bernard T. Drumm, Ronan Bree, Caoimhin S. Griffin & Niall O’Leary (2024) Laboratory practicals in life science subjects are traditionally assessed by written reports which reflect disciplinary norms of documenting experimental activities. However, exclusive application of this assessment has potential to engage only a narrow range of competencies. In this study, we explored how multiple modes of laboratory assessment affect student perceptions of learned skills in a life science module at Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), Ireland. [Poster Presentation], Physiology in Focus, Newcastle . [Details]
J. Mac Sharry, M. Horgan, W. Meijer, N. O’Leary, M. Byrne , A. Long , B. Smyth (2024) Surveillance and detection of SARS-CoV-2 in four national university campuses, the UniCoV Project: apps, antigens, saliva, wastewater, and participation. [Poster Presentation], ECCMID, Barcelona . [Details]
(2024)Microbiology Society Annual conference,
Niall O'Leary (2024) Virtual Industrial Site Access: The use of 360 mapping and artificial intelligence to digitally and conceptually redefine field trips for microbiology undergraduates. [Oral Presentation], Microbiology Society Annual conference, Edinburgh . [Details]
(2024)Microbiology Society Irish Division Meeting,
John Mac Sharry, Niall O’Leary, Charlie Spillane, Michael Byrne, Aideen Long, Mary Horgan, Breda Smyth, Wim Meijer (2024) Surveillance and detection of SARS-CoV-2 in four national University campuses , the UniCoV Project - Apps, Antigens, Saliva, Wastewater and participation. [Oral Presentation], Microbiology Society Irish Division Meeting, Athlone . [Details]
(2024)Microbiology Society Irish Division Meeting,
Samuel Waldron, Jerry Reen and Niall O'Leary (2024) Generative AI and 360 mapping: opportunities to virtually redefine industrial site visits for microbiology undergraduates. [Oral Presentation], Microbiology Society Irish Division Meeting, Athlone . [Details]
(2023)Duckweed Research and Application for the Circular Bioeconomy Ireland,
Niall O'Leary (2023) Integrating Lemna cultivation with microbial bioreactor systems for dairy processing wastewater valorisation. [Invited Oral Presentation], Duckweed Research and Application for the Circular Bioeconomy Ireland, UCC Western Gateway . [Details]
(2023)SATLE Learning and Teaching Showcase,
Samuel Waldron, Jerry Reen and Niall O'Leary (2023) Vista 360: Virtual Industrial Site training access in STEM. [Invited Oral Presentation], SATLE Learning and Teaching Showcase, UCC Western Gateway . [Details]
(2023)Microbiology Society Annual Conference,
Ay'sha Moore-Machacek, Maite Rekalde, Antje Gloe, Dr Niall O'Leary, Dr F. Jerry Reen (2023) The host signal bile modulates biofilm formation, morphology, and antimicrobial tolerance in yeast and fungal respiratory pathogens. [Poster Presentation], Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Birmingham . [Details]
Clo O’Riordan, Eolann Dinneen, Joanna Szafran, Conor Kelly, Conor Egan, Matt Power, Muireann Hickey, Lisa Mc Garry, Helen O’Connell, John O’Leary , Eoin Allen, UniCoV Consortium# , Breda Smyth, Niall O’Leary, Mary Horgan, Michael Byrne, John MacSharry (2023) UniCoV-UCC- Surveillance and detection of SARS-CoV-2 on the UCC campus during the 2021-2022 Teaching year - Apps, Antigens, Saliva, Wastewater and participation. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], ECCMID, Copenhagen . [Details]
(2023)Irish Fungal Society,
Ay'sha Moore-Machacek, Maite Rekalde, Antje Gloe, Dr Niall O'Leary, Dr F. Jerry Reen (2023) Host signals and strain diversity within mixed microbial populations perturb the pathogen-host interaction. [Poster Presentation], Irish Fungal Society, Dublin City University . [Details]
(2022)Resource Recovery from Agri-Food Effluents,
Niall O'Leary (2022) 1 day workshop bringing together academics and industry collaborators to explore challenges and opportunities for sustainable waste valorisations. [Invited Oral Presentation], Resource Recovery from Agri-Food Effluents, UCC . [Details]
(2021)UCC-ClonBio Exploratory Workshop,
Niall O'Leary (2021) The NEWTRIENTS project: Novel Eco-Sensitive Wastewater Treatment Recovering Dairy Industry Effluent Nutrients. [Invited Oral Presentation], UCC-ClonBio Exploratory Workshop, Online workshop . [Details]
(2020)EPA Research 2030 thematic hubs virtual workshop,
Éamonn Walsh, Arno Fricke, Roisin Broughton, Neil E. Coughlan, Holger Kühnhold, Maria O’Mahoney, Gavin Burnell, Paul Bolger, David Walsh, Niall O’Leary, Marcel A.K. Jansen (2020) The circular economy in action; valorising dairy processing wastewater. [Poster Presentation], EPA Research 2030 thematic hubs virtual workshop, Virtual conference . [Details]
(2020)Resource Recovery from Dairy Industry Effluent,
Niall O'Leary (2020) Microbial Valorisation of Dairy Industry Wastewater. [Invited Oral Presentation], Resource Recovery from Dairy Industry Effluent, UCC - Environmental Research Insitute . [Details]
(2019)IMPACT Microplastics International Workshop,
Niall O'Leary (2019) Emerging picture of impacts of nanoplastics on gut microbiomes and the potential for dysbiosis and health impacts’. [Invited Oral Presentation], IMPACT Microplastics International Workshop, UCC -Environmental Insitute . [Details]




 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
CK402 Board of studies School of Microbiology Representative2024 /
Organising committee - Resource Recovery from Agri-Food Effluents (1 day workshop) Input to programme development, sourcing of speakers and event logistics2022 /
Organising committee - Resource Recovery from Dairy Industry Effluent (1 day workshop) Input to programme development, sourcing of speakers and event logistics2020 /
Conference organising committee - Connected Learning Spaces Symposium Input to programme development and logistics2019 /
Chair - Conference organising Committee -Marine Microbiology and Biotechnology Chair and lead organiser2012 / 2012
Academic Programmes and Curriculum Development Committee School of Microbiology Representative2021 /
STEM Infrastructure Committee School of Microbiology Representative2021 /
Community based reseach - Community Based Learning sub committee SEFS representative2018 / 2019
Janssen Genetically Modified Microorganisms Safety Committee External Expert Adviser2018 /
Centre for the Integration of Teaching & Learning Teaching Fellow2016 /
Irish Universities Association - Campus Engage - Engaged Research Committee UCC Representative2019 / 2021
Society for General Microbiology - Irish Division Committee Co-ordination of Irish SGM division activities. Organisation of UCC SGM meeting2010 / 2013


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork Lecturer and PI01-SEP-10 /
University College Cork Senior Lecturer01-JUN-19 /
Department of Microbiology and Environmental Research Institute, UCC. Senior Postdoctoral Researcher and Part-Time lecturer in microbiology01-OCT-06 / 31-DEC-10
UCC Full time, Lecturer01-JUN-05 / 01-JUN-06
UCC Senior Postdoctoral Researcher01-SEP-04 / 01-SEP-05
UCC Post doctoral Researcher01-SEP-01 / 01-SEP-04


2014UCC Master of ArtsTeaching and Learning in Higher Education
2018Irish Management Institute & UCC CertificateAspiring Leaders Programme
2009UCC Postgraduate Diploma Teaching & Learning in Higher Education''
2001UCC PHDMicrobiology
1996UCC BSC (HONS)Microbiology


Undisclosed - 2008
Process analysis and corrective action proposals for quality control issues at a large processing plant of filtration devices in the Cork area.
Undisclosed 2009
Design and development of microbiological test strategies to assess antimicrobial actions of novel medical device coatings
External Expert Genetically Modified Microorgansisms Committee

Outreach Activities


World Environment day 2018 Microplastic pollution workshop:

Organised Primary School STEM workshops in school of Microbiology as part of Cork Discovers science dissemination event.

Invited by organiser to give talk to public on: "Plastic Pollution: Challenging the myth that ​what we don’t know won’t hurt us​"

Invited as representative expert from UCC on plastic pollution science and policy to join actor Jeremy Irons for Q & A session after screening of his film "Trashed" in Skibbereen, Cork. 180 attendees

Research from the Newtrients project team was filmed for the national broadcaster RTE premier science series in a special episode showcasing Irish research in the circular economy

Engaged public with model system demonstrating microbial biorector system role in dairy wastewater conversion to value added products.

2022 - ongoing: Collaboration between the school of microbiology and computer science (Funded through the national forum for teaching and learning and, SSPC bursary support). Design and delivery of virtual reality simulations of cellular environments and molecules to support 2nd level educators teaching complex concepts in biology curriculum to junior and leaving certificate students.

Designed 360 degree virtual, interactive ambulance orientation training for distribution to national network of community first responders who assist the national ambulance service but don't have working knowledge of ambulance lay out and equipment location. Visit:

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Bmc Microbiology Referee-
Fems Microbiology Letters Referee-
Bioresource Technology Referee-
Environmental Microbiology Referee-
Canadian Journal Of Microbiology Referee-
Applied And Environmental Microbiology Referee-

Other Activities


2006-2008: Harvard Graduate School of Education WIDE online international coach:  Delivery of the Teaching for Understanding 1 framework to international educator cohorts.

2017: Invited as EU representative to present state of the art overview of European research into microbial plastic degradation at EU-China research brokerage meeting in Beijing.  

2016: Invited to become EU expert reviewer for H2020 programme.   'CIRC‐2‐2016: Water in the context of the circular economy – demonstrating the potential of efficient nutrient recovery from water'.

2016: UK Research Council Grant review:   microbial degradation research project submissions to Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council 

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

I am currently Programme Director for the BSc Hons Microbiology degree and 4th year co-ordinator.

My teaching Interests are focused in the areas of Food, Industrial and Environmental Microbiology and reflect the research activities in my lab.  
I am a strong advocate for the use of best practice pedagogical frameworks in curriculum design and hold NFQ linked postgraduate certificate (2008), diploma (2009) and Masters (2014) qualifications in teaching an learning in higher education.  I also previously spent several years as an online coach for the Harvard Graduate School of Education WIDE programme, disseminating the Teaching For Understanding (TFU1) curriculum design model to educators from around the world. 

I believe in diversification of assessment as a key area for progression of student learning and development of holistic competencies and place on active emphasis on the incorporation of research engaged and research led teaching.  

 I have a strong interest in technology-enhanced learning and have conducted funded investigations with interdisciplinary colleagues to develop VR simulations for teaching molecular biology concepts. More recently I have been involved in designing 360 mapped, interactive Virtual industrial site visits with industry collaborators to help students link lecture theory with applied settings. 

In addition to my primary responsibilities in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the school of microbiology, I also act as Teaching Fellow with UCC's Centre for the Integration of Research Teaching and Learning. In this role I support colleagues undertaking masters level research into their own teaching practice, with several co-authored publications in the scholarship of teaching and learning space.

 I also pursue extensive outreach with 2nd level educators to support STEM engagement and have organised several laboratory workshops for local schools, including primary schools from the wider Munster area. Recent work in this area with colleagues has involved the design and deployment of VR immersive cellular biology simulations to junior and leaving certificate educators to enhance students understanding of submicroscopic cells, biomolecules and molecular processes.


2015:  President's prize for teaching excellence.
2022:  Member of the ELEVATE team developing virtual resources for molecular biology teaching which was awarded UCC's first every DELTA award by the National Forum for Teaching and Learning.

Current Postgraduates:

Ay'Sha Moore - PhD (Co-supervisor) 
Shon George Shiju - PhD (Co-Supervisor)
Leah Bannon - MSc (Supervisor)
Rebecca Shepherd - MSc (Supervisor)
Ann Kirby - MATLHE (Co-Supervisor)
Arda Konut - MSc (Co-supervisor)
Aileen Murphy - MATLHE (Supervisor)
JB McCarthy - MATLHE (Supervisor)

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2024John David Murphy NUI (UCC)MscAn Investigation into Learning Assessment within Virtual Reality Learning Environments
2018Brian Stanley NUI (UCC)MscPolaromonas species in wastewater treatment systems
2024Amin Sharifi Isaloo NUI (UCC)MscHow applying UDL principles on LMS can provide more inclusive teaching and learning experiences to the DSS registered students
2022Bernard Drumm NUI (UCC)MscDo student perceptions of laboratory assessment techniques align with performance?
2014William Ryan University College CorkPhDInvestigation of global regulators influencing styrene metabolism and bioplastic synthesis in Pseudomonas putida CA-3
2021Reuben O'Hea NUI (UCC)MscIsolation, characterisation and control of food spoilage yeasts and moulds
2023Rory Holland NUI (UCC)MscBacterial cellulose production utilising komagataeibacter isolates from kombucha tea
2022Amisha Mathew NUI (UCC)MscInvestigation of kombucha fermentation cultures as a source of biotechnologically significant microbes and bioprotectant lactobacilli
2024Paul Holloway NUI (UCC)MscSmartphone GIS: Exploring Technological Competency in Active Learning across Thematic Areas of Geography
2019Bianca Govi NUI (UCC)MscMicrobial symbionts of Duckweed plants grown on dairy processing wastewater
2022Roisin Broughton NUI (UCC)MscLaboratory scale aerobic bioreactor conditioning of dairy processing wastewater as feedstock for Lemna minor production
2020Beatriz Gil-Pulido NUI (UCC)PHDMicrobial ecology of Intermittently Aerated Sequencing Batch Reactors (IASBRs) for the treatment of dairy processing wastewaters
2023Xinyu Cai NUI (UCC)MscELEVATE XR
2013Emily Keena MScCharacterisation of bioplastic production by microbial isolates from an ADF reactor system designed to treat dairy industry wastewaters
2014Mary McCullagh University College CorkPhDInvestigation of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by an Activated Sludge Microbial Consortium Treating Artificial Dairy Wastewater
2015Alan Barry University College CorkMScMicrocompartment-Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (MEBPR)

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Prof. Jerry Murphy Environmental Research Institute, UCCIRELAND
David Murphy Computer Science University college CorkIRELAND
Prof. Marcel Jansen Biological, Environmental and Earth Sci, UCCIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Prof Xinmin Zhan NUIGIRELAND
Dr Mary O'Riordan HaPPE EarthIRELAND
Julio Traub Clon BIOHUNGARY
Alejandro Gonzalez-Martinez University of GranadaSPAIN
Andy Hogan Clon BIOU.S.A.
Kevin Scully Arrrabawn Co-OpIRELAND
Proj Brijesh Tiwari Teagasc AshtownIRELAND
Dr Eadaoin Joyce Uisce ÉireannIRELAND
Derry Cadogan DairygoldIRELAND
Alejandro Rodrigues Sanchez University of GranadaSPAIN
Paddy O'Brien Tipperary Co-OpIRELAND
Prof Wim Meijer University College DublinIRELAND
Dr. Kevin Ryan Cork City CouncilIRELAND
Prof. Torres Sweeney University College DublinIRELAND

Contact details

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School of Microbiology

Scoil na Micribhitheolaíochta

Microbiology Office, Room FSB452, 4th Floor Food Science & Technology Building, University College Cork, Cork T12 Y337
