ToC1. Access to IRIS

All researchers in UCC will have access to the system. The initial phase of deployment involves a small number of pilot departments, and the system will become generally available on a phased basis during 2010.

For access to the system, contact the Office of the Vice-President for Research on ×3501 or email During the pilot phase (until early 2010) access will be restricted to the pilot departments. All other researchers with existing profiles on the previous InfoEd system should continue to maintain their information there until such time as their department is transferred to the new system.

Up to start of section1.1. Logging in

The URI (web address) for the pilot system is If you are a pilot participant, you can log in there now with your email address and the password allocated to you by the Office of the Vice-President for Research.

Figure 1. Logging in to IRIS

Type in your email address and your password and click on the  Submit  button. If you forget your password, click on the Forgot your password? link, re-enter your email address, and click on the  Send Password  button to be sent a reminder.

Up to start of section1.2. Getting help

If you need help with IRIS at any stage, please use the Help and Information buttons provided. The Information buttons (i) are located under the major fields. The Help buttons () are located in the title block on each page, immediately under the red menu bar. If you need to contact the administrators with a query, please email

Up to start of section1.3. Logging out

When you are finished work, please remember to log out. There is a Logout link in the red menu bar towards the top of the window under the UCC crest (see Figure 2).

ToC2. Updating your profile

When you log in, you will see your General Information (Figure 2). There are two menus:

  1. a red menu bar towards the top of the window, with links to actions (Edit Profile, Publish Profile, Reporting), settings (Preferences), and help (FAQ, Logout, and Change Password)

  2. a grey menu down the left-hand side, with links to all the sections of your profile. Click on these to view and edit the different parts of your profile

There are links to the Privacy Policy and Freedom of Information policy at the bottom of the window.

Up to start of section2.1. General information

Your basic general information is automatically updated in the system by the Human Resources (HR) database. This includes:

Figure 2. The General Information window

This information is shown as it is known to HR (see Figure 2 above). You cannot change this information yourself: if there are errors, please contact HR to have it updated (see the link to How do I update this info?). Please do not ask the Webmaster or Office of the Vice-President for Research to update this information: it is the responsibility of HR.

⇛ However, when it comes to publishing your profile, you can choose which Contact Details block to publish; so if the HR-supplied data is incorrect you can select an alternative you have created yourself (see below).

Up to start of subsection2.1.1. Contact details

You can freely edit the second (and any further) blocks of contact information. There is an Edit link to the right of each block which opens an editing screen where you can update the information (see Figure 3 below). There is a Delete link to allow you to delete a block.

The School/Institute field is mandatory, and you need to pick a value from the drop-down menu. This contains all the official names of Schools, Departments, and Offices in UCC. You cannot type your own text here.

The remaining fields are for you to include whatever relevant contact information you wish to supply. There is a calendar icon () beside the Start Date and Finish Date fields to ensure that dates are entered in the correct format.

Figure 3. Editing contact information

When you have finished entering or editing the contact information, click on the  Save  button at the bottom of the window. If you want to cancel your edits, click on the  Cancel  button instead.

Up to start of subsection2.1.2. Biography and interests

This section provides a mini-wordprocessor window where you can enter your biographical details. Click the  Save  button when you are finished.

WARNING: Office documents

When pasting text (here or anywhere else) which you have copied from your wordprocessor or web browser or other office application, use the special Paste as Text icon (), outlined in red in the image below, to ensure the text is cleaned up properly.

If you just use Ctrl-V to paste, you risk transferring all kinds of extraneous formatting garbage which will mess up your profile.

Up to start of subsection2.1.3. Photo Manager

In this section you can upload your photograph. Click on the  Browse  button to select an image from your own computer.

To use this, you will need to have at least one photograph of yourself already on your computer disk (copied from your camera or elsewhere). Images must be in JPG or GIF format (JPG is preferred for photographs) and the filesize must be less than 500Kb. This means that you must scale down any megapixel images from a digital camera. You can do this with any normal image-editing software: you do not need to buy anything, as you can download several image-editing programs for free (eg GIMP).

Up to start of section2.2. Research

In the Research Interests section you can write your own description of research you are (or have been) involved with, using the mini-wordprocessor window provided. Click the  Save  button when you are finished.

Up to start of section2.3. Publications

This section contains your bibliography. All your entries from the old InfoEd system have been transferred into here, along with the information from the 2009 Research Quality Review (Appendix A). If there has been a problem in categorising them, or if information was missing or ambiguous, they will be shown in the Claim Area (see section 2.3.2, ‘Claim area’ below) and you will need to claim them before they appear in your profile.

Up to start of subsection2.3.1. First-time usage

Before using the Publications section for the first time, please set your Author Name and Keywords in the Preferences section. Click on the Preferences link in the red menu bar towards the top of the window, and then enter all the variants of your name and initials that are used by your publisher and journals (Figure 4 below).

Only use your surname and initials, separated by spaces. Do not add any punctuation. Click on the  Add  button to add each entry. These variants of your name will be used to find your publications in online databases.

You can also add keywords appropriate to your discipline and research topics, separated by commas, to improve the searching.

When you have finished, click on the Edit Profile link in the red menu bar towards the top of the window, and then click on Publications to return to editing your publications.

Figure 4. Setting your Author Name preferences and keywords

Up to start of subsection2.3.2. Claim area

Click on Add New Publication to see the Claim Area (the book and other icons () shown in Figure 5 below immediate underneath the heading ‘CHOOSE from the following publications’).

Publications matching your preferred Author Name (see section 2.3.1, ‘First-time usage’) which have not yet been entered into your profile are shown in the Claim Area at the top. This may include some existing entries from the old InfoEd system or the Research Quality Review (Appendix A) documents if there was any doubt about attribution, such as an ambiguous author name or an uncertain publication type; as well as recent retrievals matching your name from online databases.

Figure 5. The Claim Area for unallocated publications

Up to start of subsection2.3.3. Add new publication

In this subsection you can enter new publications (see section 2.3.5, ‘Adding new publications manually’) and claim any unallocated publications from several sources:

  • unallocated publications from the old InfoEd system, if any

  • unallocated publications from the 2009 Research Quality Review (Appendix A), if any

  • publications matching your name and initials and keywords from online databases, including Web of Knowledge, PubMed, and others, if any

  • publications matching your name and initials and keywords which co-authors may already have entered

Further sources may be added in future.

To claim a publication

click in the checkbox at the right of the entry, then click on the  Add Selected Publications  button at the bottom of the page.

To disclaim a publication

if there are publications shown which are not yours (for example, wrong matches for your name from online databases), you can disclaim them by clicking the checkbox at the right of the entry, and then clicking on the  Not my publications  button at the bottom of the page.

Empty claim area

if no claimable publications are shown, then there are no outstanding entries to be claimed.

You can add new publications yourself in two ways:

  1. by uploading them from your existing personal database (eg BIBTEX, JabRef, Zotero, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, etc): see section 2.3.4, ‘Publication import/export’

  2. by clicking on one of the links under ‘CREATE a new publication’ at the foot of the page for the relevant type of publication (see bottom of Figure 5), and adding the entry in the form provided (details in section 2.3.5, ‘Adding new publications manually’).

Up to start of subsection2.3.4. Publication import/export

This section allows you to upload existing publications from a personal bibliographic database such as BIBTEX, Zotero, JabRef, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, etc; and to import entries from online databases of publications.


Click on Import Publications from PubMed and type in suitable keywords, or the PubMed ID (PMID), and click on  Import . You can also enter a % (percent) sign in the Keywords field to act as a wildcard.

If there are matching publications, they will be shown in the same Claim/Disclaim format used in Figure 5 (see section 2.3.3, ‘Add new publication’) for you to claim or reject.

The other three sources are for personal bibliographic databases. IRIS can import your existing entries and also export selections (or all) of your stored entries from your profile. In the following sections we deal only with importing (uploading).

File formats

Whatever the type of personal bibliographic database you use, you must provide your entries in one of the three compatible formats: EndNote-XML, BIBTEX, or RIS. All known personal bibliographic databases are capable of saving your entries in one of these forms, and you must do this before uploading them.


Click on Import Publications from EndNote xml format file and then click on  Browse  to select your .xml file of entries from your computer disk. Note that you must already have saved the entries from EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, or other system into EndNote-XML format beforehand, using the FileExport menu in your personal bibliographic database. When you have located your exported .xml file with the  Browse  button, click on  Import  to upload and import the entries.


Users of LATEX, ConTEX t, and other TEX systems using BIBTEX: click on Import Publications from BIBTeX and then click on  Browse  to select your .bib file. Click on  Import  to upload and import the entries.


The RIS format (Research Information Systems) can be used as an export and import format by most personal bibliographic database systems. Click on  Browse  to select your .ris file. Click on  Import  to upload and import the entries.

Up to start of subsection2.3.5. Adding new publications manually

To add a publication using the form, click on one of the publication types that are in the links at the bottom of the Add New Publication page (see bottom of Figure 5):

  • Book
  • Book Chapters
  • Books Edited
  • Peer Reviewed Journal
  • Other Journal
  • Conference Publication
  • Published Report

The More Publications link provides access to a drop-down submenu in the form with dozens of other publication types not shown here for reasons of space.

If a specific type of publication that you need is not shown, contact the please email to ask for it to be added.

If your publication information is not already in a personal bibliographic database or an online database, you can enter it by typing, or by copying and pasting from some other local source.

⇛ Save time by using journal, book, and library sites

If your publications are listed in online sources, you can save yourself a lot of typing or copying-and-pasting by using the ‘Download Citation’ function on these types of web site:

  • the numerous databases accessible from the UCC Library website

  • your publisher's or journal's web site

  • the UCC or other library catalogues

You can also use Zoteroa to extract and record the information from those web sites, and then save it in BIBTEX or RIS format ready for uploading and importing into IRIS.

  1. Zotero is a free plugin for the FireFox browser. Details of how to use it are in Reference management software/Zotero

The ‘new publications’ form (Figure 6 below) is slightly different for some types of publication, as they have different requirements. Most of the fields are self-explanatory, but a few require foreknowledge, which is noted in the list below.

Figure 6. New publication form for Articles in a Peer-Reviewed Journal

All types
  • Author and Editor names: please read the online help (click the i beside the Author field). Multiple authors must be separated by a semicolon

  • Month is currently compulsory. This will be changed soon; if the month is unknown, then please use January for the moment

  • Titles must be given in full and without enclosing quotes.

    "Laughter and Language in 'Romeo and Juliet'"

    Laughter and Language in 'Romeo and Juliet'

    Embedded quotes around cited titles should remain. There is no provision for italics, bold, or equations (TEX markup can be used for mathematics).


See the general comments in the 1st item in this list, ‘All types’ above.

Book chapters

If your chapter is untitled, just give the chapter number.

Books edited

See the general comments in the 1st item in this list, ‘All types’ above.

Peer-reviewed journals

The list of journal titles is held separately in an Authority list maintained by the Office of the Vice-President for Research.

If the title of your peer-reviewed journal is not shown, email and ask for it to be added.

Other journals

For these journals, give the full journal name.

Conference publications

This type is for papers published in a volume of Proceedings. Other forms of conference presentation which have been published go in the ‘Conference Contribution’ type under ‘More Publications’.

Conference presentations and other contributions which have not been published go in the ‘Professional’ section under ‘Conference Contribution’.

⇛ Temporary solutions to missing fields

A few publication types are missing some required fields. Until this is fixed by Vidatum, please adhere to the following conventions, which will make it possible to resolve the problem at a later stage.

For conference papers published in an issue of a journal

If a Conference Publication was published in a Journal (individually or as [part of] a special issue on the conference) instead of in an independently-published Proceedings:

  1. put the name of the journal and the volume/issue into the Conference Title field with a space after the journal name (no comma) and a colon or slash separating the volume and issue numbers

  2. put the conference title and the location into the Location field, separated by a comma

Conference Title TUGboat 12:3/4
Location TeX Users Group Conference, Portland, OR
For conference contributions (not ordinary papers) which have been published (eg invited keynotes)

Use the Conference Contribution type under ‘Other Publications’, but put the title of the conference (which is not provided for) in the Edition field.

Although these look odd here, sticking to this convention will enable the data to be displayed in a usable form for the moment, and to be rearranged correctly at a later date when the proper fields are provided.

Published reports

See the general comments in the 1st item in this list, ‘All types’ above.

More publications

This section provides access to a much longer menu of more publication types covering (at the time of writing): Abstract, Annotations/Encodings, Audio Tape, Book Reviews, CD-ROM, Composition, Dictionary Entry, Dissertations/Theses, Documentary, Editorial, Encyclopedia Entry, Fact Sheet, Field Guide, Film Production, Foreword, Full maps , Guest Lectures, Guest Speaker, Index, Invited Lectures, Invited Review Articles, Invited Seminars, Invited papers, Manual, Miscellaneous, Newsletter, Newspaper Articles, Performance, Poems, Policy Contribution, Presentation, Presented Papers, Programme Note, Published Case Studies, Published Letters, Published abstracts, Radio Presentation, Reports, Review Articles, Software, Technical Publication, Translation, Video/TV, and Working Paper.

If there is a further type of publication you need which is not in the list, please and ask for it to be added.

In addition to entering your new publications, please review all publications that were transferred automatically from the InfoEd system and from the Research Quality Review (Appendix A) documents, to ensure that the right information is in the right fields.

⇛ Published Profiles

The entries you select (see step 1 in the procedure in §3) to be published in your Profile will be formatted based on the fields you use to enter them. Please ensure that the right information is in the right place.

See particularly the note ‘Temporary solutions to missing fields’ in the list in this section above about the special use of the Location and Conference Title fields for Conference Publications to get around a temporary deficiency in the fields available.

The grouping ‘More publications’ is only used here to save menu space because the list is very long. When your profile is published to the web, each publication type is presented separately, and the heading ‘More Publications’ is not used.

Up to start of section2.4. Professional activities

This section covers those activities which do not usually result in formal publication. Each subsection is laid out in the same way (see the example in Figure 7 below).

Figure 7. Professional Activities (example subsection)

Click on one of the subsections listed (Honours & Awards, Professional Associations, Patents & Licensing Agreements, Conference Contribution, Committee work, Employment, Education, Languages, Consultancy, Outreach Activities, Reviews, or Other) to show your entries.

To add an activity, click the Add New link above or below the list of entries to bring up the form for that section.

Up to start of section2.5. Teaching activities

This section covers your teaching and supervisory activities. Each subsection is laid out in the same way (see the example in Figure 8 below).

Figure 8. Teaching Activities (example subsection)

Click on one of the subsections listed (Teaching Interests, Recent Postgraduates Students, or Current Postgraduate Students) to show your entries.

Each entry uses a mini-wordprocessor window like those in section 2.2, ‘Research’ and section 2.1.2, ‘Biography and interests’ where you can enter the details. Click the  Save  button when you are finished.

The Modules section is automatically filled from the details of modules for which you are responsible, taken from the records in the DMIS. It is the responsibility of departmental administrators and lecturers to ensure that the DMIS entries for the assignment of Modules is correct.

Up to start of section2.6. Collaborations

Each entry uses a mini-wordprocessor window like those in section 2.5, ‘Teaching activities’ where you can enter the details for both Internal and External collaborations. Click the  Save  button when you are finished.

ToC3. Editing and publishing your profile

To select information for publishing in your Profile or for generating a CV, click on the Publish Profile link in the red menu bar towards the top of the window. There are three steps to the process:

  1. Select Content

    In this step you can select what you want to appear in your Profile by clicking the checkbox at the right of the entry within the sections listed in the second red menu bar.

    These correspond to the sections listed in the Edit Profile menu, explained in section 2, ‘Updating your profile’ above, namely Home, Research, Publications, Professional, Teaching, and Collaborators.

    If you want to select all the entries in a section, click on the  Select All  button; otherwise click the checkbox at the right of the entry. As you finish each section, click on the  Save  button to add the selected entries to your Profile.

  2. Order and Preview

    This step lets you preview what will be published, and it allows you to re-order the subsections within the Home, Research, Publications, Professional, Teaching, and Collaborators sections.

    Use the Up and Down arrows after the title of each section to raise or lower them in the order. In Publications you can also re-order the individual publications using the Up and Down arrows beside the sequence number at the end of each citation.

    Note that you cannot change the order of the major sections Home, Research, Publications, Professional, Teaching, and Collaborators themselves, only the order of the subsections within them.

  3. Publish/Export

    The final step is to publish your Profile to the UCC web site. This will appear in the Research Profiles section of the Office of the Vice-President for Research and in the Research Profiles section of the web pages for your department, school, faculty, college, or project.

    You can also generate a CV in a format that can be edited with a wordprocessor such as OpenOffice or Microsoft Word so that you can tailor it to specific purposes such as inclusion in a funding bid, an application for a position, or participation in a consortium.

    Publish to web

    To publish your Profile to the web site, click on the  Publish My Profile to Web  button.

    There is an option to click for the inclusion of your Profile in the Expertise Ireland web site (where the profiles from InfoEd were published).

    Download to wordprocessor

    To download your entire Profile to Microsoft Word (or other wordprocessor), click on the  Download All Profile data to Word  button.

    This generates an RTF file which can be edited in any wordprocessor. It includes all the information in your Profile, not just the selection you chose for the web in step 1 in this procedure above.

Published profiles appear at

⇛ The grouping ‘More publications’ is only used in the IRIS application to save menu space because the list is very long. When your profile is published to the web, each publication type is presented separately, and the heading ‘More Publications’ is not used.

ToC4. Reporting, FAQ, Logout, and Change Password

These sections are administrative, and are grouped here for convenience.

Up to start of section4.1. Reporting

This section allows you to extract and list all publications between dates you specify, for your department, school, college, or project.

Up to start of section4.2. FAQ

This is a list of Frequently-Asked Questions being developed and maintained by the Office of the Vice-President for Research.

Please send any additional questions to

Up to start of section4.3. Logout

When you are finished work, please remember to log out. Click this Logout link in the red menu bar towards the top of the window under the UCC crest (see Figure 2) to log out.

Up to start of section4.4. Change Password

For security you should change your password at irregular intervals. This section displays a form asking for your existing password, and a new password that you make up (twice, for confirmation). You should then log out and log back in again with your new password.

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