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Monuments: M

1. Muiredach's Cross - Monasterboice

RecordAuthor Orla Murphy
ISODate 2002-04-29
Date 29 April 2002
PictureCredit Jane Hawkes
County Louth
Townland Monasterboice
OSMapRef O-04.82
Area Ireland
GeneralContext Stone type: Sandstone
Dimensions 4.43m high, 2.14m on face, and 51 cm wide on the sides
Location church/graveyard at Monasterboice
GeneralDescription This is a close up view of the panel E1 of the cross called Muiredach's Cross at Monasterboice, Co. Louth. EAST FACE
East E1 left hand side: Eve gives the apple to Adam
East E1 right hand side: Cain slays Abel

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