Research Profile

Fidelma Butler


Fidelma Butler is a senior lecturer in the School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences at University College Cork. Fidelma has a PhD from University College Dublin (NUI).

Fidelma has worked in a variety of posts
1990-1992 Professional Assistant, National Museum of Ireland (Natural History)
1993-1995 Education Officer, National Conservation Education Centre
1996-2006 Ecological Consultant, Terrascope, Co. Cork
1996-2006 Continuing Adult Education, University College Cork (part-time)
2007-2019 College Lecturer (part-time), School BEES, UCC
2019 - present Senior Lecturer, School BEES UCC

Fidelma currently teaches on a number of modules in the fields of mammal ecology, animal behaviour, ecological methods and environmental impact assessment.

Interests and recent projects include LIVE Ecomuseums ((€3.25m), applied mammal ecology with current work on hares at airports and the interaction of pollinating insects and clover flowers; small mammal ecology and behaviour (rodents and hedgehogs); transport ecology; urban ecology; invasive species (coypu, Asian hornet) .

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Spread of the invsaive grey squirrel and it's interactions with the native red squirrel in Ireland.Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)26-SEP-1009-JUN-14€86,425.00
Teaching & Learning Enhancement FundHigher Education authority01-JAN-2031-MAY-21€31,721.00
Pig welfare and environmental considerations in outdoor production systems (OneWelPig)Teagasc01-OCT-2230-SEP-24€54,917.00
Managing hares at Dublin AirportIrish Research Council01-OCT-1831-JAN-23€10,750.00
Deer and Habitat – across two Annex I woodlands on the Muckross Peninsula, KNP.National Parks & Wildlife Services (NPWS)31-MAY-2430-MAY-26€21,801.00
Developing a habitat restoration framework with respect to the optimum reference condition for efficient enhancement of the conservation measures focusing on the Asiatic cheetah and the Persian leopard in Iran.Irish Research Council03-JAN-2402-JAN-26€105,605.00
Status, threats, protection and conservation of ladybirds in IrelandIrish Research Council01-OCT-1501-OCT-19€92,000.00
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Bat Mitigation Measures Employed on Irish National Road SchemesRoad Safety Authority – RSA01-OCT-0731-AUG-11€229,394.00
Ecology of the European Hedgehog30-SEP-0830-SEP-11€113,000.00
Population dynamics, habitat use, philopatry nd feeding behaviour of the Red SquirrelIrish Research Council01-OCT-1230-SEP-14€91,790.00
FORDEERDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)31-MAR-1231-MAR-15€268,345.00


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'Dublin Hareport: The movement ecology and airfield interactions of resident, airside hares, at an international airport'
Ball, Samantha; Caravaggi, Anthony; Keogh, Gerry; Butler, Fidelma (2024) 'Dublin Hareport: The movement ecology and airfield interactions of resident, airside hares, at an international airport'. Ecology and Evolution, 14 (6) [Details]
(2024)'Direct comparative assessment of radial and transect surveys to document wild mammal activity across diverse habitat types'
Duggan, L M; Tarimo, L J; Walsh, K A; Kavishe, D R; Crego, R D; Elisa, M; Mombo, F; Butler, F T; Killeen, G F; (2024) 'Direct comparative assessment of radial and transect surveys to document wild mammal activity across diverse habitat types'. African Journal Of Ecology, 62 (3) [Details]
(2024)'Comparison of the timing of spring phenological events between phenological garden trees and wild populations'
Sweeney, Calum J; Butler, Fidelma; Wingler, Astrid (2024) 'Comparison of the timing of spring phenological events between phenological garden trees and wild populations'. Journal Of Plant Ecology, 17 (2) [Details]
(2023)'Mammal management: Strike mitigation measures and practices at European airports'
Ball, Samantha; Caravaggi, Anthony; Nicholson, Jeremy; Butler, Fidelma; (2023) 'Mammal management: Strike mitigation measures and practices at European airports'. Journal of Air Transport Management, 110 [Details]
(2023)'Hareport hazard: Identifying hare activity patterns and increased mammal-aircraft strike risk at an International Airport'
Ball, S;Caravaggi, A;Butler, F (2023) 'Hareport hazard: Identifying hare activity patterns and increased mammal-aircraft strike risk at an International Airport'. Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation, [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Freedom to Move: Free Lactation Pens Improve Sow Welfare'
Kinane, O;Butler, F;O'Driscoll, K (2022) 'Freedom to Move: Free Lactation Pens Improve Sow Welfare'. Animals, 12 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'The first recorded occurrence of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) in Ireland, genetic evidence for a continued single invasion across Europe'
Dillane, E;Hayden, R;O'Hanlon, A;Butler, F;Harrison, S (2022) 'The first recorded occurrence of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) in Ireland, genetic evidence for a continued single invasion across Europe'. Journal Of Hymenoptera Research, 93 :131-138 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Runway roadkill: a global review of mammal strikes with aircraft'
Ball, Samantha;Caravaggi, Anthony;Butler, Fidelma (2021) 'Runway roadkill: a global review of mammal strikes with aircraft'. Mammal Review, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021)'Freedom to Grow: Improving Sow Welfare also Benefits Piglets'
Kinane, O;Butler, F;O'Driscoll, K (2021) 'Freedom to Grow: Improving Sow Welfare also Benefits Piglets'. Animals, 11 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Runway roadkill: a global review of mammal strikes with aircraftMots cles'
Ball, S;Caravaggi, A;Butler, F (2021) 'Runway roadkill: a global review of mammal strikes with aircraftMots cles'. Mammal Review, 51 :420-435 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Impact of Weather Changes and Human Visitation on the Behavior and Activity Level of Captive Humboldt Penguins'
Zhang, JW;Quirke, T;Wu, SB;Li, SS;Butler, F (2021) 'Impact of Weather Changes and Human Visitation on the Behavior and Activity Level of Captive Humboldt Penguins'. Pakistan Journal Of Zoology, 53 :591-602 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Hares in the long grass: increased aircraft related mortality of the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) over a 30-year period at Ireland's largest civil airport'
Ball, S;Butler, F;Caravaggi, A;Coughlan, NE;Keogh, G;O'Callaghan, MJA;Whelan, R;Kelly, TC (2021) 'Hares in the long grass: increased aircraft related mortality of the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) over a 30-year period at Ireland's largest civil airport'. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 67 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Endoparasites of the endemic Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus'
Ball, S;Kelly, TC;Butler, F (2020) 'Endoparasites of the endemic Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus'. Wildlife Biology, 2020 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'The development of real-time PCR assays for species and sex identification of three sympatric deer species from noninvasive samples'
Powell C.;Butler F.;O’Reilly C. (2019) 'The development of real-time PCR assays for species and sex identification of three sympatric deer species from noninvasive samples'. Conservation Genetics Resources, 11 (4):465-471 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'The development of real-time PCR assays for species and sex identification of three sympatric deer species from noninvasive samples'
Powell, C;Butler, F;O'Reilly, C (2019) 'The development of real-time PCR assays for species and sex identification of three sympatric deer species from noninvasive samples'. Conservation Genetics Resources, 11 :465-471 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Managed parks as a refuge for the threatened red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in light of human disturbance'
Amy Haigh, Fidelma Butler, Ruth O'Riordan, Rupert Palme (2017) 'Managed parks as a refuge for the threatened red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in light of human disturbance'. Biological Conservation, 211 (A):29-36 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Variations in aggression and activity levels amongst squirrels inhabiting low and high density areas'
Haigh, A;O'Riordan, R;Butler, F (2017) 'Variations in aggression and activity levels amongst squirrels inhabiting low and high density areas'. Ecological Research, 32 :931-941 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Managed parks as a refuge for the threatened red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in light of human disturbance'
Haigh, Amy; Butler, Fidelma; O'Riordan, Ruth; Palme, Rupert (2017) 'Managed parks as a refuge for the threatened red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in light of human disturbance'. Biological Conservation, 211 :29-36   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Modeling future range expansion and management strategies for an invasive squirrel species'
Goldstein, EA,Butler, F,Lawton, C (2016) 'Modeling future range expansion and management strategies for an invasive squirrel species'. Biological Invasions, 18 :1431-1450 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Molecular and morphological insights into the origin of the invasive greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) in Ireland'
Gargan, LM,Cornette, R,Yearsley, JM,Montgomery, WI,Pauperio, J,Alves, PC,Butler, F,Pascal, M,Tresset, A,Herrel, A,Lusby, J,Tosh, DG,Searle, JB,McDevitt, AD (2016) 'Molecular and morphological insights into the origin of the invasive greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) in Ireland'. Biological Invasions, 18 :857-871 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'The preference for yew (Taxus baccata) by a red (Sciurus vulgaris) only squirrel population'
Haigh, A;O'Riordan, R;Butler, F (2015) 'The preference for yew (Taxus baccata) by a red (Sciurus vulgaris) only squirrel population'. Wildlife Research, 42 :426-436 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Frontier population dynamics of an invasive squirrel species: Do introduced populations function differently than those in the native range?'
Goldstein, EA,Butler, F,Lawton, C (2015) 'Frontier population dynamics of an invasive squirrel species: Do introduced populations function differently than those in the native range?'. Biological Invasions, 17 :1181-1197 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Non-invasive methods of separating hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) age classes and an investigation into the age structure of road kill'
Haigh, A, Kelly, M, Butler, F and O’Riordan,R (2014) 'Non-invasive methods of separating hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) age classes and an investigation into the age structure of road kill'. Acta Theriologica, 59 :165-171 [Details]
(2014)'Locating species range frontiers: a cost and efficiency comparison of citizen science and hair-tube survey methods for use in tracking an invasive squirrel'
Goldstein, EA;Lawton, C;Sheehy, E;Butler, F (2014) 'Locating species range frontiers: a cost and efficiency comparison of citizen science and hair-tube survey methods for use in tracking an invasive squirrel'. Wildlife Research, 41 :64-75 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus mortality on Irish roads'
Haigh, A;O'Riordan, RM;Butler, F (2014) 'Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus mortality on Irish roads'. Wildlife Biology, 20 :155-160 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'A preliminary investigation into the endoparasite load of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Ireland'
Haigh, A;O'Keeffe, J;O'Riordan, RM;Butler, F (2014) 'A preliminary investigation into the endoparasite load of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Ireland'. Mammalia, 78 :103-107 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Habitat selection, philopatry and spatial segregation in rural Irish hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)'
Haigh, A;O'Riordan, RM;Butler, F (2013) 'Habitat selection, philopatry and spatial segregation in rural Irish hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)'. Mammalia, 77 :163-172 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Nesting behaviour and seasonal body mass changes in a rural Irish population of the Western hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)'
Haigh, A;O'Riordan, RM;Butler, F (2012) 'Nesting behaviour and seasonal body mass changes in a rural Irish population of the Western hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)'. Acta Theriologica, 57 :321-331 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Clutter-adaptation of bat species predicts their use of under-motorway passageways of contrasting sizes - a natural experiment'
Abbott, IM;Harrison, S;Butler, F (2012) 'Clutter-adaptation of bat species predicts their use of under-motorway passageways of contrasting sizes - a natural experiment'. Journal of Zoology, 287 :124-132 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'When flyways meet highways - The relative permeability of different motorway crossing sites to functionally diverse bat species'
Abbott, IM;Butler, F;Harrison, S (2012) 'When flyways meet highways - The relative permeability of different motorway crossing sites to functionally diverse bat species'. Landscape and Urban Planning, 106 :293-302 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Intra- and interhabitat differences in hedgehog distribution and potential prey availability'
Haigh, A;Butler, F;O'Riordan, RM (2012) 'Intra- and interhabitat differences in hedgehog distribution and potential prey availability'. Mammalia, 76 :261-268 [DOI] [Details]
(2006)'A checklist of Irish Phthiraptera (Anoplura )'
OConnor, J. P., Sleeman, D. & Butler, F. T. (2006) 'A checklist of Irish Phthiraptera (Anoplura )'. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, [Details]
(1994)'Population structure and reproduction in brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) from pig farms, Co. Kildare, Ireland'
Butler, FT; Whelan, J; (1994) 'Population structure and reproduction in brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) from pig farms, Co. Kildare, Ireland'. Journal of Zoology, 233 (2):277-291 [Details]
(1994)'A review of the Irish Ischnocera and Amblycera (Phthiraptera)'
Butler, F. T. & O'Connor, J. P (1994) 'A review of the Irish Ischnocera and Amblycera (Phthiraptera)'. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, 24 (11):449-457 [Details]
(1994)'Arthropod and helminth parasites from rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus in south-west Ireland'
Butler, FT (1994) 'Arthropod and helminth parasites from rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus in south-west Ireland'. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, 24 (10):392-395 [Details]
(2014)'Frontier population dynamics of an invasive squirrel'
Goldstein, E.A., Butler, F. & Lawton, C. (2014) 'Frontier population dynamics of an invasive squirrel'. American Journal of Human Biology, 16 (10) [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'A preliminary investigation into the endoparasite load of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Ireland'
Haigh, A, O’ Keeffe, J, O’Riordan,R and Butler, F A (2014) 'A preliminary investigation into the endoparasite load of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Ireland'. Mammalia, 78 (1):103-107 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2013)'Deer in Irish commercial forests'
Murphy, V; Carden, RF; Harrison, S; O'Halloran, J; Irwin, S; Butler, F (2013) 'Deer in Irish commercial forests'. Irish Forestry, 70 (1&2):91-103 [Details]
(2013)'Habitat selection, philopatry and spatial segregation in rural Irish hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)'
Haigh, A, O’Riordan,R and Butler, F (2013) 'Habitat selection, philopatry and spatial segregation in rural Irish hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)'. Mammalia, 77 (2) [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2012)'Courtship behaviour of western hedgehogs'
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O'Riordan, R (2012) 'Courtship behaviour of western hedgehogs'. Lutra, 55 (1):41-54 [Full Text] [Details]
(2012)'Nesting behaviour and seasonal body mass changes in a rural Irish population of the Western hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus'
Haigh, A, O’Riordan,R and Butler, F (2012) 'Nesting behaviour and seasonal body mass changes in a rural Irish population of the Western hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus'. Acta Theriologica, 57 (4):321-331 [Details]
(2012)'Intra- and interhabitat differences in hedgehog distribution and potential prey availability'
Haigh, A,Butler, F,O'Riordan, RM (2012) 'Intra- and interhabitat differences in hedgehog distribution and potential prey availability'. Mammalia, 76 :261-268 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Intra and inter habitat differences in hedgehog distribution and potential prey availability'
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan, R (2012) 'Intra and inter habitat differences in hedgehog distribution and potential prey availability'. Mammalia, 76 (3) [Full Text] [Details]
(2012)'Clutter-adaptation of bat species predicts their use of under-motorway passageways of contrasting sizes - a natural experiment'
Abbott, IM,Harrison, S,Butler, F (2012) 'Clutter-adaptation of bat species predicts their use of under-motorway passageways of contrasting sizes - a natural experiment'. Journal of Zoology, 287 :124-132 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'A review of techniques for detecting hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in a rural landscape'
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan,R (2012) 'A review of techniques for detecting hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in a rural landscape'. Journal of Negative Results, 9 :15-26 [Full Text] [Details]
(2011)'Habitat use by the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus, Linnaeus, 1758) in an Irish rural landscape'
Haigh, A; Butler, F; O¿Riordan, R (; (2011) 'Habitat use by the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus, Linnaeus, 1758) in an Irish rural landscape'. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, [Details]
(2007)'A changing landscape: the habitat preferences of vespertilionid bats in a lowland agricultural landscape in south western Ireland'
Buckley, D.J., Rogan, E. and Butler, F. ; (2007) 'A changing landscape: the habitat preferences of vespertilionid bats in a lowland agricultural landscape in south western Ireland'. Irish Naturalists' Journal, 28 (12):488-497 [Details]
(2007)'The habitat preferences of vespertilionid bats in a lowland mixed use landscape'
Buckley, D. J., Rogan, E. and Butler, F.T (2007) 'The habitat preferences of vespertilionid bats in a lowland mixed use landscape'. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, [Details]


(2024)A self-cooling self-humidifying mosquito carrier backpack for transporting live adult mosquitoes on foot over long distances under challenging field conditions.
Kavishe, Deogratius Roman; Msoffe, Rogath Venance; Malika, Goodluck Zakaria; Walsh, Katrina Anne; Duggan, Lily May; Tarimo, Lucia John; Butler, Fidelma; Kaindoa, Emmanuel W Wilson; Ngowo, Halfan Said; Killeen, Gerry; (2024) A self-cooling self-humidifying mosquito carrier backpack for transporting live adult mosquitoes on foot over long distances under challenging field conditions. bioRxiv: Other   [Details]

Other Journals

(1992)'Notes on some Irish Pimplinae (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae)'
O'Connor, J. P. and Butler, F. T (1992) 'Notes on some Irish Pimplinae (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae)' Ent. mon. Mag; 128: 164, . [Details]

Journal Volume Edited

(2023)Frontiers in Veterinary Science - Animal welfare science: Rising to the challenges of a changing world.
O'Driscoll, Keelin K M; Butler, Fidelma; Arnott, Gareth (2023) Frontiers in Veterinary Science - Animal welfare science: Rising to the challenges of a changing world. Journal Volume Edited [Details]

Book Chapters

(2002)'Introduced rodents: Their significance in Ireland'
WHELAN, J. & BUTLER, F.T., (2002) 'Introduced rodents: Their significance in Ireland' In: Biological Invaders: the impact of exoctic species. Moriarty, C., & Murray, D., (eds). Dublin: Royal Dublin Society. [Details]

Edited Books

(2009)Proceedings of the 1st All Ireland Mammal Symposium
Butler, F.; Kelleher, C (Ed.). (2009) Proceedings of the 1st All Ireland Mammal Symposium Ireland: Ir Nat J. Special Supplement. [Details]


(1996)Living Soil.
Blackith, Robert; Good, Jervis and Butler, Fidelma (1996) Living Soil. Dublin: The Stationery Office. [Details]
(1992)A Guide to Bats (Chiroptera) in the Natural History Museum (Ireland.).
Butler, FT (1992) A Guide to Bats (Chiroptera) in the Natural History Museum (Ireland.). Dublin: National Museum of Ireland. [Details]

Conference Publications

(2024)Animal Science Proceedings 15 (1)
Senanayake, N; Boyle, L; O'Driscoll, K; Butler, F; Ducher, C; Menant, O (2024) Gastro–Intestinal parasites in outdoor pigs in Ireland: What factors affect parasitic load? Animal Science Proceedings 15 (1) , pp.39-40 [Details]
(2022)XXVI International Congress of Entomology. Helsinki, Finland, July 17-22, 2022
Weyman, Gill; Butler, Fidelma; Whelan, Pádraig; McKeown, Sean (2022) Establishing the pattern of spread of harlequin ladybirds in Cork County, Ireland XXVI International Congress of Entomology. Helsinki, Finland, July 17-22, 2022 [Details]
(2021)8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at the Farm and Group Level
Kinane, Orla; Butler, Fidelma; O’Driscoll, Keelin (2021) Free-lactation crates for pigs: how do they affect welfare? 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at the Farm and Group Level [Details]
Byrne, K; Bolger, MK; Collins, C; Butler, F (2021) Stem education in primary students: Examining the use of zoological specimens for enhancing scientific attitudes and performance, and the effectiveness of online learning EDULEARN21 [Details]
(2018)2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)
Barry, Brendan C.; Verstraten, Lindy; Butler, Fidelma T.; Whelan, Padraig M.; Wright, William M.D. (2018) The Use of Airborne Ultrasound for Varroa Destructor Mite Control in Beehives 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) Kobe, Japan, , 22-OCT-18 - 25-OCT-18 , pp.1-9   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
Barry, BC;Verstraten, L;Butler, FT;Whelan, PM;Wright, WMD (2018) The use of airborne ultrasound for Varroa destructor mite control in beehives 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM (IUS) [Details]
(2013)9th International conference on behaviour, physiology and genetics of wildlife. Berlin, Germany, 18-21 September 2013
Haigh, A; Ramsay, R; Butler, F; (2013) The impact of visitors to a wildlife park on a wild population of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) 9th International conference on behaviour, physiology and genetics of wildlife. Berlin, Germany, 18-21 September 2013 [Details]
(2012)All-Ireland Mammal Symposium 2009
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan, R (2012) Habitat use by the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus, Linnaeus, 1758) in an Irish rural landscape . In: Butler, F. and Kelleher, C. (eds) All-Ireland Mammal Symposium 2009. Irish Naturalists’ Journal, Belfast eds. All-Ireland Mammal Symposium 2009 Waterford, , pp.36-45 [Details]
(2011)6th European Congress of Mammalogy
Amy Haigh, Fidelma Butler and Ruth O'Riordan (2011) Prey availability and habitat choice by hedgehods in a rural Irish landscape 6th European Congress of Mammalogy Paris, , 19-JUL-11 - 23-JUL-11 [Details]
(2011)Proceedings of the 1st All Ireland Mammal Symposium, Butler, F and Kelleher, C. eds
Haigh,A. Butler, F and O'Riordan (2011) Habitat use by the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in an Irish rural landscape Proceedings of the 1st All Ireland Mammal Symposium, Butler, F and Kelleher, C. eds [Details]
(2010)2010 IENE International Conference on Ecology and Transportation: improving connections in a changing environment
Finnerty E, Whelan PM, Butler F, Emmerson M, Dolan LMJ (2010) Making the connection: mammal mitigation measures on national road schemes in Ireland . In: Richter V, Puky M, Seiler A eds. 2010 IENE International Conference on Ecology and Transportation: improving connections in a changing environment , 27-SEP-10 - 01-OCT-10 , pp.67-71   [Details]

Published Reports

(2011)Management of biodiversity in a range of Irish forest.
O’Halloran, J., Irwin, S. , Kelly, D. L., Kelly, T. C., Mitchell, F. J. G., Coote, L., Oxbrough, A., Wilson, M.W., Martin, R. D., Moore, K., Sweeney, O., Dietzsch, A. C., Walsh, A., Keady, S., French, V., Fox, H., Kopke, K., Butler, F. and Neville, P. (2011) Management of biodiversity in a range of Irish forest. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.   [Details]
(1995)A survey of neotropical rainforest small mammals. A quantitative assessment of biodiversity in the central rainforest of Guyana.
Cooper, M. & Butler, F.T. (1995) A survey of neotropical rainforest small mammals. A quantitative assessment of biodiversity in the central rainforest of Guyana. Open University, Milton Keynes, UK. [Details]

Professional Activities

Conference Contributions

(2014)The XV Congress of the International Society for Behavioural Ecology,
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan, R (2014) Variation in personality traits amongst an island population of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) with differing degrees of human disturbance. [Poster Presentation], The XV Congress of the International Society for Behavioural Ecology, New York . [Details]
(2013)The 9th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife,
Haigh, A, O’Riordan,R and Butler, F (2013) The impact of visitors to a wildlife park on a wild population of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). [Poster Presentation], The 9th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin . [Details]
(2011)85th meeting of the German Mammal Society,
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan, R (2011) Nesting and hibernation behaviour in a rural Irish hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) population. [Oral Presentation], 85th meeting of the German Mammal Society, Luxembourg . [Details]
(2011)European Mammal Symposium, Paris,
Haigh, A, O’Riordan,R and Butler, F (2011) Where to eat? Prey availability and habitat choice by hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in a rural Irish landscape. [Oral Presentation], European Mammal Symposium, Paris, Paris . [Details]
Fifteenth International Bat Research Conference 2010 The biology of bats at the onset of the 21st century,
Abbot, I., Butler, F. and Harrison, S. Bat traffic along Irish motorways ¿ how to reduce the toll for commuting bats?. [Oral Presentation], Fifteenth International Bat Research Conference 2010 The biology of bats at the onset of the 21st century, Prague, Czech Republic , 23-AUG-10 - 27-AUG-10. [Details]
(2010)IENE 2010,
Finnerty, E. J., Whelan, P.M., Butler, F., Emmerson, M. and Dolan, L. M. J. (2010) Making the connection: mammal mitigation measures on National road schemes in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], IENE 2010, Velence, Hungary , 27-SEP-10 - 01-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010)Environ 2010: Twentieth Irish Environmental Researcher's Colloquium of the,
Abbot, I., Butler, F. and Harrison, S (2010) Bat crossings along Irish national roads; practical implications for mitigation strategies. [Oral Presentation], Environ 2010: Twentieth Irish Environmental Researcher's Colloquium of the, Limerick , 17-FEB-10 - 19-FEB-10. [Details]
(2010)Sixth Irish Bat Conference,
Abbot, I., Butler, F. and Harrison, S. (2010) Bat crossings along Irish motorways ¿. [Oral Presentation], Sixth Irish Bat Conference, Kilkenny, Ireland , 01-OCT-10 - 03-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010)Infra Eco Network Europe (IENE) International Conference on Ecology and Transportation Improving connections in a changing environment,
Abbot, I., Harrison, S, and Butler, F. (2010) Bat crossings along Irish motorways ¿. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Infra Eco Network Europe (IENE) International Conference on Ecology and Transportation Improving connections in a changing environment, Velence, Hungary , 27-SEP-10 - 01-OCT-10. [Details]
(2009)All Ireland Mammal Symposium,
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan, R (2009) Habitat use by the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus, Linnaeus, 1758) in an Irish rural landscape. [Oral Presentation], All Ireland Mammal Symposium, Waterford . [Details]
(2009)Mammal Society Easter Conference,
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan, R (2009) European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) habitat use in a rural Irish landscape. [Poster Presentation], Mammal Society Easter Conference, Winchester . [Details]
(2008)Mammal Society of the UK Easter Conference,
Haigh, A., Butler, F. & Ramsay, R. ; (2008) The ecology of the European hedgehog, with particular reference to habitat use and mortality factors. [Poster Presentation], Mammal Society of the UK Easter Conference, York, U.K , 01-APR-08 - 01-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)Mammal Society Easter Conference,
Haigh, A, Butler, F and O’Riordan, R (2008) The ecology of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) with particular reference to habitat use and mortality factors. [Poster Presentation], Mammal Society Easter Conference, York . [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Board of Studies BSc Ecology and Environmental Biology Committee member2024 /
Board of Studies BSc Science Education Committee member2023 /
Senior Lecturer Academic Promotions Board Board member2023 / 2027
Royal Irish Academy Climate Change and Environmental Science Committee Committee member2022 / 2026
National Bird and Wildlife Hazard Committee Committee member2022 /
Academic Council UCC SEFS rep2021 /
Third Irish Ecological Association Conference committee Committee member2021 /
WAFL 2021 Conference organising committee Scientific and Organising Committee2020 /
BEES Athena Swan working goup Committee member2019 /
BEES Graduate Studies Committee Chair Chair2018 / 2023
Academic Development and Standards Committee Committee member2016 / 2019
Academic Council UCC Committee member2015 / 2018
All Ireland Mammal Symposium Chair Chair2015 /
BEES Graduate Studies Committee member Member2010 /
BEES Research Committee Member2010 /
All-Ireland Mammal Symposium Scientific Committee 2009 and 2012 Scientific Committee member 2009, 20122009 /


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
Centre Adult Continuing Education, UCC Course Co-ordinator (part-time)23-MAR-96 / 30-NOV-97
Terrascope, Glinny, Riverstick, Co. Cork Ecological Consultant (part-time)01-JUL-96 / 30-AUG-03
National Conservation Education Centre, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow Education Officer01-JAN-93 / 30-NOV-96
Rainforest Sustainability Programme , Open University, UK Research Assistant01-JUL-92 / 31-DEC-92
National Museum of Ireland Professional Assistant01-JAN-90 / 30-NOV-91
School BEES University College Cork Senior Lecturer01-JAN-07 /


1985UCC BSCscience
1990UCD PhDAgric Zoology

Outreach Activities


Course Director for continuing education and CPD course:

Diploma in Field Ecology

Fidelma was PI on the LIVE Ecomuseums EU Interreg project which hosted and ran a range of outreach activities many of which were captured as youtube videos. Here are some examples: - The life of pioneering marine biologist Maude Delap - the geological history of the Iveragh penninsula - How to conduct land-based whale watches -0 Stargazing in the Kerry Dark Sky Reserve monthly seminar series - Irish Rock Art

Course Director for industry specific courses:

Diploma Biodiversity Components of Forestry (BCF, 2000-2009)

Diploma Environmental Pest Management (EPM, 2006-2009)

Other Activities


Internal examiner for MSc theses (Mode 1) and PhD theses within BEES.

Invited Member of the Judging Panel for the BT Young Scientist national competition (2017 – present), Biology and Ecology section.

External Examiner for the BSc in Wildlife Biology at MTU Tralee 2015-19 

External Examiner for the BSc Environmental Management at ATU Sligo 2017-22

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Currently co-ordinate and teach on:
Teach on:

Other modules co-ordinated 
AE6021 (co-ordinate)
AE6009 (co-ordinate)
AE6016 (co-ordinate)
AE6013 (co-ordinate)
AE6017 (co-ordinate)
AE6014 (co-ordinate)
AE6008 (co-ordinate)
AE6003 (co-ordinate)
AE6002 (co-ordinate)
AE6012 (co-ordinate)
AE6006 (co-ordinate)
AE6010 (co-ordinate)
AE6001 (co-ordinate)
AE6011 (co-ordinate)


Responsible for the academic development, co-ordination, some teaching and administration on the following courses: 
Certificate/Diploma in Field Ecology (FEcol)  running since 1993, this is a 2 year part-time distance learning course. Student numbers range from 35-40 in Year 1 to 20-25 in Year 2. New co-ordinator appointed 2011.

Certificate/Diploma in Biodiversity Components of Forestry (BCF), this two year course for professionals in the forestry sector was devised and initiated in 2000 and ran until 2008.

Certificate/Diploma in Environmental Pest Management (EPM) this two year course for professionals in the pest control sector was devised and initiated in 2006 and ran until 2009.

AE2006 Irish Ecosystems This 4-week course ran each September 2000 - 2008 for JYA undergraduate students from the US. Typically 25-30 students per year.

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2019Orla Kinane NUI (UCC)MScAnimal welfare implications of a balanced floor farrowing crate for pigs.
2023Linda Lyne MSc NUI (UCC)The ecology and phylogeography of the common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Ireland
2024Katrina Walsh MSc NUI (UCC)Larval mosquito habitat
2024Lily Duggan NUI (UCC)MScWildlife and land-use in a community managed reserve Tanzania
2014Emily Goldstein NUI (UCC)PHDEcology of frontier populations of the invasive grey squirrel in Ireland
2023Samantha Ball NUI (UCC)PHDManagement of hares at Dublin AIrport
2023Linda Lyne MSc NUI (UCC)The ecology and phylogeography of the common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Ireland
2022Alan McCarthy NUI (UCC)PHDThe importance of winter ecology for the conservation management of Hen Harriers (Circus cyaneus) in Ireland
2018Jiawei Zhang South China New University UCCMScBehaviour of Penguins at Fota Wildlife Park
2012Isobel Abbott NUI (UCC)PHDAssessment of the effectiveness of bat mitigation measures on Irish national roads
2011Amy Haigh NUI (UCC)PhDEcology of the European Hedgehog in Ireland
2015Ciara Powell NUI (UCC)PHDThe development and application of non-invasive genetic methods to free ranging deer populations in south west Ireland.
2015Eugene Finnerty UCCPHDRoad Mitigation for Mammals

Current Postgraduate Students

 StudentDegree Type
Kavishe Deogratius Roman Doctoral Degree
Garczynski Jane Masters Degree by Research
Weyman Gillian Doctoral Degree

Research Information

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Sean McKeown FOTA Wildlife ParkIRELAND
Catherine O'Reilly WITIRELAND
Prof Rupert Palme Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology (RIWE) in the University of Veterinary Medicine, ViennaAUSTRIA

Contact details

Search profiles by name

Search profiles by topic

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
