My principal areas of active research are all are concerned with practical fluid mechanical problems in the traditional heartland of Applied Mathematics. Within this framework, the two principal areas of research are wave-current interactions and the modelling of wave-power devices. Other areas of interest include wave-structure interactions (which shares a common interest with core aspects of wave-power device modelling), wind-induced circulations in lakes, flows through floodplains and blood flow through large arteries. In most cases the work involves collaborative studies with engineers or fellow scientists, particularly as the studies require the acquisition of good experimental data for comparison with the numerical models.It is perhaps useful to provide some career background information to illustrate my research philosophy. Following a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Bristol, with a speciality in wave-current interactions, I undertook a post-doctoral position in the Department of Civil Engineering at the same university. This involved undertaking experiments (and further modelling) of flow fields similar to those I had studied theoretically; it taught me how real fluids behave and what modelling approximations really involve – courses in mathematics provide no adequate preparation! I also experienced the difficulties and pitfalls of performing experiments with water waves. A second post-doctoral position, this time in Mathematics, was in the embryonic field of modelling wave-power studies. When appointed to UCC, my brief was to work with engineers and in two fields that have continued to expand. The strategy is clear: models and experiments must accompany each other and if models do not exist, then experiments must provide illumination.Within the remit of wave-current interactions, my work has been concerned with the interaction between water waves in two and three dimensions, usually of regular frequency, with a spatially varying mean flow that defines the current. The topics of interest are primarily the prediction of the wave kinematics from given wave and current data. This includes both linear and nonlinear wave regimes and the importance of vorticity and viscosity. The study of conservation equations to describe the slowly-varying properties of the wave field is also a topic of major interest, particularly when vorticity is present. As already stated, a particular feature of this work is that experimental studies play a crucial role in the development of good numerical models. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I have played an integral part in all the major studies, theoretical and experimental, on the kinematics of two- and three- dimensional wave-current interactions. This may seem to be in the past, with little or no application to the future, but the resource modelling for machines intended to extract power from tidal streams and currents requires all of these skills; present efforts concentrate upon these future applications.My second primary topic, the modelling of wave-power devices, has been restricted to fluid/structure interactions that can be described by diffraction models within the inviscid linear wave regimes. This has enabled standard hydrodynamic theories and concepts, originally developed by naval architects, to be employed to model wave power devices. Although the existence of such theories is broadly beneficial, there are also drawbacks in the sense that shortcomings associated with implementation of the earlier theories (such as the difficulties in calculating the hydrodynamic coefficients for particular geometries) remain. Within this field my principal contributions to the generic knowledge base are associated with the design of wave-power devices from a hydrodynamic perspective and the hydrodynamics of arrays of wave-power devices; in both cases my work has been associated with the core developments. This is now being extended to include control. It should be noted that there is one major difference between this field and the others with which I have been concerned, viz. the majority of the important papers appear initially as conference or workshop papers; journal papers may or may not follow. This simply reflects a rapidly varying field in which a wide range of disciplines are present.
Research Interests
Paper 1MacIver, R. D., Simons R.R. & Thomas G.P. 2006 Gravity waves interacting with a narrow jet-like current, J. Geophys. Res. 111 (C3), C03009.
This major paper, combining experiments and theory, was made possible by the EU MAST programme funding a project on wave-current interactions and coordinated by UCC. There were a number of feeder papers and research reports prior to the eventual production of this work. This represents the first major experimental study of three-dimensional wave current interactions and was accompanied by the first one to employ comparative modelling, so that innovative experiments were accompanied by innovative modelling. The comparison yielded good agreement between theory and experiment in an averaged sense yet showed surprising deviations on a wave-by-wave basis, such as occurs in tidal current applications. Paper 2Voronovich V.I., Shrira V.I. & Thomas G.P. 2008 Can bottom friction suppress ‘freak wave’ formation? J. Mech., 604, 263-296.
Most studies on freak (or rogue) involve many partners and huge computational effort in attempts to determine when freak waves will occur. The scale of the phenomenon means that it is exceedingly difficult to reproduce experimentally. This paper, resulting from a project funded by SFI, adopts a rather different and more economical approach by asking the complimentary question: are there circumstances under which freak waves cannot occur? By employing a multiple time-and-length scale analysis to separate the local fast wave motion from the longer slow scales associated with measures of stability and by including the influence of bed friction, it was found via linear and nonlinear stability analyses that bed friction can have a stabilizing influence and prevent the instabilities that are known to lead to freak wave formation. Such an analysis has not been attempted previously but does place restrictions upon the wave regime. One reviewer commented that the paper would lead to much discussion and controversy!
Paper 3Thomas G.P. 2008 The theory behind the conversion of ocean wave energy: a review. In ‘Ocean wave power – current status and perspectives’, ed. by J. Cruz, Springer Verlag, 41-91.
The remit of this invited review paper was to describe the hydrodynamic processes that are associated with wave-power devices to a non-specialist engineering audience. Such papers are always immense challenges, since a balance must be sought to describe a totality of concepts, difficulties and existing work to a non-specialist target audience while simultaneously not displeasing the cognoscenti. From a personal perspective it presented an ideal opportunity to present and assess a body of work that been completed in UCC over a substantial time period and positioned within a much broader framework, which in turn provided a favourable judgement. Much of science is associated with levels of understanding and this provided an opportunity to move up a couple of levels, even if such a move was compulsory if the task was to be completed successfully. Another benefit that always accrues from such exercises is the focus that identifies knowledge gaps and the necessity for future work.
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | 'The theory behind the conversion of ocean wave energy: a review' Thomas G.P. ; (2008) 'The theory behind the conversion of ocean wave energy: a review' In: Ocean wave power ¿ current status and perspectives¿. Springer Verlag: Springer Verlag. [Details] | |
(2008) | 'Guidelines for laboratory testing of WECs' Sarmento A.J.N.A. & Thomas G.P.; (2008) 'Guidelines for laboratory testing of WECs' In: Ocean wave power ¿ current status and perspectives¿. J. Cruz, Springer Verlag: J. Cruz, Springer Verlag. [Details] | |
(1997) | 'Wave-current interactions in the near-shore region' Thomas G.P & Klopman G. ; (1997) 'Wave-current interactions in the near-shore region' In: Gravity waves in water of finite depth. J.N. Hunt: Advances in Fluid Mechanics, Computational Mechanics Publications. [Details] |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | 'Can bottom friction suppress `freak wave¿ formation?' Voronovich V.I., Shrira V.I. & Thomas G.P. ; (2008) 'Can bottom friction suppress `freak wave¿ formation?'. Journal of Mechanics, 604 :263-269 [Details] | |
(2006) | 'Gravity waves interacting with a narrow jet-like current' MacIver, R. D., Simons R.R. & Thomas G.P. ; (2006) 'Gravity waves interacting with a narrow jet-like current'. J. Geophys. Res, 111 (C3) [Details] | |
(2001) | 'Estimates of decay rates in the presence of turbulent currents' Thais L., Chapalain G., Simons R.R., Klopman G. & Thomas G.P. ; (2001) 'Estimates of decay rates in the presence of turbulent currents'. Applied Ocean Res, 23 :125-137 [Details] | |
(1995) | 'Perturbation theory model of molecular Rydberg orbitals' Singleton L., Brint P. & Thomas G.P. ; (1995) 'Perturbation theory model of molecular Rydberg orbitals'. J. Chem. Soc. Farady Trans, 91 (17):2699-2707 [Details] | |
(1993) | 'Wave-current interaction within and outside the bottom boundary layer' Soulsby R.L., Hamm L., Klopman G., Myrhaug D., Simons R.R. & Thomas G.P. ; (1993) 'Wave-current interaction within and outside the bottom boundary layer'. Coastal Eng, 21 :41-69 [Details] | |
(1993) | 'The diffraction of water waves by an array of circular cylinders in a channel' Butler B.P. & Thomas G.P. ; (1993) 'The diffraction of water waves by an array of circular cylinders in a channel'. Ocean Engineering, 20 :295-311 [Details] | |
(1991) | 'The diffraction of water waves by a circular cylinder in a channel' Thomas G.P. ; (1991) 'The diffraction of water waves by a circular cylinder in a channel'. Ocean Engineering, 18 :17-44 [Details] | |
(1990) | 'Wave-current interactions: an experimental and numerical study. Part 2. Nonlinear waves' Thomas G.P. ; (1990) 'Wave-current interactions: an experimental and numerical study. Part 2. Nonlinear waves'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 216 :505-536 [Details] | |
(1983) | 'A hydrodynamic model of a submerged lenticular wave energy device' Thomas G.P. & Evans D.V. ; (1983) 'A hydrodynamic model of a submerged lenticular wave energy device'. Appl. Ocean Res, 5 :69-79 [Details] | |
(1981) | 'Arrays of three-dimensional wave-energy absorbers' Thomas G.P. & Evans D.V. ; (1981) 'Arrays of three-dimensional wave-energy absorbers'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 108 :67-88 [Details] | |
(1981) | 'Wave-current interactions: an experimental and numerical study. Part 1. Linear waves' Thomas G.P. ; (1981) 'Wave-current interactions: an experimental and numerical study. Part 1. Linear waves'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 110 :457-474 [Details] | |
(1979) | 'Finite-amplitude deep water waves on currents' Peregrine D.H. & Thomas G.P.; (1979) 'Finite-amplitude deep water waves on currents'. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. of London, A292371 [Details] | |
(1978) | 'Wave action and set-down for waves on a shear current' Jonsson I.G., Brink-Kjaer O. & Thomas G.P.; (1978) 'Wave action and set-down for waves on a shear current'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 87 :401-416 [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Off. Mech. & Artic Eng. (OMAE 2008) Sykes R.K., Lewis A.W. & Thomas G.P. ; (2008) A numerical and physical comparison of a geometrically simple fixed and floating oscillating water column Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Off. Mech. & Artic Eng. (OMAE 2008) Estoril, Portugal, [Details] | |
(2007) | Proc. Seventh 7th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Fitzgerald C.J. & Thomas G.P. ; (2007) A preliminary study on the optimal formation of an array of wave power devices Proc. Seventh 7th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Porto, Portugal, [Details] | |
(2007) | Proc. Seventh 7th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Sykes R.K., Lewis A.W. & Thomas G.P.; (2007) A Physical and Numerical Study of a Fixed Cylindrical OWC of Finite Wall Thickness Proc. Seventh 7th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Porto, Portugal, [Details] | |
(2006) | International Conference on Ocean Energy: from innovation to industry Weber J. & Thomas G.P. ; (2006) Turbine type & design selection in the context of multi-parametric overall system optimisation of Oscillating Water Column wave energy converters International Conference on Ocean Energy: from innovation to industry Bremerhaven, Germany, , pp.213-224 [Details] | |
(2005) | Proc. Sixth European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Weber J. & Thomas G.P. ; (2005) An efficient flexible engineering tool for multi-parametric hydrodynamic analysis in the design & optimisation of WECs Proc. Sixth European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Glasgow, Scotland, , pp.543-548 [Details] | |
(2005) | Proc. Sixth European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Voronovich V., Homes B. & Thomas G.P. ; (2005) A preliminary numerical and experimental study of wave prediction Proc. Sixth European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference Glasgow, Scotland, [Details] | |
(2004) | Proc. BAIL Madden N., Stynes M. & Thomas G.P. ; (2004) On theapplication of robust numerical methods to a complete-flow wave-current model Proc. BAIL Toulouse, France, [Details] | |
(2003) | Proc. Fifth European Wave Energy Conference Weber J.W. & Thomas G.P. ; (2003) Some aspects of the design optimisation of an OWC with regard to multiple sea states and combined object functions Proc. Fifth European Wave Energy Conference Cork, , pp.141-148 [Details] | |
(2003) | Proc. Fifth European Wave Energy Conference Thomas G.P. ; (2003) On the importance of wave-current interactions to tidal stream and marine current generators Proc. Fifth European Wave Energy Conference Cork, , pp.167-174 [Details] | |
(2001) | Proc. Coastal Dynamics MacIver R.D., Simons R.R. & G.P. Thomas ; (2001) A comparison of experimental measurements and theoretical predictions for three-dimensional wave-current interactions Proc. Coastal Dynamics Sweden, , pp.142-151 [Details] | |
(2001) | Oscillating Water Column wave energy device Weber J.W. & Thomas G.P. ; (2001) Optimisation of the hydrodynamic-aerodynamic coupling of a 2-D onshore and a 3-D offshore Oscillating Water Column wave energy device Oscillating Water Column wave energy device Newcastle, , pp.193-205 [Details] | |
(2001) | ISOPE 01 Weber J.W. & Thomas G.P. ; (2001) An investigation into the importance of the air chamber design of an Oscillating Water Column wave energy device ISOPE 01 Stravanger, Norway, , pp.581-588 [Details] | |
(2000) | Proc. Fourth European Wave Energy Conference Weber J.W. & Thomas G.P. ; (2000) Optimisation of the hydrodynamic-aerodynamic coupling for an Oscillating Water Column wave energy device Proc. Fourth European Wave Energy Conference Aalborg, Denmark, , pp.251-259 [Details] | |
(2000) | Fourth European Wave Energy Conference Sørensen H.C., Hansen R., Friis-Madsen E., Panhauser W., Mackie G., Hansen H.H., Frigaard P., Hald T., Knapp W., Keller J., Holmén E., Holmes B., Thomas G.P. & Rasmussen P. ; (2000) The Wave Dragon ¿ now ready for test in real seas Fourth European Wave Energy Conference Aalborg, Denmark, , pp.186-193 [Details] | |
(2000) | Fourth European Wave Energy Conference Holmes B. & Thomas G.P. ; (2000) An experimental study on fixed and floating OWCs in regular and irregular seas Fourth European Wave Energy Conference Aalborg, Denmark, [Details] | |
(1998) | Proc. Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference Thomas G.P. ; (1998) The kinematics and dynamics of wave-current interactions Proc. Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference Lisbon, [Details] | |
(1997) | Wave Power: an engineering and commercial perspective Thomas G.P. ; (1997) The mathematical modelling of wave power devices. Invited paper to a colloquium on: Wave Power: an engineering and commercial perspective Wave Power: an engineering and commercial perspective London, [Details] | |
(1997) | Proc. Coastal Dynamics ¿97 Madden N., Stynes M. & Thomas G.P. ; (1997) On the development of complete flow models for wave-current interactions Proc. Coastal Dynamics ¿97 Plymouth, [Details] | |
(1995) | Proc. Irish Marine Science Symposium Ó Gallachoir B.P., Holmes B., Lewis A.W. & Thomas G.P. ; (1995) Ocean wave energy research in Ireland Proc. Irish Marine Science Symposium Galway, [Details] | |
(1995) | 14th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics & Artic Engineering Nielsen K.I., Salter S.H. & Thomas G.P. ; (1995) Offshore wave energy converters. OMAE 1995 14th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics & Artic Engineering Copenhagen, [Details] | |
(1995) | Second European Wave Energy Conf Randlov P., Nielsen K., Salter S.H. & Thomas G.P. ; (1995) Offshore wave energy converters, OWEC-1. Paper E6, Proc Second European Wave Energy Conf Lisbon, , pp.156-163 [Details] | |
(1995) | Proc. Second European Wave Energy Conf Evans D.V., Ó Gallachóir B.P., Porter R. & Thomas G.P. ; (1995) On the optimal design of an Oscillating Water Column device. Paper E8, Proc Proc. Second European Wave Energy Conf Lisbon, , pp.172-178 [Details] | |
(1995) | 5th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Ó Gallachóir B.P., Sarmento A.N.J.A. & Thomas G.P. ; (1995) The hydrodynamics of a wave-power device in a tapered harbour. ISOPE-95 5th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference The Hague, , pp.615-622 [Details] | |
(1993) | Proc. European Wave Energy Symposium Thomas G.P. & Gallagher B.P. ; (1993) An assessment of design parameters for the Bristol Cylinder Proc. European Wave Energy Symposium Edinburgh, [Details] | |
(1992) | Proc. 1st European Wave Energy Workshop Thomas G.P., Evans D.V., Greenhow M., McIver P. & Sarmento A.J.N.A. ; (1992) Some hydrodynamic aspects of wave energy converters Proc. 1st European Wave Energy Workshop Cork, [Details] | |
(1990) | Proc. 5th Int. workshop on water waves and floating bodies Thomas G.P. ; (1990) Wave diffraction by an array of cylinders in a channel Proc. 5th Int. workshop on water waves and floating bodies Manchester, [Details] | |
(1990) | Proc. Conf. on Flow Patterns, Sedimentology and Geomorphic Evolution of Floodplains Kiely G.K., McKeogh E.J. & Thomas G.P. ; (1990) Flow patterns in straight and meandering rivers with floodplains . In: American Geophysical Union eds. Proc. Conf. on Flow Patterns, Sedimentology and Geomorphic Evolution of Floodplains Baltimore, [Details] | |
(1981) | Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Wave and Tidal Energy Evans D.V. & Thomas G.P. ; (1981) A hydrodynamic model of the Lancaster Flexible Bag wave energy device Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Wave and Tidal Energy Cambridge, , pp.129-141 [Details] | |
(1981) | Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Wave and Tidal Energy Davis J.P., Finney R., Evans D.V., Thomas G.P., Askew W.H. & Shaw T.L. ; (1981) Some hydrodynamic characteristics of the Bristol Cylinder Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Wave and Tidal Energy Cambridge, , pp.249-259 [Details] | |
(1979) | 'Mechanics of Wave-Induced Forces on Cylinders' Thomas G.P. ; (1979) Wave-current interactions: an experimental and numerical study . In: T.L. Shaw. Pitman Press eds. 'Mechanics of Wave-Induced Forces on Cylinders' , pp.260-271 [Details] | |
(1979) | 'Mechanics of Wave-Induced Forces on Cylinders' Thomas G.P. ; (1979) Water wave-current interactions: A Review . In: T.L. Shaw eds. 'Mechanics of Wave-Induced Forces on Cylinders' Berlin, , pp.179-203 [Details] | |
(1978) | Proc. 2nd Int. workshop on water waves and floating bodies Thomas G.P. ; (1978) The diffraction of water waves by a circular cylinder in a channel Proc. 2nd Int. workshop on water waves and floating bodies Bristol, [Details] | |
(1976) | Finite amplitude waves on non-uniform currents Peregrine D.H. & Thomas G.P. ; (1976) 'Waves on water of variable depth' . In: D.G. Provis and R. Radok eds. Finite amplitude waves on non-uniform currents , pp.145-153 [Details] | |
(2011) | 21st International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition, ISOPE Cretel, J.A.M., Lewis, A.W., Thomas, G.P. and Lightbody, G.; (2011) A Critical assessment of Latching Control for Wave-energy Point Absorbers 21st International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition, ISOPE Maui, Hawaii, USA, [Details] | |
(2011) | IFAC World Congress Cretel, J.A.M., Lightbody, G., Thomas, G.P. and Lewis, A.W; (2011) Maximisation of Energy Capture by a Wave-Energy Point Absorber using Model Predictive Control IFAC World Congress Milan, Italy, [Details] | |
(1999) | Ocean Wave Energy Research in Ireland O'Gallachoir B.P., Holmes B., Lewis A.W., & Thomas G.P.; (1999) Irish Marine Science . In: * eds. Ocean Wave Energy Research in Ireland *, , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.495-507 [Details] | |
(1999) | The hydrodynamics of a Wave Energy Device in a Tapered Harbour O'Gallachoir B.P., Sarmento A.J.N.A. & Thomas, G.P.; (1999) Proc, ISOPE '95 (5th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference) . In: * eds. The hydrodynamics of a Wave Energy Device in a Tapered Harbour The Hague, Netherlands, , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.615-622 [Details] | |
(1999) | On the optimal design of an Oscillating Water Column Device Evans D.V., O'Gallachoir B.P., Porter R., & Thomas G.P.; (1999) Proc. Second European Wave Energy Conference . In: * eds. On the optimal design of an Oscillating Water Column Device Lisbon, Portugal, , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.1-8 [Details] | |
(1999) | An assessment of the design parameters for the Bristol Cylinder Thomas G.P. & O'Gallachoir B.P.; (1999) Proc. European Wave Energy Symposium . In: * eds. An assessment of the design parameters for the Bristol Cylinder Edinburgh, Scotland, , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.139-144 [Details] | |
(1999) | Ocean Wave Energy - A Real Option for Ireland O'Gallachoir B.P., Holmes B., Lewis A.W., Thomas G.P.,; (1999) Proc. 5th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium . In: * eds. Ocean Wave Energy - A Real Option for Ireland *, , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.63-65 [Details] | |
(2011) | 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, EWTEC Cretel, J.A.M., Lewis, A.W., Thomas, G.P. and Lightbody, G.; (2011) A control methodology for wave-energy point absorbers based on Model Predictive Control and ARMA prediction 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, EWTEC Southampton, UK, [Details] |
Professional Activities
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | IMS-ISSEC Symposium, Thomas G.P.; (2008) Freak waves on ocean currents. [Oral Presentation], IMS-ISSEC Symposium, UCD , 15-MAY-08 - 15-MAY-08. [Details] | |
(2007) | Seventh European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, Thomas G.P.; (2007) A preliminary study on the optimal formation of an array of wave power devices. [Oral Presentation], Seventh European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, Porto, Portugal, , 12-SEP-07 - 12-SEP-07. [Details] | |
(2007) | SFI Science Summit 2007, Dublin, 2007, Thomas G.P.; (2007) Freak waves on ocean currents. [Oral Presentation], SFI Science Summit 2007, Dublin, 2007, Dublin, , 27-NOV-07 - 27-NOV-07. [Details] | |
(2007) | Seventh European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Thomas G.P.; (2007) Seventh European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Seventh European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Porto, Portugal , 12-SEP-07 - 12-SEP-07. [Details] | |
(2007) | MACSI (SFI) Colloquium, Thomas G.P.; (2007) A preliminary study on the optimal formation of an array of wave power devices. [Oral Presentation], MACSI (SFI) Colloquium, UCC , 31-JUL-07 - 31-JUL-07. [Details] | |
(2005) | Sixth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Thomas G.P.; (2005) Sixth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Sixth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Glasgow, Scotland , 30-AUG-05 - 30-AUG-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Sixth European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference,, Thomas G.P.; (2005) A preliminary numerical and experimental study of wave prediction. [Oral Presentation], Sixth European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference,, Glasgow, Scotland , 30-AUG-05 - 30-AUG-05. [Details] | |
(2003) | Fifth European Wave Energy Conference, Thomas G.P.; (2003) Fifth European Wave Energy Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Fifth European Wave Energy Conference, Cork , 18-SEP-03 - 18-SEP-03. [Details] | |
(2003) | Proceedings of the Fifth European Wave Energy Conference, Lewis A.E. & Thomas G.P. ; (2003) Proceedings of the Fifth European Wave Energy Conference Cork, Ireland. [Editorship of Whole Conference Proceedings], Proceedings of the Fifth European Wave Energy Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-SEP-03 - 30-SEP-03. [Details] | |
(2003) | EuroMech 451, Thomas G.P.; (2003) A numerical model of wave-current interaction. [Oral Presentation], EuroMech 451, Taormina, Italy , 28-OCT-03 - 28-OCT-03. [Details] |
Employer | Position | From / To | |
UCC | Senior Lecturer | 01-OCT-81 / | |
Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol | Post-doctoral Research Assistant | 01-OCT-75 / 01-SEP-78 | |
School of Mathematics, University of Bristol | Post-doctoral Research Assistant | 01-OCT-78 / 01-SEP-81 |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject | |
1972 | University of Bristol | BSC | Mathematics | |
1973 | University of Bristol | MSc | Fluid Mechanics | |
1975 | University of Bristol | PHD | Applied Mathematics |
Journal Activities
Journal | Role | To / From | |
Applied Ocean Research | Referee | - | |
Journal Of Fluid Mechanics | Referee | - | |
The Journal Of Geophysical Research | Referee | - | |
The Journal Of The International Society Of Offshore And Polar Engineers (Jisope) | Referee | - | |
Offshore Mechanics & Arctic Engineering (Omae) | Referee | - | |
Proceedings Of The American Society Of Civil Engineers (Asce) | Referee | - | |
The Quarterly Journal Of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics | Referee | - |
Other Activities
Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Visits Abroad
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Visiting Academics
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Research Talks: Details of invited talks
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In many grant applications I act as a member of, or together with members of, the Hydraulic & Maritime Research Centre (HMRC) in UCC. This has been a long-term practice, particularly with projects associated with wave-power studies. I was a founder member of the Centre and a member of the Governing Board. Such grants are denoted in the appropriate column. Details are of grants are provided below only for 2003-8; earlier ones can be retrieved as necessary. IRCSET postgraduate awards are not included, since these belong to the student. |